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Subject: Why those of us can Judge.
Here is something kinda bizarre. With the death penalty and Roe vs Wade debates going on I've notice a lot of "whom am I to judge" being delt to soften some stances and it got me to thinking; Why is there people who judge and people who choose not to. I started to right some lines down and came up with this. Curious to how it makes you feel.
I am man most immaculate.
Thick in frame and built to battle.
To consume the blows of my enemy, strike fierce in return.
My legs are strong to hold my ground, never run.
I welcome the pain as a reminder of lives I fight to preserve.
If you are my ally I offer my life, if an enemy I claim yours.
I bury the dead and promise justice, leave others to grieve.
I dance with my clan in victory, and calculate alone in defeat.
Respect for the lives of others is held, until they take it for themselves.
You take an eye, I claim two. That is my rule.
I'll say this, my nuckles started draggin' the floor after I wrote it. ;)
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I like the poem, Race.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Powerful stuff, RB
Respect for the lives of others is held, until they take if for themselves.
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..I assume you mean "take it"
I'll say this, my knuckles started draggin' the floor after I wrote it. ;)
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Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Thanks Steve and Philbo, and you got that correct and a quick modification was made.
I gotta tell you, this body hair that has been sprouting wildly is getting itchy.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Nice poem Race!
I think, in terms of personal choices (smoking, drugs, clothes, hairstyles, etc.) noone has the right to judge others, but...
When it comes to legal issues such as abortion or the death penalty, surely this is everyone's responsibility.
This is what 'Democracy' is all about.
I have noticed that many people don't seem to understand the implications of democracy, it's more than just a word!
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Good point, decomcracy is about standing up and being heard. The loudest voices are often the victor.
Nice poem Race!
I think, in terms of personal choices (smoking, drugs, clothes, hairstyles, etc.) noone has the right to judge others, but...
When it comes to legal issues such as abortion or the death penalty, surely this is everyone's responsibility.
This is what 'Democracy' is all about.
I have noticed that many people don't seem to understand the implications of democracy, it's more than just a word!
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Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Nice poem Race!
I think, in terms of personal choices (smoking, drugs, clothes, hairstyles, etc.) noone has the right to judge others, but...
When it comes to legal issues such as abortion or the death penalty, surely this is everyone's responsibility.
This is what 'Democracy' is all about.
I have noticed that many people don't seem to understand the implications of democracy, it's more than just a word!
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Still, an unwillingness to state your views on a messageboard such as this doesn't mean you don't appreciate democracy.
Most hot-button issues degenerate into name calling fests on messageboards.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Most hot-button issues degenerate into name calling fests on messageboards.
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Unfortunately all too true :(
But then, I guess this particular board is for music, not politics.
Subject: Pedants R Us
But then, I guess this particular board if for music, not politics.
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...someone else with an 'f' key that jumps into the way ;-)
There's one or two boards I use which do get a bit OTT, but there are times when a bit of flaming debate can be kind of cathartic.
Subject: Re: Pedants R Us
I agree with you philbo, I love a good debate and I think we can have strong opinions and not beat each other up. Rice is pro-death penalty, is he an evil person? Nope. Many here are pro-choice and anti-abortion and I like so many of them from either side. I do not expect to change many minds here, nor do I expect to change my beliefs but there are a few subjects that I have thought harder on when they have been addressed here.
...someone else with an 'f' key that jumps into the way ;-)
There's one or two boards I use which do get a bit OTT, but there are times when a bit of flaming debate can be kind of cathartic.
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Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I smiled when I read your poem Race, I am afraid my nuckles are dragging a bit today. Sometimes I think we all have to vent our point of view. I can almost guarantee that everyone who says "Who am I to judge?" will one day somehow or another end up spouting off about some issue. Everyone has buttons that when pushed just right.....it will set them off. And it is healthy-if nothing else, it is like a colon cleansing. ;D In my "She Who Must Be Obeyed Opinion", anyway.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I read your post in the "other" thread and thought maybe you were my ghostwriter last night. ;D
By the way, the poem isn't about me, well maybe 1000 years ago in the Scottish Highlands ;), it's about our need for leadership established, be it good or bad, since we began forming our societies. The tough decisions had to be made.
I smiled when I read your poem Race, I am afraid my nuckles are dragging a bit today. Sometimes I think we all have to vent our point of view. I can almost guarantee that everyone who says "Who am I to judge?" will one day somehow or another end up spouting off about some issue. Everyone has buttons that when pushed just right.....it will set them off. And it is healthy-if nothing else, it is like a colon cleansing. ;D In my "She Who Must Be Obeyed Opinion", anyway.
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Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I didn't know it was a poem, I thought you were just writing statements down...shows what an aesthete I am :P
Some of you mentioned democracy. I believe in a democracy, yes, you as a citizen have the right to voice your ideas, and have that voice heard. But you also have the right to abstain from using that voice if you so choose. I choose to not use my voice when I do not find something relevant or appropriate for me to cry about. I hope you can respect that.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
When it comes to legal issues such as abortion or the death penalty, surely this is everyone's responsibility.
This is what 'Democracy' is all about.
I have noticed that many people don't seem to understand the implications of democracy, it's more than just a word!
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The US is a Republic not a Democacry as far as I can tell. I could be wrong. If it is, is there a difference? Either way. The options to do both (abortion and the death penalty) are legal, so now it depends on the individual whether to end a pregnancy or be in a jury in capital case.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I didn't know it was a poem, I thought you were just writing statements down...shows what an aesthete I am :P
Some of you mentioned democracy. I believe in a democracy, yes, you as a citizen have the right to voice your ideas, and have that voice heard. But you also have the right to abstain from using that voice if you so choose. I choose to not use my voice when I do not find something relevant or appropriate for me to cry about. I hope you can respect that.
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I respect it and feel that is the high road to take.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
The US is a Republic not a Democacry as far as I can tell. I could be wrong. If it is, is there a difference? Either way. The options to do both (abortion and the death penalty) are legal, so now it depends on the individual whether to end a pregnancy or be in a jury in capital case.
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The US IS a Republic, "Tarzan Boy". But as a representative democracy (which is what it basically is), its Constitution protects our right to b!tch and moan about the gum under our shoes if we want. And because of the individual voter's power to put a representative in office, they also have the power to use that right to b!tch and moan to sway their representative. They just have to care enough to make it work.
Unfortunately, with all the corruption in politics crap that's been going on, I've started to get a little cynical about our system.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Unfortunately, with all the corruption in politics crap that's been going on, I've started to get a little cynical about our system.
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Hey, tell me about it!
Our lord and master Tony Blair isn't even pretending to be democratic any more :(
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
I usually try not to participate in political threads (I do read them, though) but there have been times I have had to jump in with my two cents and soapbox. I try to be respectful of others opinions, but sometimes you just have to speak or you will explode.
Subject: Re: Why those of us can Judge.
Here is something kinda bizarre. With the death penalty and Roe vs Wade debates going on I've notice a lot of "whom am I to judge" being delt to soften some stances and it got me to thinking; Why is there people who judge and people who choose not to. I started to right some lines down and came up with this. Curious to how it makes you feel.
I am man most immaculate.
Thick in frame and built to battle.
To consume the blows of my enemy, strike fierce in return.
My legs are strong to hold my ground, never run.
I welcome the pain as a reminder of lives I fight to preserve.
If you are my ally I offer my life, if an enemy I claim yours.
I bury the dead and promise justice, leave others to grieve.
I dance with my clan in victory, and calculate alone in defeat.
Respect for the lives of others is held, until they take it for themselves.
You take an eye, I claim two. That is my rule.
I'll say this, my nuckles started draggin' the floor after I wrote it. ;)
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RB! I love that poem! But I've always been sort of a hairy dude...ok that was too much information ;D However, though I desire justice over mercy, I'll often give mercy instead of justice. 8)
TBO I'll often get really frustrated with people who either accuse me of judging, or say "who am I to Judge." I think this is a weak minded cop out to avoid taking action and dealing with the issue.