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Subject: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Currently, in the US, the cigerette sale age is 18. My state, including many others, are considering raising it to age 21 to combat the underage kids from picking up the habit of smoking.
Personally, I think its a great idea.
What do you all think of rasing the cigerette age from 18 to 21?
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Old enough to vote but not to SMOKE? For God's sakes, why? I understand the drinking age -- alcohol affects the way you think. But smoking??
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I understand the drinking age -- alcohol affects the way you think. But smoking??
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...and smoking could determing whether you live to age 50 or 80.
I'll admit, I started smoking at age 16. Luckily, I quit after a few years, but to this day I still get the urge to smoke. When I was 16, the gas station we all bought the cigerettes at acted on a "don't ask don't tell" policy, where even if they knew we weren't 18, they still sold us the cigs, in exchange for us not telling the cops. That station has since been shut down by the state for multiple violations.
I really believe that if the age were raised to 21, less underage kids will start smoking.
I wish the age was 21 when I was a kid, then maybe I would have been deterred from starting.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
It'd make it harder for the fake ID to check through, that's for sure ;)
I think if a kid is determined enough to smoke he's going to do it anyway, no matter what the law. I'm just glad I had the sense never to start in the first place. Nasty habit.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
It'd make it harder for the fake ID to check through, that's for sure ;)End Quote
you are absolutely right about that.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I think this is a bad Idea, and can't understand why anyone would support it. Old enough to die for this country, but not old enough to smoke or drink? Bravo! Lets give people less freedom. ::)
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Old enough to die for this country, but not old enough to smoke or drink?...
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LOL! Funny you mentioned that line, Screwball...once upon a time, while in the service, I tried that one on a bartender in town to get my underage-drinking-@$$ a beer. Sadly, he wasn't convinced. Oh well... :P
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
The drinking age is 21, but they still manage to get alcohol. I don't think it'll make much difference.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I think this is a bad Idea, and can't understand why anyone would support it. Old enough to die for this country, but not old enough to smoke or drink? Bravo! Lets give people less freedom. ::)
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I don't see it as a matter of freedom, but rather the fact the govt is finally recognizing the dangers of smoking.
How is that a bad thing?
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Whether under 21 or 18 underage smoking is still underage. I think stores are alot more stringent on selling tobacco then my young days in the 70's and 80s. My sister used to send me to the store with 55 cents to pick her up a pack back when I was 10. I picked up a can of Copenhagen chew at the age of 32 and got carded, trust me when I say that I was not boyish in appearance.
My state combats tobacco use by having a huge tax on it, a pack of smokes is between $5.15 and $5.65. Don't know if it works but the rake in the $.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't see it as a matter of freedom, but rather the fact the govt is finally recognizing the dangers of smoking.
How is that a bad thing?
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I think if the government is truly recognizing the dangers of smoking they'd just outright ban it...BUT then that's another drug they'd have to police ::) No solid answers there, friend.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Currently, in the US, the cigerette sale age is 18. My state, including many others, are considering raising it to age 21 to combat the underage kids from picking up the habit of smoking.
Personally, I think its a great idea.
What do you all think of rasing the cigerette age from 18 to 21?
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I don't have a problem with that. Give 'em a few more years to think about it. Far as I'm concerned the age could be raised to 70.
At what age are people deemed able to reach sound, informed decisions on their own? (rhetorical question)
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
...and smoking could determing whether you live to age 50 or 80.End Quote
So would exercising and eating right. George Burns smoked 'til he was, like... very old. Hugh Hefner is still smoking (okay, so he uses Viagra).
Quoting:I really believe that if the age were raised to 21, less underage kids will start smoking.End Quote
Advertising to a younger audience helps get more kids into buying and smoking cigarrettes. Since when did alcohol and smoking laws deter kids from getting alcohol and cigarrettes? It's like saying, "Boy, guns should be sold to people over the age 31 because it's going to stop kids shooting other kids." I don't know, but the whole age-restriction thing just doesn't float as a viable argument to solve social and cultural problems. I bet if we were to put this to a vote it would be soundly defeated by a landslide majority with an unheard-of voter turn-out of 18-20 year olds. What next? Restrict sex for people over 25 ???
Quoting:I wish the age was 21 when I was a kid, then maybe I would have been deterred from starting.
End Quote
But you admitted you started smoking when you were 16. Okay, I know I'm blonde, but your comments didn't make any sense. I read and re-read this topic, but I guess some things have to be spelled out for me :P
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't see it as a matter of freedom, but rather the fact the govt is finally recognizing the dangers of smoking.
How is that a bad thing?
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It is a matter of freedom! Freedom to smoke! Freedom to not wear a seat belt! Freedom to eat that fourth ice cream sandwich! Freedom to do things that might not be good for you! Freedom to live your life without the government trying to baby you when you're a legal friggin' adult!
(I don't get to make militant impassioned posts often, so I'm enjoying this)
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't know, but the whole age-restriction thing just doesn't float as a viable argument to solve social and cultural problems. I bet if we were to put this to a vote it would be soundly defeated by a landslide majority with an unheard-of voter turn-out of 18-20 year olds. What next? Restrict sex for people over 25 ??? End Quote
According to that logic, would you be in favor of totally abolishing the age restriction on cigerettes so all kids, any age, can buy them?
You are right, age restrictions will not solve all the social problems, but in this case, I think it is a maor factor.
Quoting:But you admitted you started smoking when you were 16. Okay, I know I'm blonde, but your comments didn't make any sense. I read and re-read this topic, but I guess some things have to be spelled out for me :P
End Quote
My point was that when I was 16, I had no problem buying cigs, because the cigerete age was 18, and since I looked 18, and the place I bought them at didn't care about the underage buyers, I had no problem buying them at age 16.
If the minimum age were raised to 21, I doubt many underage kids would be as willing to just walk into a store to buy cigerettes like I did as a kid.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
It is a matter of freedom! Freedom to smoke! Freedom to not wear a seat belt! Freedom to eat that fourth ice cream sandwich! Freedom to do things that might not be good for you! Freedom to live your life without the government trying to baby you when you're a legal friggin' adult!
(I don't get to make militant impassioned posts often, so I'm enjoying this)
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I see your point. I'm all for kicking the govt out of our lives just as much as the next guy. But, I look at this on a personal level. I wish the age were 21 when I decided to start smoking. I wouldn't have been as willing to try my luck at buying my first pack being so young at the time.
Its not going to hurt anyone by changing the age minimum. If anything, it may save some kids from starting the habit, and ultimately may save some lives.
Thats he way I see it. :)
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
According to that logic, would you be in favor of totally abolishing the age restriction on cigerettes so all kids, any age, can buy them? End Quote
No. I'm fine with 18. "If it ain't broke..."
Quoting:You are right, age restrictions will not solve all the social problems, but in this case, I think it is a maor factor.End Quote
Well, we'll just have to differ here. I think a "major factor" here is parenting and also the influence television and the media gives impressionable kids. A good parent should be the one who's ever-watchful of what their kids watch and do in their spare time. I don't like the idea of the govt. making house rules when parents can do them. Smoking laws will only affect law-abiding citizens...
Quoting:My point was that when I was 16, I had no problem buying cigs, because the cigerete age was 18, and since I looked 18, and the place I bought them at didn't care about the underage buyers, I had no problem buying them at age 16. If the minimum age were raised to 21, I doubt many underage kids would be as willing to just walk into a store to buy cigerettes like I did as a kid. End Quote
We could easily switch the cigarrettes for big macs or chocolate, but I see where you're going with this. Underage teens can be confused as legal age teens and not as 21, but isn't that why stores "card" their customers? If a store wasn't carding their customers before, what's another law going to do for them?
Btw, I don't smoke. There's just something about breathing in fire that did not appeal to me as cool or the thing to do, but to each his own. I enjoy my addiction to pistachio almond ice cream and I'll be d@mn3d if they raise the minimum age for that!
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
if it was up to me cigarettes would be banned in all public places (except certain bars) because they have one of the worst smells in the world and when i go out to a bar in spain where it seems the majority of people smoke my clothes smell awful until they get washed. big macs and chocolate dont huirt other people and neither does alcohol when drank moderately.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I rarely drink and don't smoke, but I don't see the logic in calling a person at age 18 an adult...letting them go to war, jail, etc but not letting them make the decisions about smoking or drinking. I don't know that I would support lowering the drinking age back down to 18, though.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I hate cigarettes, but if someone wants to smoke at 18 then let them. They can serve our country, vote, live on their own, and it isn't goint to stop them from smoking, just like it isn't going to stop them from drinking. Govt. can put all of the regulations on what ever they want it isn't going to do a darn bit of good if someone wants to smoke or drink. A person can and will find a way to get these things.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
While I agree that at 18 you can vote and serve your country in the armed forces and should have the right to smoke, I will not equate "being 18" as "being an adult". It's a case-by-case situation for each individual. I think they just set the age as an arbitrary standard (which seems redundant, but I guess it's not ;))
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
18, 21 or 35 makes no difference. People who want to smoke will find a way to get cigarettes, like Shaz said. Retailers are more diligent about checking IDs these days, but I don't think raising the legal age for smoking would result in any decrease in underage smoking. How many teens are illegally consuming alcohol?
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I agree that retailers are more diligent about checking ID's. I still get carded for everything, but rarely got carded until I turned 23. As far as I'm concerned, age is just a number. If kids decide at 16 that they are going to drink or smoke, it's not that difficult to find someone who is of age to buy what you want. They are going to do it regardless.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Exactly Lester. I know that when I wanted booze and I was under 21 we just bought for a person who was of legal age to purchase, and the same goes for cigs. Put all the age limits on them that you want, but young uns (and everyone else) won't stop consuming until the substance is no longer made, and then, of course, they would make their own. :(
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I'm sorry, but RAISING the age limit is ridiculous. At age 18, you are legally an adult. You are responsible for your own decisions, you can die for your country, you are legally bound to any contracts you sign, your parents no longer have to have any responsibility for you, you can legally live on your own WITHOUT having to be emancipated, ANY crimes you commit will result in you being tried as an adult, you can vote, you can run for office you can do what ANY other adult US citizen can do.
And yet, you CAN'T buy alcohol yet, and they want to make it so you can't buy cigarettes yet either.
I think they need to make a different decision. At 18, are you or aren't you an adult? If yes, then you should have FULL rights as an adult, including the right to decide what you want to do with your life, including the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. If not, then decide at what age a US Citizen IS an adult, and set the age at that, BUT, take away everything else I mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Once a person is an adult, it's not up to the government to baby them for another few years. It should be one way or the other.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't think raising the legal age is going to stop underage smoking. What about people between 18 and 21 who are smoking already? They're suddenly going to become criminals because of a lifestyle choice they made when it was still legal for them to have made it. Who's going to be the ones copping the fine/jail term? The "minors" who smoke, or the people who supply them? Here, the legal age for buying tobacco (as well as the legal age for the buying of alcohol) has been 18 for many years, but it's not illegal to actually smoke or drink under the age of 18, it's only against the law for someone to supply an underage person with booze or smokes. Just my opinion, but if the legal age for voting or getting drafted is 18, then the legal age for drinking and smoking should be the same. It doesn't make sense that you can earn one set of rights at one age, but not another set for another three years! I can understand governments not wanting people to start smoking at such an early age, but kids drink and smoke as young as 12 and 13 whether it's legal for them to do so or not - there has to be a more proactive way of dealing with the problem than just increasing the age limit all the time. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for young Americans to be entitled to vote, but not considered old enough to have a drink.
Edited to add: Is there an age limit on when you can own a gun?
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Edited to add: Is there an age limit on when you can own a gun?
End Quote
Hand guns is 21.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I'm still in disagreement about the fact that in some of the States the drinking age is 21.
I know I'll be echoing a lot of the already expressed feeling:
People are considered adults at age 18. As adults they should have the complete right to choose and be responsible for themselves. Period. It shouldn't be conditional, like "You are an adult for this, but still a minor for that".
As said before in this thread, if 18 year olds are old enough to vote and fight for this country, they should also be old enough to drink alcohol and smoke cigarrettes if they so choose to.
Only through good parenting and education can smoking and excessive alcohol drinking be reduced and made to be more of a serious consideration for any growing teen. While I'm at it, same goes for any and all other drugs and sexual education.
Key words: Consequences, Prevention.
Raising the age for tobacco sales is definitely not the answer.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't think raising the legal age is going to stop underage smoking. What about people between 18 and 21 who are smoking already? They're suddenly going to become criminals because of a lifestyle choice they made when it was still legal for them to have made it. Who's going to be the ones copping the fine/jail term? The "minors" who smoke, or the people who supply them? Here, the legal age for buying tobacco (as well as the legal age for the buying of alcohol) has been 18 for many years, but it's not illegal to actually smoke or drink under the age of 18, it's only against the law for someone to supply an underage person with booze or smokes. Just my opinion, but if the legal age for voting or getting drafted is 18, then the legal age for drinking and smoking should be the same. It doesn't make sense that you can earn one set of rights at one age, but not another set for another three years! I can understand governments not wanting people to start smoking at such an early age, but kids drink and smoke as young as 12 and 13 whether it's legal for them to do so or not - there has to be a more proactive way of dealing with the problem than just increasing the age limit all the time. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for young Americans to be entitled to vote, but not considered old enough to have a drink.
Edited to add: Is there an age limit on when you can own a gun?
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In the USA, as per the Constitution, a person cannot be charged/convicted of a crime ex post facto. So the people who are smoking now won't get charged for having already smoked, but they might have to stop because each subsequent puff might be charged as a crime :P
Handguns are 21, shotguns and rifles are 18. Ammo is also 18.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
So the people who are smoking now won't get charged for having already smoked, but they might have to stop because each subsequent puff might be charged as a crime End Quote
This was the point I was trying to make. Basically if you're already an 18, 19 or 20 year old smoker, and the legal age gets raised to 21, you'll be facing prison or a fine for doing something that, the day before, you were allowed to do. And you can't stop smoking just like that, so will these people be treated like other drug abusers?
Handguns are 21, shotguns and rifles are 18. Ammo is also 18.
End Quote
Thanks. This makes the age limit proposal on tobacco even more absurd.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
Thanks. This makes the age limit proposal on tobacco even more absurd.
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I know. I say if they want to turn their lungs black, so be it. It's their choice, and the government shouldn't have a say about it. It's mostly because of bad parenting and rebellious kids that people lobby the government to do something about it, but there's only so much you can do. The police have better things to do than to cite kids for smoking, and the kids know that.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
I don't see it as a matter of freedom, but rather the fact the govt is finally recognizing the dangers of smoking.
How is that a bad thing?
End Quote
I believe that adults already know the dangers of smoking, but choose to take the risk anyway. I don't believe smoking is a good choice to make; however I feel that the choice lies in the individual, not the government.
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
...I feel that the choice lies in the individual, not the government.
End Quote
Amen!! The government is needed for some things, but there are many areas where it should just butt out!
Subject: Re: Tobacco sale age raised to 21?
They can have a gun, they just can't purchase it. It can be a gift from another person.
Hand guns is 21.
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