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Subject: Same sex marriages
Ok, another controveral issue. I'm just curious what people's oppinons are to same-sex marriages. Personally, I have no problem with them. As a hetersexual, having gays and lebsians marry will not disrupt my relationship at all.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I don't see how it affects society or triggers the downfall of civilization of two people love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together...just as long as they don't force their beliefs on me.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
It doesn't bug me at all. I just wish people would be more accepting of same sex marriages.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
except for the fact that (obviously) the two people getting married are of the same sex, i don't see how it's any different from a man and woman getting married...they care about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. i'm not really seeing why this is a "bad" thing.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I support same sex marriage, don't understand why others wouldn't. It seems to make good sence to encourage and enable monogomy and recognizing the legal union of two people.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Religion plays a big part in the reason why they will never be accepted by society in general, no matter how liberated we've become over the past decades.
It's actually written in the bible that the behaviour is a sin!
A problem not easily overcome.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I have no problem with it. In fact, there is a homosexual couple that live down the street from me. They seem like a couple of nice guys. They don't socialize much with the rest of the neighborhood because they travel alot, but I wouldn't have a problem if they showed up at the neighborhood block party.
On the same line of thinking, why is it okay for men to see 2 girls together, but 2 men is disgusting? Neither one bothers me. ???
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
On the same line of thinking, why is it okay for men to see 2 girls together, but 2 men is disgusting? Neither one bothers me. ???
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Two of the same thing we like and the other are two of the same thing we don't. I would think that homosexual males like to see two other men together because that's what they like. It's a visual thing. Most males are triggered by the visual (both hetero and homo) and possess the same sexual drive, they just like different things, that's all.
I'm in favour of same-sex unions, so that they may get the same benefits as spouses and family members when it comes to life insurance, health, etc. I don't think there are that many churches out there that'll perform and sanction it, but then, religion is separate from government, right? So they can judge whatever they want as long as it doesn't disrupt anyone's harmless and consensual way of life.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
As a Christian I have been told by Jesus love everyone. So I do.
Two of my very good gal friends are in love....with each other. They know I love them. I don't judge them. I may not agree with what they do, but who am I? Just a sinner. Make sense?
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ok people, if you went to your Bible and read the book of Leviticus, you would see that God condemns homosexuality, just as he does murder, stealing, idolatry, etc. And if you remember the story of Lot, God destroyed Sodom & Gomora because it was a homosexual community.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ok people, if you went to your Bible and read the book of Leviticus, you would see that God condemns homosexuality, just as he does murder, stealing, idolatry, etc. And if you remember the story of Lot, God destroyed Sodom & Gomora because it was a homosexual community.
End Quote
And if you would read your new testament, you would see that we are all sinners and we do not judge. That is for God to decide. "Jesus loves the lost lamb the most."
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
And if you are a true Christian and follow the Lord, you won't want to sin or encourage sinful behaviour. True, God is the ultimate judge in the end, and true, some sins aren't as bad as others, but if you tell a gay or lesbian that they're behaviour is "ok" then you might as well tell a murderer to keep on killin.
If you're a Christian, you should try your best to lead others to Jesus, not just keep sending them on that same ol road down to eternal damnation.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Queen Amenra:
I am not going to be pulled into an argument as to who is a real Christian. As I said before I was taught: A true Christian loves their neighbor, offers the other cheek when slapped, gives and does not ask for it back. You can go back at my post and if you read it a little closer, you will see that I did not say that type of lifestyle is or is not ok, I opted out completely because I am stating that I was taught a true Christian will not bring judgement upon another. And, BTW I don't believe that anyone is ever going to be led to believing in Christ by force. It is a personal experience that a person must find by their own path. I guess we were just taught by different people about what a true Christian does. :) No one has to be "right" here, just as noone has to be "wrong". That is true wisdom.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Who says I was arguing?
And I did not say that people are forced to come to Christ. I believe that salvation is "in a man, not a plan." For example praying a little prayer or walking down the aisle won't save you. But if the Spirit is callin and He gives you the grace to make your heart yield and you WANT to follow him, then you can be saved.
What I meant when I was saying leading people to Christ was by witnessing and letting others see Christ IN us.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ok people, if you went to your Bible and read the book of Leviticus, you would see that God condemns homosexuality, just as he does murder, stealing, idolatry, etc. And if you remember the story of Lot, God destroyed Sodom & Gomora because it was a homosexual community.
End Quote
And the rest of us don't care for Semitic myths and fictional characters passing judgment on others.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
And the rest of us don't care for Semitic myths and fictional characters passing judgment on others.
End Quote
But we still respect your beliefs and your choice to believe in certain teachings. Just don't force it upon us.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Exactly ;)
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
if you tell a gay or lesbian that they're behaviour is "ok" then you might as well tell a murderer to keep on killin.
End Quote
Look at this statement and tell me that it makes sense. That monogomous homosexuality is equal to an ax murderer. Let me ask you this, if you had to choose between living next door to a homosexual or ax murderer, which would you choose?
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
... some sins aren't as bad as others, but if you tell a gay or lesbian that they're behaviour is "ok" then you might as well tell a murderer to keep on killin.
End Quote
This has got to be one of the stupidest analogies I've read in a while. I'd also like to point out that this statement reeks of contradiction. First, this poster goes on to write, "Some sins aren't as bad as others." Then goes on to compare homosexuals with murderers!
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I'll say it's fine, but... there are hidden costs to it. Here's a current local story:
Health benefits to be dropped for same-sex partners
Pioneer Press
Minnesota lawmakers are getting ready to ratify state worker contracts that were negotiated more than a year ago and went into effect without formal ratification.
But when lawmakers finally approve the labor agreements they will delete state-paid insurance benefits for the gay or lesbian partners of employees.
By ratifying the contracts, the Legislature will avoid a situation late this spring when state workers would otherwise lose about 6 percent of their pay.
Senate Majority Leader John Hottinger, DFL-St. Peter, and House Speaker Steve Sviggum, R-Kenyon, introduced similar contract-ratification bills on Wednesday and Thursday. Gov. Tim Pawlenty said he supports the ratification effort.
Both bills provide that none of the approximately 80 gay and lesbian state workers who have taken advantage of the health benefits will lose the benefits until July 1.
In 2001, Gov. Jesse Ventura and his Department of Employee Relations negotiated contracts with many public employee unions that granted same-sex health benefits. Members of the House Republican majority objected to the same-sex benefits.
Then last year the Senate ratified the contracts as negotiated, and the House ratified them without the same-sex benefits. The result was the contracts never were officially ratified, but lawmakers and Ventura agreed to a compromise that let them go into effect without ratification.
The hitch was that, without formal ratification, the contracts would have expired in late May and employees would have dropped back to the pay scales they had in mid-2001. Allowing the contracts to expire theoretically would save the state about $228 million. But cutting employees' pay might also provoke strikes.
The bills introduced by Hottinger and Sviggum are the result of another compromise between lawmakers and the unions.
Leaders of Minnesota's two largest public employee unions said Thursday they were not willingly giving up the same-sex benefits. But they said they welcomed the legislative leaders' decision to ratify the contracts and keep employees from taking pay cuts.
"We're not going to agree to it, and we're not going to support it, but we're not going to be out there kicking the hell out of them," said Mike Morrell, assistant director of Council 6 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union.
Jim Monroe, executive director of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, said his members recognized the Republican majority in the House would not ratify the contracts if the same-sex benefits remained in them.
"We still disagree with pulling something out of a negotiated contract, but the votes are there to do it so we'll be in line," Monroe said.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Frankly it doesn't worry me - so long as the parties concerned don't then expect some forms of 'special dispensation' for their situation.
The reality of such situations is that communities and legislators are traditionally slow to adapt to change, and this needs to be recognised by all concerned.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
As a Christian I have been told by Jesus love everyone. So I do.
Two of my very good gal friends are in love....with each other. They know I love them. I don't judge them. I may not agree with what they do, but who am I? Just a sinner. Make sense?
End Quote
Same here. While I don't agree with the lifestyle and would not choose it for myself, I won't judge. My sister is in this position and I think it would be wrong to judge her for it.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Should same sex partners get the same benefits as traditionally married couples?
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Should same sex partners get the same benefits as traditionally married couples?
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What IS traditional anymore?
I guess a more conservative standpoint would be to say no. I don't have a right answer, but I don't see a point in penalizing two people for loving each other. I also don't see a justification for giving two people benefits if they're going to do it just for the novelty, which some people do when they "experiment".
UC Berkeley and other universities and colleges, being of the progressive mind, do give full benefits to both traditional couples and same-sex domestic partners. So someone thinks it's justified.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
If a same-sex couple wants to get married let them get married. Does it affect me any? No If 2 good looking girls were kissing each other in front of me it would be pretty hot.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
If same-sex sexual partners are eligible, shouldn't two same-sex, heterosexual friends qualify?
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
If same-sex sexual partners are eligible, shouldn't two same-sex, heterosexual friends qualify?
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Here is my view: if a person can prove that another person is dependent upon them for most of their care, in other words, if their friend/partner/parent/child is dependent upon them, and can prove it by living situation, or other means, then that person should be able to claim that person under their coverage. How many of us would it help if we could insure our parent? Or our roommate of many years? It would take the marriage question, be it same sex or other out of the equation. This will never happen, as insurance companies will simply counter by raising premiums....but in a perfect world ;)
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I think that same sex couples should have the benefits if they are legally married. I believe Hawaii and a New England (NH, or Vt?) state recognize same sex marriages now. We were close to passing it and the city of Seattle has same sex benefits for gvmt. employees.
If same-sex sexual partners are eligible, shouldn't two same-sex, heterosexual friends qualify?
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Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I just wanted to point out that I think Marriage should be required for benefits for the same reason some people don't marry, there is pluses and minus to legal marriage and I don't want it to be something easy to manipulate.
There may be examples found well same sex legally marry to expoity that benefit but I think that would be just as rare as traditional marriages being performed for the same purpose.
I think that same sex couples should have the benefits if they are legally married. I believe Hawaii and a New England (NH, or Vt?) state recognize same sex marriages now. We were close to passing it and the city of Seattle has same sex benefits for gvmt. employees.
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Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
From what I have seen and heard, most people who object to same-sex marriages do so for the sake of their religious beliefs.
Keeping that in mind, a country that declares "separation of Church and State" should allow secular same-sex marriage. It would therefore be up to the individuals involved to obey the teachings of their church/mosque/synagogue, or not.
I understand there is at least one, and possibly more countries in Europe that allow and recognize same-sex marriage for that very reason (separation of church/state).
As for the "morality" argument, which is more immoral: a man and woman living together unmarried, or a man and woman who are married and living together? The answer in this case is obvious.
If we apply the same logic to a same-sex couple, letting them marry would be more moral than not.
As to the health insurance and other benefits issue...
Allowing domestic-partner benefits covers unmarried heterosexual couples as well as homosexual couples. There is a lot of screaming and squawking in my area over the morality of this.
People, you cannot have it both ways! Allow homosexual couples to marry, or deal with the fact that unmarried heterosexual couples would be covered by domestic-partnership benefits packages (if and when they are offered).
Same-sex marriages should be equally difficult to end in a divorce as heterosexual marriage currently is. This would deter, IMO, people who would marry on a whim, or to prove a point to friends/family/the general public.
Personally, I say if a gay couple wants to get married--LET THEM!!! It doesn't affect me in any way, shape, or form.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
My partner and I are living together and NOT married. That is our choice. We feel that marriage would not benefit us as all (both of us have been there, done that). We do not get some of the same "priviliges" as married couples do such as insurence coverage and things like that. The difference between us and homosexual couples is that we have a CHOICE. We can get married if we want to or just stay the way we are now. Homosexual couples DO NOT have that choice. They can't get married (except in the Netherlands). There are some states, like Hawaii and Vermont who recognizes same-sex relationships in terms of insurence and legal rights but not same-sex marriages (try figuring that one out).
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Marriage is not only a legal contract, it's also a religious and social institution.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
And this means ??? ......
Marriage is not only a legal contract, it's also a religious and social institution.
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Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
i will make only one comment and will not come back to this topic, only because im not about to get into another argument, but to be frank i dont like them, i think that they are wrong, Christian Morals i guess so please dont freek out on me again ok im done. Peace Ghetto John
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Don't "booo..." me off the thread. I'm not sure how to explain my thoughts on this issue.
I'll try:
I don't think homosexual relationships were meant by nature to happen. I Don't understand them. I don't agree with them.
I'm not prejudiced against homosexuals. I have had friends who were, in fact.
I just wouldn't want my kid to turn out to be one. But If he/she did, I would wholeheartedly accept them for who they are and love them unconditionally.
On topic's main question:
I'm sorry to those to whom this may offend, but I don't think same sex marriages should be recognized.
Possible ramification of same sex marriages being recognized and accepted in society, with which I would not agree:
I would not agree with it being the norm that a growing child be suggested that he/she has a choice of gender to marry one day.
If they turn out homosexual, that's one thing.
However, I don't think they should be pre-disposed to it.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Religion plays a big part in the reason why they will never be accepted by society in general, no matter how liberated we've become over the past decades.
It's actually written in the bible that the behaviour is a sin!
A problem not easily overcome.
End Quote
The Bible also says I'm supposed to be burning the fat of a calf in my backyard to give praise to the Lord. But I don't think my neighbors would appreciate it if I did that.
I don't care what homosexuals do. If they want to get married, more power to them. And I don't have any kids, so I don't have the "What about the children!? My God what about the children!!?" attitude.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I would not agree with it being the norm that a growing child be suggested that he/she has a choice of gender to marry one day.
If they turn out homosexual, that's one thing.
However, I don't think they should be pre-disposed to it.
End Quote
Hi Hairspray :)
I don't think the homosexuals and bisexuals I know would force their children, should they have them naturally or by adoption, into becoming just like their parents in terms of sexuality. A good parent would make sure that their kids studied well and had a good work ethic, but they certainly wouldn't (normally) tell their kids who they should love.
Just because Dad and Dad share intimate moments doesn't mean their son has to follow in the same path.
This is, of course, from secondhand experience with homosexual acquaintances.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Hi Hairspray :)
I don't think the homosexuals and bisexuals I know would force their children, should they have them naturally or by adoption, into becoming just like their parents in terms of sexuality.End Quote
My quote:
Quoting:I would not agree with it being the norm that a growing child be suggested that he/she has a choice of gender to marry one day.
If they turn out homosexual, that's one thing.
However, I don't think they should be pre-disposed to it.End Quote
I didn't say anything about force.
Kids could be influenced simply by exposure, by their parent's example and especially if fully embraced by society.
The kids would see a commercial of two men engaging in a kiss to celebrate their anniverasry, buying a diamond ring, for example.
The kids see this commercial on a regular basis, for they wouldn't be able to help it no more than we can help seeing many of the stupid commercials we see.
In effect, commercials are a form of suggestion for advertising, but also suggest (perhaps unintentionally) many other messages about society and culture.
That's basically what I meant.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ah, the "monkey see monkey do" theory.
That's an acceptable argument, I see where you're coming from.
However, I'd like to think that most children aren't quite so monkeyish. Sure they'd probably blow stuff up in their backyard and play war games, but I think who they eventually choose to love is a totally different matter. What influences who you love, anyway? :)
I dunno. If they choose to be heterosexual, fine with me. If they choose to be homosexual, that's fine with me too...I wish I could say that was more women for me, but then you have to account for the lesbians too ::)
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ah, the "monkey see monkey do" theory.
That's an acceptable argument, I see where you're coming from.End Quote
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I think that it's very rare that people choose to be gay, I'ts more of a born gay issue. Did you know any children when you were young that later turned out gay? Was it that much of a surprise? At the age of 11 I never sat down and contemplated my options, "H'mm male or female, I'll go with female!" It was a natural selection for me, I doubt it's any different than with gay people. Marriage is a social, religious, and legal institution yes, but why can it not be accepted on all fronts? Legal is the easy one, religious? Are homosexuals denied christian religion because of how God created them? I hope God wouldn't do this to play a cruel joke. If you give me the excuse that "man and woman are meant to be with each other to procreate" I roll me eyes ::) . With birth control that is commonly accepted many of us with the options to procreate choose not to, thank God most don't take the path of having children the length to our bilogical abilty. Then there's others that choose not to have any children, should they be removed from their God casue they don't follow his holy doctrine?
Socially? Well that's up to us but I think that monogamy should be recognized and in turn, encouraged through the legal marriage of homosexuals.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I'ts more of a born gay issue.End Quote
Unfortunately, that too is still being debated. :-/
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Are homosexuals denied christian religion because of how God created them? I hope God wouldn't do this to play a cruel joke.
End Quote
From a conservative Christian standpoint...no one is denied the Christian religion because of sexual orientation. I believe that God loves everyone, it is the behavior He does not like. Yes even the murderers, pedophiles, etc. IMO, we are all God's children and He loves us all. Man is the one who choses to turn his back on God, God doesn't turn his back on man.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Hi Dagwood, should same sex marriage be denied under religious beliefs as quoted by some?
From a conservative Christian standpoint...no one is denied the Christian religion because of sexual orientation. I believe that God loves everyone, it is the behavior He does not like. Yes even the murderers, pedophiles, etc. IMO, we are all God's children and He loves us all. Man is the one who choses to turn his back on God, God doesn't turn his back on man.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
A lot of people are saying that the reason that homosexual marriages should not be recongized is because of religious reasons only. But NOT all religions believe that homosexuality is a sin. But, if only certain religions believe that it is a sin, must the law abide by that? There is a thing called the seperation of Church and State.
BTW, there are other species (besides homosapians) that have homosexuality.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
My cat Jones was gay, I loved and accepted him for who he was.
A lot of people are saying that the reason that homosexual marriages should not be recongized is because of religious reasons only. But NOT all religions believe that homosexuality is a sin. But, if only certain religions believe that it is a sin, must the law abide by that? There is a thing called the seperation of Church and State.
BTW, there are other species (besides homosapians) that have homosexuality.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Hi Dagwood, should same sex marriage be denied under religious beliefs as quoted by some?
End Quote
If you were going strictly by my religious beliefs, yes. In America in general, I don't think so. If two people want to commit to each other they should receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples. Just because I don't think it is right doesn't mean that the next guy believes as I do.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Ok people, if you went to your Bible and read the book of Leviticus, you would see that God condemns homosexuality, just as he does murder, stealing, idolatry, etc. And if you remember the story of Lot, God destroyed Sodom & Gomora because it was a homosexual community.
End Quote
The classic counter-argument there is to look at Leviticus and see what else he described as a sin. A bit of research turned up:
Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
None of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his God. No person who has any defect may come near: no one who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no one who has a crippled foot or hand, or who is hunchbacked or dwarfed, or who has any eye defect or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.
Anyone who kills an animal shall make restitution for it, life for life. Anyone who maims another shall suffer the same injury in return: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard. You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks on you.
Apparently women should make a physical sacrifice after they give birth, females cannot wear red, no one should eat shellfish, and people should be put to death for committing adultery. Those who have leprosy, eat animal fat, or are not virgins on the day of their marriage are also to be executed. Incest is also a sin, although father-daughter sex doesn't count as incest, it seems.
Put homosexual marriages on that list and Biblical homophobia starts to look a little ridiculous, I think. I don't think I've ever seen a Christian religious leader speaking out against women wearing red with quite the same vigour as those opposing homosexuality.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
The classic counter-argument there is to look at Leviticus and see what else he described as a sin. A bit of research turned up:
Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed, do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
None of your descendants who has a defect may come near to offer the food of his God. No person who has any defect may come near: no one who is blind or lame, disfigured or deformed; no one who has a crippled foot or hand, or who is hunchbacked or dwarfed, or who has any eye defect or who has festering or running sores or damaged testicles.
Anyone who kills an animal shall make restitution for it, life for life. Anyone who maims another shall suffer the same injury in return: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard. You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks on you.
Apparently women should make a physical sacrifice after they give birth, females cannot wear red, no one should eat shellfish, and people should be put to death for committing adultery. Those who have leprosy, eat animal fat, or are not virgins on the day of their marriage are also to be executed. Incest is also a sin, although father-daughter sex doesn't count as incest, it seems.
Put homosexual marriages on that list and Biblical homophobia starts to look a little ridiculous, I think. I don't think I've ever seen a Christian religious leader speaking out against women wearing red with quite the same vigour as those opposing homosexuality.
End Quote
Bwahahaha! Your Kung Fu is good. Much better than shooting from the hip. You actually went to the source, which is so seldom done in any of these topics (I plead guilty on that one too). I can't help veering off topic, but I was going to mention about the fact that the big book also provides guidelines for how one should treat their slaves; how god himself has professed to be a "jealous" and "vengeful" being who inquires one's past generations for our current deeds... and the vast killings done by god (don't forget). God was the one who made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights (what of all the people that drowned? The women and children, the homeless and the sick, all the other animals); it's probably one of the biggest mass-murders of any mythological stories I've read! THIS is the god for which one must bow down to? The one whose unreasonable and idiotic rules one must adhere by? I think not. We have the separation of State and religion in this Republic. The State must sanction and protect the freedom of equality for its citizens or else we'll be living as they do in Theocracies (Iran, for example).
It's fine if people want to believe in whatever they want to believe, but to force others to do so as well is arrogant and confining. The way one can fling names like "sinner" and "evil" at others whom one knows not is blind hubris at its height. It's the narrow dogma that often leads to narrow thinking. Curb your dogma.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
It's fine if people want to believe in whatever they want to believe, but to force others to do so as well is arrogant and confining. The way one can fling names like "sinner" and "evil" at others whom one knows not is blind hubris at its height. It's the narrow dogma that often leads to narrow thinking. Curb your dogma.
End Quote
Well said, my young Padawan...
Oh wait, that's Kung Fu Master...
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Who cares anymore? The church lost this battle. Maybe if priests kept their hands off kids, we would take what they say more seriously.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Who cares anymore? The church lost this battle. Maybe if priests kept their hands off kids, we would take what they say more seriously.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Who cares anymore? The church lost this battle. Maybe if priests kept their hands off kids, we would take what they say more seriously.
End Quote
Um...I hate to bring this up, but there is more than one church. Just because one had a problem doesn't mean that they all look bad. I also don't think any church should be fighting this battle....Like Cat said there is such a thing of separation of church and state.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Thank you for bringing up Leviticus and clarifying some issues for us. There is going to be few people here needing to make some changes in clothing, footwear, and of course fill in those piercings. ::)
Not being one of faith I've never read the bible, sounds like some good stuff going on there, maybe I should open it up some day a have some fun.
Please, anyone who wants to quote biblical text to support moral-based judgements, best to avoid old testement.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Not being one of faith I've never read the bible, sounds like some good stuff going on there, maybe I should open it up some day a have some fun.
End Quote
Heck, yeah. If you want to just pick out the "naughy bits", check out The X-Rated Bible by Ben Edward Akerley. He points out and explains most (if not all) of the Naughty Bits. It's a great place to start.
There's a lot of contradictions in the Bible too.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Thank you for bringing up Leviticus and clarifying some issues for us. There is going to be few people here needing to make some changes in clothing, footwear, and of course fill in those piercings. ::)
Not being one of faith I've never read the bible, sounds like some good stuff going on there, maybe I should open it up some day a have some fun.
Please, anyone who wants to quote biblical text to support moral-based judgements, best to avoid old testement.
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You should read the bible. It's amazing the amount the faithful keep out their minds and how they selectively choose bits and pieces in order to prove their own distorted world view. The Old Testament is very good in pushing back their... best intentions, but the New Testament is okay in demonstrating its true colours too. Try reading the gospel of Matthew - make sure you get a copy that highlights what Jesus said unto his brethren. If I recall correctly, this fellow stated something to the extent of not bringing peace, but a sword to mankind. Oh, and you better watch out if you love your family more than you love him or his father - he'll not think twice about casting you into the eternal fire (like father, like son ::) ) because "man's foe will be those of his own household," remember? The infidels can also choose the bible as their weapon of choice once the biblical moralizing begins 8)
Don't believe everything you read is my advice. If "we're all sinners" as some claim, then the word has lost significance. I loathe language shift (especially when it is happening during my lifetime). "Sinner" is now synonymous with "human." When you hear or read someone stating such a thing, think of it this way: "We're all sinners" = "We're all human." Then you'll get someone stating, "It's not natural;" as if they're the authority on all things natural. What kind of scientific studies do they have to back their claim? None that I have witnessed really (at least from any official publications like JAMA, the Lancet, journals on Neuroscience, or even the Psychiatric journals). "It's not natural." What does that really mean? Love is not natural? Physical attraction is not natural? A sexual drive is not natural? What is a homosexual then? Homosexuality has been around for a very long time, crossing all boundaries and cultures, and their existence becomes null and void? Their wants and needs come in second because some other people decided they're not "natural," that they are "sinners," that they are "morally corrupt"? I would think xstians would be the last group of people who would choose to prejudge and persecute, knowing how their history is riddled with violent episodes of intolerance aimed at them, but instead of learning to co-habitate with their fellow man, some choose to make distinctions and separations and commit themselves to the same way of thinking that made them pariahs centuries ago. Now if it's from repulsion and disgust at the thought of two males having sex, then that's a different thing. I can be honest about that. I don't think of men in a sexual way. I am not attracted to them. I like females. Why can't it be as simple as that? Why do some feel like making excuses and rationalizing their dislikes? To be honest, I also don't like the idea of seeing overweight people having sex, nor would I like to have sex with an overweight person. Same goes for midgets and albinos. But it would be a leap of faith to call them "sinners" and "aberrations" and that god looks down on them and all that hocus pocus they spew out... and to not let them get married?! That's a stretch! But hey, couch potatoes aren't natural either. In their natural element, humans are waaaay more physically fit than 50% of our first-world populace. Their lifespan is also shorter. Which reminds me: old people... ew! They shouldn't be allowed to get married and have sex like the rest of us normal people. It's not natural.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
That's a stretch! But hey, couch potatoes aren't natural either. In their natural element, humans are waaaay more physically fit than 50% of our first-world populace. Their lifespan is also shorter. Which reminds me: old people... ew! They shouldn't be allowed to get married and have sex like the rest of us normal people. It's not natural.
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Excellent points, young grasshoppa...but of course you must ask the question, "What IS natural?" 8)
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
To put it simply, I will quote my favorite passage from the bible:
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. And with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote out of thine eye, and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." Matthew 7:1-5
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
As far as insurance benefits go, I'm not sure why policies are based on legal family units (by marriage or adoption) anyway. It's just always been that way. Single policies are one price, multiple family member policies are more, but you get sort of a "bulk discount". Its all about actuarial statistics and money. I don't see why ANY group of people, say just roommates, shouldn't be able to get an insurance policy together. Just any two or three or four people should be able to share a policy regardless of marriage or relation. That would take care of the insurance and benefits issue without even regarding personal sexual choice.
While I don't believe being around homosexuals causes "true" homosexuality, I can see the point that mainstreaming it makes it more acceptable. In my lifetime, or maybe me and my parents lifetime, we've gone from over the clothes petting and giving handjobs at the drive-in in the 50s, ;) to free love in the 60s and 70s, :D to oral sex :P as an acceptable of form of petting (not considered REALLY having sex in surveys of young people) and backdoor sex :o as a widespread and accepted addition in the bedroom even between heterosexual partners in the last two decades. And, in the last decade, "bi-curious" ??? seems to be all the rage in the twenties set. I'm sure just more exposure in media of all sexuality is the main culprit, but the acceptance of homosexuality in all forms of media, not just the tolerance as before, contributed to this I'm sure. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, bedrooms are private playrooms, but I do wonder sometimes where it's going next???
And Ceyton, you've never known bliss 'til you've had an overweight albino midget. ;D
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
To get back to the point I was trying to make:
I have good friends who are homosexual. Even if I had a problem with them being that way, which I don't, it is not my place to judge them. If they want to be married, let them. Why should I stop them? What harm is it doing me? None.
And, please remember, I have not slurred your belief system, if you have one, although you have certainly slurred mine, Ceyton, and etc and etc.
I would like to point out that at I am also posting under my registered name, not a guest name. I am not a coward, and I can stand up to the criticism. Say what you will, and I will believe what I like.
The bible is not to be taken literally. It is a work that has been diluted, rewritten, dissected, over many many centuries. It was written by more than one person, and contrary to what most non-scholars of the bible believe, it was not written by GOD himself.
I have said it before that I am not going to go into this as a petty argument. I certainly don't expect anyone on this board to change anything about themselves because of what I have said or did or believe. I just wanted to point out that it is really unnecessary to tear another person down for their belief system. Just as it is unecessary to tear someone down for their homo- or hetero- sexuality.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
.... It is the east, and Juliet is a smiley :)
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
.... It is the east, and Juliet is a smiley :)
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;D ;) :) Arise, fair smiley, and kill the envious gif
Who is already less pixeled and filled with grief,
That thou her maid art far more animated than she.....
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
The bible is not to be taken literally. It is a work that has been diluted, rewritten, dissected, over many many centuries. It was written by more than one person, and contrary to what most non-scholars of the bible believe, it was not written by GOD himself.
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Exactly the point I was trying to make. In the bible, you can find justification for just about anything. There are so many contradictions, it would be impossible to live by it. I do, however try to live by the quote I made. I know I am not perfect, no one is. As long as it doesn't affect or hurt me in any way, who am I to say what is right or wrong?
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I live by one quote: "Do what you will, harm none."
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
I live by one quote: "Do what you will, harm none."
End Quote
Good quote. If only everyone could do that...
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Good quote. If only everyone could do that...
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It is actually a Wiccan quote.
Subject: Re: Same sex marriages
Hi Shazzaah,
I would hope to think that your opinions were taken well, I certainly valued your input. You are a kind and generous person. :)
To get back to the point I was trying to make:
I have good friends who are homosexual. Even if I had a problem with them being that way, which I don't, it is not my place to judge them. If they want to be married, let them. Why should I stop them? What harm is it doing me? None.
And, please remember, I have not slurred your belief system, if you have one, although you have certainly slurred mine, Ceyton, and etc and etc.
I would like to point out that at I am also posting under my registered name, not a guest name. I am not a coward, and I can stand up to the criticism. Say what you will, and I will believe what I like.
The bible is not to be taken literally. It is a work that has been diluted, rewritten, dissected, over many many centuries. It was written by more than one person, and contrary to what most non-scholars of the bible believe, it was not written by GOD himself.
I have said it before that I am not going to go into this as a petty argument. I certainly don't expect anyone on this board to change anything about themselves because of what I have said or did or believe. I just wanted to point out that it is really unnecessary to tear another person down for their belief system. Just as it is unecessary to tear someone down for their homo- or hetero- sexuality.
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