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Subject: Protesters
Here's another highly debatable topic, for sure.
I saw a news poll in which the majority of people in the U.S. are now supporting the war and 24% do not.
That 24% is protesting.
I have no problem, personally, with protesters per se.
I do, however, have a problem with protesters who protest for the hell of it, to "jump on a bandwagon" and to oppose the U.S. government because they always have, no matter what the issue.
I also have a problem with protesters who interfere with the normal functions of a city, like when they block the streets and block people from going to work, kids from going to school, stop people from being able to get to hospitals and doctor appointments, prevent ambulances from being able to get passed them, etc., etc...
I also have a problem with those protesters who do not respect other people's opinions.
I am quite tired of turning on the news and seeing the protesters at it again, cluttering the streets and wasting precious policemen time, while the general population is without enough policemen as it is and real crimes are happening. The police are needed to tend to their real duties, not controlling and/or arresting protesters. 2 children were sexually assaulted in broad daylight, for one true and crude example. The police where distracted as all get out with unruly protesters!
The majority of protesters seen on TV give the general population of protesters a bad name. They really do.
<hold your rotten tomatoes for a moment longer, if possible>
It could be that the media mostly focuses on those unruly types. Facts are facts though. These protesters do not help their cause by being anarchists. This is the 21st century! If the military can be so technologically advanced in warfare, why can't the protesters be technologically advanced in protesting? They'd be taken more seriously, IMO.
<now, please excuse me while I duck>
Subject: Re: Protesters
Sadly I have to agree with most of this :(
I've met 'protestors' who simply turn up for the hell of it, regardless of the 'cause'
In defence of the majority though...
Firstly there are likely to be members of any large protest who deliberately cause trouble to attempt to discredit the aims of the protest. Various undercover documentaries have found evidence of opposition groups planting people in otherwise peaceful protests. Unfortunately, the ability to understand fundamental logical arguments is so rare that this tactic tends to work. I've even heard a Prime minister use this to 'prove' the worth of one of his policies, to tremendous applause by the assembled masses.
Secondly, people are frustrated. My country is supposed to be a democracy, so people petition their MPs and peacably protest. But what do you do when this fails? What is the next step when the system fails? With the current media composing 90% of spin, it's a no win situation. If you do nothing, you're ignored, If you shout louder, you're a terrorist.
Lastly, let's take a look at the examples set by our leaders.
The US (and UK regime) have just abandonned democracy and diplomacy through the UN and resorted to violence to achieve their aims, and what's more, I don't think anyone is doubting they will get their way through superior force. The leaders have stated that peaceful protests aren't having any effect so violence is needed. Aren't these protestors doing exactly what the leaders have sanctioned?
It's a sad, sad world we live in :'(
Subject: Re: Protesters
I agree - I respect people's right to say what they want, but I have problems with the way they do it.
I work opposite a building called the "Boeing Building". Gee, guess what's coming here.... ::)
The other day all these protesters show up and demonstrate outside the building, one can only assume because Boeing is seen as something that represents America....
Half of these protesters probably didn't have their licences yet and the ironic thing that struck me was after a hard day's protest, half of them probably stopped in at the nearest Golden Arches for a Cheeseburger or two, and a packet of McDonaldland Cookies, blissfully unaware of either the irony or their unwitting 'fraternisation with their enemy' :D
Bandwagon jumpers ? This country is full of them !
Subject: Re: Protesters
Half of these protesters probably didn't have their licences yet and the ironic thing that struck me was after a hard day's protest, half of them probably stopped in at the nearest Golden Arches for a Cheeseburger or two, and a packet of McDonaldland Cookies, blissfully unaware of either the irony or their unwitting 'fraternisation with their enemy' :D
End Quote
Not here!
If any protest turns into a scrap, Good ol' Ronnie McD is usually the first victim!
Subject: Re: Protesters
Not here!
If any protest turns into a scrap, Good ol' Ronnie McD is usually the first victim!
End Quote
OMG Tao - but where do they eat then - do they go get some McPizza ?
Subject: Re: Protesters
To echo Taoist, there have been many instances of "agents provacateurs" being used to discredit protestors and others. In the 50's, I have heard, in some Communist party cells there were more FBI agents than Communists. And of course the media likes to forcus on the few who are violent.
And one question: When you get thousands of people in the street, how can you NOT disrupt things? HS seems to be saying that its both ok and not ok to protest ???
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Hairspray, :)
Well, first of all I must say that I'm quite shocked about the issue you question. ???You seem to take for granted many things and I think some points should be made. You say
"I saw a news poll in which the majority of people in the U.S. are now supporting the war and 24% do not.That 24% is protesting".
So far, so good, but remember that polls carried out by Government tend not to be accurate at all and quite often are manipulated...
Anyway, what I want to focus on is that having a against-war opinion doesn't mean you gotta be an "anarchist" and that you enjoy annoying people causing public disorder and riots. Some of us, and that's is MOST of us, would not have such a behaviour, and less in an antiwar demonstration. :)
But I have to hand to you that those people who enjoy gratuitous violence in strikes n in demostrations are really ANNOYING and that as u pointed out our PUBLIC EXPENDITURE n the PRECIOUS TIME of our SECURITIES FORCES is WASTED. :'(
But you know what? Those people are the FEW, unfortunately they can make the strike or demonstration look NOTORIOUS but I do believe they are a few and most time those people do not care about the OBJECT of the protest, they just enjoy making trouble. And honestly, those ones had better stay home n watch the telly instead of RUINING such an important act as it is to show to have speech-freedom in a pacific way.
By the way, yes I'm also against those protesters who either can't accpet or will take other people's opinions. But u know what? I think that it only shows that some people are terribly stubborn and that they don't really care about others, which is most sad.
Hmm, I think I have already mentioned it but I wannna make clear that media shows what they want to show. And sometimes, police charge against innocent people who were just by accident and that is also a fact. If u don't believe me just try to remember the summon of Geneve in Italy, do u really think the Times reporters were trying to do any wrong to someone? I doubt it. I'm from Barcelona and I have seen many demonstrations, sometimes I was in there because I thought the object of protest was fair and wanted to take part BUT some others I had to cross accross the demonstration coz they were on my way to get to the underground n I had to get there to go back home, with or without strike. See the point? And I can tell sometimes the police acts indriscrimanetly against every1 in there. Thnx God I had never had any trouble but I have seen things I didn't like.
And just a few things to conclude:1). Yes, I agree, those anarchist-likes do everything but supporting their(?) cause.2)
I wouldn't call an advance that humans can kill each other sooner or to have developed weapons that God knows the consequences they can have, 3) TO BE ADVANCED DOES NOT NECESSARY INVOLVE USING TECHNOLOGY.
As HUMANS we are, when in conflict or when in difference of opinions we should learn to LISTEN n RESPECT the other's people opinions. We should be able to express our ideas openly and ALWAYS in a pacific way. Because that is exactly what differentiates us from other species. WE KNOW WHAT DIALOGUE IS.
Delia Velasco, Spain
Subject: Re: Protesters
HS seems to be saying that its both ok and not ok to protest ??? End Quote
I'm sure you fully understood what I meant.
There are surely better and more efficient ways to protest.
The protesters wouldn't look like crazed extremists and anarchists in the process and they would be taken more seriously.
Write letters, get on-line to those sites to which the protests pertain to, advertise, send out pamphlets, solicit where allowed...
Just don't make things worse for this country by clogging-up our streets.
Read my original post again for specifics.
Subject: Re: Protesters
I plan to protest people who are protesting the protesters who are protesting. ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Hairspray, :)
Well, first of all I must say that I'm quite shocked about the issue you question. ???You seem to take for granted many things...End Quote
I don't see why the issue is of any shock. I am simply expressing my opinion on the protests I have witnessed in person and on television.
I may "seem to take for granted many things" to you. I do not.
Your quote:
but remember that polls carried out by Government tend not to be accurate at all and quite often are manipulated...
I stated the poll to be a "news poll", not government poll.
I may reply to the rest of your post later, when I get the energy.
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Hairspray, :)
Hey, don't take things so personally! To be honest today is the 1st day I enter this "discussion area" as I logged in for the 1st time a couple of days ago, n well, the shock was because the 1st post I read was that of yours n it was about "protesters" n not about the war in itself or just other stuff. So, I find it quite shocking, but not in a bad way, but in da way of surprising.
About the news polls or Governments polls..., honestly to me is the nearly the same as who is in power controls the media. And at least in here, the polls that the news tells the results about are quite often the ones the Government asked to be carried out. Now, I'm not really sure about what u tried to mean (I'm not an English native speaker) so I just thought u meant what I imagined, so who asked those polls to be carried out?
Anyway, despite I don't agree in some points u made I msut admit the topic is interesting:)
Delia, Spain
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Hairspray, :)
Hey, don't take things so personally! End Quote
I only took it as I saw it. Afterall, you did say, You seem to take for granted many things... and that is a personal statement.
However, I am not being emotional about this issue. I am just attempting to type matter-of-factly. ;)
To answer your question about the poll -
It was not a poll the government asked to have carried out or anything that complex. The news media simply conducts random polls, sometimes, as part of their news broadcasts. :)
Subject: Re: Protesters
I'm sure you fully understood what I meant.
There are surely better and more efficient ways to protest.
The protesters wouldn't look like crazed extremists and anarchists in the process and they would be taken more seriously.
Write letters, get on-line to those sites to which the protests pertain to, advertise, send out pamphlets, solicit where allowed...
Just don't make things worse for this country by clogging-up our streets.
Read my original post again for specifics.
End Quote
My dear HS, I understand your concern for public order, and especially for emergency services, and all the options you mention above are certainly valid. On the other hand, street demo's are also valid. "To peacefully assemble and petition their government for a redress of grievances", as I'm sure you know is part of the First Amendment. Doing so will, of neccessity clog up our streets. It can't be avoided. Frustrating to be sure for those who are inconvienienced, but that's democracy for you. A very messy form of government, but one I'm sure you would not want to give up just so that "the trains would run on time". Your issues are, to my mind, valid but what are the alternatives? On the other hand, PURPOSFULLY screwing things up is another matter. Was that the point you were trying to make? Maybe I'm thick. but that didn't come across.
Subject: Re: Protesters
I plan to protest people who are protesting the protesters who are protesting. ;D
End Quote
Right on John, keep on keepin' on, and keep on keepin' it light. You're cool.
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hay HS, lighten up on Delia. English is not her first language and, although she does very well with it, she might sometimes seem to imply things she doesn't mean. That is very common with people trying to communicate in an language other than their native one.
And Delia - WELCOME to the discussion always cool to meet a senor(it)a. And by the way, here, political parties may commission polls, but our government does not - I guess they just don't give a darn about public opinion - so on that point HS is correct. Just an FYI. ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hairspray, you took the words right out of my mouth. (or out of my fingers ;))
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi evry1, :D
Ok, I see what HS was trying to mean with the "news polls", thnx for makin it clear. I suppose in Spain things are just different:)
By the way, what does "FYU" n "OMG" stand for?I saw it in some of your posts but don't get it. Any1 would tell me? If apart from discussing points of view I could learn some words that would be even cooler! ;D
Delia :)
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi evry1, :D
Ok, I see what HS was trying to mean with the "news polls", thnx for makin it clear. I suppose in Spain things are just different:)
By the way, what does "FYU" n "OMG" stand for?I saw it in some of your posts but don't get it. Any1 would tell me? If apart from discussing points of view I could learn some words that would be even cooler! ;D
Delia :)
End Quote
I don't know about FYU, but OMG means Oh My God. Welcome to the boards! :D
Subject: Re: Protesters
FYI means For Your Information.
LOL means Laughing Out Loud. :D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi evry1, :D
By the way, what does "FYU" n "OMG" stand for?
End Quote
Do you mean FYI? If so, than FYI means "For Your Information." I hope this helps. Welcome.
Subject: Re: Protesters
Maybe FYU is the opposite of FYI ?
For you UNformation ?
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi evry1, :D
Ok, I see what HS was trying to mean with the "news polls", thnx for makin it clear. I suppose in Spain things are just different:)
Delia :)
End Quote
Bienvenida a nuestro foro, Delia. Por favor, perdoneme si en alguna manera le he ofendido. No fue mi intencion. Hay veces que una persona trata de comunicar una idea u opinion y no suena como uno quisiera especificamente. Espero comprenda mi espanol. ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Wow Delia,
You sure got a bigger welcome to this chat than I did. But again, Bienvendios ala grupo. Y entonce, tenemos que escritamos en engles por los gringos. ;) I'm sure your english is good enough to deal with that. You express your self VERY WELL. Keep at it. Love to have all these non-U.S. perspecives on things.
Subject: Re: Protesters
Wow Delia,
You sure got a bigger welcome to this chat than I did. But again, Bienvendios ala grupo. Y entonce, tenemos que escritamos en engles por los gringos. ;) I'm sure your english is good enough to deal with that. You express your self VERY WELL. Keep at it. Love to have all these non-U.S. perspecives on things.
End Quote
Y que de mi espanol, en su opinion, DC?
To everyone else, these last two posts in attempted Spanish language are an attempt to make Delia, from Spain, feel welcome during her first messageboard visit. ;)
Subject: Re: Protesters
You lost me, coach ???
Bienvenida a este sitio, Delia de Espagna (no se como usar la "enye" en esta computadora :P ). Es mala suerte que nos tienes que capturar en un momento asi. Usualmente, no somos de esta manera, pero como se dice en todos los lugares: "Cuando se trata de politica, religion, y futbol..." hahaha! Ya sabes el resto.
Welcome :D ! Take your shoes off, plunk down on the sofa, and have a Coke 8) It's the next best thing to our daily dose of poly-ticks. I would go and protest, but I haven't met a girl who's interested in the matter :) :D ;D Maybe I could fare better at a pro-war rally ??? Once, at a Bush Jr. rally back in 2000, I copped a feel - my shoulder got some that day 8) ... from a Republican :D !
Subject: Re: Protesters
Anti-war protesters have no idea: refugee
By Eamonn Duff
March 23 2003
The Sun-Herald
A Sydney Iraqi family has slammed ongoing Australian anti-war protests, saying demonstrators have no idea who or what they are campaigning for.
Dhafir Al-Shammery escaped certain death under Saddam Hussein's regime in 1996. Today he is one of several hundred Iraqis living in Sydney who now know what the term freedom truly means.
In an exclusive interview with The Sun-Herald, he said: "When I see thousands of Australians marching the streets on behalf of the Iraqi people, my heart sinks, because their view is not that of the Iraqi people.
"They say they are making a stand against the war because of human rights issues. They say it is the Iraqi people who will suffer most through this conflict.
I speak out because they need to be told they are wrong. They need to support their country. They need to be told the truth - and that is that the Iraqi people have been suffering human rights crimes for decades.
"I am sorry, but these protesters cannot even imagine what has gone on there. Nobody would know unless they had lived and suffered it."
When he saw his cousin executed, he fled with six other Iraqis on an open skiff, eight metres long and one metre wide, which for seven days battled two- to three-metre waves. He neither slept nor ate in that time. He simply sat with his knees pressed against his chest and prayed for a day when he would be free.
"I knew I had a 100 per cent chance of death if I stayed but only a 90 per cent chance of death if I fled in a little boat," he said.
"So I chose the 10 per cent chance of life. Wouldn't you?"
Today he has found that freedom in Fairfield Heights, where he lives with his wife Natalia and his two sons, Mustafa, 6, and Noor, 12. Not only does he run successful security and export businesses, he lives in a street where families from numerous ethnic backgrounds all live in peace and harmony.
"The protesters need to understand that in Iraq, there is no freedom of expression ... not through speech or thought, nothing," he said.
"If you are not with him , that means you are against him. A murmur of discontent to your neighbour across the fence can lead to your wife being executed. And then, the Government visits your home and makes you pay money for the bullet that killed her.
"They bring your dead wife, they show you how she was tortured before the bullet put her out of her misery. And if you refuse to pay for the bullet that killed her, they simply take more of your family."
Mr Al-Shammery added: "Cousins of mine disappeared many years ago without trace. We knew what happened to them but we didn't say we knew because you don't say anything to anyone. So we just carried on, suffering, keeping all thoughts to ourselves."
When Mr Al-Shammery arrived in Australia, he was sent to Villawood Detention Centre where he had to remain as an illegal for many months.
When he attempted, through the media, to inform the Australian public of the monstrosities he had fled from, his words somehow filtered back to Iraq.
"I am not sure how they received this information, but they headed straight for my family who were scattered between Najaf and Al Qadisiyah in southern Iraq," he said.
"They took my father but it was my brother who really suffered. They threw him in jail. They tortured him."
Mr Al-Shammery said he felt comfortable telling his story now because he believes America and its allies will finish the job they have started.
"I honestly believe that we will see the Coalition take over very quickly, because the people want this," he said.
"Everywhere in Iraq, they have prayed for this. There will not be any resistance. The army will not fight like thinks it will. I just hope that it can all be done with minimum civilian casualties."
Mr Al-Shammery said his only fear was that when Saddam Hussein realises his people have helped topple him, he may use the weapons of mass destruction the coalition is convinced he possesses.
"That is the concern and that is why they need to find him quickly," he said.
Source: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/03/22/1047749993344.html
Subject: Re: Protesters
War protesters not too thrilled about their night in S.F. jail
They say police were rude, food and bedding inadequate
Henry K. Lee, Chronicle Staff Writer
Anti-war protesters emerged tired, hungry and, in some cases, tearful Friday after being held overnight in a San Francisco jail.
They weren't exactly treated like royalty but said they would be willing to get arrested again.
Most of the 1,400 demonstrators arrested by police Thursday were cited and released either later in the day or Friday on misdemeanors, including blocking traffic, unlawful assembly and disturbing the peace.
Five people arrested on Thursday and one on Friday face felony charges, most of which involve battery on a police officer. They will be arraigned Tuesday.
"Our interest is to distinguish between those (who) practice civil disobedience and those intent on violence and destruction. The latter will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," said Mark MacNamara, spokesman for District Attorney Terence Hallinan.
Among those facing felony charges is Asaf Achitoov, 34, of San Francisco, who allegedly threw bottles at police on horseback at Powell and Market streets, and Mink Kim, who grabbed another protester in a bear hug near Van Ness Avenue and Fell Street in an attempt to thwart an arrest of that man, police said.
Ian Walker, 39, of San Francisco was arrested for allegedly grabbing an officer's billy club near Fourth and Market streets, prompting police to hit him with batons.
Those who were released Friday whooped it up as they reunited with their friends outside San Francisco County Jail on Seventh Street. A group of women hugged and cried. Many declined to give their real names as they ate hot cereal and drank tea provided by supporters.
"I'm free -- no charges, no papers. Bonjour, mon ami!" exclaimed one man in a bright yellow sweatshirt.
Protesters were less pleased about how they had been forced to spend the night.
"We understand that we were not on vacation, but it was unacceptable the way we were treated," said a protester who gave her name as Pancetta, 24, of Berkeley.
Some protesters said a few officers and deputies were cordial and accommodating, flashing peace signs and responding to their requests quickly. The complaints, however, were more widespread.
Some arrestees said that their hands had been bound too tightly and that police had ignored their complaints.
Brian Henderson, 19, a UC Santa Cruz student, said police had used "scare tactics" on a protester who wouldn't give her name, including threatening to withhold bathroom privileges.
"That is not right," Henderson said.
Overnight, some protesters slept fitfully on the ground in small holding cells that housed 25 each. Others slept on mats with blankets in a gymnasium.
Some women were addressed by deputies as "little girl" or "hon," one protester said.
They griped that their requests for water or food were ignored or delayed for hours. When they did get fed, they got cheese or peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches that didn't taste great.
"They didn't give us any water at all," said a woman who wished to be identified as Venus, 23, of Berkeley. "One (deputy) looked at me and turned away, and another said, 'I just got on duty, I don't know about water.' "
Chris, 25, of Berkeley said their complaints were met by derision by deputies, who said, "This is what you get for protesting. Next time, don't protest."
Carolina Dolimite, 20, of Oakland said of the jail conditions, "Just because it's expected doesn't mean it's right."
Sheriff's spokeswoman Eileen Hirst said that those arrested had been processed and housed according to department policies and that anyone was free to file complaints.
Source: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/03/22/BA284289.DTL
Subject: Re: Protesters
Protesters suck. Esp. here in DC. Our traffic jams are bad enough without them. >:(
Question: So if I am driving down Penn. Ave, and a protester just "happenes" to jump out in front of my car that is travelling at a speed of 40mph and I run over that protester...do ya think I would get in trouble? ::)
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hiya every1 gain:)
Nice to hear everyone in here can take pacifically other peoples' comments ;) That's y we r in a discussion area! ;D
Well, for all of u who answered my question on "FYI" (yep, not FYU lol I must have written the wrong spellin'! By the way, "Acronymguy" very funny comment!) n "OMg" a very BIG THNX YOU.
Now, HS, surprised to hear u speaking, well "writing" ;D Spanish! And yes, u do it fine.
And to Don carlos, same of da same, tu español es muy bueno, Are u an Spanish native speaker?
To Tarzan Boy, yes if u r IN THE USA ;D n "according to the percentages shown by a NEWs poll n by HS(lol) ;D if u wanna go with a girl to a demonstration u will better go to a pro-war one lol ;D . By the way, how many people in here can speak Spanish?!I'm v impressed!
PS: Thnx for making me feel welcome, v kind of u speakin Spanish to me! :D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Delia,
I'm what is called here a "New Yorican", so no, Spanish isn't my first language. I was raised in the states speaking English.
Subject: Re: Protesters
Bienvenida a nuestro foro, Delia. Por favor, perdoneme si en alguna manera le he ofendido. No fue mi intencion. Hay veces que una persona trata de comunicar una idea u opinion y no suena como uno quisiera especificamente. Espero comprenda mi espanol. ;D
End Quote
todo tambien un chedrie....(That line taken from a Stevie Wonder song"Don't You Worry Bout'A Thing". ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
To Tarzan Boy, yes if u r IN THE USA ;D n "according to the percentages shown by a NEWs poll n by HS(lol) ;D if u wanna go with a girl to a demonstration u will better go to a pro-war one lol ;D . By the way, how many people in here can speak Spanish?!I'm v impressed!
PS: Thnx for making me feel welcome, v kind of u speakin Spanish to me! :D
End Quote
De nada.
80sTrivia speaks and writes Spanish fluently. Other boardies know enough to get by. They may understand it better when they read it or hear it rather than when they speak it or write it.
Pro-war rallies (the large ones) are in the South. I saw news coverage and they were reporting from Tennessee and Georgia :) :D ;D But if the girls there look anything like cs or Natalie... I dunno, I might consider trekking to one :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Je ne parle pas l'espagnol. Je parle francais un petit peu. Pour mes amis en France: Vous continuez à combattre pour la paix!
Vive le France!
Subject: Re: Protesters
Je ne parle pas l'espagnol. Je parle francais un petit peu.
End Quote
Moi, aussi. ;)
Subject: Re: Protesters
Moi je suis completement bilingue. Je parle les deux langues officielle Canadien. Mais j'ai beaucoup de problems de faire ecrire en francais. En tout cas, je vous dites que ici au Quebec, on est pas comme les Francais, on connait les mots " Douche et savon". :D
Subject: Re: Protesters
En tout cas, je vous dites que ici au Quebec, on est pas comme les Francais, on connait les mots " Douche et savon". :D
End Quote
On hon hon hon hon! :D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Howard,
Hey, what's a Chedrie? Never heard about that :D
todo tambien un chedrie....(That line taken from a Stevie Wonder song"Don't You Worry Bout'A Thing". ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Protesters
Pro-war rallies (the large ones) are in the South. I saw news coverage and they were reporting from Tennessee and Georgia :) :D ;D But if the girls there look anything like cs or Natalie... I dunno, I might consider trekking to one :) :D ;D
End Quote
Hi TB,
Interesting information, I never knew Spanish language was so widespread...
BTW (I learnt that one!) what d' ya mean with if girls look like CS n Nathalie? Are they CS n that socalled Nathalie some1 famous in the US or something? Never heard about that sentence, expression, whatsoever b4! ;D
Anyway, do u really think it is serious for a guy to swift his opinions just for what the girl thinks? ??? :) :D ;D, because then there's no point in going to a demonstration u don't support, lol, maybe you'd better go to a disco or something n chat some1 up!lol ;D
Hallo aussie à tous qui sont français-phones(je'n suis pas bien sûre si je l'ai ècrit correctement). Alors, Resinchaser, qu'est-ce que tu penses du conflict linguistic? ;) Quelque langue prefère-tu? Je suis Catalan et mes professeurs parlent toujours du `uébec... ;D
PS: Does any1 knows how to put more than 1 quotation (of different people) in a post reply?
Subject: Re: Protesters
BTW (I learnt that one!) what d' ya mean with if girls look like CS n Nathalie? Are they CS n that socalled Nathalie some1 famous in the US or something? Never heard about that sentence, expression, whatsoever b4! ;D
End Quote
Hi Delia
I think he's talking about 2 members of this board
CS from Kentucky and Natalie (whose profile I can't find)
PS: Does any1 knows how to put more than 1 quotation (of different people) in a post reply?
End Quote
What I do is...
reply with quote to the first message
Copy the text
Discard the reply
reply with quote to the second
paste the first text in
(I hope this makes sense)
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Taoist, :)
thnx for both for making clear what was Tb talking about and for helping me to know how i can quote twice in a post reply. Cheers! :)
PS: Next time I'll try double-quoting! ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
I'm a bilingaul illiterate. I can't read and write in two different languages (you pick the languages-Russian, Greek, Swahili etc.) ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi TB,
Interesting information, I never knew Spanish language was so widespread...
BTW (I learnt that one!) what d' ya mean with if girls look like CS n Nathalie? Are they CS n that socalled Nathalie some1 famous in the US or something? Never heard about that sentence, expression, whatsoever b4! ;D
Anyway, do u really think it is serious for a guy to swift his opinions just for what the girl thinks? ??? :) :D ;D, because then there's no point in going to a demonstration u don't support, lol, maybe you'd better go to a disco or something n chat some1 up!lol ;D
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Natalie's picture is somewhere in this link (she's post number 80-something). She is very good looking and I have nothing to gain by writing that. cs posted her picture briefly once and her cunning wit matches her looks, so no photo is needed :) I would like to think they're pretty famous around here :) :D ;D
People meet people under all sorts of circumstances. It's not like the Existentialists and the Nihilists are going to have a rally any time soon, so I have to go elsewhere to get my kicks. I don't support a lot of things, but I still go with the kids. Discotheques play awful music, I can't dance, and I actually have to try to come up with a conversation with another Stranger. The whole outing reeks of effort :P
Subject: Re: Protesters
Hi Howard,
Hey, what's a Chedrie? Never heard about that :D
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I'm not sure what it means in Spanish But I'm sure someone here knows.How about you Don? ;D