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Subject: Christ-art
The controvercial art by Andres Serrano.
What does this art inspire in you, and would you be pissed-off if I told you what you were looking at?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
maybe I'm missing something but...I see a picture of the Crucifixion.
OK, whats the catch ???
Subject: Re: Christ-art
No real catch, 80'sRocked, the art is called Piss Christ and is essentially a crucifix suspended in urine, circa 1989.
I just wanted to guage reactions. For me, and without putting much thought into it, what I see is what I get. I do, however, like the colors and resin-like effect.
My question to our posters is, "is this art to you?"
Subject: Re: Christ-art
It makes me nostalgic for Robert Mapplethorpe, and thankful for all the interesting debates over funding the NEA.
This was written after Piss Christ was exhibited, notoriously, in Australia a few years ago:
Serrano's work is fundamentally conservative and indeed as boring in its spectacle as any 19th Century salon piece. Apart from the obsessive recording of deviant behaviour, or the clinical approach to morbid subject matter, there is beyond that nothing of which to speak. The works are lifeless, tedious, over-inflated and depressing in their complete negation of themselves as gifts to the world. It is certain the reviews and responses would have been savage if it weren't for the expected and current negativity from certain quarters of the public.
THE CRUCIFIX SUSPENDED in urine was one of the least seductive works, but not the least lifeless. It may have been included purely because of the notoriety of its mocking title and its provocative recorded act, nothing more. Other repressed objects are suspended in fluid but are not attributed to urination, only the cross is specified in this way. Divest the work of these clues and it, like many others, are merely enlarged postcards. Throughout the whole show a viewer senses only privilege given, access provided, money made available and active support uncritically received.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
I guess if you look at it from an artistic standpoint, the urine does make it look really cool :)
But I don't know what the religious people might think of their savior floating around in a jar of pee ::)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
My question to our posters is, "is this art to you?"
End Quote
Well, I'm not an art scholar nor ever claimed to be, but I see this as just a publicity stunt. Sort of like that controversial art exhibit in New York last year involving biblical paintings involving feces.
Would I buy it? No. Would I pay to see it? No.
Its funny how someone can urinate in a jar, drop a crucifix in it, and suddenly they're and "artist". ::)
...whatever floats yer boat(even if it is in a jar of urine) ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
In my opinion, this is a much more mature and provocative representation of Christ. It's entitled Ecce Homo (Behold Man), Lovis Corinth, 1925.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Oh, NOW people get upset! Why don't you get upset about someone putting an image of Jesus on the cross in a jar, peeing in it, and putting a profane, blasphemous name on it?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
I think this whole thread should be deleted.
End Quote
If you didn't know what the icon is submerged in, would you still deem it blasphemous? Or beautiful?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
If you didn't know what the icon is submerged in, would you still deem it blasphemous? Or beautiful?
End Quote
I know you were talking to X, but as for me I admit I think it looks cool the way it is. The whole urine thing is a little gross and out there, in my opinion.
I guess it begs the question: if I piss in a jar, drop something in it and take a picture of it, would a museum put it on display?
I guess I just don't get some things deemed as "art" ???
Subject: Re: Christ-art
If you didn't know what the icon is submerged in, would you still deem it blasphemous? Or beautiful?
End Quote
If I didn't know what the icon was submerged in or the title of the piece, of course I would not think it blasphemous. But I DO know its background. No doubt my posts will get deleted because some take offense; well, I take offense at that so-called "art". Some will say the "artist" has the right of self-expression; well, so do I.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Personally, I think this is serious art, regardless of what many "renowned" art critics, say against it. The sculpture is meant to excoriate bondieuserie in exactly the same spirit that Martin Luther excoriated the selling of indulgences and relics.
"Bondieuserie" is the French term for cheap gimcracks sold at religious shrines such as Lourdes. It means "good God-ery", and it is meant sarcastically. Cheap plastic Jesuses are certainly included. It is not religion that is criticized by this work, but the commercialization of religion, especially with shoddy goods.
As for the "piss", well, that is something peculiarly Mexican. From the Aztecs to the present there is a cultural interest in body fluids. Serrano has other sculptures that feature human milk and human blood.
Heck, I don't know...cannabis may not be the key to seeing something profound in this art, but it might just help. ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Is THAT the excuse Serrano used?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Is THAT the excuse Serrano used?
End Quote
Short of clairvoyance, I haven't the foggiest. I never researched this art or the motivations behind it. I saw it online, liked-it, and then found out about the urine. I'm not offended by it as others in this forum more-or-less know my mind concerning religious faith.
The vomit-as-art thread prompted me to present Piss Christ to you and wait to read every response.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Was the picture of the crusifix in the jar the art or was it the actual jar? I think it's a cool pic with the antiqeud look and texture, I wouldn't have guessed what was the cause for it. Being agnositc I can't say that the method offends me personally but I do think it's intent was to offend- I find that offensive. Did that make any sense? ::)
But to be offended at times adds measure to what we find acceptable, the best place to challenge this is in art.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Whoa, calm down 8)
I guess this kind of thing raises temperatures.
Personally, I think this piece was mainly to provoke anger and gain publicity. I have to question if it really is art although a recent trip to the Tate Modern art gallery (London) showed plenty pieces that I wouldn't consider to be art.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Hmmmmmm like the blob of blutack some gallery paid stupid money for,begs the question who's the biggest fool?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
The fact remains that we're still talking about Piss Christ not because of its intrinsic merit as art but because of its notorious use of media (urine). Without notoriety it's nothing...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Okey dokey, I consider myself, Christian, but after reading some of the reactions to the subject of Christ here, I think maybe I am marching to the beat of a different savior.....this is not Christ himself sitting in urine, X. This is just an object. I don't consider it art, I certainly would pay nothing for it, and the only emotion it evokes is a slight gag factor at the idea of someone working with urine. I am not Iconic, I believe Christ is within, not in some object. ::) If one only finds Grace in objects, maybe one ought to look into their faith.....could be something is missing.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Okey dokey, I consider myself, Christian, but after reading some of the reactions to the subject of Christ here, I think maybe I am marching to the beat of a different savior.....this is not Christ himself sitting in urine, X. This is just an object. I don't consider it art, I certainly would pay nothing for it, and the only emotion it evokes is a slight gag factor at the idea of someone working with urine. I am not Iconic, I believe Christ is within, not in some object. ::) If one only finds Grace in objects, maybe one ought to look into their faith.....could be something is missing.
End Quote
I agree. Notice that I said, "an IMAGE of Jesus".
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Basically, all of this boils down to one question. What is art? Some people may see it in the poster of the dogs playing poker as art, while others see it in Picasso (personally, I don't prefer either). Art is very subjective. There is a painting that sits in the hospital at West Point that looks like a kid's drawing of a horse with 7 legs. You know our government must have paid for that painting and to me, it was a total waste of money. But someone thought it was worth the money they paid for. On the other hand, I have a painting of mountains and waterfall that I paid about $200 for by some unknown artist. Some people may say that I paid too much for it but I like it, and that is all that matters! Art is in the eye of the beholder.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Art is in the eye of the beholder. What I was trying to point out is that I follow the Christian faith, yet I am not upset over an object in urine. It isn't Christ himself, it is an object. As far as I am concerned if someone wants to throw a Pee Wee Herman doll in some urine, call it art and make money fine by me. I wouldn't purchase it, but go for it! ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
You think piss art is controversial? Take a look at this.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
You think piss art is controversial? Take a look at this.
End Quote
Well, I am no theologian or historian, but it CAN be argued that Jesus was black, being from that area and all. The Autobiography of Malcolm X has a mention of this theory as well (but of course Malcolm X was a tad militant) ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
You think piss art is controversial? Take a look at this.
End Quote
Yet another imitator. You'd think people would learn by now. If this board posted IPs, you'd see that mine is most likely different from that of the fake X. Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
You think piss art is controversial? Take a look at this.
End Quote
And why should this be offensive, because the Jesus is black? Does anyone really know what race He was? Does it matter? God doesn't care about race, why should we.
As for the original pic, I don't take offense, I just say yuck.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
For a moment I thought I had a brain ::) It's just too much to ask of me...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Yet another imitator. You'd think people would learn by now. If this board posted IPs, you'd see that mine is most likely different from that of the fake X. Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
End Quote
...yet both of the X's email addresses are entered as x@x.com. How very odd. ::)
you know, whether you are the real X or not, this confusion could all be avoided by simply registering with the site.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
...yet both of the X's email addresses are entered as x@x.com. How very odd. ::)
you know, whether you are the real X or not, this confusion could all be avoided by simply registering with the site.
End Quote
Actually the guest "sign-ins" allow you to post whatever e-mail address you want, so you can post just about anything...including the same e-mail as someone else.
Of course, it COULD be avoided if X would show some balls and register ::)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Actually the guest "sign-ins" allow you to post whatever e-mail address you want, so you can post just about anything...including the same e-mail as someone else.End Quote
Exactly. My point was: if there are actually 2 X's, what are the chances of them both choosing the same email address?
Quoting:Of course, it COULD be avoided if X would show some balls and register ::)
End Quote
there are a few posters on these boards who are afraid to register, because then they would actually have to assume some responsibility for their posts. If you aren't willing to stand by your comments by registering, don't bother posting at all, in my opinion.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
there are a few posters on these boards who are afraid to register, because then they would actually have to assume some responsibility for their posts. If you aren't willing to stand by your comments by registering, don't bother posting at all, in my opinion.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Exactly. My point was: if there are actually 2 X's, what are the chances of them both choosing the same email address?
End Quote
:) If you move the mouse over the link that says "e-mail" you can see the guest's "preferred account". That's probably what Fake X and Real X and whoever X did. But your point is well taken. I'm sure Fake X is just trying to ruffle Real X's feathers ;)
Who wants tickets to see a good X fight? :D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Who wants tickets to see a good X fight? :D
End Quote
well since I'm fairly certian they are one in the same, I think I think I'll pass on the tickets. ;)
X isn't fooling anyone but himself.
Subject: Well...
I guess the only thing to do is change nicknames every so often, or use a different nick every time I post.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
We could always find another and make a XXX rated movie 8)
Subject: Re: Well...
I guess the only thing to do is change nicknames every so often, or use a different nick every time I post.
End Quote
Also, I should stop praising The Spice Girls unless I want to get deservedly flamed for the tasteless sod that I am.
Subject: Re: Well...
I guess the only thing to do is change nicknames every so often, or use a different nick every time I post.
End Quote
...or you could be a man and just register. ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
For everyone's information:
We, the site administrators, know every single person's IP address, members and guests. We also know where these originate.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
On topic:
I do not think of the discussed image as art.
I don't think I can throw a Yin-Yang symbol (or a Budha, or a Star of David) in a glass of apple juice and call it art.
It's the controvesry of the subject matter that is selling that image, not the true concept of art.
My opinion.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
On topic:
I do not think of the discussed image as art.
I don't think I can throw a Yin-Yang symbol (or a Budha, or a Star of David) in a glass of apple juice and call it art.
It's the controvesry of the subject matter that is selling that image, not the true concept of art.
My opinion.
End Quote
You're hitting nail on head, Hair! ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
You're hitting nail on head, Hair! ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Christ-art
I don't think I can throw a Yin-Yang symbol (or a Budha, or a Star of David) in a glass of apple juice and call it art.
End Quote
lol...Piss-Taoist? (or apple-tao)
incidentally, it's Yin-Yang (only one G)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
lol...Piss-Taoist? (or apple-tao)
incidentally, it's Yin-Yang (only one G)
End Quote
Thanks for the correction. I really hate typos. :P
And it would be "Apple Tao" ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
On topic:
I do not think of the discussed image as art.
I don't think I can throw a Yin-Yang symbol (or a Budha, or a Star of David) in a glass of apple juice and call it art.
It's the controvesry of the subject matter that is selling that image, not the true concept of art.
My opinion.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Christ-art
My question is how do we really know it is in urine? I was thinking, after reading Hairspray's post, that urine and apple juice look quite a bit alike. Would it be so controversial if it was apple juice or even beer?
Subject: Re: Christ-art
And it would be "Apple Tao" ;D
End Quote
I hate my typos too.
The word "Tao" can also be lower-case ("apple-tao" is also correct). The hyphen isn't that big of a deal ;D "Buddha" has two "d"s, btw (I looked it up to see if it could also be spelled with one, but it isn't). Annoying? :) :D ;D
On topic:
I disagree with Hairspray.
The photograph of the display looks quite good. I can see myself buying a postcard of something that looks like that. Maybe the display leaves a lot to be desired since it's a Ready Made and most people aren't into these sort of visuals. This is a style (or for some of you members, "concept") begun by Marcel Duchamp and he definitely was an artist who could think outside of the box (without him, there would be a big gap in 20th century modern art). The French Situationists would consider the controversy itself as "art": It is an useless object, deliverately made, that is causing a reaction from people; much better than a live display since it doesn't even require anyone doing anything except looking at something.
To not call this display "art" would be analogous to stating, "Hair bands do not make music." If it was me, I would say, "I don't like this type of display," but to start disqualifying things left and right... I don't know...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
To not call this display "art" would be analogous to stating, "Hair bands do not make music." If it was me, I would say, "I don't like this type of display," but to start disqualifying things left and right... I don't know...
End Quote
Everyone defines art differently according to their own likes and experiences. To me, art is a discipline, something created from that discipline, in a way it is almost a science. So, to me, tossing something into a vat of er...apple juice....is not art. It took no knowledge, no education and certainly very little practice, although it seems it would take a lot of drinking ;). This picture is a statement. Not art. IMHO. ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Everyone defines art differently according to their own likes and experiences. To me, art is a discipline, something created from that discipline, in a way it is almost a science. So, to me, tossing something into a vat of er...apple juice....is not art. It took no knowledge, no education and certainly very little practice, although it seems it would take a lot of drinking ;). This picture is a statement. Not art. IMHO. ;D
End Quote
Liking and disliking, subjective thinking, is not synonymous to defining art. Deliberate actions which lead to art exist. That is a way to objectively view something. Statements can be considered part of art: Whether it is through poetry, music, architecture; statements of the artist's visions are everywhere. What formal training and degree did Van Gogh have? In his time, his art went ignored by the public (he sold only one painting, right?). I wonder if people back then thought of his works as statements that required no education and knowledge because they disliked them. Not that I would ever compare this mediocre artist with Van Gogh though. I just needed a quick example.
For me, art requires subjective thinking. Science tries to be as objective as possible. Art and science are on opposing ends of thinking, so they cannot be almost like each other (i.e. in science 2+2=4, but in art 2+2=whatever you feel like).
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Ok, by that example I can say that Van Gogh, however informal, must have had some training or practice to be able to paint a picture. He didn't just buy some paint slap it on a canvas and call it art. That is what I meant by discipline and science. One can claim to be an artist, but without some kind of practice or training, they will never truly be an artist. I can buy a tshirt and have "ARTIST" printed on it, wear it around, but it does not mean I am one. ;D And, as I pointed out this is IMHO, not everyone is going to agree with me, art is different to everyone, but to ME this is not art. ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
art ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärt)
Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
The study of these activities.
The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.
High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.
A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.
A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.
A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building.
A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer.
Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art.
Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: “Self-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice” (Joyce Carol Oates).
arts Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.
Artful contrivance; cunning.
Printing. Illustrative material.
This is what I meant by science and discipline.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
I hate my typos too.
The word "Tao" can also be lower-case ("apple-tao" is also correct). The hyphen isn't that big of a dealEnd Quote
No, I meant "Apple Tao" as opposed to "Piss-Taoist". :P ;)
You thought I was trying to correct Taoist's grammar. ::)
As you can now see, I was not.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
The photograph of the display looks quite good. I can see myself buying a postcard of something that looks like that.
End Quote
Then... you're definition of art is something you would buy a postcard of? :D
Edited to add: I hope we're off the grammar thing, cause I think I just split an infinitive.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Then... you're definition of art is something you would buy a postcard of? :D
Edited to add: I hope we're off the grammar thing, cause I think I just split an infinitive.
End Quote
Well, it should be 'your' instead of "you're" and you shouldn't end a sentence with a preposition ;D just kiddin! ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
... well, just as long as I didn't split an infinitive I'm happy... ;)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
And thus The American Heritage Dictionary, courtesy bartleby.com:
preposition ending a sentence
It was John Dryden, the 17th-century poet and dramatist, who first promulgated the doctrine that a preposition may not be used at the end a sentence. Grammarians in the 18th century refined the doctrine, and the rule has since become one of the most venerated maxims of schoolroom grammar. But sentences ending with prepositions can be found in the works of most of the great writers since the Renaissance. In fact, English syntax not only allows but sometimes even requires final placement of the preposition, as in We have much to be thankful for or That depends on what you believe in. Efforts to rewrite such sentences to place the preposition elsewhere can have comical results, as Winston Churchill demonstrated when he objected to the doctrine by saying “This is the sort of English up with which I cannot put.”
Even sticklers for the traditional rule can have no grounds for criticizing sentences such as I don’t know where she will end up or It’s the most curious book I’ve ever run across; in these examples, up and across are adverbs, not prepositions. You can be sure of this because it is impossible to transform these examples into sentences with prepositional phrases. It is simply not grammatical English to say I don’t know up where she will end and It’s the most curious book across which I have ever run.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Then... your definition of art is something you would buy as a postcard? :D
End Quote
I subjectively assess art and if I deem it worth my time and money, I will try to have a copy of it for future reference. Whether I like something, buy it, view it, judge it, et cetera, has no bearing on the definition of the artifact: It already was art before I even had a chance to view it. Example: African tribal art. I dislike it. I find it ugly, boring, and some of it seems to me like it requires little skill. I haven't seen a lot of it. That which I've seen and judged subjectively will remain art no matter how much I dislike it. That which I've not seen is still African tribal art.
Just because something is easy to make doesn't mean it suddenly disqualifies as art. Art, at its most basic, doesn't require formal training or any knowledge of the subject, just the need to express a thought, an idea, to others through varying means.
art ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ärt)
Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.
This is fairly accurate of what I mean to write, but am unable to express in so few words. Art is not "science" or science-like. Skill is one thing. Science is another. Even the definition posted above claims it to be "non-scientific."
Art is art. I can paint whatever I feel like painting and it becomes art as soon as I term it such. It's like Green Lantern. I can will something to be and it is as I say. This fits the general definition of what art is. The level of difficulty has nothing to do in defining something as art and if difficulty is what requires something to be art, how are these levels of difficulty to be determined? Who is an artist and who isn't? Where would multi-faceted artists fit in? Would Marcel Duchamp oscillate from artist to non-artist depending on his thought process and how hard it was to make each particular piece? His famous "Urinal" display is nothing even though it revolutionized 20th century art from its preconceptions?
I guess the bulk of the art I like suddenly becomes nil in terms of this new definition of "art." I consider a lot of it fairly easy to do, provided I have the rudimentary training for it.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
The most offensive thing about Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" is that it was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) - or by us, the taxpayers. If an individual considers this art and wants to pay to see it or to own it, then he or she should be free to do so; but taxpayers should not be coerced into funding such works.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
The most offensive thing about Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" is that it was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) - or by us, the taxpayers. If an individual considers this art and wants to pay to see it or to own it, then he or she should be free to do so; but taxpayers should not be coerced into funding such works.
End Quote
Aw, come on. Taxpayers are coerced to fund for worse things that happen to be infinitely more expensive than an urine jar with a crucifix inside :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
My question is how do we really know it is in urine? I was thinking, after reading Hairspray's post, that urine and apple juice look quite a bit alike. Would it be so controversial if it was apple juice or even beer?
End Quote
Anyone with bright-red urine should see a doctor immediately!
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Anyone with bright-red urine should see a doctor immediately!
End Quote
LOL! I was thinking the same thing! Looks like SOMEONE had a kidney infection or a ruptured bladder of some sorts.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
LOL! I was thinking the same thing! Looks like SOMEONE had a kidney infection or a ruptured bladder of some sorts.
End Quote
That's an old piss jar. Try keeping urine in a jar for over ten years and see how it looks. Some chemicals mixed with the urea might have decomposed since then...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Try keeping urine in a jar for over ten years and see how it looks.
End Quote
Nevermind how it looks... imagine the smell!!
Subject: Re: Christ-art
That's an old piss jar.End Quote
How do you know? I'm curious.
My thought after reading your post was, "Why would he leave a jar of urine to sit for 10 years?".
Then, I did a bit of research and realized just how twisted this individual really is, IMO:
Although his work regularly features bodily fluids, such as menstrual blood and semen, when Andres Serrano photographs a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine in 1989 and titles it Piss Christ, he sets off a storm of controversy.
Doesn't this guy ever worry about Pathogens?
Included, but not limited to:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers:
Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Crimean-Congo...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
How do you know? I'm curious.
My thought after reading your post was, "Why would he leave a jar of urine to sit for 10 years?".
Then, I did a bit of research and realized just how twisted this individual really is, IMO:
Although his work regularly features bodily fluids, such as menstrual blood and semen, when Andres Serrano photographs a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine in 1989 and titles it Piss Christ, he sets off a storm of controversy.
Doesn't this guy ever worry about Pathogens?
Included, but not limited to:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers:
Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Crimean-Congo...
End Quote
That is a truly disturbing thought. What is more disgusting is the idea that someone would buy these waste products, I mean, works of art.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
How do you know? I'm curious.
My thought after reading your post was, "Why would he leave a jar of urine to sit for 10 years?".
End Quote
great point. For all we know it could be a jar of water with a couple drops of yellow/orange food coloring. And boom, you got a jar of "piss".
Its kinda funny, in my dining room, I have an old bar cabinet with old empty liguor bottles filled with water and yellow food coloring to make them look new. Now that I think about it, it looks like a cabinet full of urine-filled bottles. :D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
How do you know? I'm curious.
My thought after reading your post was, "Why would he leave a jar of urine to sit for 10 years?".
Then, I did a bit of research and realized just how twisted this individual really is, IMO:
Although his work regularly features bodily fluids, such as menstrual blood and semen, when Andres Serrano photographs a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine in 1989 and titles it Piss Christ, he sets off a storm of controversy.
Doesn't this guy ever worry about Pathogens?
Included, but not limited to:
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers:
Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Crimean-Congo...
End Quote
I don't know, but since others decided to go with the idea of referring to the liquid as actual urine, I went with that idea. I'm not speaking with certainty. I just thought that an old urine jar would not look like fresh one :P
As far as pathogens go, we should all worry about stepping outside if Serrano's art causes that much concern ::) Hey, people have gotten horribly sick (and some have died) from eating at Jack 'n The Box (E. coli), Subway (Hepatitis B), and from attending USC (Meningcoccus)... Ebola? Pfft-Hahaha! How certain are you that Serrano uses African subjects to get his fluids? And how difficult could it be, since he is dealing with body fluids, to ask of his human subjects to submit to lab tests? I suppose that's a question to ask of Serrano himself, if people aren't too afraid to catch cooties or something :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
As far as pathogens go, we should all worry about stepping outside if Serrano's art causes that much concernEnd Quote
Your reply's a bit simplistic, don't you think?
And how difficult could it be, since he is dealing with body fluids, to ask of his human subjects to submit to lab tests?End Quote
I don't know. How difficult? You seem to be replete with answers.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Your reply's a bit simplistic, don't you think?
End Quote
The answers are simple because they are in response to simple questions. This isn't triple integral calculus or titration chemistry we're dealing with here...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
This isn't triple integral calculus or titration chemistry we're dealing with here...End Quote
Perhaps, but you should do your homework when it comes to public health safety.
P.S. How come you log-in and out under different names all the time? It is your right. I was just curious. You even pulled-off an "x" post the other day.
I am getting tired of this debate with you too. It's just going nowhere. You have your opinions. I have mine.
I agree to disagree and let's be done with it.
Unless you wish to have the last word. By all means...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
P.S. How come you log-in and out under different names all the time? It is your right. I was just curious. You even pulled-off an "x" post the other day.
End Quote
Hairspray, you are exactly right.
I have been trying to keep count of Tarzan Boy's numerous log-in names. Its amazing how he thinks we are not smart enough to figure out that his numerous names are actually him. ::)
Tarzan Boy, grow some...well, you know, and stop trying to be annonymous. If you have something to say, don't hide under an "annonymous" name. Its not working. ;)
At least be man enough to stand by your statement.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Perhaps, but you should do your homework when it comes to public health safety.End Quote
I work in the health industry (this year will be my 7th). I've already taken a couple of OSHA safety tests. Every year I have to take one for the employee review. Just to enroll in a chemistry lab at school, I had to take a couple of MSDS safety exams. Granted, I'm not an authority in the field, but I know people who've gotten degrees in Public Health who know squat on the subject - and they did plenty of homework. Common sense along with some applied knowledge adds to the homework part.
So, yeah, if people disagree with me, it's fine. I'm not giving my opinion in order to change their minds. It just sharpens more my stance on whatever topic I happen to be reading (borrowed from Tangle... or is Taoist? Both smart chaps, imo). I don't mean to come off like someone who thinks is an authority on the subject, but if someone questions me on something I stated, then I'll answer it to the best of my knowledge. I can do the research, seek out current references, make my thesis statement, and proceed with my thought, but who here does that?! If it was Internet Infidels, I could see a point to doing something like that, but here, most everyone just states off the top their head or refer to websites...
Quoting:P.S. How come you log-in and out under different names all the time? It is your right. I was just curious. You even pulled-off an "x" post the other day.End Quote
Depends where I'm posting from. There are a couple of computer labs at school that don't let people use IM features, so, even when I try to log in, the computer automatically logs me off.
That fake X thing... I find that poster utterly repulsive.
Quoting:Unless you wish to have the last word. By all means...
End Quote
I'm a tireless rebutter among many things, but it's a good jab to question and then make a last sentence like that. Of course, it's going to make the poster on the other end think twice before replying, and if he/she does, then it'll look like the poster is the type who likes "to have the last word." Okay. I'll byte. Thanks for letting me have the last word.
This is going nowhere, but it's a diversion from doing actual work...
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Hairspray, you are exactly right.
I have been trying to keep count of Tarzan Boy's numerous log-in names. Its amazing how he thinks we are not smart enough to figure out that his numerous names are actually him. ::)
Tarzan Boy, grow some...well, you know, and stop trying to be annonymous. If you have something to say, don't hide under an "annonymous" name. Its not working. ;)
At least be man enough to stand by your statement.
End Quote
Dude. I've been trying not to respond to you. Don't make me.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Hairspray, you are exactly right.
I have been trying to keep count of Tarzan Boy's numerous log-in names. Its amazing how he thinks we are not smart enough to figure out that his numerous names are actually him. ::)
Tarzan Boy, grow some...well, you know, and stop trying to be annonymous. If you have something to say, don't hide under an "annonymous" name. Its not working. ;)
At least be man enough to stand by your statement.
End Quote
You know, as annoying as he may be sometimes (in an amusing way though ;)) Tarzan Boy is a very intelligent person. And when he lurks, he makes sure you KNOW who he is. So I think he's actually "man enough" to stand up to his words. Try not to provoke him, okay?
And X is repulsive, I agree.
PS: I'm not defending TB because he needs it (he obviously does not). I'm doing it because I feel that suddenly he is being unfairly singled out. That ain't cool :-/
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Dude. I've been trying not to respond to you. Don't make me.
End Quote
Should I expect a response from you, Tarzan Boy? Or one of your many annonymous names? I like to know who I am responding to.
You know, as annoying as he may be sometimes (in an amusing way though ;)) Tarzan Boy is a very intelligent person. And when he lurks, he makes sure you KNOW who he is. So I think he's actually "man enough" to stand up to his words. Try not to provoke him, okay?
And X is repulsive, I agree.
PS: I'm not defending TB because he needs it (he obviously does not). I'm doing it because I feel that suddenly he is being unfairly singled out. That ain't cool :-/
End Quote
well, excuse me while I vomit. ::)
Subject: Re: Christ-art
Thanks for letting me have the last word.End Quote
You bet. ;)
This is going nowhere, but it's a diversion from doing actual work...End Quote
You have a point.
Subject: Re: Christ-art
This thread is not turn into a Tarzan Boy bashing fest.
I asked a legitimate question and received a legitimate response.
End of story. :)
More about this "art" subject matter, anyone? ;D
Subject: Re: Christ-art
The most offensive thing about Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" is that it was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) - or by us, the taxpayers...taxpayers should not be coerced into funding such works.
End Quote