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Subject: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You just know that there will be people in the right wing nutball department that will start blaming Bill Clinton for yesterday's Columbia shuttle disaster.
They blamed Bill Clinton for Waco, they blamed Bill Clinton for Oklahoma, they blamed Bill Clinton for the bombing of the USS Cole, they blamed Bill Clinton for the September 11th attacks, and they blame Bill Clinton for the downward spiral of the economy. The last two Clinton wasn't even in office! Is it ever Dubya's fault? No, never Dubya's fault. George Jr. is just an innocent good ol' boy. But the supposedly "evil dinosaur Liberal media" is always going after Clinton. Yeah some Liberal media we have. Clinton hasn't even been president for the past 2 years, but he's still the favorite punching bag of the conservative right. Someone could blow up the Statue of Liberty tommorrow and they would still find a way to blame Bill Clinton.
I was watching FOX NEWS yesterday and they were interviewing someone who said that previous administrations cut backs to NASA funding resulted in the disaster. Wanna take a wild guess at which adminstration they were implying/talking about? I can expect such bull sh*t from a conservative station like FOX NEWS, but I heard some people on MSNBC starting up with the same nonsense. It's a gaurantee that Monday talk radio is going to be filled with people like Rush Limbaugh fielding every yahoo in America's opinion on how the Clinton Adminstration is somehow responsible for the Columbia disaster.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
What are you complaining about? Blaming the "previous administration" is how it's always done. Clinton did it to Bush senior, so why shouldn't it now be done to Clinton?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You mean we can actually blame Clinton for that? Cool! :D :D
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Alright Lurking Ones...
This is ridiculous. Until they figure out what actually happened on the shuttle yesterday, NOBODY is to blame. I don't even know what the point of this thread is.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
There is no point.... Just go with the flow, Rice... ;)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
This kind of immature behavior by the right wing is exactly what I'm talking about.
The Clinton bashing has gone to ludicrous extremes, and the man isn't even in office for the past 2 years.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Alright Lurking Ones...
This is ridiculous. Until they figure out what actually happened on the shuttle yesterday, NOBODY is to blame. I don't even know what the point of this thread is.
End Quote
Well I'm not a lurker/guest anymore. And the POINT of this thread is that most Conservatives blame Bill Clinton for everything wrong in America.
The Clinton bashing has gone to ludicrous extremes and the man hasn't even been in office for the past 2 years. What else is Bill Clinton responsible for?
Did Clinton sink the Titanic?
Did he cause the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
Was Bill Clinton behind the grassy knoll in Dallas back in 1963?
Did Clinton fix the World Series? How about the Superbowl?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Seems to me, and I could be wrong, but the only one calling names is you. Noone is pointing fingers at our former president and quite honestly, this is tacky. Seven people lost their lives. Blame is a misuse of your time. ::)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
End Quote
What are you doing? Trying to fit in kid?
Is there anyone with sense wants to discuss the constant Clinton bashing that is always rampant in America? For goodness sake, the shuttle had exploded and within the hour FOX NEWS was already starting up with the "Clinton did it!" silliness. And I promise you that the weekly talk radio will have even more conspiracy theories about Clinton and the shuttle disaster.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
It's to be expected. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt...Heads will roll as a result but, as frequently happens, the wrong heads.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Seems to me, and I could be wrong, but the only one calling names is you. Noone is pointing fingers at our former president and quite honestly, this is tacky. Seven people lost their lives. Blame is a misuse of your time. ::)
End Quote
I'm not calling anyone names, I am reporting what I have already seen on FOX NEWS and MSNBC. And yes I agree with you that it is tacky to throw blame at a person for such a disaster. I was about to say that. But this forum seems to be a haven for the Right Wing, so I am outnumbered.
I figured if I registered and was no longer a lurker/guest, then someone with courage and decency could discuss this topic with me. But apparently there are no takers, just people who want to dismiss it and throw it back at me and accuse me of being tasteless.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You just know that there will be people in theright wing nutball department....
End Quote
This was my point, dude.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Oh, one more thing, Chris...I gave up on FNN after the idiotic, embarassing and unfair treatment of the Michael Newdow interview after the celebrated 9th Circuit Court decision concerning the pledge of allegiance. I was absolutely livid, I'll tell ya. But, that's another matter.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Chris_MegatronTHX, dang son you need to chill out!
Like Shazzah said, you are the only one here calling names, etc. Whats the deal? What are you trying to prove?
If it makes you feel any better, I'm one of the "people in the right wing nutball department, and Clinton hasn't even entered my mind since yesterday's event. So chill out!
In fact, I have a feeling you actually want people to blame CLinton, just so you will have something to argue about.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
This is the only item I'm aware of linking Clinton to yesterday's accident. It's from an AP story:
Blomberg said budget cuts kept the agency from adequately upgrading the aging shuttle fleet. Columbia was built in 1981.
Other officials insisted the program was safe, saying the shuttles receive regular upgrades and have a long life span.
Jose Garcia, a retired NASA technical assistant, said budget cuts throughout the 1990s resulted in the elimination of many safety checks during launch preparations. He went public with his concerns, all the way to President Clinton, but said nothing changed.
"The managers always say, 'It's safer than it's ever been. Safety first.' All those words come easy," Garcia said.
So what if Clinton was president while NASA's budget was cut? It was probably a negotiated cut anyway. And you can't hold Clinton responsible for this any more than you can hold Reagan responsible for the Challenger explosion.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
And you can't hold Clinton responsible for this any more than you can hold Reagan responsible for the Challenger explosion.
End Quote
I agree. A budget cut wasn't responsible for a heat shield coming off the shuttle and clipping the wing(which is one of the possible causes of yesterday's explosion). Thats a maintainance problem.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Clinton wasn't responsbile for the shuttle crash. I'm not even a fan of Clinton but that is crazy to blame Clinton for the shuttle crash.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Well I'm not a lurker/guest anymore. And the POINT of this thread is that most Conservatives blame Bill Clinton for everything wrong in America.
End Quote
And liberals blame conservatives for everything wrong in America. What is new here?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
What are you doing? Trying to fit in kid?
Is there anyone with sense wants to discuss the constant Clinton bashing that is always rampant in America? For goodness sake, the shuttle had exploded and within the hour FOX NEWS was already starting up with the "Clinton did it!" silliness. And I promise you that the weekly talk radio will have even more conspiracy theories about Clinton and the shuttle disaster.
End Quote
So why do you assume I'm a kid? Maybe because I didn't have anything "intelligent" to say. At least that's what everyone seems to think, kids don't have anything intelligent to say.
I'm not even going to say what I think about this thread, the rolling-eyes smilie did it all for me.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
So why do you assume I'm a kid? Maybe because I didn't have anything "intelligent" to say. At least that's what everyone seems to think, kids don't have anything intelligent to say.
End Quote
That's not true. Considering you can actually spell and use grammar, I'd say you're ahead of a lot of the adults ;)
I'm kidding. But don't let stuff like this bug you. You'll find out sooner or later that most people don't have issues to argue, so they'll just sling whatever muck they can to try to discredit you.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
The right blames the left, and the left blames the right. That's the way it works, kid. Deal with it. I notice I don't see you complaining about the way the left-wing blames everything on Dubya, and I'm guessing that's because of the minor reason that you probably agree with it.
By the way, the way you trivialized this tragedy so soon after it happened is disgusting.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
One thing's for sure, we'd be a lot better off with Bill Clinton as President right now. And if the American people had there say, he'd still be President!!!
Stupid amendment, the GOP doesn't want another great Democratic President like Roosevelt or Clinton in power for too long, things can't be good forever, every now and then we need the right wing radical bible thumpers to come along and mess things up.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
One thing's for sure, we'd be a lot better off with Bill Clinton as President right now. And if the American people had there say, he'd still be President!!!
Stupid amendment, the GOP doesn't want another great Democratic President like Roosevelt or Clinton in power for too long, things can't be good forever, every now and then we need the right wing radical bible thumpers to come along and mess things up.
End Quote
I voted for Clinton when he ran against Bush I, and if there hadn't been a twenty-second amendment I probably would have voted for him against Bush II.
And you know what? Even though I thought the Lewinski scandal was overblown, a whole bunch of people in America didn't. Clinton was wounded, and if had been possible for him to run for a third term the long knives would have come out.
The irony of the term limitation is that the party who pushed for it had the first candidate who was hurt by it. Ronald Reagan, in my opinion, was so popular (not with me) that a third term would have been a given it he would have been allowed to run.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
In my opinion, the problem is in how news is reported. You have the respectible news, like abc, nbc, and cbs on regular TV. They say their job is to tell you the 5 w's: where, when, why, how, and who. You do not get emotional tirraids from them. Then you have the cable news, which is nothing more than an editorial page. The way cable news runs reminds me of somthing Howard Stern said in his movie "Private Parts", where he admitted he said crazy and argumentitive things to get people to listen more (because ratings = more advertisers and money). His quote was something like: "even my criticts listen to me to hear what I will say next". Cable news is the culprit.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
That's not true. Considering you can actually spell and use grammar, I'd say you're ahead of a lot of the adults ;)End Quote
You Grammarian, you ;) I'm still reeling over my own grammar mistakes, but, then again, one can use commas the way I just did, right? It's got to be grammatically correct. I was killing myself over that one!
...must write "totality" 100 times on the board...
Quoting:I'm kidding. But don't let stuff like this bug you. You'll find out sooner or later that most people don't have issues to argue, so they'll just sling whatever muck they can to try to discredit you.End Quote
I'm gonna copy and save this one for my future reference - or if Picador ever loses his cool :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You Grammarian, you ;) I'm still reeling over my own grammar mistakes, but, then again, one can use commas the way I just did, right? It's got to be grammatically correct. I was killing myself over that one!
...must write "totality" 100 times on the board...End Quote
One need not spell correctly to make his point ;) But it sure would be nice if he did. My friend Watt can't type worth sh*t...I've called his particular brand of typing "Wattese," and as long as I can decipher it, all is good.
I'm gonna copy and save this one for my future reference - or if Picador ever loses his cool :) :D ;D
End Quote
I'll be sure to let you know next time I sling muck, but I'm sure you'll be watching anyway ;)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
*humor break*
I am from the land of Clinton....we still blame everything on him!!!!! ;D ;D
*break over*
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
*humor break*
I am from the land of Clinton....we still blame everything on him!!!!! ;D ;D
*break over*
End Quote
You didn't? Please say you didn't. ;)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You didn't? Please say you didn't. ;)
End Quote
I did!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
I did!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
Come and give me a hug and tell me all about it. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
I hereby disown and give up on this thread, since only a couple of people understood the point I was making and my disgust with FOX NEWS and their lack of taste in this matter. Anyhoo, listen to the talk radio this week, I'll bet you'll hear more of the "Clinton adminstration is reponsible" nonsense.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
I hereby disown and give up on this thread, since only a couple of people understood the point I was making and my disgust with FOX NEWS and their lack of taste in this matter. Anyhoo, listen to the talk radio this week, I'll bet you'll hear more of the "Clinton adminstration is reponsible" nonsense.
End Quote
Sorry Chris.....you might be right....but when you are from where I am......anytime you hear the name Bill Clinton.....it turns into a joke!
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
I was watching FOX NEWS yesterday and they were interviewing someone who said that previous administrations cut backs to NASA funding resulted in the disaster. Wanna take a wild guess at which adminstration they were implying/talking about?
End Quote
Do you have a case that a lack of funding from previous administrations was NOT partially to blame for the crash?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Do you have a case that a lack of funding from previous administrations was NOT partially to blame for the crash?
End Quote
The US administration has been cutting back on the space program for decades.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
The US administration has been cutting back on the space program for decades.
End Quote
So, previous administrations then. Which was exactly what Chris said they were saying on FoxNews.
So now that that's out of the way, I'd like to know what Chris saw that suggested that they were implying Clinton specifically was to blame.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Appreciate the surrender Chris, I don't think the subject was the issue, it was how it was addressed. If you had approached it as media bias and how it effects politics and information, it may have went somewhere and there would have been some good responces shared.
I hereby disown and give up on this thread, since only a couple of people understood the point I was making and my disgust with FOX NEWS and their lack of taste in this matter. Anyhoo, listen to the talk radio this week, I'll bet you'll hear more of the "Clinton adminstration is reponsible" nonsense.
End Quote
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
You just know that there will be people in the right wing nutball department that will start blaming Bill Clinton for yesterday's Columbia shuttle disaster.
They blamed Bill Clinton for Waco, they blamed Bill Clinton for Oklahoma, they blamed Bill Clinton for the bombing of the USS Cole, they blamed Bill Clinton for the September 11th attacks, and they blame Bill Clinton for the downward spiral of the economy. The last two Clinton wasn't even in office! Is it ever Dubya's fault? No, never Dubya's fault. George Jr. is just an innocent good ol' boy. But the supposedly "evil dinosaur Liberal media" is always going after Clinton. Yeah some Liberal media we have. Clinton hasn't even been president for the past 2 years, but he's still the favorite punching bag of the conservative right. Someone could blow up the Statue of Liberty tommorrow and they would still find a way to blame Bill Clinton.
I was watching FOX NEWS yesterday and they were interviewing someone who said that previous administrations cut backs to NASA funding resulted in the disaster. Wanna take a wild guess at which adminstration they were implying/talking about? I can expect such bull sh*t from a conservative station like FOX NEWS, but I heard some people on MSNBC starting up with the same nonsense. It's a gaurantee that Monday talk radio is going to be filled with people like Rush Limbaugh fielding every yahoo in America's opinion on how the Clinton Adminstration is somehow responsible for the Columbia disaster.End Quote
This line "right wing nutball department" should not have been taken personally, folks. It was a general rant and his opinion of a political party, not you.
We must try to see past the emotion expressed in a post, especially political ones which tend to be charged.
A thought attempted to be expressed by a poster can be easily clouded by anger or frustration and appear personally insulting, though it may not have been the posters intention.
We must try to be objective and find the main idea of the post, no matter how hard it may be sometimes.
Our opinions and comments should be aimed in that direction.
someone who said previous administrations cut backs to NASA funding resulted in the disaster
This above quote was the trigger.
Chris MegatronTHX observed some political opinions aired shortly after the tragedy in some of the networks and strongly disagreed.
Is there any way to salvage this thread?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Is there any way to salvage this thread?
End Quote
We could just keep bantering back and forth ::)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
We could just keep bantering back and forth ::)
End Quote
YOu're NOT helping. :(
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
YOu're NOT helping. :(
End Quote
How about we have Steve give us a history lesson?
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
How about we have Steve give us a history lesson?End Quote
Hmmm.... Running out of ideas, are you? ;)
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Hmmm.... Running out of ideas, are you? ;)
End Quote
Well, I figure that the facts lie in recorded history, so if one has all the facts then one will no longer have to argue. Don't you agree? :)
Then everyone can learn a little something something.
Subject: Re: When will they start blaming Bill Clinton?
Thanks for the props, Earl, but this is out of my pay class.
There are bigger fish to pursue, though. Blaming a previous administration, or expressing outrage when a previous administration is blamed, is more distracting than enlightening.