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Subject: WinMX vs Kazaa
After the Napster debacle I started using Bearshare which was pretty good. Not near as good as Napster was in it's heyday. Times were you could find anything on Napster. Then I was turned on to AudioGalaxy by a friend and it was as good as Napster until they shut them down.
Then another friend told me about WinMX and I used that for quite awhile. I still have it on my computer from time to time and still use it a little bit. But it seems as though it's getting more and more difficult to find anything on WinMX. Sometimes you'll only have one or two hits come up and there will be 100 people in line to download them.
I tried to get The War Of Art by American Head Charge off of WinMX, but there were only a couple of users that had all the songs and there were always 1000 people in line trying to download them.
I had heard of Kazaa, that it was a very popular program but I had never tried it. My brother told me to download the lite version because it didn't have the adware attached.
So I did and I've been using it for the last month or so. I'm very pleased at the availability of music on KazaaLite. There are roughly 4 million users on at any one time and I had no trouble at all downloading all of the songs from The War Of Art right away.
I like the user interface of WinMX better. But the music availability on Kazaa seems to be much better.
Having used both programs now, my vote goes to Kazaa. What do you guys think?
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I use Kazaa Lite & I love it. No pop-ups & there is a TON of music to download. Although, I read this article today & found it to be a little disturbing.....
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I use Kazaa Lite & I love it. No pop-ups & there is a TON of music to download. Although, I read this article today & found it to be a little disturbing.....
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Yes, it is true that with a file sharing program you can share any kind of file whether it be a music file or a video file.
However, that's true with most of the file sharing programs. What I've done is to go into the options menu and add any type of video or picture file format to the list of files that won't display.
If my kids find out how to undo that, well there's really nothing I can do about it short of getting rid of my internet connection all together.
That's what my sister-in-law eventually did to at least prevent my nephew from accessing porn within the walls of her own home.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Kazaa Lite gets my vote, hands down. And since I don't have any children, all the porn that is downloaded in this house is for me.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I downloaded porn on Kazaa last week.It didn't bother me.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
When I was composing my 1961 and 1963 lyrics quizzes, I needed songs I didn't have on CD, tape or record, and I found three of four of them on KaZaA. I had to go to WinMX to get the other. (I use KaZaA Lite 'cause I hate spyware!)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I got Kazaa last year and I love it! What I like about it is that you could download video on it. I got a Rocko's Modern Life clip on it..... I think it might be a deleted scene from the episode ( at least I think it's called this) " Road Trip".
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I have been using Kazaa/Morpheus for a while now and I usually find what I am looking for. If you can't find it at first, keep trying and eventually the file will surface. I download more than just music...software, movies, etc. Of course, you still have to watch out for those pesky viruses. Not such a big deal, IMO. Please share your files, I hate it when people download but do not share their files. I immediately cancel anyone that isn't sharing files.
I have used WinMX before but I didn't really care for it but I did love Audiogalaxy. I thought Audiogalaxy surpassed Napster in many ways. Unfortunately, goods things always come to an end.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Please share your files, I hate it when people download but do not share their files. I immediately cancel anyone that isn't sharing files.
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I hear that, if people are going to take, they should give also. I'm currently sharing about 800 music files. I'm going to have to do some studying of my Kazaa program and find out how to tell whether or not people are sharing and how to cancel them from being able to get songs from me.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Just an fyi, I have been using kazaalite from the beginning, and if you are cancelling ppl because you think they aren't sharing you could be wrong. Let's say, for example someone is sharing and they are allowing, lets say, 3 ppl to download at once. If someone tries to search for sharing and download with that persons three ports busy, you won't find anything. It makes it appear as if they aren't sharing, when they are. I don't cancel anyone because I share a lot and I always have ppl downloading from me. I get v. angry when someone cancels me, especially when I am sharing more than they are! Check out kazaalites tk forum for more information before you cancel anyone else.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Well, since I can't figure out how to work them, I don't use either ::)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Just an fyi, I have been using kazaalite from the beginning, and if you are cancelling ppl because you think they aren't sharing you could be wrong. Let's say, for example someone is sharing and they are allowing, lets say, 3 ppl to download at once. If someone tries to search for sharing and download with that persons three ports busy, you won't find anything. It makes it appear as if they aren't sharing, when they are. I don't cancel anyone because I share a lot and I always have ppl downloading from me. I get v. angry when someone cancels me, especially when I am sharing more than they are! Check out kazaalites tk forum for more information before you cancel anyone else.
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Hmmm, I didn't know about this. Thanks for the info....I will think twice before cancelling someone the next time.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
WinMX seems to be great (if you want porn). I truthfully don't download any, but i've seen the capability.
KazaaLite is pretty cool, massive sharers there. Lots of variety.
I use LimeWire the most myself. Haven't had much trouble finding what i want from there.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Just an fyi, I have been using kazaalite from the beginning, and if you are cancelling ppl because you think they aren't sharing you could be wrong. Let's say, for example someone is sharing and they are allowing, lets say, 3 ppl to download at once. If someone tries to search for sharing and download with that persons three ports busy, you won't find anything. It makes it appear as if they aren't sharing, when they are. I don't cancel anyone because I share a lot and I always have ppl downloading from me. I get v. angry when someone cancels me, especially when I am sharing more than they are! Check out kazaalites tk forum for more information before you cancel anyone else.
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Simple solution would be to let more people share! Geez, only 3?! No wonder you're getting cancelled. I'd cancel you in a snap if you're only letting three people dl.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I only allow 3 as well. That's the Kazaa default. Let's face it, we only have so much upload bandwidth, and I personally stream a radio station from here. I can't choke everything off. More than that and people get failures or my radio station starts dropping.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Well, just so you will understand, it is a question of bandwith. If you allow more than 3 to download then it is taking away from everyones ability to download. BTW-Kazaalite does not give you any ability to see how many ports you are allowing to be open. I have quite a few WAV files (quality music) and movies, so, yes. I am sharing quite enough. I suggest that you check the kazzaalite tk forum before you post again about something that you do not understand. ::)
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If I'm not allowed to dl from a particular user who is dl-ing from me, then I cancel them and move on to the next (I never stated anywhere in my previous post that I could view how many people are allowed on the port although WinMX does let you see how many an user is letting dl as well as how many are on the queue). It's as simple as that, so your suggestion is taken with a grain of salt ::)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
If I'm not allowed to dl from a particular user who is dl-ing from me, then I cancel them and move on to the next (I never stated anywhere in my previous post that I could view how many people are allowed on the port although WinMX does let you see how many an user is letting dl as well as how many are on the queue). It's as simple as that, so your suggestion is taken with a grain of salt ::)
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FYI, even though I don't allow mroe than 3 people at a time to DL from me, I definitely share more than I take. I'm sharing over 4000 files, and I leave KazaaLite running in the backgrond. Since I leave my machine on all the time, that means my stuff is available to people 24/7, and I download maybe 2 times a week. So, people like you, who cancel downloads are the ones most likely in the wrong.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Kazaa is going to be shut down and then there will be more people and better results on WinMX
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Kazaa is going to be shut down and then there will be more people and better results on WinMX
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How can they shut down Kazaa? I thought it was a gnutella based program like WinMX. I may not be understanding how this all works. But from what I understand the gnutella based programs like Bearshare, Limewire, WinMX and so on, use each user as a host and there are no central servers. Which means there's no way to shut the system down unless all of the users quit accessing the net with their file sharing program.
Am I getting this right or am I missing something?
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
As far as this argument between Ghost and the rest of us goes, I think there's a misunderstanding here.
When we talk about sharing it means two things:
1: how may files you have in the folders you're sharing.
2: how many users are allowed to access your shared folders at a time.
I'm not going to fault anyone who has a 2 gig hard drive and a 28.8 modem from only sharing ten music files at a time and only allowing 1 user to upload one file at a time.
You can only do what you can do.
However, there are people out there that won't allow anyone to access any of their files at all.
Those people take without giving. If everyone was that way the network would collapse.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Kazaa is a Fast-track client, not Gnutella, and yes, you should limit your ports to allow for maximum bandwith uploading.As for Kazaa being shut down, both Winmx and Kazaa have lawsuits pending, but the Kazaa client is based in a country that does not recognize any law against filesharing. Winmx has a better chance of being shut down first.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Kazaa is a Fast-track client, not Gnutella, and yes, you should limit your ports to allow for maximum bandwith uploading.As for Kazaa being shut down, both Winmx and Kazaa have lawsuits pending, but the Kazaa client is based in a country that does not recognize any law against filesharing. Winmx has a better chance of being shut down first.
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I don't understand the difference between a fast track client and Gnutella software. I'd have to study about that to find out the difference, if I could even understand what the literature or whatever was telling me. Which I probably couldn't because I know absolutely nothing about computer software (other than that my game software never seems to work like it's supposed to).
However, your post brings us back to my original question. How can they shut the system down? With gnutella based programs couldn't the system continue to operate even if they did sue WinMX and won? Even if there were only 2 users left, couldn't those 2 continue to share files if they were both on-line?
Also, wouldn't suing the creators of a file sharing program be like suing Chevrolet because a lot of bank robbers use their cars as getaway cars?
That also brings us back to the question of any lawsuit against these people succeeding.
Where are you going to find 12 people in this country that don't know anyone that has ever downloaded music off the net? For that matter where are you going to find a Judge in this country that doesn't know anyone that has ever downloaded music off the net.
No lawyer worth his salt is going to let anyone on a jury panel that knows someone who has committed the same crime as the defendant.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
A Los Angeles federal judge has ruled that record companies and movie studios can proceed with a lawsuit against the parent company of Kazaa--the most popular online file-swapping service--in the United States.
In a 46-page decision that became public Friday, U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson said a lawsuit against Sharman Networks could proceed, since Kazaa software had been downloaded and used by millions of Californians.
Sharman Networks is headquartered in Australia and incorporated in the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. The company had filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing it was not bound by U.S. laws since it did not have substantial contacts with California.
"Given that Sharman's (Kazaa) software has been downloaded more than 143 million times, it would be mere cavil to deny that Sharman engages in a significant amount of contact with California residents," Wilson wrote. Also, he said, "many, if not most, music and video copyrights are owned by California-based companies."
The Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America applauded the decision in a joint statement.
"We are pleased that the court denied the efforts of Sharman Networks...to avoid being subject to the suit. Sharman Networks...should be held accountable by U.S. laws, which clearly indicate that what they are doing is illegal, and that they should not profit from it," the trade associations said.
Sharman Networks could not be reached for comment Friday.
This week's ruling came after Wilson heard oral arguments in November 2002, and could mean that the Kazaa lawsuit will be rolled into a larger one involving Streamcast Networks and Grokster, two rival file-swapping companies that use the same underlying technology as Sharman.
Wilson said the case was different from a similar one involving a Texas man who was sued in California for distributing a DVD-descrambling utility online. The California Supreme Court said in November 2002 that Internet distribution of software did not subject someone to California jurisdiction. The U.S. Supreme Court briefly put that decision on hold, then backed out of the case this month.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Wel then, if thats the case ^ then I am going to start dl'ing as much as I can and "stock up" before they go under. That's okay, there will be another one to take it's place in no time! ;)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
A Los Angeles federal judge has ruled that record companies and movie studios can proceed with a lawsuit against the parent company of Kazaa--the most popular online file-swapping service--in the United States.
In a 46-page decision that became public Friday, U.S. District Judge Stephen Wilson said a lawsuit against Sharman Networks could proceed, since Kazaa software had been downloaded and used by millions of Californians.
Sharman Networks is headquartered in Australia and incorporated in the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu. The company had filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing it was not bound by U.S. laws since it did not have substantial contacts with California.
"Given that Sharman's (Kazaa) software has been downloaded more than 143 million times, it would be mere cavil to deny that Sharman engages in a significant amount of contact with California residents," Wilson wrote. Also, he said, "many, if not most, music and video copyrights are owned by California-based companies."
The Motion Picture Association of America and the Recording Industry Association of America applauded the decision in a joint statement.
"We are pleased that the court denied the efforts of Sharman Networks...to avoid being subject to the suit. Sharman Networks...should be held accountable by U.S. laws, which clearly indicate that what they are doing is illegal, and that they should not profit from it," the trade associations said.
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So does that mean that if anyone in the entire world puts something on the net that someone in America doesn't like they can be sued?
Sued by whom? The US supreme court?
What's going to happen if they don't show up?
What's going to happen if they're found guilty but just keep on doing it anyway?
Are these Vanuatu policemen going to round them up and put them in jail because some judge in America says they're breaking some American law?
How about the Aussies? Are they going to cowtow to American law? Are they going to kiss some American judges @$$ and then run and arrest these people? Put them out of business?
It just seems too crazy to me. ???
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Filesharing will never be stopped as long as there is such a thing as internet. Another file share will pop up if kazaa shuts down.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Filesharing will never be stopped as long as there is such a thing as internet. Another file share will pop up if kazaa shuts down.
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I understand what you mean Shaz and I don't doubt it at all. What's got me all in a huff is the idea that they can shut any of them down at all.
Now from what I understand Napster and AudioGalaxy had central servers and were actually acting as routers to send your request somewhere.
But the other programs don't do that. Do they?
I'm not worried that my ability to download music off of the internet is going to disappear. I'm just miffed that the government can run someone out of business just because they wrote a piece of software.
So what if it's a popular piece of software in California. It just seems incomprehensible to me that the courts in America can run someone in Australia out of business because they wrote a piece of software.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I agree with you Eli, I don't think it is right either. Indie bands are getting their music heard by more ppl than ever possible before due to filesharing....
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Napster and Audiogalaxy were awesome. I use Limewire now but it's not nearly as good. Not enough rare songs or lesser known artists. For the most part though, it does the job.
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Just an fyi, I have been using kazaalite from the beginning, and if you are cancelling ppl because you think they aren't sharing you could be wrong. Let's say, for example someone is sharing and they are allowing, lets say, 3 ppl to download at once. If someone tries to search for sharing and download with that persons three ports busy, you won't find anything. It makes it appear as if they aren't sharing, when they are. I don't cancel anyone because I share a lot and I always have ppl downloading from me. I get v. angry when someone cancels me, especially when I am sharing more than they are! Check out kazaalites tk forum for more information before you cancel anyone else.
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Just curious, do you use kazaaliteuser as your user name with Kazaa? If so, thanks for the files. ;)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
I use both WinMX and KaZaA Lite. I just want to say thanks to all you file sharers that I really appreciate it. In this day and age, thanks is not said enough and there is really no place to express it. I collect mostly rare 80's hits and some software and I always take the time to wait for people to finish downloading before I shut down. I would like to leave the computer running 24/7 but I run on solar power and modern computers suck back a lot of juice!
Thanks again you guyz. 8)
Subject: Re: WinMX vs Kazaa
Just curious, do you use kazaaliteuser as your user name with Kazaa? If so, thanks for the files. ;)
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