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Subject: Michael Jackson Interview
U all know u watched it so what do u think?
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
I did watch it after telling myself I wasn't going to and well, I think of him as more of a freak than I did before I saw it.
Whats with the wax people in his hotel suite? And that 12 yr old "friend" that was holding his hand and defending the fact they slept together?
I did find it interesting that he told the reporter his worth is still around $1 billion, but they disclosed afterward his worth is actually closer to $200 million now since his last album bombed and all the legal fees lately. Does he have no concept of money?
And whats the deal with his relationship to his kids? Very disturbing. I'm not sure he should keep having kids, he said he wanted a kid from every country for cryin out loud. He can't even take care of himself.
He reminds me of a 44 yr old child. Its like his mind stopped developing at age 12.
I guess the most disturbing aspect of the show was his "relationship" with kids. I know he says its all in good spirit, but I just can't get past him sleeping with them. Its not right, especially after he's already been accused with indecent acts with a minor in the past. Of course that case was settled with a little hush money.
I could go on, but I want to hear other opinions.
It was wierd, very wierd.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
Personaly, I don't think he's a lunatic. He just has his way to live, like we all do.
Something he remarked did get my attention, when he was asked why he changed his skin color, he answered that he didn't, and he also said that there are kids and people in the world that are white and they have tanning sessions to make themselves look dark, but then that noone says anything to them. That's true, when I think about it.
I think people should just leave Michael Jackson alone, I mean really. Enough is enough.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
I think people should just leave Michael Jackson alone, I mean really. Enough is enough.
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maybe if he would stop acting like a lunatic and creating news headlines with his bizarre behavior, maybe then people would leave him alone.
Jackson agreed to do the interview last night, he knew it would cause contraversy, he knew the cameras were rolling and that everything was on the record. So I have no sympathy for him. Sometimes, the media does blow things regarding him out of proprtion, I'll give you that, but you have to admit he brings 99% of it on himself.
When you are a popular as Jackson is, your life is lived in a fishbowl, and every move is prone to scrutiny. Thats the price of fame.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
I think Michael Jackson has made good music throughout the years, and this should be separate from the fact that he's a wackjob.
I also think that the reason the media continues to cover him is because people like us still care, for whatever reason. Maybe if you stopped caring and ignore him, he'll go away and then you won't have to worry about him anymore.
Just my opinion. I no longer care what Michael Jackson does, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone (which he hasn't...yet).
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
I no longer care what Michael Jackson does, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone (which he hasn't...yet).
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...not that we know of.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
...not that we know of.
End Quote
Semantics ;)
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
During the first part of the interview, when they were on the Neverland Ranch with no kids around....I thought Michael Jackson could actually pass for normal. He seemed OK. Yeah he did act like a kid, but it seemed like a healthy way of acting like a kid. I thought it was cool that he had a tree to climb up on and find inspiration to write songs.
Then when Jackson and Martin Bashir went shopping, then to the hotel suite and to Germany and all those other places, he seemed to be breaking down. The guy seems to have no concept of money and just buys things left and right. And I don't think he can afford it all either. When he was holding his baby while talking to journalist Martin Bashir, I was scared out of my mind. He came across as very disturbed individual.
Anyway, in the end he got a lot of publicity out of this and his record sales shot up. Sometimes I think that Michael may not be as wacky as he pretends to be. It could all be an act to get media attention.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
i think the guy needs help! the interview started off ok but it just wierder as it went on!
dont ya think it was very scarey when he went shopping btw!!??
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
Here's something slightly off-topic:
Don't you think Michael Jackson would be better off using a prosthetic nose? It's just that nowadays he kinda reminds me of Skeletor...
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
Better than having one the size of his little finger I suppose
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Interview
I talk about the interview in my new song "Who's that man in The Mirror". http://www.amiright.com/parody/80s/michaeljackson26.shtml
Back to the interview, I think that Bashir guy was a real 2 face and the way he talked about Mike off camera was not something that suprised me