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Subject: Two Very Good Questions.....
Two Very Good Questions.....
Question 1:
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis; would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before scrolling down to the answer of this one.
Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:
Candidate A: Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B: He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.
Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
(Decide first, no peeking, then scroll down for the answer).
> > > > Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt,
> > > > Candidate B is Winston Churchill,
> > > > Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
And by the way: Answer to the abortion question if you said yes, you just killed Beethoven.
Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone...and remember, Amateurs built the ark .... Professionals built the Titanic
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
I was leaning towards A because choice C seemed a little too conservative ::)
anyway, great post!
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
You failed to mention that Candidate C was the only one with a criminal record.
And out of curiosity, would you advise Hitler's mom to have an abortion?
Note: Not an invitation to start an abortion debate, just one of those 'Would you kill Hitler' type questions?
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
Thank you Hair. All very good points. ;)
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
I'd take all 3 candidates over George W. Bush :P
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
I'd take all 3 candidates over George W. Bush :P
End Quote
Man, you just voted for Hitler. How sick are you?
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
You failed to mention that Candidate C was the only one with a criminal record.
And out of curiosity, would you advise Hitler's mom to have an abortion?
Note: Not an invitation to start an abortion debate, just one of those 'Would you kill Hitler' type questions?
End Quote
Give me a time machine and a pistol and I'll do it myself.
I was thinking...hindsight is 20-20. So how do you know that if Hitler was aborted, another one wouldn't have taken his place? Or Beethoven, for that matter...
As for the candidates...I guess leadership is much more than who you sleep with or how much you drink, it's about charisma. Sad to say, all three of them had that charisma (including Hitler, which is what's sad).
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
remember, Amateurs built the ark .... Professionals built the Titanic
End Quote
The problem with the Titanic wasn't the builders, it was the captain! :)
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
The problem with the Titanic wasn't the builders, it was the captain! :)
End Quote
This is splitting hairs when we are discussing something so serious, but there was a problem with the Titanic. The metal was substandard, and it was built with the idea of having more passengers i.e. more $$$$, so the design didn't work as it was supposed to. Not to mention that most of the life boats that it was built to hold were removed for asthetic value. The Captain's error was just the last in a chain of bad decisions.
And I think it would have been a great tragedy had there never been a Beethoven. :'(
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
Here's something that also came to mind...
I'm not saying that everyone should abort, or that people shouldn't be allowed to if they so choose. I will say, however, that you can NEVER be certain if a kid is going to turn out to be the next Tsaikovsky or the next Pol Pot. And even if you off that kid, how will you be certain that another will not take his/her place?
A person is shaped as much by the environment they are raised in and the people who influence them as by their genetics. Everyone has the potential for good; but also for "not so good".
And that's why I don't buy into this "What if he becomes the next blah-blah-blah" stuff.
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
You failed to mention that Candidate C was the only one with a criminal record.
And out of curiosity, would you advise Hitler's mom to have an abortion?
Note: Not an invitation to start an abortion debate, just one of those 'Would you kill Hitler' type questions?
End Quote
And even though he was a war veteran, he was the only one in his company who was not promoted... so much for the "decorated war hero" part. Candidate C was also a failed artist who blamed the Jews for his failures and published a book outlining the Jewish threat while in jail for inciting a riot.
As far as killing Hitler before his time of leadership goes... I think there would've been another guy to take his place, and, who knows? This other guy might have turned out to be a better military strategist and less impulsive. Germany was just ripe for such a leader and such a situation. There are many raminifications to that thought, but it almost seems inevitable to end at the same result.
Now, the abortion of Beethoven is a crime, but like Rice Cube wrote, there might have been some other musical genius to take his place. We can all look retrospectively. We know the works of Beethoven already, so we gasp at the idea if they were all to disappear to-morrow. There's also the possibility that some other woman, around the time of Beethoven's birth, had an abortion and that one might have turned out to be better than Beethoven, but we ended up with Ludwig Van. His mother made an excellent choice, but she did have a choice...
Btw, these same questions were in the letters to the editor section of The Orange County Register and, I think, Dear Abby.
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
Quoting:Btw, these same questions were in the letters to the editor section of The Orange County Register and, I think, Dear Abby.End Quote
I'm not certain about those publications you just mentioned, except to say they were not the source for this post. 8) :)
Thanks to all for your interest!
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
I got this as an email last week,it's interesting how they get about isn't it !!
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
I got this as an email last week,it's interesting how they get about isn't it !!End Quote
Sure is! ;)
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
You're all right, Hairspray! :) And as far as the candidates go, I would choose none of them.
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
first off before everyone goes tearing Hitler to shreds(rightfully so mind you, but there is a flip side) without Hitler Germany probably would not be around today. Hitler did a lot of great things for Germany to get the German's trust(built up the country from economic ruin for example...). Unfortunatly he went WAY overboard and because of this millions of people died. however the point of this is that even the most evil person does some good at one point or another. so I don't recommend saying Hitler was a great guy in any sense of the term but everyone always focuses on the bad and no one knows what good things the man did for the country of Germany. Furthermore Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill were not saints either. Everyone has flaws and greatness in them it's a matter of does the evil out weigh the good....
one last thing i do not think Hitler is a great man I just feel some of the good things he did should be brought out into the light...
Subject: Re: Two Very Good Questions.....
You make an excellent point, ElJ...I guess we do need to take the good with the bad, and vice versa...I just hope that most of the time, the bad doesn't beget another Hitler :-/
I want Alf back, too ;)