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Subject: Beer healthier for you than milk
At least that's what PETA says. Here's the AP story:
PETA Wants Beer As Wis. State Beverage
MADISON, Wis. - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants Gov. Jim Doyle to change Wisconsin's official beverage from milk to beer, saying milk is harmful to humans and is meant for calves.
PETA said in a letter to Doyle Tuesday that beer is healthier than cow's milk, which the group argued could cause heart disease, cancer, allergies, diabetes and obesity.
Milk consumption causes dairy cows stress because they are kept in a constant state of impregnation, the letter said.
Cows also suffer because their calves are "ripped" away from them so humans can have the milk meant for the calves, PETA said.
PETA first came up with the beer-for-milk national campaign two years ago, but it was retired after being criticized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other groups. The animal rights group renewed the campaign last spring.
Doyle spokeswoman Jessica Erickson said Tuesday she had not seen the letter.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Sounds like an interesting idea. I wonder if the Wisconsin small fry will sit down to a big mug o' Miller Lite or Lowenbrau..."Here Junior. It's better for you than milk. And it is the state beverage." ;D :P
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
PETA...well what can I say, they are nuts!
I remember a few years ago they tried to convince the NFL, NBA, NCAA, etc to stop using natural leather basketballs/footballs because it was from a cow.
Now they want us to stop milking dairy cows? Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't dairy cows meant to be milked? Hence the name Dairy cow?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
For those of us who live around Norfolk, VA (PETA headquarters), this is old news. PETA pulls a pathetic stunt like this every six months or so. Those of us with an active human brain eventually learn to tune them out, or they get actively outraged and start websites.
In their defense, though: Beer. Can't argue with that.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Gimme milk, beef, and natural cow leather footballs anyday ;)
Cows were bred to be eaten. Screw PETA.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I love beer. *hic*
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I can't believe how some people on this board will cry bloody murder when someone kicks a dog, but find it ok to treat cows the way we do. Guess what, dogs are just as useless as cows, and twice as tasty.
End Quote
Yeah, but I don't get really close to cows. I have never kept one on a leash, and I don't see too many Guard cows, do you?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I can't believe how some people on this board will cry bloody murder when someone kicks a dog, but find it ok to treat cows the way we do. Guess what, dogs are just as useless as cows, and twice as tasty.
End Quote
I don't know about the "useless" part, but I tend to agree with you. We tend to stress the crap out of the animals we eat.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I can't believe how some people on this board will cry bloody murder when someone kicks a dog, but find it ok to treat cows the way we do. Guess what, dogs are just as useless as cows, and twice as tasty.
End Quote
So's yo momma.
Ooops, wrong thread.
Let's be honest, just what purpose does a cow serve on this Earth, other than being BRED for beef, dairy products, and leather? They are some of the dumbest creatures on Earth.
Dogs have a higher degree of intellingence, can be trained, provide companionship, friendship, loyalty, and to some degre protection, depending upon the nature of the dog and it's training. They are playful, and for the most part I would say enjoy the company of humans.
Cows......... stand in a field, with their own crap covering their asses and chew cud. Or they sstand in stalls, with no apparent inclination to leave, they eat what's given to them, and give milk. Have YOU ever lived around cows? I have. This is ALL they do. They aren't stressed as far as I could evr tell, they were just content.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
So's yo momma.
Ooops, wrong thread.
Let's be honest, just what purpose does a cow serve on this Earth, other than being BRED for beef, dairy products, and leather? They are some of the dumbest creatures on Earth.
Dogs have a higher degree of intellingence, can be trained, provide companionship, friendship, loyalty, and to some degre protection, depending upon the nature of the dog and it's training. They are playful, and for the most part I would say enjoy the company of humans.
Cows......... stand in a field, with their own crap covering their asses and chew cud. Or they sstand in stalls, with no apparent inclination to leave, they eat what's given to them, and give milk. Have YOU ever lived around cows? I have. This is ALL they do. They aren't stressed as far as I could evr tell, they were just content.End Quote
That's right!
Dogs also have these great purposes:
Seeing Eye Dogs
Guide Dogs
Hunting Dogs
Cows (and Pigs too) are food. They have no other purpose. They are a natural part of the food chain; Just like Zebras are meals to Lions.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I'm not going to argue that pigs and cows aren't part of the food chain. But getting back on topic, it is unnatural for humans to be consuming milk from other animals. In the wild you never see a Lion drinking the milk of a Zebra do you?
Mammals are supposed to be weened off milk when they are young, other than humans, have you ever seen a full grown mammal drinking milk?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Thought of one other thing.
Everybody, take a finger and run it across the edges of your teeth. Feel the ones in the front and the sides before you reach the molars? Feel how sharp they are? Guess what, those are MADE to eat meat with! Yes, that's right, human beings are CARNIVORES! We are predators that were designed to eat meat, as well as vegetables. (I know, it technically makes us omnivores,but for the sake of the topic, eh?) Yes, our intelligence has allowed us to move beyond the primitive hunter stage, and somewhere along the line we discovered that it was easier to raise the food rather than hunt for it, but it doesn't change what we ARE.
You can make a conscious choice to become a vegtarian. But it's a CONSCIOUS decision, it's something you DECIDE to do. It's not what your body does naturally. Your body naturally was meant for BOTH.
PETA wants to equate animals with people. Animals are NOT people. We all have a place in the chain. When we die, will PETA stop the worms from eating US? That might stress my corpse!
As for humans drinking milk, how is it NOT natural? Milk, from a variety of animals, has been being used for centuries by humans, not just for drinking but for cheese, butter and other foods. I wouldn't call it unnatual, I'd call it another intelligent decision not to waste any part of the animals that are bred for food. Cats drink milk, and love it. They just can't naturally get it on thier OWN. Don't confuse animals inability to obtain the milk with not wanting the milk if it's available. In your example, I think it would be quite hard for a lion to latch onto the nipple of a zebra for milk, when a lion doesn't ven know zebras ALSO produce milk. You ever been on a dairy farm? Go to one sometime, and look at the cats hanging around the milking area. THEY WANT THE MILK.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Mammals are supposed to be weened off milk when they are young, other than humans, have you ever seen a full grown mammal drinking milk?
End Quote
Hmmm... I dunno. Then again, I've never seen a chimpanzee turn down a milk shake, and I doubt I ever will.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I'll drink to that ;D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Ice cream. Mmmmmmmmmm-
:) ;D :) Something that good is obviously not naturally made for us!
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
PETA needs to change their name to PGTA People for the Godly Treatment of Animals. All PETA wants anymore is to worship all the animals as gods.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
PETA needs to change their name to PGTA People for the Godly Treatment of Animals. All PETA wants anymore is to worship all the animals as gods.
End Quote
Blasphemous infidel! You have angered Cowron, Supreme Being of all that is Bovine! :D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Thought of one other thing.
Cats drink milk, and love it. They just can't naturally get it on thier OWN. Don't confuse animals inability to obtain the milk with not wanting the milk if it's available. In your example, I think it would be quite hard for a lion to latch onto the nipple of a zebra for milk, when a lion doesn't ven know zebras ALSO produce milk. You ever been on a dairy farm? Go to one sometime, and look at the cats hanging around the milking area. THEY WANT THE MILK.
End Quote
Cats and dogs love the taste of antifreeze as well, but that doesn't mean that it is good for them. Cats love the taste of milk, but most vets will agree that milk doesn't have any nutritional value for cats, and that they don't really need it (especially since most cats are lactose intolerant).
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Well, thank goodness I'm in the minority of Asians who aren't lactose intolerant ;) I loves the milk. Must haves it, must haves my precioussssssssss...
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Cats and dogs love the taste of antifreeze as well, but that doesn't mean that it is good for them. Cats love the taste of milk, but most vets will agree that milk doesn't have any nutritional value for cats, and that they don't really need it (especially since most cats are lactose intolerant).
End Quote
And yet it DOES have nutritional value for us. How can it not have nutritional value for other animals as well? Are human beings magical creatures who can extract nutritional value from otherwise nutrition-less foods? I'm sorry, but they must get SOMETHING out of it. A little extra calcium, perhaps? Maybe not even something major. But something in it that their body craves.
I can honestly say MY cat is not lactose intolerant, nor is any cat we've ever had growing up. They've all enjoyed millk, although at milk prices it's only an occasional treat for them. Never were there any ill effects. no sickness, no diarhea, nothing.
And I think to dogs and cats, milk tates good, same as to us. I recall reading a warning on an anti-freze bottle a few year ago that cautiond it had a pleasant taste. And reports from PEOPLE who've ingested it backed that up. Maybe THAT'S why dogs and cats drink it, because it tastes good? They don't have the intelligence to KNOW it'll kill them. That's what separates us from them. We DO know this.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Are human beings magical creatures who can extract nutritional value from otherwise nutrition-less foods? End Quote
I immediately thought of Vinny's "magic beans" tirade in "My Cousin Vinny" when I read this ;D
Milk has Calcium, Vitamins A&D, and I believe potassium...but I could be wrong. Check your milk carton's ingredients and nutritional information next time :)
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I wouldn't call it unnatural, I'd call it another intelligent decision not to waste any part of the animals that are bred for food.
Don't confuse animals inability to obtain the milk with not wanting the milk if it's available. In your example, I think it would be quite hard for a lion to latch onto the nipple of a zebra for milk, when a lion doesn't even know zebras ALSO produce milk.End Quote
Excellent point and not yet debated. ;)
By the way, I've never owned a pet that went near my antifreeze but all of them sure enjoyed having their little bowls of milk.
Milk does have calcium which is necessary for all animals.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
To be fair...I remember reading somewhere about maybe there are hormones in milk that may be harmful to us?? Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I immediately thought of Vinny's "magic beans" tirade in "My Cousin Vinny" when I read this ;D
End Quote
That's what I thought of when I wrote it, as well. :D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
To be fair...I remember reading somewhere about maybe there are hormones in milk that may be harmful to us?? Does this sound familiar to anyone?
End Quote
Yeah. BHT growth hormones, if my memory serves me right. Ben and Jerry's are known for now using homoned milk.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
To be fair...I remember reading somewhere about maybe there are hormones in milk that may be harmful to us?? Does this sound familiar to anyone?End Quote
In the past, some farmers had a habit of adding hormones to their greenery to make it grow quicker, which in turn was ingested by cows. Then trace amounts of the hormones would end-up in their milk.
Thankfully, that's all being monitored in the present day by the FDA. Many milk containers will have a notice on the label that says it contains no hormones.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Let's try the Cousin Vinny rant on this topic...
So what are you telling me? Are you telling me that humans can suck nutrients out of thin air? Are you saying that nutrients can soak into your body much more efficiently than in a cat's body? Are we MAGIC humans? Are you telling me that the laws of biology simply cease to exist inside YOUR BODY?! :D
Didn't work too well. Oh well, I tried ::)
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Growth hormones (BST) are injected into cows in order to increase milk production. These hormones also cause udder infections and increase the level of insulin in the milk. The chemical passes into the human and is associated with breast and prostate cancer.
End Quote
Thankfully, this isn't evidence of milk being bad for us, but rather of HUMANS being bad for us.
So what are you telling me? Are you telling me that humans can suck nutrients out of thin air? Are you saying that nutrients can soak into your body much more efficiently than in a cat's body? Are we MAGIC humans? Are you telling me that the laws of biology simply cease to exist inside YOUR BODY?! :DEnd Quote
OK, THIS just got me a glaring look from my supervisor here at work from laughing! ;D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I'm not going to argue that pigs and cows aren't part of the food chain. But getting back on topic, it is unnatural for humans to be consuming milk from other animals. In the wild you never see a Lion drinking the milk of a Zebra do you?
Mammals are supposed to be weened off milk when they are young, other than humans, have you ever seen a full grown mammal drinking milk?
End Quote
Have you ever seen anther full grown mammal drinking beer? How about coffee, tea, cranapple juice?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Cats don't drink milk for nutrition, they drink it for taste. Their body gets all the nutrition it needs from the food and water it consumes. Just like cats, humans do not need milk in order to survive. We should get all the vitamins and minerals we need from a well balanced diet.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Have you ever seen anther full grown mammal drinking beer? How about coffee, tea, cranapple juice?
End Quote
No I have not. Why do you ask?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
We should get all the vitamins and minerals we need from a well balanced diet.End Quote
Which, according to the Food Piramid, includes Dairy.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
2 of my favorite things in the world:
An ice-cold beer with a BBQ'd steak.
A glass of cold milk after eating chocolate.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I got to say that I love milk, if I had to choose between beer or milk I would have to stick by my milk. The PETA arguments are laughable.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Exactly, Race. And don't even think about touching my chocolate shake! Gedddoouuddddaaahhheeeerree!
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I got to say that I love milk, if I had to choose between beer or milk I would have to stick by my milk. The PETA arguments are laughable.End Quote
Not only are they laughable, they're wrong.
One of their arguments is that the cow's manure contaminates the Earth and poisons rivers and such fiddle-faddle.
...the manure from dairy farms has poisoned vast expanses of underground water, rivers, and streams. - PETA
They conveniently don't know or forget that the manure is used as fertilizer!!!! :o ::) :D Duh.
To be precise, it is collected and then ran through a separator. The solids are spread on the fields by tractor and the liquids are used for irrigation.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
One of their arguments is that the cow's manure contaminates the Earth and poisons rivers and such fiddle-faddle.
...the manure from dairy farms has poisoned vast expanses of underground water, rivers, and streams. - PETA
End Quote
I guess they also don't realize that the trillions of fish and whales and octopi and what not in the ocean also have to, um, go in the ocean. :P I'm not sure exactly how bad it is when dealing with the fishies though.
However, when the neighbor's doggie craps in our yard, in a couple days you might see some crop circles :D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
However, when the neighbor's doggie craps in our yard, in a couple days you might see some crop circles :DEnd Quote
I don't know about crop circles, but the grass will grow greener in that spot. ;)
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Cats don't drink milk for nutrition, they drink it for taste. Their body gets all the nutrition it needs from the food and water it consumes. Just like cats, humans do not need milk in order to survive. We should get all the vitamins and minerals we need from a well balanced diet.
End Quote
Last time I looked, a well-balanced diet included diary products, and meat. And no one said cats drink it for nutrition, I said they get nutritional value from it. I also said they probably drink it for the taste, which is also why some animals have been known to drink anti-freeze. They can't discern whether or not something is GOOD for them, and they can't read a label to tell them that. But their bodies also know what they need and I guarantee their bodies know they can get nutrition from milk.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
It's been proven that dairy is not necessary for a well balanced diet. Milk proteins have been linked to both breast and prostate cancer. Why do you think the cancer levels in Asia are lower than the West,in part because milk is not a large part of their diet.
Of course the millions of fish in the ocean have not polluted the water, nature disposes of it. But when is it natural to have thousands of cows in a confined area? I don't know about cow farms, but I know that pig farms are responsible for pollutting the surrounding water supply with their toxic poo.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
From a really cool bumpersticker:
"Save a cow. Eat a vegetarian."
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I guarantee their bodies know they can get nutrition from milk.
End Quote
Ask your vet, they don't.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Quasi-serious question of the day before I rot my brain on comics:
Do vegans drink breast milk?
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
It's been proven that dairy is not necessary for a well balanced diet. Milk proteins have been linked to both breast and prostate cancer. Why do you think the cancer levels in Asia are lower than the West,in part because milk is not a large part of their diet.End Quote
But just previously you said this was caused by the growth hormones injected into the cow to increase milk production! So, which is it - the milk, or the hormones that that are causing this problem?
Quoting:but I know that pig farms are responsible for pollutting the surrounding water supply with their toxic poo.
End Quote
Ah, OK. So what about wild boars running around in the woods? Those lakes and sreams must be veritable toxic wastelands, right?
People have been rasing livestock since the dawn of civilization. And this is only a problem NOW? I don't think so.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Have you ever seen anther full grown mammal drinking beer? End Quote
Yes I have, and believe you me, it was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Ask your vet, they don't.
End Quote
And that brings us right back to my previous comment. Are Human Beings magical creatures that we can get nutrition from places that the other animals of the planet can't?
There are a lot of nutritious matters such as protein, calcium and energy in milk but there are no iron and taurine. It is typical and unique for cats to require taurine, similar to amino acid matter contained only in products of animal origin. Hence the cats constant hunting of prey. However, they also require the protein, the calcium, the Vitamins and energy that are available in milk.
Now, NO one is saying they should have a diet consisting solely of milk. Even I said it's a rare treat for my cats. But they DO get nutrition from it.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
But when is it natural to have thousands of cows in a confined area?End Quote
No Dairy farm would be large enough to hold thousands.
The actual average number of cows for dairy farms is 45-100. It is also important to note that the cows spend the majority of their time grazing in the fields and are only confined for milking purposes and before sundown for the night.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Quasi-serious question of the day before I rot my brain on comics:
Do vegans drink breast milk?
End Quote
Babies do. Most that I know do not want any synthesized products entering their bodies. Since formula is a synthetic product, they do not use it.
I am also one of those who would not survive without milk/dairy products. My hubby, however, is slightly lactose intolerant so he has to watch how much he eats/drinks. Personally, I think most PETA members are whacko. The only thing I agree with them on is the fur thing. However, they try to get their points across in the wrong way. What about goat's milk? Do they have a problem with that also or do they just have a thing for cows? I would like to know, too, how many of them own leather products and feast on a nice juicy steak, behind closed doors, of course ;D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
But just previously you said this was caused by the growth hormones injected into the cow to increase milk production! So, which is it - the milk, or the hormones that that are causing this problem?
Ah, OK. So what about wild boars running around in the woods? Those lakes and sreams must be veritable toxic wastelands, right?
People have been rasing livestock since the dawn of civilization. And this is only a problem NOW? I don't think so.
End Quote
If the hormone injected into the cow is what's causing the cancer, and the hormone is passed from cow to human through milk, than i'd say it's the hormones in the milk.
As Hairspray pointed out my error, pig farm populations, not cow farm, often reach and can exceed 1000 pigs. I doubt that any wild boar packs roaming the woods are numbered in the 1000s.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
However, they try to get their points across in the wrong way. What about goat's milk? Do they have a problem with that also or do they just have a thing for cows? I would like to know, too, how many of them own leather products and feast on a nice juicy steak, behind closed doors, of course ;D
End Quote
That's true about how they just go about spreading their intentions and messages a little too radically.
As far as your last comment -
Hypocrisy is strong with them. ;D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
If the hormone injected into the cow is what's causing the cancer, and the hormone is passed from cow to human through milk, than i'd say it's the hormones in the milk.End Quote
Then you've lost the argument that the milk proteins have been linked to both breast and protate cancer. The HORMONES given to the cows are what is linked. NOT the milk. The milk is the source, but it is through our own doing, not through the milk itself. The milk is fine.
Quoting:As Hairspray pointed out my error, pig farm populations, not cow farm, often reach and can exceed 1000 pigs. I doubt that any wild boar packs roaming the woods are numbered in the 1000s.
End Quote
No, I doubt that as well. But you see, we RAISED pigs growing up. NOBODY had thousands, in our entire area. a couple hundred, at most. And the water to this day is just as fine as it ever was. Sure, the pig pens STINK, but crap tends to do that. Even yours. Pigs are sloppy creatures, but damaging the Earth? No. This is right in there with blaming the hole in the Ozone layer on cow farts.
Also, one more note on the cats:
"Most adult cats are lactose intolerant and drinking milk will give them diarrhea. Otherwise, milk is a nutritious snack. Cream is even better than milk — most cats can handle the butterfat just fine and it's good for them. A small serving of cream will satisfy the cat more than a saucer of milk and will contain less lactose." It's recommended that if you DO give a cat milk, make sure it's whole milk, not skim or reduced fat.
This is what MY research has shown me. Again, our cats have never had a problem with diarrhea after drinking milk. But we stick with whole milk only.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Personally, I don't listen to what the FDA or anyone else says about "cancer causing foods." One minute, they tell you that something is bad for you, but just wait awhile and it is good for you again. I just eat what tastes good.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Then you've lost the argument that the milk proteins have been linked to both breast and protate cancer. The HORMONES given to the cows are what is linked. NOT the milk. The milk is the source, but it is through our own doing, not through the milk itself. The milk is fine.
End Quote
These hormones increase the level of insulin in the milk, this insulin can sensitize infants to cows insulin forcing the baby to make antibodies that attack the cows insulin. And these same antibodies attack the beta cells of the pancreas, which can cause juvenile diabetes. Alledgedly
Fine, if you think that the milk is fine than that's cool with me. I don't want to sound like one of those PETA activists, i'm not trying to convince anyone to stop drinking milk. I'm just stating the reasons that I don't drink it. And since i've stated all that I know on this subject I will now stop.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
2 of my favorite things in the world:
An ice-cold beer with a BBQ'd steak.
End Quote
My favorite dinner combo of all-time!
Having a Bud and Beef. mmmmmmm :D
"Save a cow. Eat a vegetarian."
End Quote
Oh thats good.
I'll drink to that! 8)
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
These hormones increase the level of insulin in the milk, this insulin can sensitize infants to cows insulin forcing the baby to make antibodies that attack the cows insulin. And these same antibodies attack the beta cells of the pancreas, which can cause juvenile diabetes. AlledgedlyEnd Quote
But you're blaming the milk, and it's the hormones injected into the cows that are to blame. That's like overclocking your CPU in your computer and if it burns out blaming the CPU rather than the cause, which was YOU.
If it's a concern, and yes growth hormones can be a concern, then choose organic milk, from cows which have NOT been injected with hormones. Now, you have the nutrition of milk, without the hormones.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
But you're blaming the milk, and it's the hormones injected into the cows that are to blame. That's like overclocking your CPU in your computer and if it burns out blaming the CPU rather than the cause, which was YOU.
If it's a concern, and yes growth hormones can be a concern, then choose organic milk, from cows which have NOT been injected with hormones. Now, you have the nutrition of milk, without the hormones.
End Quote
I see your point. I don't know about organic milk, but i've tried soy milk once, and it was IMO terrible. I can't believe they have the nerve to charge people more for it.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I see your point. I don't know about organic milk, but i've tried soy milk once, and it was IMO terrible. I can't believe they have the nerve to charge people more for it.
End Quote
Try the vanilla or strawberry flavored. It's yummy. Just curious, do you eat no dairy products, or just no milk? A friend of mine will eat no dairy at all.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I see your point. I don't know about organic milk, but i've tried soy milk once, and it was IMO terrible. I can't believe they have the nerve to charge people more for it.
End Quote
Now THAT I'll agree with. Soy milk sucks.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
On the other hand, beer in your cereal....
Mmmmmmmmm, Beerios....
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Personally, I don't listen to what the FDA or anyone else says about "cancer causing foods." One minute, they tell you that something is bad for you, but just wait awhile and it is good for you again. I just eat what tastes good.
End Quote
Dang straight. I've accepted that I'm probably going to get cancer no matter what (considering that I've been frolicking around with radiation and mutagens and carcinogens for the past five years) so I'm just going to eat whatever I want and dare Death to try to bring me down ;D
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
Try the vanilla or strawberry flavored. It's yummy. Just curious, do you eat no dairy products, or just no milk? A friend of mine will eat no dairy at all.
End Quote
I still eat eggs, but when I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant I stopped eating dairy instead of taking pills or paying an arm and leg for milk with the lactose removed. My doctor told me all the other bad things that milk can cause, but of course these things are still being researched and no one knows for sure whether or not milk is bad, so I decided to play it safe and cut it out all together.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
On the other hand, beer in your cereal....
Mmmmmmmmm, Beerios....
End Quote
LMAO!! I've actually DONE this!! Hey, I was a bachelor!! And it was Honey Nut Beerios LMAO ;D :P
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
I still eat eggs...End Quote
They are part of the meat family, actually. But it's all good. I got what you're sayin'. ;D
My advice: Beware of false propaganda. ;) 8)
Some "new age" doctors are extremists to the max. No lie.
Subject: Re: Beer healthier for you than milk
They are part of the meat family, actually. But it's all good. I got what you're sayin'. ;D
My advice: Beware of false propaganda. ;) 8)
Some "new age" doctors are extremists to the max. No lie.
End Quote
My dad used to refer to eggs as liquid meat.
I agree with you about the "New Age" quacks out there. A lot of these doctors just try to push expensive supplements to you.