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Subject: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
This was almost a topic in a thread started by a Very Special Guest, Chris Megatron.
My question to you folks is do you see a media bias and can you give examples to it? Is this an issue throughout our world? A side question to our Aussie, England, Canada, and other parts of the world friends, would we be surprised if we read your newpapers and watch your news?
I point to the recent story on the tax break being pursued that was for commercial vehicles for contractors and self employed people, it was changed from write off over 4 or 5 years to being a write off within it's first year. The major media blew it up to be a Luxery SUV's written off by the rich.
I'm not on the "vast right or left wing conspiracey" train but I do think that the media takes some cheap shots towards any issue that gets readers to buy thier papers or watch their commercial time.
And thanks to Chris for the idea behind this thread. :)
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I point to the recent story on the tax break being pursued that was for commercial vehicles for contractors and self employed people, it was changed from write off over 4 or 5 years to being a write off within it's first year. The major media blew it up to be a Luxery SUV's written off by the rich.
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thats a great example. I remember watching CNN the day this made news and they were wording it just right to make it sound just like you mentioned in your post.
I think that same day a few people here were acting like it was a "Bush plan for him and his oil buddies to fatten their wallets". When in fact, that tax cut has been around for years and the only connection it had to Bush is that he expedited it. But many people who didn't know that thought it was a brand new tax cut.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
since I am sure someone will mention this today, I will go ahead and do it for them: FOX News is biased towards the right. There I said it.
On the other hand, I find CNN leaning left. And heck, the left has NPR, and not to mention 99.9% of Hollywierd stars on TV spouting their new-found foreign/domestic policy expertise, and so on. Thats why I find it funny when Democrats/liberals have the nerve to complain about how unfair FOX News is to them.
FOX News' shows have the highest ratings in all of cable news, so that shows a lot of people are watching it.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Good Call! Just get that out of the way and we can move on.
since I am sure someone will mention this today, I will go ahead and do it for them: FOX News is biased towards the right. There I said it.
On the other hand, I find CNN leaning left. And heck, the left has NPR, and not to mention 99.9% of Hollywierd stars on TV spouting their new-found foreign/domestic policy expertise, and so on. Thats why I find it funny when Democrats/liberals have the nerve to complain about how unfair FOX News is to them.
FOX News' shows have the highest ratings in all of cable news, so that shows a lot of people are watching it.
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Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Quoting:Is this an issue throughout our world? A side question to our Aussie, England, Canada, and other parts of the world friends, would we be surprised if we read your newpapers and watch your news?
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Yes, but not for the reasons you put here. I think you would be surprised at the amount of overseas content in our news compared to yours.
That statement is made based upon lots of feedback form Aussies I have known who have visited America....
In terms of your specific enquiry, no, I think the media is the same the world over now.
To take the recent Columbia example, our commercial networks (Channel 7 leading the way as per normal for sensationalism) were more than happy to push the sabotage/terrorism theories on the loss of the shuttle.
Happily ignoring the basic question of course of quite how do any terrorists attack something travelling at Mach 18 in the upper atmosphere. I sat there watching it just sickened as they dredged up person after person to try to give weight to that angle.
As another example, the same channel wil linvariaby run the stories about car crashes (fatal ones are of course, the best....) before most stories of national or international importance..... >:(
Dirty little fingers
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers
In everybody's pies
We love to cut you down to size
We love Dirty Laundry...
Don Henley - Dirty Laundry
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
To take the recent Columbia example, our commercial networks (Channel 7 leading the way as per normal for sensationalism) were more than happy to push the sabotage/terrorism theories on the loss of the shuttle.
Happily ignoring the basic question of course of quite how do any terrorists attack something travelling at Mach 18 in the upper atmosphere. I sat there watching it just sickened as they dredged up person after person to try to give weight to that angle.
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I don't think it's all that implausible an angle, especially that soon after the news broke and the facts were still unclear. I mean, paranoid times and everything, and the first Israeli astronaut on there, you know. Granted, I don't know how terrorists would go about blowing up a space shuttle, but that doesn't mean they couldn't do it.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I don't really believe 90% of what I see on any particular channel, because I know that another channel is going to have the exact same story biased toward the other side. What makes me sick is the way the media goes on and on and on about things. Take for example, 911. They preempted everything when it first happened (which I have no problem with) but then they keep on repeating over and over what we know and speculating on what was not yet known. And, they did this for 3-4 days here. They get tons of people on who don't know any more or less than the last person who spoke, or they interview people who have just been traumatized byt the tragedy and ask them unfeeling questions like "Did you see anyone jump?". Like these people need to be reminded that there were people jumping out windows. I realize that they agree to be interviewed, but are they really in their right mind to agree to such a thing? And then, they keep playing the same clips over and over. I realize there is a limited supply of film available immediately, but I would rather be seeing someone talk than just hearing them and having the image of the planes flying into the towers over and over again. I would prefer to have them break in for a special report when something new is available than to hear repetative speculation, which is usually wrong. This is just my opinion, you may start the rotten tomatoes...
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I don't really believe 90% of what I see on any particular channel, because I know that another channel is going to have the exact same story biased toward the other side. What makes me sick is the way the media goes on and on and on about things. Take for example, 911. They preempted everything when it first happened (which I have no problem with) but then they keep on repeating over and over what we know and speculating on what was not yet known. And, they did this for 3-4 days here. They get tons of people on who don't know any more or less than the last person who spoke, or they interview people who have just been traumatized byt the tragedy and ask them unfeeling questions like "Did you see anyone jump?". Like these people need to be reminded that there were people jumping out windows. I realize that they agree to be interviewed, but are they really in their right mind to agree to such a thing? And then, they keep playing the same clips over and over. I realize there is a limited supply of film available immediately, but I would rather be seeing someone talk than just hearing them and having the image of the planes flying into the towers over and over again. I would prefer to have them break in for a special report when something new is available than to hear repetative speculation, which is usually wrong. This is just my opinion, you may start the rotten tomatoes...
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I agree because of the annoyance I feel at the repetitiveness of it all. They show the footage over and over. They express their opinions and speculations over and over. Nothing new has been revealed, but they'll still find a way to take-up news time with the same ol' information. I say put the issue to rest until the point of a new development.
I also find that it's such a waste of time when the media interviews people who have absolutely no more knowledge than we do.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
My question to you folks is do you see a media bias and can you give examples to it?End Quote
I don't. I'm also not looking for it, so that may have some relevance.
I'll probably notice it now.... :P Thank Race! :P ;D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I have to add agreement. Sensationalism is a real turn off, especially after 9/11. I would much rather hear a "just the facts ma'am" approach to my news. Speculation and theories are for the rags they sell in the aisle of my local supermarket, but it seems to be what pulls in the almighty dollar for these news programs. An aside: on 9/11 one of our local tv news stations handled it so much better. The co-anchors of their news team simply stayed on air and took phone calls in from local people expressing how they felt about what had happened, and every once and again they would simply state "there is nothing more to report", or would give simple facts if there were anything new. It was the best way IMO. They did the same thing for news of the Columbia.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
An aside: on 9/11 one of our local tv news stations handled it so much better. The co-anchors of their news team simply stayed on air and took phone calls in from local people expressing how they felt about what had happened, and every once and again they would simply state "there is nothing more to report", or would give simple facts if there were anything new. It was the best way IMO. They did the same thing for news of the Columbia.
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I wish our local stations would have done something like this.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I don't even watch the news anymore unless I read on the news sites that something blew up :P
I try to do my research on the internet or in the periodicals at the library if something interests me. I don't accept everything and anything that devil box tells me.
Of course, now I'm stuck with THIS devil box ::)
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Of course the media is biased. The reporter or writer is going to put his or her own spin on the story. The job of the viewer/reader is to take that into account and not take it all at face value, like Rice said. We have brains, we just need to use them.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
The media is bias. When you figure that the majority of news networks, newspapers and such are owned by a just a few, it is going to be bias. I go to Yahoo News which has headlines from AP, Rueters (however it is spelled), and others. I also see these very same articles in my local paper. I don't think it is so much of what is in the news (most of it is the same-usually with the same slant on it)-it is what's NOT in there that we should be concerned with. I am talking about all the dealings in Washington. I am not trying to turn this into a Republican/Democrat debate. I am talking about what BOTH parties are doing (or are not doing) to this country. I think there is much that the public should know about and it is being kept hush/hushed.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I am talking about all the dealings in Washington... I think there is much that the public should know about and it is being kept hush/hushed.
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The two things that will help this the most are putting term limits on those clowns, and getting rid of all the lobbyists. I don't think either will ever happen. ::)
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I really hate it when the media in the United States makes it seem like all terrorists come from Canada.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I really hate it when the media in the United States makes it seem like all terrorists come from Canada.
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oh give me a break. ::)
Thats a bit of an overstatement, don't you think? I've never seen an American media outlet make it "seem like all terrorists come from Canada."
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Actually, resinchaser has a point. I remember hearing, after 9-11, how a lot of terrorists come into the US through Canada.
IMO, media bias is just like everything else, it is in the eye of the beholder. You don't seem to realize it, unless it goes against something you believe. At least, I don't.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
oh give me a break. ::)
Thats a bit of an overstatement, don't you think? I've never seen an American media outlet make it "seem like all terrorists come from Canada."
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Ok, maybe they don't say that ALL terrorists come from Canada. But you cannot deny people like Pat Buchanan calling Canada "Canuckistan", and saying that our country is a safe haven for terrorists, and that were doing an appalling job of securing our borders.And writers like Jonah Goldberg calling to bomb Canada.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Actually, resinchaser has a point. I remember hearing, after 9-11, how a lot of terrorists come into the US through Canada.
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true, but the point on that is that it is real news. Terrorists did come into America from Canada, therefore it was covered in the news outlets.
Does that make Canada a terrorist nation? No. But if it were reversed and terrorists were entering Canada from America, I would expect it to be covered on the Canadian news.
...and that were doing an appalling job of securing our borders.End Quote
...well, regarding the boarder, you do have to admit that basically anyone carrying anything can basically just waltz through if they go through a non-regulated point.
And writers like Jonah Goldberg calling to bomb Canada.
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I'm actually surprised you mentioned this as an example. Very few people, including myself, would classify Jonah Goldberg as a "credible" source for news. That statement is proof of that. He can be somewhat extreme at times.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Let's go against all UN resolutions and bomb Canada next for harbouring Muslim extremists ;D A couple of bunker-busting bombs and they should get the message - unless they too are hiding WMDs :o We can raid their oil supply too and send our troops to stop the growing and trafficking of marijuana in Vancouver ;)
Seriously, I thought that Canada thing was a joke. I guess I don't watch enough media ???
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Seriously, I thought that Canada thing was a joke. I guess I don't watch enough media ???
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Same here. I mean, nobody watches Pat Buchanan for his news value? Do they?
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
...well, regarding the boarder, you do have to admit that basically anyone carrying anything can basically just waltz through if they go through a non-regulated point.
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That is definately true. I go to upstate New York to visit friends every 4 or 5 months, and never have I been asked for more than just my drivers license as I.D. But that's an issue for the U.S government to resolve.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
That is definately true. I go to upstate New York to visit friends every 4 or 5 months, and never have I been asked for more than just my drivers license as I.D. But that's an issue for the U.S government to resolve.
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now lets not place all the blame on the US side. It is a shared boarder, therefore it is an issue both US and Canada need to improve. I have crossed the boarder twice to see friends in the last year and I only had to show my ID once, the other time they just asked where I was from, and that was at a major crossing point. So it needs to be improved by both sides. Actually I meant to mention that in my previous post and forgot.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
now lets not place all the blame on the US side. It is a shared boarder, therefore it is an issue both US and Canada need to improve. I have crossed the boarder twice to see friends in the last year and I only had to show my ID once, the other time they just asked where I was from, and that was at a major crossing point. So it needs to be improved by both sides. Actually I meant to mention that in my previous post and forgot.
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Of course, I don't want to sound like i'm saying it's only the U.S. that has problems. I'm fully aware of the problems Canada has when it comes to screening immigrants. Our government is too concerned with not hurting someones feelings by questioning their background.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
... and let's face it, before 9/11 who worried about the Northern border?
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
... and let's face it, before 9/11 who worried about the Northern border?
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very true.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I think that same day a few people here were acting like it was a "Bush plan for him and his oil buddies to fatten their wallets". When in fact, that tax cut has been around for years and the only connection it had to Bush is that he expedited it. But many people who didn't know that thought it was a brand new tax cut.
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Taking this ball and running with it...When Bush announced his tax cuts all I heard was "This is for the rich, only the rich will benefit"...BULL! Yes, the rich will get more back than me, but then they pay more than me. 1% of a $100,000 income is a heck of a lot more than 1% of my income. If he wants to cut my taxes $20 then good...I got a tax cut. I don't deserve to have my taxes cut more than the next guy.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
The US-Canada Border is still run pretty loose. There was a recent test done on it here in WA State and we failed miserabley. I think it's casue there is some much in goods and services coming back and forth as well at tourist dollars that they are doing there best to keep the money flowing. We did have some terrorists sneaking some exlosives down and the Mayor of Seattle cancelled the big Y2K celebration at the Space Needle. Of couse I think the US border is more at fault for that than Canada.
I do need to mention that I didn't see much bias coming through the media until the Tax Cut push came along, hech we just aren't used to those and didn't know what to do with it. ;)
C'mon people, simple math- If you don't pay much, you don't get as much back. If you pay a lot, you get back more. The poorer people, especially with kids not get the earned income credit, they pay very little if any at all.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Taking this ball and running with it...When Bush announced his tax cuts all I heard was "This is for the rich, only the rich will benefit"...BULL! Yes, the rich will get more back than me, but then they pay more than me. 1% of a $100,000 income is a heck of a lot more than 1% of my income. If he wants to cut my taxes $20 then good...I got a tax cut. I don't deserve to have my taxes cut more than the next guy.
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Excellent point.
Everytime I hear someone on TV babbling on about "tax cuts for the rich, I can't help but think they are either so politically blind that they refuse to see it for what it is, or they are just too stupid to understand the concept of taxes. Either way, their argument has really run its course.
Like Dagwood and Race said above, the more you make per year, the more you pay per year in taxes, so of course the wealthier are going to get more. Thats just common sense. Someone who makes $30,000/year isn't going to get the same refund as someone making $100,000/year.
Geez, its not that difficult to understand.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Everytime I hear someone on TV babbling on about "tax cuts for the rich, I can't help but think they are either so politically blind that they refuse to see it for what it is, or they are just too stupid to understand the concept of taxes. End Quote
Nope, the people you hear on TV babbling (ie: Tom Daschle) understand the concept full well, but they know that many of the people they are talking to don't understand and won't make the effort to investigate for themselves. Right now it's taxes, eventually they'll get back to the Social Security scare tactics.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
Nope, the people you hear on TV babbling (ie: Tom Daschle) understand the concept full well, but they know that many of the people they are talking to don't understand and won't make the effort to investigate for themselves. Right now it's taxes, eventually they'll get back to the Social Security scare tactics.
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very true. You mentioned Daschle, great example. Daschle is a master at using scare tactics. Another one is Dick Gephart and Al Sharpton, and of course Jesse Jackson.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
You can't handle the truth.
Subject: Re: Media Bias, Do you see it, and where?
I want the TRUTH!
You can't handle the truth.
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Methinks this line of dialogue would've been more appropriate ;)