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Subject: Telemarketers to sue!
For some reason, I'm not really surprised. ::)
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I recall reading about the new legislation a few weeks ago and being very pleased, I also recall the lame excuses for the telemarketing groups gave for reasons it should not occur. I don't get how there free speach rights are violated if people have said No, Don't Call Me! I certainly hope this doensn't delay the implementation of the new law.
I feel for anyone that has worked as a telemarketer, the few that I have known to do so it was a very brief career move. The worst part about it is when you attempt to pleasantly and politely end the call they insist in continuing it. It ends up having to end rude to get them off the line.
Screw Telemarketing!
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
Thankfully here in Colorado the legislation has been passed. I put both my home number and cell number on the list. So far it has worked for me. My phone has been much quieter since the deadline passed. Its very nice. Telemarketing firms can KMA.
Im for any other legislation banning unwanted sales calls. Our society is oversolicited already. The only thing I wish would happen with legislation is if fees are collected for violations, they should go to the victims NOT the government.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
The hubby and I were supposed to be on the DMA's list, but we were still getting calls every day. I have contacted the DMA and they show no record of our number being on their list so I keep requesting that it be added. Hopefully, this new list will be better.
When our second child was a baby, we found out about this beautiful option on our phone line called privacy manager. Basically, it intercepts any unidentifiable numbers and they have to record their name before the call will even go through to our house. When the phone rings at our house, we have the option of accepting the call, denying it, or denying it with a message that this number does not accept these types of calls and to remove our number from their calling lists. Most telemarketing companies don't even bother, but MCI just doesn't get it. I have repeatedly declined their call with the "remove our number" option, but they keep calling back (sometimes less than a minute later). I have talked to supervisors, managers, etc. who insist that they won't call, but they still do. I finally had to file formal complaints to get it to stop. I still get a few here and there, but I just ask them to please remove our number from their calling list, we are not interested. Most of them are okay, but some have gotten snotty.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
We screen all of our calls with an answering machine so we never have to sp/with these people. On our message is "No solicitations please" that takes care of the "live" people but not the automated. My stepfather actually has lots of fun with these people. When telemarketers call he lets them do their whole thing, asks them a ton of questions about their products/services, etc...then tells them he is not interested. He does the same thing to the Kirby/rainbow vaccuum people (has them clean all sorts of stuff for free then tells them he doesn't want it).... ;D I guess that is one way to get your revenge.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I just took a look at the Direct Marketing Inistitute and they want $5 to be placed on a non call list.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
When our second child was a baby, we found out about this beautiful option on our phone line called privacy manager. End Quote
This is a Godsend!! It has cut down drastically on the number of unsolicited solicitations! :D
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
My stepfather actually has lots of fun with these people. When telemarketers call he lets them do their whole thing, asks them a ton of questions about their products/services, etc...then tells them he is not interested. He does the same thing to the Kirby/rainbow vaccuum people (has them clean all sorts of stuff for free then tells them he doesn't want it).... ;D I guess that is one way to get your revenge.
End Quote
sadly, very few telemarketers call us. i also rarely answer the phone. this leads to me not being able to annoy the telemarketers into not calling my house. :( lol.
my cousin' friend apparently just scares telemarketers/door-to-door salesmen off by screaming at them "how DARE you interupt me on my holy day of worship! if you contact me again, you will go to HELL!" and hang up/shut the door really fast.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
our state's "no-call list" has been a blessing.
I've been on it since last January, and beleive it or not, I have not received one sales call in over a year! And thats compared to when I used to get them almost daily before I was on the list.
Telemarketers Suck! >:(
wow, that felt good. ;D
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I just took a look at the Direct Marketing Inistitute and they want $5 to be placed on a non call list.
End Quote
I checked that out, too because my state doesn't have its own list. Since this came into existance, we seem to be getting more since we are not on the "don't call" list-YET! If I answer the phone and when I say "Hello" and there is no one there, I hang up very quickly because I know it is a solicitor. Another thing that keeps them at bay is the fact that we are on-line a lot and they can't get through. (Either can anyone else for that matter-people complain about that but they don't realize that we LIKE the fact that we can't get phone calls. ;) )
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
Our state's "No Call" system works great! Only problem is, it does not prohibit "non-profit" organizations like "Friends of the Police" and "Sheriff's Association", etc.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I just took a look at the Direct Marketing Inistitute and they want $5 to be placed on a non call list.
End Quote
HUH?! I never paid anything. The address was in an old phone book and I just wrote them a letter.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I just took a look at the Direct Marketing Inistitute and they want $5 to be placed on a non call list.
End Quote
our's was totally free. We just had to go to our state's website and register online.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I'm not surprised either. I have never been on a "Do Not Call" list of any kind because I feel a good answering machine of Voice mail does a effective job at screening calls as a state Government group. The telemarketers that really bother me are the more aggressive businesses that try to make you look stupid or evil if you don't buy their product. I have been burned from past telemarketing schemes in the past, and I pray that it will never happen again. To me, those are the people that don't deserve a telephone at the office. >:(
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I can't find one for the state of IL! >:( Or am I not looking in the right spot? Have they just not passed that bill or something? I would love to be on a Do Not Call list...preferably for free.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
I can't find one for the state of IL! >:( Or am I not looking in the right spot? Have they just not passed that bill or something? I would love to be on a Do Not Call list...preferably for free.
End Quote
If you go to your state's official website (http://www.il.gov) and go to your Attorney General's section, it should be listed there if Illinois has adopted the law. Ususally the "no-call lists" of each state is handled by the Attorney General of that state.
I don't know if Illinois has a list yet or not.
Subject: Re: Telemarketers to sue!
Thanks for the help, but I didn't find anything. Maybe they just haven't passed yet or something. Who knows..oh well. No biggie I guess.