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Subject: Gas Prices
Just out of curiosity, what are the gas prices where you live right now?
They made a big jump today.
Where I am, the average for Regular is $1.78, and $1.92 for Premium.
Just wondering...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$2.05 for premium. If I had a longer commute, I'd be switching grades right about now, I'll tell ya. A month ago it was $1.89.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$2.05 for premium. If I had a longer commute, I'd be switching grades right about now, I'll tell ya. A month ago it was $1.89.
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so you always use Premium?
I gotta be honest, I use Regular 99% of the time, and Medium occasionally when its cheap. But never found a need to use Premium.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I live in one of the cheaper gas price areas of the state. For Regular it is $1.49 mid-grade is $1.59 and premium is $1.69. The average in our state is $1.56. It just went up two weeks ago.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I am in DC and it is about $1.97 for regular. But the scary thing is, I went grocery shopping last night & there was hardley any cans of vegetables or soups left on the shelves. And there was not ONE bottle of water to be found. My husband went to Home Depot this morning & said that they have a big sign in front of the store that list all the supplies needed in case of a terrorist attack (to seal rooms off in your home) and they were sold out of everything on the list. This is so disturbing to me. I am getting a little freaked out. What is it like where you live?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, last night, I paid $1.53 for regular. I think the average where I live is around $1.56, too. But, the hubby paid $1.80 yesterday closer to Chicago. As far as the terrorism threat, we live too far away from anything major (about 50-60 miles out of Chicago) to really worry about anything. The hubby and I were talking the other night and we are about 70 miles from a Nuclear Power Plant, though.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
we are about 70 miles from a Nuclear Power Plant, though.
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ouch :-/
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Regular is 1.60 a gallon on average. I have never bought anything but regular, and certainly wouldn't buy premium now! With my 500 miles of commuting each week, this could get expensive! :o
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$1.65 is the average rate this morning. :P My little old neighbor guy drives around town in a battery operated golf cart. Since I live in such a small community I think I might invest in one.... ;D.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I'll be readying my bike.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
In Montreal, Canada, the price is .90 cents per liter. Which would be about $2.97 per gallon. These figures are in Canadian funds.
At the current exchange rate, Americans would be paying roughly $1.92 per gallon.
And the Quebec government is now proposing to add yet another gas tax, claiming that they must do this in order to promote public transport.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Here (Louisville, KY) I paid $1.89/gallon the other day for REGULAR UNLEADED.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$1.59, $1.69 and $1.79 here for regular, mid-grade and premium, respectively.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
According to the Arizona Republic, the average state price as of last week was $1.41, so we're not doing too bad from the prices I see the rest of you listing. Of course, this price is pretty sure to increase in the near future...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well here in Georgia the state average for gas prices a month ago was $1.36 which is about right i normally paid about $1.45-$1.49 for premium and regular was about 20 cents cheaper. Though lately it seems to have gone up some cause now i am paying about $1.55 for Premium but i guess compared to what some of you have to pay i shouldnt complain much. They say its supposed to rise some more though. :P
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
My husband went to Home Depot this morning & said that they have a big sign in front of the store that list all the supplies needed in case of a terrorist attack (to seal rooms off in your home) and they were sold out of everything on the list. This is so disturbing to me. I am getting a little freaked out. What is it like where you live?
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A co-worker went over to Home Depot at lunch and she said they have duct tape, plastic/tarps and bottled water at the entrance.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
And I've got a Browning BLR 30-6 with a scope. IF they shoot at me, I'll just shoot back.
Back to Gas...Currently my Union dues to the international terrorist fund is about 1.80 for Regular. Northern California.
Is Home Depot really selling anti-terrorist kits? Well, that's the beauty of America. Anything to make a buck. Personally, I really don't have much to worry about. My home is surrounded by redwood trees about 8 feet at the base of the trunk.
Before I worry about terrorists attacking my home, I have to be convinced they can actuall find me. When people come to visit, if they've never been to my house before, I usually have to put up signs and balloons to keep them from getting lost. ;)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I just came back from my neighborhood Go-Mart and the price of regular is $1.66 and regular plus is $1.76, which is an increase of 10¢ over what it was the last time I went out…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Where I am it cost $1.97 for regular and $2.07 premium.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I've got to fill up in the next couple of days, I'm dreading that moment. :-/
I'll let you know the damage in Seattle.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
You guys pay for gas? ???
Just kidding, I wish gas was free. We need it to get to work and do productive things. What I hate is the pre-pay some pumps are forcing. How can you predict how much you will need? You can never fill up. I am willing to pay a little more and go to a good pump.
As for gas by me, it is in the 1.60 range. I think I will strangle an arab if it goes over 2 bucks. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
We're paying about $1.35 for regular. Hardly ever use Mid or High Premium. That's at the cheapest station in town.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
As for gas by me, it is in the 1.60 range. I think I will strangle an arab if it goes over 2 bucks. ;D ;D ;D
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In my area, Petrol (Gas is something completely different ;)) costs approx £3.50 / gallon ($5.66)
Although, most of that is tax (which goes to support the strangling of arabs)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I never really look at the price. I just fill the car at Tesco or Sainsburys when I'm doing the shopping. You need the stuff anyway so why worry? I try and avoid motorway services if can though, they're generally the most expensive.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
As for gas by me, it is in the 1.60 range. I think I will strangle an arab if it goes over 2 bucks. ;D ;D ;D
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That's a pretty harsh statement don't you think? What if I told you that I was an ARAB? Would you strangle me?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I live in one of the cheaper gas price areas of the state. For Regular it is $1.49 mid-grade is $1.59 and premium is $1.69. The average in our state is $1.56. It just went up two weeks ago.
End Quote
Ours is nearly the same. Maybe a little higher in some areas. Not too bad compared to some of the prices I've seen posted.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
The hubby and I were talking the other night and we are about 70 miles from a Nuclear Power Plant, though.
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My sister-in-law lives about ½mile from Hinkley Point nuclear power station. A couple of years ago, they repainted it "Sky blue and mushroom" - I kid you not, and it took a while before they realised why I found it hilarious... but then, I've always had a pretty sick sense of humour.
On topic: Petrol my side of London's basically the same as Tao's... somewhere between 2½ and 3 times what you guys pay. :-(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
As for gas by me, it is in the 1.60 range. I think I will strangle an arab if it goes over 2 bucks. ;D ;D ;D
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Or just invade?
What if I told you that I was an ARAB?
End Quote
As the poet once said: "Never be rude to an Arab"
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Or just invade?
End Quote
We could drill in Alaska, but you and I both know the hippie treehuggers would never EVER go for that ;)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
We could drill in Alaska, but you and I both know the hippie treehuggers would never EVER go for that ;)
End Quote
What I would like to see is more alternative power sources for cars. Even if it was still a gas engine with some solar power or electricity. Imagine a car which got 60+ miles to the gallon. And then there are the hydrogen cars. I would love to see these on the street. I am not advocating getting rid of gasoline cars, just more choices of cars which use less gas. Personally, I would start with the escort or cavaleer type cars, as most people who buy these cars are all about saving cash. Leave the corvettes and high performance cars alone, so the car enthusiasts can still have thier fun. If we could reduce our dependance on gas by 30%, that would be a good start.
And I do not like the idea of drilling in Alaska. We need to preserve our national forests and parks. Believe it or not, many cures to diseases are found in naturally occuring wilderness areas. Plus, I like the outdoors.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
We could drill in Alaska, but you and I both know the hippie treehuggers would never EVER go for that ;)
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oh no no no, we couldn't do that. We might disrupt the mating habits of some ancient fungus that grows in the area. And we wouldn't want that. ::)
That my friends was extreme sarcasm.
What I would like to see is more alternative power sources for cars. Even if it was still a gas engine with some solar power or electricity. Imagine a car which got 60+ miles to the gallon. And then there are the hydrogen cars. I would love to see these on the street. End Quote
Thats a good idea in theory, but in a society where the demand for SUV's and other gas-guzzlers is so high, it's easier said than done. The demand for SUV's grows more and more every year, which means one thing, people are wanting and buying them, despite the rising gas costs.
We do have a couple different hybrid cars available, and their sales numbers are laughable when compared to SUV sales. The biggest obstacle in putting more gas-effiicient autos on the road is not manufacturing more of them, its somehow getting people to prefer them over the much more popular SUV's.
The technology is there, but the demand isn't.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What I would like to see is more alternative power sources for cars. Even if it was still a gas engine with some solar power or electricity. Imagine a car which got 60+ miles to the gallon. And then there are the hydrogen cars. I would love to see these on the street. I am not advocating getting rid of gasoline cars, just more choices of cars which use less gas. Personally, I would start with the escort or cavaleer type cars, as most people who buy these cars are all about saving cash. Leave the corvettes and high performance cars alone, so the car enthusiasts can still have thier fun. If we could reduce our dependance on gas by 30%, that would be a good start.
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I agree with that. But the politics and economics dealing with automobile gas efficiency are so complex that I don't want to go into it (because frankly, I don't know everything). My Saturn gets 35 mpg, and if I can maintain 100 mph, I can get it up to 40 mpg :)
And I do not like the idea of drilling in Alaska. We need to preserve our national forests and parks. Believe it or not, many cures to diseases are found in naturally occuring wilderness areas. Plus, I like the outdoors.
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John, most of Alaska is tundra. I'm sure they'll drill somewhere where it's devoid of Eskimos, polar bears, permafrost-lichens and transplanted penguins.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
oh no no no, we couldn't do that. We might disrupt the mating habits of some ancient fungus that grows in the area. And we wouldn't want that. ::)
That my friends was extreme sarcasm.
End Quote
Aw come on, I'm such a fungi ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
John, most of Alaska is tundra. I'm sure they'll drill somewhere where it's devoid of Eskimos, polar bears, permafrost-lichens and transplanted penguins.
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Good point. Remember when the Alaska pipeline was built and the environmentalists protested it because they insisted it would disrupt the mating habits if the wild carabou(sp?). The numbers of carabou hasn't dropped since the pipeline was installed. In fact, on a 20/20 special a few years back, they stated studies showed that the warmth of the oil flowing through the pipeline actually encouraged mating in the carabou. They also showed video of the carabou just casually walking around the pipeline as if it wasn't even there.
Anyway, I wonder how high gas prices will have to get before some people realize that maybe drilling in Alaska isn't such a bad idea. And like Rice said, its not like they would build an oil rig right msack dab in the middle of a polar bear area or eskimo community. Alaska is a big big big area.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's getting worse! I just filled up my tank (and I drive a gas guzzling environment killer S.U.V.) and I didn't notice that I was using Preminum until it was already filled up. It was $2.21 a GALLON! The money I just spent could have fed a small village! Damn! >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This isn't the first time local gas stations have made the excuse of war to raise gas prices. If anyone in our state remembers, the gas prices were gouged as high as 5 bucks a gallon immediately after 9/11 occured. Our Attorney General has already sent out a heads-up to be aware of the sleazy practice of new price gouging in the advent of another Iraqi war. They'll make any excuse to cheat the Hoosiers here. >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This isn't the first time local gas stations have made the excuse of war to raise gas prices. If anyone in our state remembers, the gas prices were gouged as high as 5 bucks a gallon immediately after 9/11 occured. Our Attorney General has already sent out a heads-up to be aware of the sleazy practice of new price gouging in the advent of another Iraqi war. They'll make any excuse to cheat the Hoosiers here. >:(
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Yes I remember that. I remember on Sept 11, our local news stations were telling us the gas was going to jump to $5+/gal and everyone freaked out and the lines at the gas stations were outrageous. Some stations were around $3/gallon, while others across town were around $5/gallon and they were charged with price gouging.
As of last night only one station here was accused of price gouging since the latest price jump, I'm not sure if they were charged or not.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Thats a good idea in theory, but in a society where the demand for SUV's and other gas-guzzlers is so high, it's easier said than done. The demand for SUV's grows more and more every year, which means one thing, people are wanting and buying them, despite the rising gas costs.
We do have a couple different hybrid cars available, and their sales numbers are laughable when compared to SUV sales. The biggest obstacle in putting more gas-effiicient autos on the road is not manufacturing more of them, its somehow getting people to prefer them over the much more popular SUV's.
The technology is there, but the demand isn't.End Quote
Of course the demand isn't there. Some of the hybrids cost 8 thousand dollars more than the regular non hybrid version of the same car. The manufacturers claim that you'll recover that 8 grand in the long run with the fuel economy, which is a joke because it would take up to 20 years for you to save 8 thou worth of gas.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Of course the demand isn't there. Some of the hybrids cost 8 thousand dollars more than the regular non hybrid version of the same car. The manufacturers claim that you'll recover that 8 grand in the long run with the fuel economy, which is a joke because it would take up to 20 years for you to save 8 thou worth of gas.
End Quote
It's true, but the fact is that the hybrid cars that I've looked at get twice the gas mileage of a normal car, so it might not take 20 years, but to drop the down payment and the car payments for these cars is rough on the average family.
I do like VW's diesel powered cars. While they don't burn as cleanly as gasoline, they do have much better mileage than gasoline-driven automobiles. And they are comparable in price to normal cars. Just not as many places will sell diesel.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I just came back after being out, and now the Go-Mart's gas is selling for $1.74 for regular and $1.84 for regular plus, a jump of 8¢ from when I last reported…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
We have the techology to produce a lot with renewable energy-i.e. hydro, wind, solar, etc. I really do believe that we should start moving closer to using that techology in our everday lives. I think the car makers should start producing more vehicles that do not require patrolum products. I think that government could help by giving these same auto makers incentive for building these cars instead of drilling for oil in pristine areas. (Ok, call me a hippy, tree hugger). The problem with patrolum, there is only a finite amount in the Earth. Once that is gone, then what are we going to do? After exploting the Earth for the past century-not just in this country, but in the Middle East and South American, we are really distroying our home. (I'm not even going to get into Global Warming) I think we really need to start doing something NOW before it is too late.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Hi Cat :)
I agree with your viewpoint. When I look at cars, the first thing I look for is fuel economy. I will rarely consider a car if it gets less than 30 mpg. I guess that's why I drive such wussy cars ;D
As for energy sources...(anybody who has knowledge of this, please to back me up or correct my mistakes)...the only current way to create electricity is by passing some kind of medium (whether water, wind, or steam) through a turbine to spin a magnet inside a solenoid. Automobiles work on sort of the same principle, except the internal combustion engine uses the steam and sparks and whatever produced to push a piston to make the engine work and thus, get the wheels moving. There is no way to pass wind or water through an ICE fast enough to make the car move as fast as gasoline.
So what else? How about hydrogen? Sure, hydrogen sounds good. But to create hydrogen, considering there are no natural sources of hydrogen gas, you have to electrolyze water. And here we go again, we gotta burn something or use the hydroelectric plants to make electricity to make this hydrogen. This reduces the amount of pollution due to fossil fuels, but not by much, methinks.
I love this planet, as I'm sure you do, Cat. But methinks until they find a way to convince everybody to be more environmentally friendly, or have practical means to implement more Earth-friendly technology, you're going to have to be patient.
As for global warming, that happens all the time, in cycles even. The only reason people are kvetching about global warming now is because they only see the 100 or so years of recorded temperatures, but not the happenings of years before...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I understand what you are saying but I still think that this is the time when we should start creating new energy sources for our love of consumption.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
As for global warming, that happens all the time, in cycles even. The only reason people are kvetching about global warming now is because they only see the 100 or so years of recorded temperatures, but not the happenings of years before...
End Quote
Bravo, well said. I guarantee if we had records of the last 3-4 centuries, we would see that the global temperatures and climates change on a regular basis, both warming and cooling. And the whole global warming thing wouldn't be made out to be such a big "crisis".
What I find funny is that many of the same scientists that are on the global warming bandwagon now were warning us of an upcoming ice age no more than 25-30 years ago. They are finding out that, like Rice said, the climate changes all the time in cycles.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Of course the demand isn't there. Some of the hybrids cost 8 thousand dollars more than the regular non hybrid version of the same car. The manufacturers claim that you'll recover that 8 grand in the long run with the fuel economy, which is a joke because it would take up to 20 years for you to save 8 thou worth of gas.
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I think the demand is there. Anyone who is in the market for a Ford Escort or Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon is a poetential customer. If I could buy a Neon with 70 mpg, I would! As for the price being alot more, I think it will even out. With all new technology, there is a price paid in the beggenning for the R&D. Remember when a VCR cost $500+? Now you can get a better quality one for $40 on sale. My point is the car companies have to make these cars. Eventually they will go down in price.
Plus, I would bet that SUV's would not be a problem if they made these solar/electric/hydorgen cars. Why? Everyone wants a fun car to drive around town, but for the monday - friday grind, people will drive the crap mobile to work.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I'll be readying my bike.
End Quote
Same thought occurred to me. However, it is -9 degrees here today. Unfortunately, we have to pay the prices at the pump and pay to keep our home warm. And need to keep the gas tank pretty full or car won't start at all. Pump prices are around 1.70.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well here in Georgia the state average for gas prices a month ago was $1.36 which is about right i normally paid about $1.45-$1.49 for premium and regular was about 20 cents cheaper. Though lately it seems to have gone up some cause now i am paying about $1.55 for Premium but i guess compared to what some of you have to pay i shouldnt complain much. They say its supposed to rise some more though. :P
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I was stationed at Ft. Benning back in '86 and was paying $1.36 a gallon at one point. So, you have to consider that over the last 17 years the price has only gone up about 10%.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What I would like to see is more alternative power sources for cars. Even if it was still a gas engine with some solar power or electricity. Imagine a car which got 60+ miles to the gallon. And then there are the hydrogen cars. I would love to see these on the street. I am not advocating getting rid of gasoline cars, just more choices of cars which use less gas. Personally, I would start with the escort or cavaleer type cars, as most people who buy these cars are all about saving cash. Leave the corvettes and high performance cars alone, so the car enthusiasts can still have thier fun. If we could reduce our dependance on gas by 30%, that would be a good start.
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Back in the '80's they tried gasohol. It was about 10% alcohol mixed with unleaded gasoline. It could have worked. In fact a mixture of 50/50 could work with a little tweaking of the system. The problem was, with gasohol you lost a little performance and your mileage wasn't quite as good.
They only priced it about ten cents less per gallon than regular. No one was going to give up mileage and performance for a ten cent savings.
If they had priced it 30 or 40 cents less people would have bought it and we'd be using it today.
It's the same thing with natural gas vehicles. First you have to pay for the conversion. Then you have to pay for the fuel which isn't that much cheaper than gasoline. Plus you have the mileage and performance drawbacks.
If they would charge a significant amount less for these fuel alternatives, people would use them.
If our government was sincerely interested in our nation becoming less dependent on arab oil, it would give significant enough tax breaks to makers of propane conversion kits and propane sellers to make propane a cheap, viable replacement for arab oil and people would buy it.
Henry Hill would be in hog heaven! :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What I would like to see is more alternative power sources for cars. Even if it was still a gas engine with some solar power or electricity. Imagine a car which got 60+ miles to the gallon. And then there are the hydrogen cars. I would love to see these on the street. I am not advocating getting rid of gasoline cars, just more choices of cars which use less gas. Personally, I would start with the escort or cavaleer type cars, as most people who buy these cars are all about saving cash. Leave the corvettes and high performance cars alone, so the car enthusiasts can still have thier fun. If we could reduce our dependance on gas by 30%, that would be a good start.
And I do not like the idea of drilling in Alaska. We need to preserve our national forests and parks. Believe it or not, many cures to diseases are found in naturally occuring wilderness areas. Plus, I like the outdoors.
End Quote
I'm with Rice all the way on this one. To be honest, the fact that we dont have an alternative fuel source is all about polictics. The middle east would have absolutley nothing to offer if it were not for oil. Unless you consider olives worth fighting over :)
Hydrogen bonds are very weak and can be broken easily with a minimal electrical charge, such that is found in a spark plug. The problem with Hydrogen and Oxygen is they are highly unstable forms of fuel when ignited. This is why they are reserved for things like rockets, and the costs of producing them is really, really high.
But don't be fooled. With a little money and some creative engineering, Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms can be separated from plain old water. We could all be driving around in Hydrogen based cars that give off O2 as exhaust. So much for global warming. Of course, if that extra electron which is the "2" after the H could be given to the oxygen to expel, then we'd have O3 which is ozone. I could sunbathe again without risking myself to unprescribed radiation therapy :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I'm with Rice all the way on this one. To be honest, the fact that we dont have an alternative fuel source is all about polictics. The middle east would have absolutley nothing to offer if it were not for oil. Unless you consider olives worth fighting over :)
Hydrogen bonds are very weak and can be broken easily with a minimal electrical charge, such that is found in a spark plug. The problem with Hydrogen and Oxygen is they are highly unstable forms of fuel when ignited. This is why they are reserved for things like rockets, and the costs of producing them is really, really high.
But don't be fooled. With a little money and some creative engineering, Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms can be separated from plain old water. We could all be driving around in Hydrogen based cars that give off O2 as exhaust. So much for global warming. Of course, if that extra electron which is the "2" after the H could be given to the oxygen to expel, then we'd have O3 which is ozone. I could sunbathe again without risking myself to unprescribed radiation therapy :)
End Quote
I would sunbathe with you. ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Just a few years ago you could get gas for .69 cents a gallon for regular here in Georgia. Though i just went to the gas station yesturday and it was up to 1.69 for premium so its going up.
I was stationed at Ft. Benning back in '86 and was paying $1.36 a gallon at one point. So, you have to consider that over the last 17 years the price has only gone up about 10%.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I filled up in the Seattle area for $1.65 regular, the mid was $1.85 and I didn't even cosider the premimum as an option.
I also want to mention that I've spent a quite a bit of time in Alaska in quiet a few areas, it is HUGE!!! And most areas aren't really much to look at, down in SE AK (Ketchikan, Petersburg, Sitka, Juneau, Craig) it's beatuiful, up to Prince William Sound area (Seward, Cordova, Valdez) gorgous, Kenai Peninsula and Cook Inlet areas are wonderful, go inland and you can have the rest. :P I've seen the most beautiful places on earth there and some of the most ugly.
Drilling there makes good sence.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I also want to mention that I've spent a quite a bit of time in Alaska in quiet a few areas, it is HUGE!!! ...
Drilling there makes good sence.
End Quote
According to the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce: The land area of Alaska covers 586,412 miles. Alaska is one-fifth the size of the continental U.S., 488 times larger than Rhode Island, two and a half times larger than Texas, and larger than the three largest states in the U.S. combined.
Currently, approximately 20 percent of the nation’s domestic oil is produced in Alaska. At peak production levels, the 800-mile Trans Alaska Pipeline delivers nearly 1.2 million barrels of oil a day from Prudhoe Bay to the ice-free port of Valdez.
you're right, drilling there does make good sense indeed! :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
But don't be fooled. With a little money and some creative engineering, Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms can be separated from plain old water. We could all be driving around in Hydrogen based cars that give off O2 as exhaust. So much for global warming. Of course, if that extra electron which is the "2" after the H could be given to the oxygen to expel, then we'd have O3 which is ozone. I could sunbathe again without risking myself to unprescribed radiation therapy :)
End Quote
Sorry to interrupt the daydream, but your chemistry is way off...
1. Separating hydrogen and oxygen in water takes a heap of energy: it needs to, because that's the same energy you get back in a hydrogen-fuelled car which mixes them back to give water as an exhaust product.
2. See 1 - you'd not get O2 from an exhaust under any circumstances
3. It's another Oxygen, not electron, you need to get O3 (ozone) - and it's a nasty carcinogen in too high concentrations at sea-level, and is too heavy (50% heavier than O2 if you think about it) to rise to the upper atmosphere.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I live in Philly and I paid 1.69 for a mid grade gasoline.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I live in So-Cal and the prices are still climbing, and they are currently in what I call "the danger zone" (i.e., where the "cheap" stuff is $1.90 and up). Is there anywhere where gas is still under two bucks?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Is there anywhere where gas is still under two bucks?
End Quote
I just filled up this morning with low-grade for $1.66/gallon. Not bad considering it was nearly $1.80 a week ago.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, here in West Virginia it has gone down as on Saturday the local Go-Mart was charging $1.71 for regular…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Anyway, I wonder how high gas prices will have to get before some people realize that maybe drilling in Alaska isn't such a bad idea. And like Rice said, its not like they would build an oil rig right msack dab in the middle of a polar bear area or eskimo community. Alaska is a big big big area.
End Quote
Would that make much of a difference though? World oil prices are regulated by OPEC, so we pay the same for oil whether we buy it from Brunei or domestically. That's how the oil nations protect their profits.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I just filled up this morning with low-grade for $1.66/gallon. Not bad considering it was nearly $1.80 a week ago.
End Quote
So if the low-grade was $1.66, how much were the other grades?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Low grade is up to $1.71 at the gas station closest to my house. That price is about 30 cents higher than it was about a month or so ago. I'm going to start riding the bus pretty soon...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I'd hate to think what full serve is up to now. :( :'(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I'd hate to think what full serve is up to now. :( :'(
End Quote
Probably involves a sex act even I would not do. ;D
And to an Arab too. ;)
Seriously, I pay $1.80 for the cheapest gas. Karl is so expensive. I should pay him in burritos. Then it would be free.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Our provincial government just put a 3.5 cent-a-litre gas tax on Saturday so now it's 88 cents a litre or $3.52 CAD a US gallon...approx. $2.20 USD...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I just filled up last night. Usually put mid-grade in but opted for the low-grade at $1.639/gallon. :P
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
F.Y.I. I filled up today @ 1.53/gallon at EXXON of all places!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I live in central Californa and it's $1.99 for regular :'( but I have a sporty car so I must use the good stuff at $2.09 per gal >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$2.06 a gallon for regular in So. California. >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$2.06 a gallon for regular in So. California. >:(
End Quote
What a coincidence. It's $2.07 for regular here. Money grows on trees apparently. The residents don't seem to mind though... even their kids drive Mercedes and BMWs :P
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$1.639/gallon. :P
End Quote
What I don't get is the fraction-of-a-cent thing. If one were to get exactly one gallon of gas, how much would they pay? I can't cut my penny into ten pieces and give only nine. U.S. currency doesn't work that way. If the price of one gallon of gas were $1.63 9/10, wouldn't it really be $1.64?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What I don't get is the fraction-of-a-cent thing. If one were to get exactly one gallon of gas, how much would they pay? I can't cut my penny into ten pieces and give only nine. U.S. currency doesn't work that way. End Quote
Look at it this way: if you go to a store to buy something that they are charging $2.00 for, and right beside it is the same item for $1.99, natural instincts will urge ou to get the item priced $1.99.
The gas stations aren't going to be affected by $.001 as much as they would be by $.01. Its natural instincts that if you had 2 gas stations close together, one charging $1.634/gal and the other charging $1.633/gal, naturally people will be inclined to go to the chaeper one. Even if it is only cheaper by $.001.
A good example of this is here just down the street there is a Marathon station and a Sunoco station, just across the street from each other. All last summer, the Marathon station was always just a fraction of a cent lower than the Sunoco station, and as a result the Marathon station was always crowded, while the Sunoco station hardly had any customers. It must have worked, because the Sunoco station closed up in Nov, while the Marathon station continues to thrive.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Look at it this way: if you go to a store to buy something that they are charging $2.00 for, and right beside it is the same item for $1.99, natural instincts will urge you to get the item priced $1.99.
End Quote
I understand about that, because $1.99 makes sense. You can pay exactly $1.99
The gas stations aren't going to be affected by $.001 as much as they would be by $.01. Its natural instincts that if you had 2 gas stations close together, one charging $1.634/gal and the other charging $1.633/gal, naturally people will be inclined to go to the chaeper one. Even if it is only cheaper by $.001.
A good example of this is here just down the street there is a Marathon station and a Sunoco station, just across the street from each other. All last summer, the Marathon station was always just a fraction of a cent lower than the Sunoco station, and as a result the Marathon station was always crowded, while the Sunoco station hardly had any customers. It must have worked, because the Sunoco station closed up in Nov, while the Marathon station continues to thrive.
End Quote
However, I still don't get that part. How does one pay a fractoin of a cent for anything? ??? ??? ???
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
However, I still don't get that part. How does one pay a fractoin of a cent for anything? ??? ??? ???
End Quote
It's an aggregate, and they usually round up anyway ;) If you buy one gallon, you don't see any difference...but if you buy 20, you might just be able to save two cents :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I just came back from going somewhere, and the Go-Mart is still charging $1.71 for regular. I read in the paper this morning that for some strange reason, if the strategic oil reserve is tapped into, the price of petroleum goes up!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's an aggregate, and they usually round up anyway ;) If you buy one gallon, you don't see any difference...but if you buy 20, you might just be able to save two cents :)
End Quote
Thanks for clearing that up Rice. I had a hard time trying to explain it in my post.
Bottom line: The $.001 value in the gas prices is just Creative Marketing.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Anyone have an idea when (or if) they're ever gonna start going down again? :(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Bottom line: The $.001 value in the gas prices is just Creative Marketing.
End Quote
Okay... but I just think it's plain silly.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It has now hit $0.91 a litre here........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...and that's for REGULAR!!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A buck sixty-four for regular now. When it hits two dollars, I'm buying a horse!!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I don't think I've seen 'em go up any more in the past couple days, at least that I've noticed. At one station here in the Los Angeles area I noticed that the low grade was at two fifteen a gallon, the mid grade at two twenty-five and the high octane at two thirty-five. Anyone else? ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I don't think I've seen 'em go up any more in the past couple days, at least that I've noticed. ::)
End Quote
That's probly becuz of the war. :(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I am happy to announce that I just paid only $1.59/gal. today.
Its the lowest its been in months. :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I am happy to announce that I just paid only $1.59/gal. today.
Its the lowest its been in months. :D
End Quote
It went down 3 cents here this weekend...now if it would only go down more.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A buck sixty-four for regular now. When it hits two dollars, I'm buying a horse!!
End Quote
Wow $1.64! You'd have been riding a horse for awhile here. I paid $2.17 a gallon yesterday. >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I just filled my tank tonight, $1.85 per gallon. But that's for Premium, which is all I put in my car.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Still $1.64-$1.74 here. Hasn't gone up since my first post.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I was going to look for this thread last night & forgot....but I got gas yesterday & it was $1.86/gallon. :-/ WTF? I thought our gas prices were supposed to go down. What happened?
Modified to add: That was what I paid for REGULAR >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I was going to look for this thread last night & forgot....but I got gas yesterday & it was $1.86/gallon. :-/ WTF? I thought our gas prices were supposed to go down. What happened?
Modified to add: That was what I paid for REGULAR >:(
End Quote
I don't understand.
I just got back from breakfast and noticed the Walmart station was $1.58, which is a penny lower than yesterday, and $.33 lower than a week ago. So our gas here is dropping like a rock in water. But other parts of the country are not?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I just came back from being out and the Go-Mart is still selling regular at $1.78 a gallon. On Sunday I noticed one station selling premium for $2.02 a gallon…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A couple days ago I noticed a Shell station near my home (in Southern CA) had $2.11, $2.21, and $2.31, and they had stayed that way for a week or so. But last night my mom informed me that each grade had come down four cents, so they're now $2.07, $2.17, and $2.27, respectively. Finally they're coming down...or at least they're starting to. :) :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Lets put it this way to dang much! (about 90 cents a liter)
I remeber back in the day, when gas was 25 cents (canadian) a gallon! But that was when my old man was a kid
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I just came back from being out again, and the Go-Mart has dropped its prices to $1.72 for unleaded and $1.82 for unleaded plus.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
well slap me silly and call me happy, I just paid $1.48/gal!
its been a loooooooong time since it was this low! :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
well slap me silly and call me happy, I just paid $1.48/gal!
its been a loooooooong time since it was this low! :D
End Quote
Hey, happy, come here...
How's that? ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Hey, happy, come here...
How's that? ;D
End Quote
OUCH! >:(
No need for the violence! ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
OUCH! >:(
No need for the violence! ;D
End Quote
Well, you asked someone to slap you silly.
I'm sorry. Let me kiss it better :-*
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Gas is STILL high here. >:(
F this, I'm buying a Barbie Jeep with a rechargeable battery. :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Gas is STILL high here. >:(
F this, I'm buying a Barbie Jeep with a rechargeable battery. :D
End Quote
Cool PoP! I have been telling my coworker I'm getting a battery powered golf cart. ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Cool PoP! I have been telling my coworker I'm getting a battery powered golf cart. ;D
End Quote
ha ha ha ha ha i only get 8 miles to the gallon and it costs about 100 dollars to fill up >:( i take the bus
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
ha ha ha ha ha i only get 8 miles to the gallon and it costs about 100 dollars to fill up >:( i take the bus
End Quote
Hey now...ain't no dishonor in taking the bus... 8) ;D
Come 'ere, Fred...*puts Fred's head in a friendly headlock and gives him Dutch rub*
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Since the war started, the price of gas here has dropped from 90 cents per liter, to about 75 cents per liter. :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Since the war started, the price of gas here has dropped from 90 cents per liter, to about 75 cents per liter. :)
End Quote
and exactly were is this?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I would take the bus for all of my errands, if they had public transportation here. We don't. :(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's down to $1.39/gallon now. It's come down about 15 cents in the last 10 days or so! I just hope it continues to go down.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Paid 1.60 a gallon here today...maybe it is a trickle down from KC then, sister
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I passed through Joplin, MO the other day and it was $1.34 a gallon... then $1.39 at goldie's. I was sort of expecting it to be cheaper on my way back south, but the farther south I came the higher it got. I paid $1.64 in Pine Bluff, and it's still the same price here at home as when I left - $1.60. >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I went out again, filled up my dad's tank at the Go-Mart and it's now $1.71 a gallon. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
and exactly were is this?
End Quote
Montreal, Canada.
These prices are from Ultramar and Petro Canada. It's 72 cents per liter on the Indian reservation, but the last time I bought gas on the reserve my car kept stalling.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What the h*ll? We're up to almost $2.25 for regular here. It cost $75.00 to fill up the 'burb. ::)
Cube, what's it like up North?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What the h*ll? We're up to almost $2.25 for regular here. It cost $75.00 to fill up the 'burb. ::)
Cube, what's it like up North?
End Quote
Pretty much the same...just a shade or two over $2 :P
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
There's this one station I pass by most every day in the Los Angeles area that has had $2.15, $2.25, and $2.35/gal for the past two or three weeks, but this morning I noticed that thpse prices are finally starting to go down! :D Each grade is now four cents lower (per gallon), so they're now $2.11, $2.21, and $2.31, respectively. Now if they'd just go down some more.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What the h*ll? We're up to almost $2.25 for regular here. It cost $75.00 to fill up the 'burb. ::)
End Quote
The cheapest I've seen in a while was $1.49 this weekend just down the street from me at BP.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I was out earlier this morning, and I noticed that a Chevron was selling regular for $1.68 a gallon…and a Go-Mart (but not the one near my house) was selling it for $1.69 a gallon…but the Go-Mart near my house was still $1.71…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I got gas Monday it was $1.64...yesterday I drove by the same station and it was $1.61 >:( I hate it when that happens.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I filled up this afternoon for $1.46 a gallon... this is the cheapest gas has been here in months, and I hope it keeps falling!! ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I filled up this afternoon for $1.46 a gallon... this is the cheapest gas has been here in months, and I hope it keeps falling!! ;D
End Quote
Still over $2 here. You lucky sumb*ch ;)
Thank goodness my car gets at least 30 mpg ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
You know...people complain about gas prices, but when you work it out..........water is more expensive >:( If gas is 75, 80 cents a liter, and water is $1.50 for 600ml (1 sixth a liter) then those goddamn vending machines are ripping me off!!!! >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
You know...people complain about gas prices, but when you work it out..........water is more expensive >:( If gas is 75, 80 cents a liter, and water is $1.50 for 600ml (1 sixth a liter) then those goddamn vending machines are ripping me off!!!! >:(
End Quote
you got a good point.
Its funny how some people will pay an arm-and-a-leg for "premium" water and a a small fortune for cup of Starbucks, then have the nerve to complain about gas prices. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
What's your current gas price?
Those peeps up in Medicine Hat are getting one hell of a sweet deal :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Got gas this morning, it's at $1.549. Oh, and can someone explain to me what the he|| the 9 means at the end?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Got gas this morning, it's at $1.549. Oh, and can someone explain to me what the he|| the 9 means at the end?
End Quote
Living in CA sucks @$$, everything's more expensive here :P
See page 5 of this thread for a discussion of gas pricing.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Got gas this morning, it's at $1.549. Oh, and can someone explain to me what the he|| the 9 means at the end? ?End Quote
It means nine-tenths of a cent, but that's already been discussed in this thread.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I realize that! The point I was trying to make is that it is just ridiculous. If you buy 1 gallon of gas @$1.499, you are still going to pay $1.50! ::)
And, I realize this is going back a few pages in the thread, but regarding the hybrid cars...There is no way I could drive one of the ones on the market. If the 5 of us ever went anywhere (like to the grocery store), there's no way we could all fit with 2 car seats, a stroller and a diaper bag, much less any luggage or groceries, etc. I would consider buying one regardless of the price, if it was big enough for us to ride comfortably (meaning, my oldest, who sits in the middle of the back seat) could breathe! Oh, and you gotta make one with 4wd since I live in a semi-rural area and refuse to drive anything else since we are always the last to get plowed if it snows!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yup!! They're still goin' up.
Out here in Sandy Utah I'm paying $1.86 for premium for my old Caddy.
I guess I'm lucky I don't live in other places in the country where it's over 2 bucks!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
On the other hand, in West Virginia they're going down. I was out this morning and the Go-Mart near my house is now at $1.65 a gallon for regular…
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
There's this one station I pass by most every day in the Los Angeles area that has had $2.15, $2.25, and $2.35/gal for the past two or three weeks, but this morning I noticed that thpse prices are finally starting to go down! :D Each grade is now four cents lower (per gallon), so they're now $2.11, $2.21, and $2.31, respectively. Now if they'd just go down some more.
End Quote
I was away last week (cuz' it was my time off), and during that time, the station that I pass by every day has gone down some more! The prices are now $1.99 for low-grade, $2.09 for mid-grade, and $2.19 for high-grade. :) ;)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
You all are going to probably hate me for saying this, but last weekend while at a seminar/speaking event, I was pleased to pay $1.35/gal. :D
(ducking and fleeing the scene to avoid being hit with tomatoes :))
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's down to $1.40 here now! Maybe I won't have to get that horse afterall! ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's down to $1.40 here now! Maybe I won't have to get that horse afterall! ;D
End Quote
LOL. I just paid $1.44 this morning.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I was away last week (cuz' it was my time off), and during that time, the station that I pass by every day has gone down some more! The prices are now $1.99 for low-grade, $2.09 for mid-grade, and $2.19 for high-grade. :) ;)
End Quote
Just a little update... those prices have all fallen another four cents; I will let you know when they're all below $2.00, but that still remains 2 be seen. (I'm sure they will, but I don't know when that'll be)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's good to know that they're going down now. 8)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Anybody notice the full serve prices in comparison to the self serve? Such a large difference! :P For example, if you see $1.95/$2.05/$2.15 for self serve, you might see $2.49/$2.59/$2.69 for the respective full serve prices. What I don't know is, why do they have to charge so much more, per gallon, for full service?
I know that "full serve" used to meant that the attendant would do more than just fill your tank; he'd wash your windows, look under the hood, check your tire pressure, etc.... but no one does that anymore (at least that I've seen, in the past 10 years or so).
Maybe that's why many gas stations --- at least in California --- don't have full serve anymore...although it is still around.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Anybody notice the full serve prices in comparison to the self serve? Such a large difference! :P For example, if you see $1.95/$2.05/$2.15 for self serve, you might see $2.49/$2.59/$2.69 for the respective full serve prices. What I don't know is, why do they have to charge so much more, per gallon, for full service?
I know that "full serve" used to meant that the attendant would do more than just fill your tank; he'd wash your windows, look under the hood, check your tire pressure, etc.... but no one does that anymore (at least that I've seen, in the past 10 years or so).
Maybe that's why many gas stations --- at least in California --- don't have full serve anymore...although it is still around.
End Quote
Ditto on the full serve, jaY. I agree that it's a complete rip-off.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
hmm...there's only 1 station around here that I know of that still has full serve and it's only $.15. The last time I went there, the attendant checked my oil and tires for me. Maybe it's just a difference in areas. ???
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
hmm...there's only 1 station around here that I know of that still has full serve and it's only $.15. The last time I went there, the attendant checked my oil and tires for me. Maybe it's just a difference in areas. ???
End Quote
Yeah, it's most likely a difference in the areas. But $.15? Is that per gallon? That doesnt seem right.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Just a little update... those prices have all fallen another four cents; I will let you know when they're all below $2.00, but that still remains 2 be seen. (I'm sure they will, but I don't know when that'll be)
End Quote
Well, this morning the mid-grade price dropped below $2. ;) In other places I've seen it even lower (in the last few days).
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It wasn't at a "Name Brand" gas station, but I saw it at $1.279 last weekend, I kid you not....
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It wasn't at a "Name Brand" gas station, but I saw it at $1.279 last weekend, I kid you not....
End Quote
Where do you live? I am moving there. And think, I was thinking we were lucky for the recent drop to $1.479. :o
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Gas prices may be coming down soon
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Get down, get down...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yay! Under $2! ;D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Here in Augusta, GA it is still 127.9, but at the name brands now.
Subject: Time to bring back an old thread..
Darn it, they went back up again this morning (actually, I noticed it yesterday on the way home) after going down considerably for the past couple months or so.
Oh well :-/ ::)
Subject: Re: Gas prices
They got down to $1.59 in CA before creeping back up two cents today. (That is, the low grade, which is always the cheapest of the three.)
Subject: Re: Gas prices
They got down to $1.59 in CA before creeping back up two cents today. (That is, the low grade, which is always the cheapest of the three.)
End Quote
Last week I got it for $1.38/gallon at Krogers, they are usually the cheapest here.
Whats crazy though, is there can be as much as a $.30 difference between gas on the south side of town and the north side of town. So I usually go to the north side just for gas.
Subject: Re: Gas prices
Whats crazy though, is there can be as much as a $.30 difference between gas on the south side of town and the north side of town. So I usually go to the north side just for gas.
End Quote
And here I thought it was crazy for two stations across the street from each other to have a significant difference in price!. For example, if a Shell station has $1.58/$1.68/$1.78 and the Mobil station directly across has $1.67/$1.78/$1.87, that's crazy to me ;) but I guess that's a matter of competition. :-X :-/
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yesterday it was 71.2 cents per litre here. One US gallon equals 3.785 litres. Do the math, that's $2.69 CAN/gallon!!! :o Even if you convert that to American dollars, that still $2.05/gallon!! Good thing I don't drive.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Today, I paid $1.21 a gallon for regular unleaded and I live in the Atlanta area. We generally have some of the cheapest gas prices in the country.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Whats crazy, is after all the complaining about gas prices, we still pay more, on average, for a gallon of milk than a gallon of gas. :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yes, and the average person will spend a fortune at Starbucks, and then complain about gas. >:( ::)
Subject: Re: Gas prices
Quoting:Darn it, they went back up again this morning (actually, I noticed it yesterday on the way home) after going down considerably for the past couple months or so.
Oh well :-/ ::) End Quote
They went back up four whole cents in the past 24 hours -- that is, in my neck of the woods. So they're a dime higher than they were 2 or 3 weeks ago. :-[
I wonder if they're gonna go back up to two bucks a gallon again. :-X
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yes, and the average person will spend a fortune at Starbucks, and then complain about gas. >:( ::)
End Quote
Exactly! I forgot about that.
They pay $2 or more for a cup of coffee just because its in a cup with a Starbucks label on it ::), then become outraged when gas goes up a nickel.
Subject: Re: Time to bring back an old thread..
Well, they didn't change at all over the weekend in my neck of the woods. :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Yes, and the average person will spend a fortune at Starbucks, and then complain about gas. >:( ::)
End Quote
The average person doesn't drink as much coffee per week as my car drinks gas. So I might spend $10 per week on coffee, but that's nothing compared to the $35 I spend on gas.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
The average person doesn't drink as much coffee per week as my car drinks gas. So I might spend $10 per week on coffee, but that's nothing compared to the $35 I spend on gas.
End Quote
so your spending $40/month just on coffee? :o Yikes.
Perhaps its time to do what I do and buy it in bulk, and make it at home. Sure it doesn't come in a fancy cup that says Starbucks on it, but then again, it definitely doesn't cost anywhere near $40/month either.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
so your spending $40/month just on coffee? :o Yikes.
Perhaps its time to do what I do and buy it in bulk, and make it at home. Sure it doesn't come in a fancy cup that says Starbucks on it, but then again, it definitely doesn't cost anywhere near $40/month either.
End Quote
Naw I don't drink that much coffee. I drink green tea mostly. And usually it's with friends on the week-end at a local shop here in old Montreal. I normally make it myself at home but if i'm out with friends I would probably feel weird showing up with a thermus.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Naw I don't drink that much coffee. I drink green tea mostly. And usually it's with friends on the week-end at a local shop here in old Montreal. I normally make it myself at home but if i'm out with friends I would probably feel weird showing up with a thermus.
End Quote
Excuse me, but aren't you going off topic here? This topic is supposed to be about gas prices. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Excuse me, but aren't you going off topic here? This topic is supposed to be about gas prices. ::)
End Quote
They were comparing gas prices to other commodities that people spend more-per-gallon on, such as coffee, milk, and bottled water :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Excuse me, but aren't you going off topic here? This topic is supposed to be about gas prices. ::)
End Quote
Excuse me, but if you want to be smart you should man up and log in. Instead of hiding behind an anonymous post ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I normally make it myself at home but if i'm out with friends I would probably feel weird showing up with a thermus.
End Quote
yea that would look a little wierd. :)
Excuse me, but aren't you going off topic here? This topic is supposed to be about gas prices. ::)
End Quote
...and you are...?? ::)
try reading the whole thread before spouting off and you would see it is on topic. ::)
Subject: I'm really sorry, guys.
yea that would look a little weird. :)
...and you are...?? ::)
try reading the whole thread before spouting off and you would see it is on topic. ::)
End Quote
I did read the thread. It's just that replies #154 and #155 seemed to drift away from "gas prices." That's just how I interpreted it. It may have been a misunderstanding on my part. Sorry. :-[
Back on topic...the gas stations near my home have $1.69 for regular, $1.79 for plus, and $1.89 for premium.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A really good web site to go to for gas prices:
It shows you the highest, lowest, and average prices in the United States. You can also look up stations in your area by typing in your zip code.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A really good web site to go to for gas prices:
It shows you the highest, lowest, and average prices in the United States. You can also look up stations in your area by typing in your zip code.
End Quote
Oh yeah, I posted the gaspricewatch.com site like months ago :) Thanks for hooking us up again.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
...and for us Canucks:
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
i dont know what litre to gallon conversion is but where i am in
oz i pay about 87 cents per litre of unleaded fuel,depending what
day of week it is,the closer to the weekend it goes up to about
97 cents per litre
bit of scamming going on there,they reakon it just coincidental
my arse it is...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$1.32 Regular
$1.42 Upper
$1.52 Supreme
Not bad
Subject: Time to bring back this thread again..
I've noticed that they've gone up rapidlly in the past week or so; in my neck of the woods the high grade (premium) is over two bucks a gallon again.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
That 80 mpg Honda Insight is starting to look good, eh.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Glad I don't drive
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It probably won't be long before they're all in the $2-a-gallon range again. (At least where I live.) The mid-grade is just about there. :-/
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, it looks like they're back up in the $2 range. About two weeks ago, one station near my home had $1.78, $1.88, $1.98 (I think), and 24 hours later, each price went up six cents. Now, I think the mid-grade is above two bucks. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Glad I don't drive
End Quote
I hear ya. It's a 22km bike ride to work and i'm thankful I have electric assist. I can do 40km/hr for about 1/2 hr before the battery starts to sag. I just plug it in when I arrive at work and it's ready to go for the trip back.
I can't resist turning on the electric assist and pretending to pedal while folding my hands behind my head as I ride up a steep hill passing all the cars stalled in traffic. It really messes with their heads, especially when I overtake them! ;D
I actually have an old Datsun 240Z which requires high octane fuel. I drive it only on weekends during the summer. I pay the equivalent of about $4/gallon Canadian (about 93cents per litre). :( It's the price I pay to enjoy the ride.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
We're already at $1.91 for regular unleaded in southern California...up 6 cents from last week.
It will easily hit $2.00 by the end of the month.
Still, I feel bad complaining, even at $2 a gallon, we in the US still have cheap gas compared to other countries...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Quoting:Still, I feel bad complaining, even at $2 a gallon, we in the US still have cheap gas compared to other countries...
End Quote
Thats how I feel about it. I complain, but when it all comes down to it...we pay more on average for a gallon of milk than a gallon of gas.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Thats how I feel about it. I complain, but when it all comes down to it...we pay more on average for a gallon of milk than a gallon of gas.
End Quote
In some places... A gallon of milk at Wal-Mart or Aldi's will only run you about $1.50 where I live (over $3.00 @ Jewel or Dominick's-right across the street ::)) but gas was $1.63 when I got it yesterday. ;)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A gallon of milk...over $3.00 @ Jewel or Dominick's-right across the street End Quote
$3.00 for a gallon of milk? Who in their right mind would pay that.
...probably the same ones that pay $2.00/bottle of Imported "premium" water. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
$3.00 for a gallon of milk? Who in their right mind would pay that.
...probably the same ones that pay $2.00/bottle of Imported "premium" water. ::)
End Quote
:-[ I have to admit, I have on occasion (the milk, not the water, that's ridiculous). When I'm at the store & I have all 3 kids, the weather is crappy, etc. it's just easier to pay the extra $$ than to drag all of them into WalMart for 1 thing.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
The gas prices have been ridiculously high over here lately---almost $0.77/a liter for regular gas! I'm not even bothering to fill up the tank anymore (just enough to get me by) because I shouldn't have to pay for high gas prices. Now I'm starting to bus it more.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
A local company uses home made bio-diesel, costs about 20 cents/litre or less. Runs way cleaner, quieter, same power, engine will last forever on the stuff, and better yet: the exhaust smells like fried chicken! ;D Too bad there aren't too many diesel sports cars to chose from.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This morning the Shell station near my home had $1.96, $2.06, $2.16, and the respective prices at the Mobil station nearby were eighteen cents higher! :o (That's right: $2.14, $2.24, and $2.34) And just a few days ago they were a dime or so cheaper. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
:o They made a big jump over the weekend. There's one station that I pass by every day in which the full serve is almost up to three dollars a gallon! I see that someone already mentioned on this thread that full serve is a rip-off; I second that.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Can someone please explain to me how gas prices can jump in the middle of the day, when the gas you get at night is the same gas that you got in the morning? I used to work across from a gas station. Some days, there would be no delivery, but the gas would jump (or go down) a few cents. It's the same darned gas, why is the price different at night than it was in the morning?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I don't want to complain, but I am...
Just last Sunday, I drove past the cheapest local gas station showing a price for reg unleaded at $2.03, within the HOUR coming home, the price was changed to $2.08!
Monday morning it was $2.11, now Tuesday, this afternoon on the way to lunch its $2.19! ??? I fully expect to see $2.25 by Saturday at this rate.
Keeping in mind this is the CHEAPEST gas around south LA county, its a little less in Orange County, and a hell of a lot more further into the city and valley areas as much as $2.49 for supreme 92 octane.
I realize that California has special additives to gas and supposedly their changing over to "summer blends" now (why, I don't know, its not summer yet) but the price jumps in just the last week alone is up 20% since the beggining of Feb.
It's up nearly 35% since the beggining of Jan when it was $1.65.
What's really going on?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I don't know, gumbypiz, but I can tell you that it's still climbing in Ventura County (where I live) and in west L.A. County (where I go to school). Thanks for telling us about south L.A. County and Orange County; I haven't been in that area in about two years.
I'm just glad that I don't drive out to school; I commute on the train. I still pass by gas stations, though.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Here in town, its not uncommon for there to be as much as a $.20 difference between stations just a few blocks away from each other. Its insane and doesn't make sense.
What gets me, is that the higher priced ones are always just as busy as the cheaper ones.
As for me, I will drive all the way across town just to get gas at a place that offers it cheaper than one across the street from where I live. Its a matter of principle. :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, we're at $2.21-$2.24 here is sunny southern California (south LA county/Orange County).
I've read news reports that the price could continue to rise and may not be unexpected to see $3.00 by mid-summer!
I've also read that there are 12 gas refineries in CA to supply gas for the state.
But as of the last 6-7 weeks SIX of them are off line and not producing due to regular maintenance, re-tooling for "summer blends" or some that just simply "broke-down". Two being out of service being the norm, but not SIX, or half of the production line! ???
This is the "excuse" we are getting for the incredible nearly 35% rise in gas prices since early Jan.
Any gas station owner ordering has to be wary, ordering their regular or more than their regular allotment of gas is subject to a 10% surcharge, and we know where that surcharge amount is passed on to…of course they (the oil companies) are not telling the gas station owners just what amout is too much to incur this surcharge...
I think its crap, what other business could stay afloat with half of their production line out of service (except for the oil companies)? Do we really believe that the oil companies are that incompetent as to not be able to schedule maintenance at the refineries so that it won't affect supply? Shouldn't there be a regulation REQUIRING the oil companies to have at least 8 or 9 functioning? Especially being aware of how gas prices affect all aspects of good & services of the (already) tenuous economy of California these days?
The oil companies have us bent over, picking up the soap again… >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Quoting:I've also read that there are 12 gas refineries in CA to supply gas for the state.
But as of the last 6-7 weeks SIX of them are off line and not producing due to regular maintenance, re-tooling for "summer blends" or some that just simply "broke-down". Two being out of service being the norm, but not SIX, or half of the production line! ???
This is the "excuse" we are getting for the incredible nearly 35% rise in gas prices since early Jan.
End Quote
I've always thought the "summer/winter blend" thing is a joke. I don't beleive for a second that the gas suppliers should have to "shut down" to change the blend. If it is so important to change the blend, they should be able to do it without shutting down. By that I mean, they should have a way to do it either gradually, or in a seperate facility so that it does not disrupt production.
But regarding the fact you are going to be paying nearly $3/gallon soon is simple...you live in California, The Tax-Capital of the world (besides Canada) :)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Can someone please explain to me how gas prices can jump in the middle of the day, when the gas you get at night is the same gas that you got in the morning?End Quote
Just like your coffee, it's a commodity product and the price swings with the market. :(
I used to pump gas at an Esso station. Next to us was a PayLess (now Shell) and a Chevron. We'd get a call from head office telling us to move the price up (or sometimes down). Because consumers will consume half a tank of fuel to drive out of their way to save one tenth of a cent on a litre of gas, we didn't want to be left without any business (actually, I could care less.. the fewer lazy-a$$ed ungratefull drivers I was verbally abused by, the better! ;D)
We'd (usually me) run next door and ask the guys if they were going to raise their prices. 99% of the time they got the call at about the same time and were waiting to see if we would adjust our price. It got so regular after a while that when we got the call from head office, we'd then call the competitors next door and let them know. Then we'd simultaneously go out and change the pumps and the signs. On occasion, our neigbouring competitors would call us about a price change. We'd call head office, and they would confirm it.
I tell ya, I was disgusted by what I saw in that industry. >:(
I'd drive an electric just for the principle! (we need a thumbing-nose icon! ;))
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Here's a recent article I found regarding gas prices:
If you'd like to know where your state ranks in terms of high gas prices:
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but yesterday I saw the largest "same-day" jump in gas prices than I have in years.
In the morning at a Kroger station, the low-grade was $1.63. Needless to say the lines were verrry long. By late afternoon, that same station had risen to $1.82!
PS- You know what just struck me as sorta funny, I just looked at the original post in this thread, and back on 2-11-03, the gas prices were almost exactly the same as they are today more than a year later. And we are still complaining about it. :)
I guess we complain too much. :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Think maybe it's because people are gearing towards spring break and more summer travel? It's a bit early though...
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Where I live the Shell gas and Exxon stations are like
$1.91 Regular Unleaded
$2.01-2.09 Premium
$2.11-2.19 Supreme
Gas prices may go up...christ... it's killing me as it is... ::) Maybe if they throw in a hot chippendale dancer...I wouldn't mind. ;D 8)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Where I live the Shell gas and Exxon stations are like
$1.91 Regular Unleaded
$2.01-2.09 Premium
$2.11-2.19 Supreme
Gas prices may go up...christ... it's killing me as it is... ::) Maybe if they throw in a hot chippendale dancer...I wouldn't mind. ;D 8)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's time to convert my engine so that it takes Mazola or urine or something ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This is going a bit off topic here.... but for some reason it said that there were 176 replies on this thread, the last of which was written by Rice Cube, yet when I clicked on the last page of it, all of the replies after that were still there. How strange. ::) I know that the messages from after February 18th were "lost" due to the bug yesterday, but it looks like they're still here after all. Oh well...
Back on topic: the gas prices near my home haven't gone up any further in the last few days. However, yesterday I noticed that one station's prices actually came down, but just by a couple cents.
I wouldn't be surprised if they go back up again..
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
They've been hovering in the $1.76-1.80 range for regular here in Milwaukee, and just the other day on the radio they were talking of well over $2 per gallon by this summer. Kinda makes me wonder about who's making more money from price gouging~ gasoline manufacturing or pharmaceudical companies????
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
On Friday the Shell station nearest my home had $2.08/$2.18/$2.28, but the next day they were each two cents lower than that. :D So it looks like they're starting to come down again, but little by little.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Of course, when I was out Sunday, I didn't fill up on my way out of town because I figured I could do it on the way home. Well, it was $1.67 when I left, $1.72 when I came home. I was po'd because I passed a bunch of stations at $1.68-9, but didn't stop because I figured it would be cheaper at home. So, I ended up paying $1.72 as my gas light came on and I had no choice >:(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
87-octane for $1.64-$1.65 here in Indiana. :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I noticed they've been going down a little, but I heard they might be going back up again. :o
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I noticed they've been going down a little, but I heard they might be going back up again. :o
End Quote
For some reason, that wouldn't surprise me any. ::)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I haven't seen prices hit the $2.00 mark in Massachusetts yet, not even for premium. However $1.89 for premium and $1.69 for regular is quite common.
Some may have pointed this out earlier in the thread, but prices are still low compared to the OPEC crises in the '70s. I'm too young to remember it personally, but adjusted for inflation, prices then went as high $4.00 per gallon in today's money---and you might have sat in line for hours only to have the station run out of fuel before your turn.
Prices today suck, but it could be much worse!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I haven't seen prices hit the $2.00 mark in Massachusetts yet, not even for premium. However $1.89 for premium and $1.69 for regular is quite common.
Some may have pointed this out earlier in the thread, but prices are still low compared to the OPEC crises in the '70s. I'm too young to remember it personally, but adjusted for inflation, prices then went as high $4.00 per gallon in today's money---and you might have sat in line for hours only to have the station run out of fuel before your turn.
Prices today suck, but it could be much worse!
End Quote
Well, I'm in southern California, in the Los Angeles area, and they've hit the $2 mark quite a few times in the last three years. About a year ago they were all above $2/gallon, dropped down over the summer, and within the past few months they shot right back up again. Last time they changed near my home, they went down, by only a couple of cents, but I'm not holding my breath.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Well, I'm in southern California, in the Los Angeles area, and they've hit the $2 mark quite a few times in the last three years. About a year ago they were all above $2/gallon, dropped down over the summer, and within the past few months they shot right back up again. Last time they changed near my home, they went down, by only a couple of cents, but I'm not holding my breath.
End Quote
The sad thing for those of you in So. Cali, especially Angelinos, is a lot of the time your car is burning that $2.00+ per gallon gas, it's just sitting in traffic jams and not moving!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
The sad thing for those of you in So. Cali, especially Angelinos, is a lot of the time your car is burning that $2.00+ per gallon gas, it's just sitting in traffic jams and not moving!
End Quote
Tell me about it! Those were 2 of the big reasons why I moved last year.
When I left LA in March of 2003, gas was over $2.50 a gallon, and my drive to work was about 30 miles (75-90 minutes each way). As soon as I drove across the border to Arizona, gas dropped to $1.75 a gallon. By the time I hit Texas, it had callen to $0.98 a gallon.
Even now, gas here is only $1.58 a gallon. Of course, California also has an insane gas tax, and environmentalists making them play with the formula, so the gas there is specially made just for California.
I remember 10 years ago, when they insisted on placing MTBF in the gas, claiming it would make the air cleaner. To bad the MTBF polluted the water table, causing billions in cleanup and possible cancer. At least the air was cleaner, right?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Saturday, it was $1.89 at our "cheap" station. By yesterday, it was down to $1.75. Good thing I filled up at my MIL's for $1.59. It still cost me around $42.00 though ::) Darned big tank :-/
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
The sad thing for those of you in So. Cali, especially Angelinos, is a lot of the time your car is burning that $2.00+ per gallon gas, it's just sitting in traffic jams and not moving!
End Quote
I know how that is. But I don't have to worry too much about that most of the time, since I commute on the train.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Tell me about it! Those were 2 of the big reasons why I moved last year.
When I left LA in March of 2003, gas was over $2.50 a gallon, and my drive to work was about 30 miles (75-90 minutes each way). As soon as I drove across the border to Arizona, gas dropped to $1.75 a gallon. By the time I hit Texas, it had callen to $0.98 a gallon.
Even now, gas here is only $1.58 a gallon. Of course, California also has an insane gas tax, and environmentalists making them play with the formula, so the gas there is specially made just for California.
I remember 10 years ago, when they insisted on placing MTBF in the gas, claiming it would make the air cleaner. To bad the MTBF polluted the water table, causing billions in cleanup and possible cancer. At least the air was cleaner, right?
End Quote
Every time the environmentalists push through more regulations, it's always Joe Sixpack who gets hit the hardest. They can fiddle with formulas all they want, but burning petroleum is still burning petroleum, and that's the root of the problem. Cough, cough. The way to REALLY cut down on smog is to burn less petroleum, not different petroleum. The problem is, American infrastructure is ever more dependent on the internal combustion engine.
It wasn't environmentalists who eradicated the light rail system in L.A. It wasn't environmentalists who made Americans drive gas-guzzling SUVs instead of high-efficiency compacts.
Ironically, environmental regulations DO tie up public works projects such as light rail and subway construction in miles of red tape. Paralysing regulations, urban build up, and property rights make it all but impossible for Los Angeles to have the gigantic subway rail system it needs.
Still, the L.A. megalopolis would be much better served by light rail.
However, there's an American attitude problem that gets worse all the time. The message from the right-wing (especially Libertarian types) is PUBLIC=BAD, PRIVATE=GOOD. In conjunction with the other mantra, " I ME MINE, I ME MINE, I ME MINE," civic cooperation doesn't stand a chance.
The automobile doesn't just symbolize freedom to Americans, without viable mass transit, it IS freedom. I've lived without a car, and life is much more complicated. If you live in New York City or Boston and don't feel the need to leave the city, it's not so bad without a car. However, such places are few and far between.
One problem with mass transit is that no matter how comprehensive it is, you are still at the mercy of a timetable and a restricted route. Another, which Americans in particular hate, is that it's not your private space. No one can get too close to you in the cabin of your car, and we like it that way.
Boston is one of the most unpleasant cities to drive in. When I go, I park in the garage at the end of the Red Line and take the subway into town. It's worth eight bucks for the garage and the tokens NOT to deal with the aggravation of Boston driving. Parking in Boston can be absolute madness, and drivers often end up with big parking tickets. In spite of all the problems, so many drivers think they are too high class for mass transit, or have a security blanket relationship with their cars.
Americans don't REALLY understand how high a price we pay for total dependence on the automobile, and I find it discouraging that Britain is now sacrificing its rail systems to the Internal Combusiong God.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Ack! :o They're going back up again!
This morning I passed by a station whose FULL SERVE prices were this close to three dollars a gallon! The high-octane price for full serve was, in fact, at that mark. (If it weren't for this fraction-of-a-cent nonsense, it would be.)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Down here in Houston the prices have never been over $2.00 but they are slowly going up...i filled up last night and payed $1.72.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Ack! :o They're going back up again!
This morning I passed by a station whose FULL SERVE prices were this close to three dollars a gallon! The high-octane price for full serve was, in fact, at that mark. (If it weren't for this fraction-of-a-cent nonsense, it would be.)
End Quote
I filled up the other day near Worcester, Mass., where the "super premium" was at $1.95 (highest I've seen here yet), and my regular was $1.75. I still managed to fill it from empty to full for $20.00. The pump is one place where it pays not to have an SUV. Not that SUV drivers should care about gas prices. Anyone willing to pay THAT much for a car in the first place hasn't got thrifty priorities.
They shouldn't charge more for FULL SERVICE. A lot of the people who use full service are elderly or handicapped, and would have a hard time trying to pump it themselves, so it's not fair.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This thread is having the hanging-page error :P
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Pretty soon we're all going to have to go back to the days of horse and buggy. These gas prices will break many people and evidently there's very little that can be done about it.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
This thread is having the hanging-page error :P
End Quote
I noticed that too! It says on the topics list that it has 211 replies, yet the most recent one is #212 (in fact, there are 212 until I make my post). So when I post this one, it'll be reply #213, but the list will still say 212. What's causing this discrepancy?
Anyway, back on topic:
Quoting:They shouldn't charge more for FULL SERVICE. A lot of the people who use full service are elderly or handicapped, and would have a hard time trying to pump it themselves, so it's not fair.End Quote
I agree with ya totally. It's complete ripoff, as at least two other people have said. :-[ :(
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
It's unbelievable how high they are now. I just hope they'll go back down again some time in the near future. Near where I live they're about $2.22/$2.32/$2.42 on the average.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
They shouldn't charge more for FULL SERVICE. A lot of the people who use full service are elderly or handicapped, and would have a hard time trying to pump it themselves, so it's not fair.
End Quote
Its not fair, but who do you want to pay for that gas attendant? Most gas stations have only one person working there anymore, and they are watching the cash register inside.
You start charging the "same" for full service and then everyone (including myself) will want full service too. And why not? We'd be paying for it in increased gas prices. Why pump yourself when somebody else will pump it for you for free?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Just out of curiosity, what are the gas prices where you live right now?
They made a big jump today.
Where I am, the average for Regular is $1.78, and $1.92 for Premium.
Just wondering...
End Quote
Just for kicks, I posted the original starting post for this thread.
1 year and 2 months ago, the gas prices were higher here than they are now. On Feb 11, 2003, it was $1.78 for regular in my town. And today, over a year later, it is $1.71.
...and yet we are all still complaining...about lower prices. ;)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
Its not fair, but who do you want to pay for that gas attendant? Most gas stations have only one person working there anymore, and they are watching the cash register inside.
You start charging the "same" for full service and then everyone (including myself) will want full service too. And why not? We'd be paying for it in increased gas prices. Why pump yourself when somebody else will pump it for you for free?
End Quote
Yeeeah, I see what you mean. Good point. Not everybody's like me. I would avoid full service even it was the same price. I prefer to pump it myself. Anyway, it's not like I hadn't noticed, life's not fair, life's a b*tch! Nice 'tude, huh?
When I was little, self-serve was rare. I remember my dad pulling into gas stations. The attendant would come out, my dad would say, "Fill it up with regular." Remember "regular" as opposed to "unleaded"? The attendant would squeegee the windshield and check the oil as the gas was pumping.
Now the guy just wedges the gas cap under the handle, and walks off for a few drags from his cigarette!
BTW, the lead particles from all that leaded gasoline are with us 'till this very day!
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
out here in jersey, we dont have to worry about full service, because its mandatory :o. I havent stepped out of my car at a gas station in months. And we still say regular instead of unleaded. (P.S. Our prices are in the 1.70 range.)
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
out here in jersey, we dont have to worry about full service, because its mandatory :o. I havent stepped out of my car at a gas station in months. And we still say regular instead of unleaded. (P.S. Our prices are in the 1.70 range.)
End Quote
That's odd. I wonder why it's mandatory. Is NJ the only state where it's mandatory?
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
That's odd. I wonder why it's mandatory. Is NJ the only state where it's mandatory?
End Quote
I know the question wasn't directed to me, but I think "full-service" is mandatory in Oregon as well. At least it was a few years ago.
Personally, I think it is idotic and makes no sense whatsoever.
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I know the question wasn't directed to me, but I think "full-service" is mandatory in Oregon as well. At least it was a few years ago.
Personally, I think it is idotic and makes no sense whatsoever.
End Quote
Maybe some state legislatures believe the citizens are too stupid to pump their own gas safely ("hey, they voted for US, didn't they?"), or maybe the d*mned gas station service workers' unions are behind it!
;D :D
Subject: Re: Gas Prices
I know the question wasn't directed to me, but I think "full-service" is mandatory in Oregon as well. At least it was a few years ago.
Personally, I think it is idotic and makes no sense whatsoever.
End Quote
I like the "full service" because I don't want gas on my hands, on my clothes, or to smell like gas. I live in New Jersey by the way.
People who wine about gas prices are barking up the wrong tree. I have a car and it cost me 22-23.00 to fill it up and it fill it up unleaded plus. Whats out there out now? SUV's are all over the place. I can't even imagine whatr kind of gas prices I would be paying if I owned a Ford Explorer, Toyota 4 Runner or worse yet a Chevy Tahoe. If I had a family I would get one of those car based SUV's like a Mazda Tribute or a Fod Escape. The car based SUV's are more fuel efficient than big SUV"s.