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Subject: Cosmetic Surgery...
What do y'all think about the recent (past few years) increase in cosmetic surgeries? Botox? LASIK? Would you have any?
I have had LASIK and let me tell you, it was the best $$ I've ever spent. I also have considered having other procedures (i.e. liposuction, tummy tuck) done. As far as Botox, no way.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
With the exception of LASIK, I think most cosmetic surgury is playing into a person's vanity and insecurities. Liposuction, for instance. It will make you look thinner, and feel better about yourself for a short time, but in the long run, if you don't change your lifestyle, you will just regain all that weight back.
As for breast work, only reduction makes any sense to me. If the guys aren't paying enough attention to you, there's something wrong with your personality, not your body.
LASIK, on the other hand, is not just cosmetic. It is an attempt to correct a defect in vision. I would get it done myself, but I want to wait and see studies on long-term effects. What happens to people 20 years later? 30? 50? Do they need repeat surgury to correct their vision? Are there other problems to be worried about? I also know it will not correct all vision problems.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
With the exception of LASIK, I think most cosmetic surgury is playing into a person's vanity and insecurities. Liposuction, for instance. It will make you look thinner, and feel better about yourself for a short time, but in the long run, if you don't change your lifestyle, you will just regain all that weight back.End Quote
The only reason I have considered this is that I have lost 40 lbs in the past year, but cannot lose it in my stomach. I do 50 crunches a day, watch what I eat, do aerobic exercise,etc but it still won't go away. I agree it is vain, though.
As for breast work, only reduction makes any sense to me. If the guys aren't paying enough attention to you, there's something wrong with your personality, not your body.
End Quote
I agree 100%. I am fairly small up top, but have never even wanted this.
Quoting:LASIK, on the other hand, is not just cosmetic. It is an attempt to correct a defect in vision. I would get it done myself, but I want to wait and see studies on long-term effects. What happens to people 20 years later? 30? 50? Do they need repeat surgury to correct their vision? Are there other problems to be worried about? I also know it will not correct all vision problemsEnd Quote
My eyes were terrible (-10.5 & -11). It did take quite a bit of research, and was not cheap, but I decided to go for it. Since the eyes tend to get farsighted as we age, chances are I will have to have 'reading' glasses when I get older. Right now, I have 20/20 vision in my left eye and 20/25 in the right. Compared to where I was, I am so happy with my decision. There are risks involved, but as long as you follow the dr's post-op orders, and find a reputable dr, there should be no problems.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
I saw some stuff on VH1. This one guy was getting fat taken out under his eye. It was kinda disgusting to watch. I saw this one doctor with a butt implant in his hand. Why would a woman have a butt implant? I wouldn't want that thing in my butt(I'm a guy maybe I get a different reaction from this plastic surgery stuff.) I look at my self sometimes and think what would I change if I wanted to change something and there's nothing with the exception of bags under my eyes( I could handle the bags though and its not a big deal.) I wounldn't want botox(little lines on my forehead don't bother me.) I'm kinda stunned because there has been a dramatic increase in guys getting plastic surgery. As far as women getting breast implants and lipsocuction if it makes you feel better do it but don't change on the inside(personality.) I saw this 1 Budweiser model on VH1 and she was beautiful and she had breast implants on lipsosuction on her thighs. She said she got it because other models who were competition were younger. Its about how young you look in these days(music artists, actresses, and model's) that determines their sucess in those industries nowadays. Yes even the actors(guys) are getting plastic surgeries done.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
I can see the need for some cosmetic surgery, such as reconstruction surgery for an injury. My aunt had a breast reduction done because she was getting migraines. Things like that I can see and would not question.
However, if you are doing it just because you don't like what you see in the mirror, that is a different story. I would not say to anyone, "It is totally stupid. Don't do it." It is a person's decision to have it done or not. But they have to ask themselves if they really want to go through that. Any surgery is risky. How many horror stories have we heard about with the breast implant? If you are willing to take the risks just to look (and feel) better about yourself, then that is your choice. For me, I wouldn't. I once had a chance to get my nose done (someone else was willing to pay for it). I choose not to. But that is me.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
I had my nose re-attached, I used it as an airbag. :P
The surgeons did a great job, few can hardly tell. Odd thing was I couldn't smell a thing for 6 months, and it took years to smell the same again. I have to say if your going to lose any of your sences, smell is the least needed. As for the others, not for me but I will say that I've known 3 young woman who had gotten breast reductions and looked much better. Grossly exagerated breasts are a big turn off for me.
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
I would never have something put into my body, but I would have something taken out (surgically speaking ;)
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
I would love to have LASIK...just got to save the money.
I would also like to have a breast reduction surgery...it would be nice to be able to buy button down shirts that fit. :-/
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
it would be nice to be able to buy button down shirts that fit. :-/
End Quote
I hear that. Sweaters work for me but don't want to get the breast reduction. I think everything is just right. (Just don't wear too many button-downs.) ;)
Subject: Re: Cosmetic Surgery...
Does this kind of elective surgery make you feel that much better? I saw this guy on TV who wanted six pack abs and a perfect chin. He had something like 6 or 7 surgeries, and he was not happy with the result. He looked fine to me (not that I look at guys). Then they showed a picture of what he looked like before the surgery, and I did not see anything wrong with him then. Maybe these people have a distored view of thier body, and can not be happy.
Unless someone is going to get sick, I would reccomend staying away from cosmetic surgery. It does have risks, and peopel have been scared badly.
Plus, some of us guys do not care if the woman is big or small, we just want someone interesting to talk to. I think the best feature a woman can have is a nice smile.