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Subject: The end of time....
I know this is totally off the wall, but I think its a fascinating topic.
Whether you are religous or not, what do you think will happen in the final days of the end of time. Call it what you want, Armegeddon, Judgement Day, etc etc. But what do you envision happening in the final days?
The bible decribes the signs of the final days in detail. I'm just curious as to what you all think the signs of the final days are?
And please, don't turn this into a political debate...thanks. ;)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
If we're talking joke, I guess the end would be when Carrot Top starts actually being FUNNY. :P
Now, seriously...my imagination can be pretty off-the-wall. I see it in the form of an asteroid though. Too many Armageddon-type movies lately :-/
Subject: Re: The end of time....
From a scientific viewpoint, time is endless. Even after the end of the universe when atomic decay is complete and there's nothing left but a void, time will continue. It simply won't have any meaning anymore.
However, in human terms, the end will most likely come either in the form of a super epidemic that will plunge the world into a new Dark Age OR from an impact with a large meteor, causing climactic change that makes the planet unlivable.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Now, seriously...my imagination can be pretty off-the-wall. I see it in the form of an asteroid though. Too many Armageddon-type movies lately :-/
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I agree. My opinion, I think it will be an asteroid, the govt will know about it & not say a word to the public.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I agree. My opinion, I think it will be an asteroid, the govt will know about it & not say a word to the public.
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There was actually an article on CNN about that :) They figured that if we're all going to die anyway, might as well be ignorant = blissful death :D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Actually, it's more likely no one will know about it until it hits. In February 2002, a meteor large enough to wipe out most of western Europe passed closer to the Earth than the Moon, and no one saw it until two days after it had gone past. The reason for that is because it came from the direction of the sun, making it impossible to be seen. Most uncharted objects in the sky are uncharted because they're so dark they can't be seen. If the "big one" was to hit, we most likely would have no idea it was there until it lit up the whole sky brighter than the sun. And by then it would be too late.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I vote meteor over plague, but that's just my preferance, cant' say one was more likely to happen then the other.
Goreripper, you ever read The White Plauge by Frank Herbert? Man that was an ugly way to end the world, or close enough to it.
Let's see what I can come up with, h'mm..., I got it! Polar Caps melt, raises tide lines and floods major cities, sea warms and fish die off, major climate changes kill crops, massive starvation and food skyrockets in cost, only wealthy can afford it, and the last of the hungry horde kill them off, then die on there own cause they dont' have the knowledge to keep the food supply going. How's that? :D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Jesse Jackson is elected president ;D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Jesse Jackson is elected president ;D
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Congrats, you topped them all. ;D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Polar Caps melt, raises tide lines and floods major citiesEnd Quote
This little piece of your statement reminded me of the movie "WaterWorld". ;D
AIDS didn't kill us off in America and it isn't completely killing off the African Continent, so, epidemics are out in my opinion.
I'd thought about this before and came up with these:
1) World War III
2) Large Meteor Impact which will either break-up/blow-up the planet upon impact or destroy a great percentage of it and continually destroy the remainder with atmospheric changes that kill off the remaining lifeforms and render the planet unlivable, as Goreripper described earlier.
The scary thing is, in the end, we're probably closer to a WWIII than we are to a natural catastrophe. :-/
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Current scientific theory seems to be that the universe will continue to expand so 'time' will never really end, but perhaps human existance will..
Our sun will grow hotter and within approx 1 billion years, the earth will be far too hot for human life. Unless we have found a way to reach other stars, that will be the end. The signs will be simply temperature increases and the natural effects of that.
The most likely end for the human race is war. I imagine the signs will be pretty much what I see on TV everyday. Dodgy politicians inventing reasons why war is necessary for ignorant populations to swallow. As time passes, WMDs become easier to get hold of, it won't be too long before someone who has nothing left to lose decides to bring about a 'biblical' ending to the world.
I'll stop short of naming my most likely candidates as per the 'no political debate' comment.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Well...I guess I can't really give my opinion since it is religious in nature. The end of life as we know it, as to my beliefs, has been fortold.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Well...I guess I can't really give my opinion since it is religious in nature. The end of life as we know it, as to my beliefs, has been fortold.
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Please do!
As I understand, this is foretold in the revelations of John. This book contains (IMO) very abstract ideas, supposedly revealed to John in a dream.
Do you believe these are actually literal signs, 7 headed beasts, lambs, etc?
If not, what do you think they represent?
I think they could very easily be related to current events, astronomical events, etc. (I seem to remeber a Kirk Douglas film where the beast with seven heads was an industrial plant)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Please do!
As I understand, this is foretold in the revelations of John. This book contains (IMO) very abstract ideas, supposedly revealed to John in a dream.
Do you believe these are actually literal signs, 7 headed beasts, lambs, etc?
If not, what do you think they represent?
I think they could very easily be related to current events, astronomical events, etc. (I seem to remeber a Kirk Douglas film where the beast with seven heads was an industrial plant)
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Good questions, Tao. The whole symbolism thing and interpretations make for a very interesting discussion.
You reminded me of the movie "The Seventh Sign" with Demi Moore. The seven signs of the Apocalypse began to take place and she ended-up giving the world a second chance.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I don't believe that the signs can be taken literally. I believe that the signs will come together in such a way as to not be mistaken for anything else, and in fact, some already have.
I won't go into those here, just because this is not a platform for my personal views and I am afraid it would just come off as evangelism. I do not apologize for my beliefs, but I am not going to push them off onto others. If someone PMs me and requests it I can give you a link to an interesting and well thought out end times theory description. :)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
This is a story that I read a long time ago. I have always loved it.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
IMO, the world (as we know it) will end in a nuclear confrontation. It's human nature to destroy ourselves. We've come close before, and I think it will finally happen before humans learn to live together peacfully.
And no, I don't think GB will be the one to do it.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
IMO, the world (as we know it) will end in a nuclear confrontation. It's human nature to destroy ourselves. We've come close before, and I think it will finally happen before humans learn to live together peacfully.
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I hope to be halfway to the next galaxy by then ;D Or at least a couple light years away ;) Gotta get that darned spaceship fixed!
I am reminded of Christopher Walken in "Blast From the Past", who locked his family into a bomb shelter for 30 years and raised his Brendan Fraser of a son in a 60s time warp ;D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
This is a story that I read a long time ago. I have always loved it.
End Quote
I enjoyed reading that very much.
It's should be an "eye-opener". It should be.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I enjoyed reading that very much.
It's should be an "eye-opener". It should be.
End Quote
I find it interesting that it was written during WWII and the meaning still holds very true today. I guess it shows that humans really haven't learned too much from the past-which is a shame.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
This is a story that I read a long time ago. I have always loved it.
End Quote
Thank you so much for sharing that! I really enjoyed it. :)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
This is a story that I read a long time ago. I have always loved it.
http://www.concentric.net/~Wkiernan/text/Thurber/Thurber.html#Flower01End Quote
I remember reading that in high school. What a great satirical look at human nature and how history seems to repeat itself.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I read an article recently about how they had actually predicted the end of the world to happen in a few million years time. However, according to that Nostradamus dude who predicts things, it was meant to happen June 6th 1998, but that never happened. Reading an interesting passage on the internet points me to a few things about the world ending...
Subject: Re: The end of time....
:D :D 8) 8)ThAat was expressed in "Devoted to You"by the Everly Brothers:darlling you can count onme,til the sun dries up the sea--collision course withthe sun,caused by a comet????Cheers! ;D 8) :D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
This is the best website about the end of the world... ever!
Subject: Re: The end of time....
From a scientific viewpoint, time is endless. Even after the end of the universe when atomic decay is complete and there's nothing left but a void, time will continue. It simply won't have any meaning anymore.End Quote
Is time constant? What about time stopping at the speed of light, or more important to us, time slowing as the speed of an object increases relative to a referance point. They put an atomic clock on a space shuttle and discovered they had less time than we did because they moved at a faster speed. Perhaps time is more like a color than a mass, something which only we percieve and can not measure as accuretly. Persision can be a blindfold.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I know with absolute certanty the anwser to this question. The longest we will be living on earth will be until the sun supernova's, the shortest we will be living on earth is til we nuke one another. I would place my bet that we will die getting nuked before science is given a chance to save us.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Gee, Phil and Don know everything!
:D :D 8) 8)ThAat was expressed in "Devoted to You"by the Everly Brothers:darlling you can count onme,til the sun dries up the sea--collision course withthe sun,caused by a comet????Cheers! ;D 8) :D
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Subject: Re: The end of time....
Is time constant? What about time stopping at the speed of light, or more important to us, time slowing as the speed of an object increases relative to a referance point. They put an atomic clock on a space shuttle and discovered they had less time than we did because they moved at a faster speed. Perhaps time is more like a color than a mass, something which only we percieve and can not measure as accuretly. Persision can be a blindfold.
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Time is constant. It ticks by at one second per second whether you are standing still or moving at the speed of light; our perception of the passage of time (and hence of our own passage through it) is what is relative.
I'm not sure about the atomic clock on the shuttle thing. Can you provide a link to it? Atomic clocks are as precise as it comes when recording time, but even so the time "loss" would have been barely measureable. The shuttle would have had to have been going very, very fast indeed for any loss of time to be even noticeable; escape velocity isn't that fast.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I know with absolute certanty the anwser to this question. The longest we will be living on earth will be until the sun supernova's, End Quote
Well not quite. Conditions on the earth will be unlivable about a billion years before that.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
Well not quite.End Quote
We shouldn't really argue the point due to the fact that these are all opinions.
No one has the absolute knowledge, the certainty of how the end of time will come, if ever.
It's interesting to speculate, though. :)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I'm surprised there's been no mention of global warming thus far.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I'm surprised there's been no mention of global warming thus far.
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Myth. Hogwash. Quackery. Old-wives' tales.
...at least until the sun goes nova ;)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
I'm surprised there's been no mention of global warming thus far.
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See my post on page 1 of the thread. Polar Ice caps melting and temp changes, etc.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
A little bit of history:
There was this guy named William Miller who stated that the world was going to end. Miller never gave a date himself but one of his followers gave a date for him-Oct. 21, 1844. Prior to that time, people began to see "the signs." There was a comet that passed through during that time, one person reported that the Moon appeared to be blood red, the Sun had rings aound it, etc. Many of his followers gave away all their earthly possessions and on Oct. 21st, they all climbed trees and roof tops so the ascend into Heaven will be shorter. Well, I think we all know what happened. Absolutely nothing. What happened to his followers? They formed the Seventh Day Adventist Church. How do I know all this? I did my undergraduate honor's thesis on it.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
A little bit of history:
There was this guy named William Miller who stated that the world was going to end. Miller never gave a date himself but one of his followers gave a date for him-Oct. 21, 1844. Prior to that time, people began to see "the signs." There was a comet that passed through during that time, one person reported that the Moon appeared to be blood red, the Sun had rings aound it, etc. Many of his followers gave away all their earthly possessions and on Oct. 21st, they all climbed trees and roof tops so the ascend into Heaven will be shorter. Well, I think we all know what happened. Absolutely nothing. What happened to his followers? They formed the Seventh Day Adventist Church. How do I know all this? I did my undergraduate honor's thesis on it.
End Quote
I might have already said this before but the bible was written by probably more than 60 authors over a very long period of time, and has been interpreted in so many ways....usually as to fit someone else's convenience. Unfortunately. And as a Progressive Christian, I am more certain of the questions than the answers....I am sometimes unsure if the "rapture" will happen, or if it already has....there are many theories and interpretations of the signs.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
IMO - Whatever happens - happens. I just hope I know nothing about it, it happens fast & I don't see it coming. :-/
Subject: Re: The end of time....
My guess is that a meteor, comet or asteroid will impact the earth sometime within the next one hundred- two hundred years. If it happens during my life time, I've already made my peace with it. Our civilization, such as it is, cannot go on into infinity. The first rule of life: all things must come to an end.
Subject: Re: The end of time....
An appropriate song for this thread ;)
R.E.M. "It's The End of the World As We Know It"
That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...
(It's time I had some time alone)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
(It's time I had some time alone)
End Quote
lol..If you typed this from memory, you've spent far too much time alone ;D
Subject: Re: The end of time....
FLASH - LATE BREAKING NEWS - Scientist report world to end at 10 pm - Details at 11 ;)
This is for real ( ;D)
Subject: Re: The end of time....
FLASH - LATE BREAKING NEWS - Scientist report world to end at 10 pm - Details at 11 ;)
This is for real ( ;D)
End Quote
Hey Don Carlos
That was a big hoax ! It's way past your D-Day and still some of you guys are posting ! ;D