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Subject: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Just in case you hadn't heard. There's a press conference on right now.
Thought I'd share this breaking news - Don't freak out on me or anything!
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I heard this as I drove into work tonight. It's sad and scary. The fast-pass lanes between Canada / US have been closed indefinitely and everyone's getting the once-over.....they said it hasn't been this high (the threat level) since last Sept....I'm not complaining....I'd much rather be safe than sorry....it's just sad to me that the world has come to this. Why can't we all just get along?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
It freaks me out! I live in DC and I know we'll be the first to go! Isn't that totally morbid to think that way? But all my life I have always had that in the back of my mind. "Welp, if the US is bombed, we will be the first hit". >:(
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I don't want to sound like a smart aleck, but what are we supposed to do during an orange alert?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I don't want to sound like a smart aleck, but what are we supposed to do during an orange alert?
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Let's go out and buy some guns. :P
I'm personally not changing anything I do, except to be a little more wary of the bums I give change to in Berkeley...
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
It freaks me out! I live in DC and I know we'll be the first to go! Isn't that totally morbid to think that way? But all my life I have always had that in the back of my mind. "Welp, if the US is bombed, we will be the first hit". >:(
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I was in D.C. last year-for the 4th of July so I was there during one of the alerts (I think it might have been red-don't remember). I am afraid that all these alerts is just going to be the "Boy who cried wolf." All of us are going to be so used to these alerts that it is not going to mean anything. Hopefully nothing will ever happen (AGAIN) but if it does, I don't think the alert will mean anything.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I think you're right Cat. Here in Oz, we all just got a booklet mailed to us by the Government. They just spent millions of dollars producing a booklet about what to do if there's a terrorist attack and what to look out for to help prevent one. It's a pretty good joke. I read it this morning before I left for work and I almost couldn't stop laughing. Most people don't even know what to do after a car accident, and they're trying to educate us all about a terror attack with a p-ssant little booklet! So if the people aren't worried and paranoid enough as it is, now it's going to be worse. People won't be able to put a suitcase down beside them for a minute without someone thinking they've got a bomb in it. My brother won't bring his family to Sydney anymore because he's afraid a bomb will go off on top of him.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I totally agree with you Cat. Eventually we are all going to get to used to these terror alerts. But my uncle works in the White House and he always tells me to treat every terrorist threat like it's really about to happen, because nobody was prepared when 9/11 went down.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Cat, I think you are correct. When it went out on the news at work, people just shrugged and went on with what they were doing. :-/ And, there are a lot of elderly here in Smallville USA, it's pretty much a retirement community.Most of their opinion is that WW3 is imminent, and we are standing at the brink of armageddon. Nice cheery thoughts. :( What I would like to know is what exactly are we supposed to do when the alert is high? They say "Keep your eyes open." For what, exactly?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Most of their opinion is that WW3 is imminent, and we are standing at the brink of armageddon.
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Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I don't want to sound like a smart aleck, but what are we supposed to do during an orange alert?
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Wait for the red alert.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
If these alerts are real, what are we supposed to do anyway? Put our head between our knees and kiss our @$$ good-bye? ???
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Move to another country?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Personally I think these "terror alerts" are a load of BS. They act like they can predict these things like the weather.
"Well doppler radar indicates a high chance of terrorism tommrrow, but for Monday and Tuesday the threat alert will be back down to yellow".
I think the terror alerts are there for the same reason the "duck under the desk" drills were done in the 50s and 60s. It's meant to give people some relief with the belief that the government has some control over an almost uncontrollable situation.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Webster's Dictionary defines "terrorism" as "a systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion". To me that means that terrorists use tactics designed to scare and frighten their enemies into compliance, surrender or submission; I bet there's some terror organisations laughing at the way some people are running around like Chicken Little at the moment.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I am afraid that all these alerts is just going to be the "Boy who cried wolf." All of us are going to be so used to these alerts that it is not going to mean anything. Hopefully nothing will ever happen (AGAIN) but if it does, I don't think the alert will mean anything.
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well, just look at it on the opposite end of the spectrum. Remember shortly after Sept. 11 when the governement was being criticized for not giving enough warnings and alerts/updates? So now they are giving constant updates and alerts, and now you say its too much.
What are they supposed to do? If they didn't give the alerts and updates, the same people complaining that its too much would then just complain they aren't doing enough.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I am afraid that all these alerts is just going to be the "Boy who cried wolf." All of us are going to be so used to these alerts that it is not going to mean anything.
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This is how I feel, too. There is nothing wrong with being on the lookout for danger...danger comes in many forms, but constantly screaming alert is just going to make peopel ignore it. I mean, how many people actually pay attention to car alarms anymore?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Sounds more like North Korea and Iraq. Both should be eradicated. However, If the continuation of terrorists pushing us to war exists, the President and his crew must take action. Just because North Korea has a bigger surplus of weapons at their disposal does give us an excuse to ignore them, other than not enough oil in Pyangyang. ::)
Webster's Dictionary defines "terrorism" as "a systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion". To me that means that terrorists use tactics designed to scare and frighten their enemies into compliance, surrender or submission; I bet there's some terror organisations laughing at the way some people are running around like Chicken Little at the moment.
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Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Ooh, look at me. I'm shaking in my little space boots!
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
You better be scared. You may be coming back from your next trip to the mall a friggin' crispy critter.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Just because North Korea has a bigger surplus of weapons at their disposal does give us an excuse to ignore them, other than not enough oil in Pyangyang. ::)
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oh darn, I thought we might actually get through one whole day without someone playing the "its all about oil" card.
oh well, maybe tomorrow.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
looming over North Korea's shoulder is big brother China........ooops, Bush just crapped his pants. :o
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
looming over North Korea's shoulder is big brother China........ooops, Bush just crapped his pants. :o
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Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
China can bring America to its knees, an army that numbers in the millions, nuclear weapons that can hit any of our cities.....
right now america is vulnerable, a weak, failing president whose country is turning against him, the rest of the world is against him too.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
right now america is vulnerable, a weak, failing president whose country is turning against him, the rest of the world is against him too.
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maybe in your little land of make-believe. ::)
Fortunately for us, its not reality.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I have always had that in the back of my mind. "Welp, if the US is bombed, we will be the first hit". >:(
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A dubious honor, huh?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I agree that China is still a dangerous superpower and will do anything to destroy the US if its brother nations are nuked. And we have ex-President Clinton to blame (Sorry, Clinton fanatics) for reducing our military might while China and North Korea were stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. And Russia didn't completely diminish their nukes either, they still gave their weapons to American enemies. But I think if we let North Korea slide, it wil be the end of the US as we know it. I don't want to scare people here, but it sure looks like our Boss' priorities are skewered if not completely for ulterior motives. :-X :-/
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I don't want to sound like a smart aleck, but what are we supposed to do during an orange alert?
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You don't sound at all like a smart aleck. I asked myself the same thing. I am grateful that the government is stepping up and warning us of potential dangers. On the other hand, they do not tell us the nature of the alert. I want "the where and what should I be doing". Should I be wearing gloves and masks when I get my mail, Running as far and fast as I can away from the nuclear power plant in my state, not go to the mall. Perhaps they don't tell us because they are afraid they will compromise their sources of intelligence. Who knows? But I am in agreement with those that say that these alerts will become as useless and ignored after a time unless they give us substancial information along with these alerts.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I don't want to scare people here, but it sure looks like our Boss' priorities are skewered if not completely for ulterior motives. :-X :-/
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Oh boy, here we go again. ::)
blah blah blah...
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
...On the other hand, they do not tell us the nature of the alert. End Quote
well, actually they did. They said this alert was based on spacific evidence involving terrorist activity at hotels, apartments buildings, shopping mall, etc. In other words, "softly guarded" buildings.
Do you expect them to say, "ok folks, they are going to hit the Holiday Inn on 48th and Main st. today at 11:03 am"? I don't think so.
Quoting:I want "the where and what should I be doing". Should I be wearing gloves and masks when I get my mail, Running as far and fast as I can away from the nuclear power plant in my state, not go to the mall. End Quote
in answer to all the above, no. They made it clear not to change your travel or activity plans, but to be aware of any suspicious activity. What do you expect them to say?
Quoting:Perhaps they don't tell us because they are afraid they will compromise their sources of intelligence. Who knows?
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I think its common sense that the majority of the public would not be able to handle the truth, and by truth I mean if they disclosed some of the daily threat warnings they recieve by intelligence. There would be mass caos and confusion.
I am not trying to defend the government. I am just pointing out that, as I stated in an earlier post, if they were to stop giving the constant warnings/updates, the same people complaining now that they are warning us too much, would then complain they aren't being warned enough. For example: shortly after Sept 11.
You can't have it both ways.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
While I disagree with a lot of the current administration's agenda, I can't really fault them on this one. It's the old saying "You're darned if you do and you're darned if you don't."
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Just because the UN meetings and announcements are taking all the news spots right now doesn't mean anyone is ignoring North Korea.
International atomic-related commision is meeting this week to send info to the UN. Last Wednesday, B1 and B52 bombers were moved to Guam - specifically to be in closer striking distance. The nuclear facility they say they are reopening can be producing weapons-grade plutonium within a couple of months - for use in mass producing nukes or for sale to the highest crazed muslim bidder - I'd bet there's serious thought about taking that facility out.
By next week, we should be hearing alot from China when the problem hits the desk at the UN.
Most of the high alert status actions are behind the scenes, increased patrols and check like at my airport.
For the average citizen, the alert status announcement is just to remind you to get your Will in order :)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I heard on 60 Minutes last night-they asked a bunch of South Koreans who they feared more, Kim Jong Il or George Bush. They all said George Bush.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I heard on 60 Minutes last night-they asked a bunch of South Koreans who they feared more, Kim Jong Il or George Bush. They all said George Bush.
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Oh my, stop the presses. I guess when we were organizing the impending war and protecting our country, we must have forgot to ask the South Koreans what they thought of our president. ::)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I just figure it's because George Bush is taller :)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Oh my, stop the presses. I guess when we were organizing the impending war and protecting our country, we must have forgot to ask the South Koreans what they thought of our president. ::)
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I am just stating what was said on the show. There is no need to get nasty. Are you saying that South Koreans can't express their opinions?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I am just stating what was said on the show. There is no need to get nasty. Are you saying that South Koreans can't express their opinions?
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I'm not trying to be nasty, I'm just wondering how many pro-Bush people they deleted from their poll to boost the anti-Bush sentiment. Its kinda like going to a heavily Democratic county and taking a poll to see if they will vote Republican or Democrat. Obviously the results will be pro-Democrat.
And yes, they can express their opinions.
I just figure it's because George Bush is taller :)
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hey, I never thought of it that way, I think you may be right. ;D
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Hard to take seriously the opinion of people who can't even get on the good rides at Disneyworld. ;D
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I am just stating what was said on the show. There is no need to get nasty. Are you saying that South Koreans can't express their opinions?
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They should. But they should also understand that the USA has helped protect their borders and the DMZ for 50 years now. Let's see what happens if Dubya grows some balls and pulls the troops out of there, I'm kinda wondering if the South Koreans will collectively crap their pants then.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Let's see what happens if Dubya grows some balls and pulls the troops out of there, I'm kinda wondering if the South Koreans will collectively crap their pants then.
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Great point. Its easy for them to say they don't like Bush now while they we are protecting them, that is until they are suddenly on their own and the "@&^$ hits the fan"!
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
It's the christian thing to do. Just trying to save their Seoul. ;D (hissing ensues)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
I am not trying to defend the government.End Quote
You're not? I thought that was your job here. :)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
It's the christian thing to do. Just trying to save their Seoul. ;D (hissing ensues)
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Whose dumb idea was it to put the capital cities so close to the DMZ? :D I must be missing some historical significance here...it's like how during the Civil War, DC and Richmond were within spitball distance of each other ::)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
According to the book The Cold War and Its Origins 1917-1960 Volume II by D. F. Fleming, the Koreans have always wanted to united country. But it was U.S. and China politics that drove them apart. I think even today, they would like to be united.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
In all seriousness, I found this to be interesting:
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
You're not? I thought that was your job here. :)
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no, when I see/hear/read someone here who disagrees with or criticizes Bush or some aspect of government policy on an issue that I happen to agree with, I do try to defend them in that regard. Don't you try to defend something that you agree with when it is criticized?
I don't agree with everything the government does. Bush isn't perfect, the government is far from perfect, thats common knowledge. But when I do agree with something that someone else disgrees with it, I am going to express my views and opinions on it.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
In his book, Stupid White Men, Michael Moore recommends that the Korean dictator--a movie buff--watch Dude, Where's My Car? explaining that this movie is all he needs to understand Americans.
Understanding that madmen usually have to be smart in order to achieve the ruination of a country, I think we can safely say that he understands more than we give him credit for.
So far, he acts like a man who knows his days are numbered, and this is legitimately his way of getting Koreans something for his end. If a million Koreans are going to die, war is a quicker way than starvation. As a pacifist, I am not afforded the luxury of accusing, If a million Koreans are going to die, war is a quicker way of getting to the stage where the Americans arrive to save the people.
In the end, a full-blown showdown with the US would probably have a net positive effect for North Koreans, which is sad given the history of difficulties the world has found in assisting the people.
It's a very bad situation, and the US is working furiously to limit the options.
But the irony of the situation amuses me to no macabre end.
Are people really going to die over this?
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
In the end, a full-blown showdown with the US would probably have a net positive effect for North KoreansEnd Quote
As I understand it, the last country invaded by the US (Afghanistan) is rapidly degenerating into anarchy as rival warlords fight over territory and thousands of people have died due to cold and starvation after their country's infrastructure was bombed flat. I'm not sure that the invasion of North Korea is going to be all that positive for them.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
no, when I see/hear/read someone here who disagrees with or criticizes Bush or some aspect of government policy on an issue that I happen to agree with, I do try to defend them in that regard. Don't you try to defend something that you agree with when it is criticized?
I don't agree with everything the government does. Bush isn't perfect, the government is far from perfect, thats common knowledge. But when I do agree with something that someone else disgrees with it, I am going to express my views and opinions on it.
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Don't take it too badly. I didn't mean anything by it, but you do give the impression sometimes that Bush can walk on water. I'm sure you don't really think that. 'Twas just a jest.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Don't take it too badly. I didn't mean anything by it, but you do give the impression sometimes that Bush can walk on water. I'm sure you don't really think that. 'Twas just a jest.
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I realize I come off sometimes as you said I do. Its not intentional, its just the way it ends up when its typed out I guess.
No offense taken. ;)
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
As to exactly 'what we are supposed to do' during an 'orange alert', the mayor of my city held a press conference immediately after the feds were done. He gave some practical suggestions to those in charge of large buildings.
He suggested that similar to store detectives trying to prevent shoplifting, there should be some 'undercover' or plainclothes security personnell. He also suggested changing number and location of guards, and changing public access doors suddenly and without advance warning.
As an example: our city hall is an ugly, ugly builing. It looks like an upside-down pyramid. There are two main entrances (front and back) and several employee-only doors that operate with a passkey. The mayor stated that without warning, he would be disabling some of these employee doors. After some hours, he would put them back into operation, and disable others. Sometimes, without warning, he would be closing the front entrance completely, and making people walk all the way around to the back door.
At first glance, this would seem to make sense, but several local new crews tested security at city hall the last time there was an elevated alert. It failed miserably as actors hired to play "potential terrorists" sailed on in without being questioned. Duffell bags with fake weapons were easily left near elevators, and one found it's way directly into the mayor's office while he was out.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Years ago, I used to work at a hospital. The guy who was in charge of the pharmacy asked me to do him a favor. He gave me a note that said something like, "This is a hold up exersize." or something like that. I would take this note to the pharmacy, they would give me "mock" drugs and I went back to my office. The head of the pharmacy would come and get the "mock" drugs. It was basically a drill for how his people would handle a situation. I later found out that I was not the only "hold up" person. The head of the pharmacy would try to use different people at different times.
Subject: Re: Terrorism Threat Level Raised to Orange (High)
Should we be worrying?