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Subject: leather jackets
I think the 50's are back,so to speak.Black and Brown leather jackets are back in style once again.I see it a lot and I believe that everyone is catching on with this fashion in the New York City area.It's great that everyone is getting with the new style.It's hip and looks cooler when you flip up your collar.When I wear one with sunglasses,I kinda resemble somebody from Sha Na Na or some tough gang. ;D So has anyone caught on with the leather jacket fetish ? I know I have.And this trend had already started. ;D
Howard :)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
What kind of leather jacket? There are different types, you know. I don't think leather jackets have ever gone out of style. It's just that the decent ones cost a fair amount of dough. A Harley Davidson jacket will run in the hundreds of dollars. A GAP one will cost you at least $150. The cheapest I've seen are the jackets in the Sears catalogue that go for $100. They do the job in giving you a good look. The more "formal" leather jackets (I think they're lamb-skin, actually) are waaaay out of my price range. The cheapest ones are from Perry Ellis and those are $500 on sale! Calvin Klein ones are, like, $800-$1000, and forget about Armani and Versace.
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I've always had leather jackets, but stopped wearing them on a regular basis.
Presently I own two; my trusty beat-up, alcohol-and-puke-soaked old motorcycle jacket (from the days when I actually had a bike) and a plain, black J. Park Couture that I picked up at Macy's for a song and only wear for nights on the town.
I don't think leather jackets have ever gone out of style. Am I wrong?
Edited to add: Never, and I mean never wear a motorcycle jacket if you do don't own a motorcycle. Okay for rockers, heads and Motley Crue rejects in the 80's, fashion faux pas nowadays. It's clown sh*t, man.
Subject: Re: leather jackets
What kind of leather jacket? There are different types, you know. I don't think leather jackets have ever gone out of style. It's just that the decent ones cost a fair amount of dough. A Harley Davidson jacket will run in the hundreds of dollars. A GAP one will cost you at least $150. The cheapest I've seen are the jackets in the Sears catalogue that go for $100. They do the job in giving you a good look. The more "formal" leather jackets (I think they're lamb-skin, actually) are waaaay out of my price range. The cheapest ones are from Perry Ellis and those are $500 on sale! Calvin Klein ones are, like, $800-$1000, and forget about Armani and Versace.
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Wow,you're kidding me. $1,000 dollars? :o Now,that's what I call a leather jacket. ;D The cheapest for me is between $100-200 dollar range.thing is,I go to work in the city and everywhere I go,I've seen Brown,Black and Blue leather jackets.And the smell of one is really amazing.I have one that smells of real leather but the zipper broke. :( Has anyone ever wore a white-T shirt to wear with your jacket? ;D
Subject: Re: leather jackets
Wow,you're kidding me. $1,000 dollars? :o Now,that's what I call a leather jacket. ;D The cheapest for me is between $100-200 dollar range.thing is,I go to work in the city and everywhere I go,I've seen Brown,Black and Blue leather jackets.And the smell of one is really amazing.I have one that smells of real leather but the zipper broke. :( Has anyone ever wore a white-T shirt to wear with your jacket? ;D
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It's mainly the name you're paying for when you buy CK, DKNY, and Armani. Most can afford a decent one. For everyday wear, I wouldn't pay more than $200 for one at the GAP. You can also go to Old Navy and get one for $150. Basically the same jacket.
Well, yeah. You have to wear a shirt with a leather jacket. Unless you're the type who likes to pose shirtless and with a leather jacket, but I think that attracts the wrong crowd (if you get what I mean ;) ).
I have a black leather jacket that my stepfather gave me for Christmas 2 years ago. Before that, in the last century, I had a motorcycle jacket :) :D ;D I rather liked it even if I didn't have a cruising bike (unless you count my friend's lowrider bike :P ). Plus, I was a metalhead reject in my early years of HS (I loved it!). "Motorhead" in big, Old English letters on the back. Your little brothers better watch out! I can beat up the old and the weak! Pathetically funny. Think of Fez (from That 70s Show) in Guns 'N Roses drag!
Subject: Re: leather jackets
It's mainly the name you're paying for when you buy CK, DKNY, and Armani. Most can afford a decent one. For everyday wear, I wouldn't pay more than $200 for one at the GAP. You can also go to Old Navy and get one for $150. Basically the same jacket.
Well, yeah. You have to wear a shirt with a leather jacket. Unless you're the type who likes to pose shirtless and with a leather jacket, but I think that attracts the wrong crowd (if you get what I mean ;) ).
I have a black leather jacket that my stepfather gave me for Christmas 2 years ago. Before that, in the last century, I had a motorcycle jacket :) :D ;D I rather liked it even if I didn't have a cruising bike (unless you count my friend's lowrider bike :P ). Plus, I was a metalhead reject in my early years of HS (I loved it!). "Motorhead" in big, Old English letters on the back. Your little brothers better watch out! I can beat up the old and the weak! Pathetically funny. Think of Fez (from That 70s Show) in Guns 'N Roses drag!
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No,I meant a white T-shirt to go with your leather jacket.The kind that Fonzie used to wear in Happy Days.Like this picture...Take a look....
Subject: Re: leather jackets
We can be like the two dudes from Laverne And Shirley 8) We'll be like two Fonzies...
T-shirts go with leather jackets. Just make sure it matches right before you leave on your night out on the town. I usually wear grey and black T-shirts with mine.
The Fonz! Gotta love The Fonz! Heeeeey!
Subject: Re: leather jackets
and what about that slick hair that they used to wear during the 50's? You think that you'd would be able to get a woman in this day in age with a dippity-do hairstyle? Who knows.They'll probably say"you live in a time warp"or something.I don't think chicks these days go for that kind of style. ???
Subject: Re: leather jackets
and what about that slick hair that they used to wear during the 50's? You think that you'd would be able to get a woman in this day in age with a dippity-do hairstyle? Who knows.They'll probably say"you live in a time warp"or something.I don't think chicks these days go for that kind of style. ???
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"Slick" hair is still okay, but I assume you mean the Pompadour. And, yes, it doesn't land you many girls. I should know... I have one. I go to the barber shop and only have the sides of my hair cut and the back is "blocked." No fades. The top is long. I wear gel sometimes, but hair-grease and pomade work best. I try not to use too much too often since it can give you dandruff, so you have to be careful with hair products. Sometimes you have to walk around without anything and your hair is all "poofy" (if you happen to have hair with "body," like me).
So, yes, I can do Fonzie-like drag. Black leather jacket, white T-shirt, black jeans with thick buckle-belt, leather boots, and a Pompadour to top it off. I'm exactly 5'4". The Pompadour makes me 5'6"!
Girls around here don't dig that kind of stuff, so I definitely do this 'cause I like it 8)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
"Slick" hair is still okay, but I assume you mean the Pompadour. And, yes, it doesn't land you many girls. I should know... I have one. I go to the barber shop and only have the sides of my hair cut and the back is "blocked." No fades. The top is long. I wear gel sometimes, but hair-grease and pomade work best. I try not to use too much too often since it can give you dandruff, so you have to be careful with hair products. Sometimes you have to walk around without anything and your hair is all "poofy" (if you happen to have hair with "body," like me).
So, yes, I can do Fonzie-like drag. Black leather jacket, white T-shirt, black jeans with thick buckle-belt, leather boots, and a Pompadour to top it off. I'm exactly 5'4". The Pompadour makes me 5'6"!
Girls around here don't dig that kind of stuff, so I definitely do this 'cause I like it 8)
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Hey Tarzan,I've been styling my hair like a pompadour for 15 years now here and there.When I get out of the shower,I spray it like crazy and when I get up in the morning,there is nothing much to comb anyway cause it's still neat from the night before.That's how I like my hair.nice and stiffy 8)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
Hum the word stiffy for the hair I like it but I was always fond of the way my nanny discribed my hair one day after arriving home with my self soaked from the rain but hair perfect
it was selacted spelt wrong I know
shealacted SH-LAC-TED 8)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
pompadours,sunglasses and a leather jacket go good together.And it looks good on me. Say,What would happen if you went on the city bus looking like that? 8) ;D
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I can see more and more people wear leather jackets because it keeps you cool and makes you feel good.It's not really the warmest but it sure helps. :D
Subject: Re: leather jackets
:DThe Everly Brothers wore matching leather jackets and were on motorcycles on the cover of their debut LP,"The Everly brothers--They're off and running".Did anyone see the TWINS ::) who played them on "American Dreams"???? ???I think the guys are :-[ IDENTICAL,as well!!!!LOL Cheers! ::)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I've seen a few people wearing leather jackets at my school, but they were all russians.
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I think the leather jacket fad caught on with most people. :)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I like the leather jacket look but I also love girls' fur coats/jackets that I'm seein a lot....or at least was in the winter. Most of them are pretty dam expensive though!!!
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I like the leather jacket look but I also love girls' fur coats/jackets that I'm seein a lot....or at least was in the winter. Most of them are pretty dam expensive though!!!
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;DMy sister and my cousin both wore black leather jackets to my cousin's wedding.You have to be careful if you like fur,though.If it's made in China it might be cat or dog.On a news show,a woman had a comparative DNA test done on a fur cat she had with her own (live)cat.The DNA was a match.Cheers!
Subject: Re: leather jackets
The leather jacket I got was a London Fog jacket which is a pretty popular brand name jacket here in the US and it cost me about $175.00 and that was my Birthday present last year. ;D
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I can see more and more people wear leather jackets because it keeps you cool and makes you feel good.It's not really the warmest but it sure helps. :D
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You don't have the right leather jacket then ;) One of mine's faux fur and quilt lined and it's warmer than my ski parka.
Subject: Re: leather jackets
What kind of leather jacket? There are different types, you know. I don't think leather jackets have ever gone out of style. It's just that the decent ones cost a fair amount of dough.End Quote
I've seen fake leather ones around that cost a lot less- you know, ones made of PVC- most of 'em are pretty convincing, I've been thinking of getting one myself... Plus, you don't feel guilty for the animals when you wear them. :)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
You don't have the right leather jacket then ;) One of mine's faux fur and quilt lined and it's warmer than my ski parka.
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Of course I have the right leather jacket. ???
Subject: Re: leather jackets
I've seen fake leather ones around that cost a lot less- you know, ones made of PVC- most of 'em are pretty convincing, I've been thinking of getting one myself... Plus, you don't feel guilty for the animals when you wear them. :)
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if you want some real leather jackets you can go to Burlington Coat Factory. ;D
Subject: Re: leather jackets
Of course I have the right leather jacket. ???
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You said yours wasn't the warmest. I was just suggesting that you can get some that are very warm :)
Subject: Re: leather jackets
You said yours wasn't the warmest. I was just suggesting that you can get some that are very warm :)
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My Mother said some leather jackets I wore wasn't that warm because black lj are really supposed to be for when the temps are in the upper 30-low 40's kinda cool springlike morning temps.I'd wear my heaviest coat during the December-January months. :D