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Subject: Good MP3's harder to download.
It appears the music industry is starting to flood music sharing communities with bad copies of music and video. Are they really losing that much money? At 15 bucks a CD?
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
It appears the music industry is starting to flood music sharing communities with bad copies of music and video. Are they really losing that much money? At 15 bucks a CD?
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I see the record companies have not learned anything. they need to quit playing dirty, lower there product to reasonable price, and start putting out less crap. I am beginig to think that the music industry caters to the stupid, thats why today's music is crap.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
I see the record companies have not learned anything. they need to quit playing dirty, lower there product to reasonable price, and start putting out less crap. End Quote
In a way, I see the whole file-sharing internet MP3 stuff as sort of a revolt against the greedy music industry. I for one, refuse to pay the stupid prices for CD's, so I download them. If the music industry would come back down to earth and lower their stinkin prices, maybe they wouldn't be reduced to flooding internet sites with corrupt files. Geez, the more I think about the more childish they seem!
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
That's the talk I like to hear. F*ck capitalism! I'm glad you agree with me 8) It's all it takes to be anti-American: to believe that greed is bad :D !
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speak for yourself there TB. Don't try to associate me with your "anti-capitalism" beliefs.
You know what I meant. Maybe I should have worded it differently so you could understand it. ::)
I'm not sayin "#$@K capitalism", I'm saying #$@K the Music Industry.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Now, if you could just have the same idea when it comes to Big Tobacco and Big Oil (not to mention Big Govt.), you'd be perfect :)
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I agree that the tobacco companies are bad. Not so much that they sell a product which shortens lives, but the fact that they lied about this. They sent their top executives to law makers and told them it was not addictive. I think the executives who lied should be prosecuted for fraud, at the very least. There is a whole climate which says the bottom line is more important than people. You do not have to look that far to see examples of this like enron. Don't they teach ethics to these people, or has society changed that much that we should learn to accept that half the time they will lie and make shady deals to get $$.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
It appears the music industry is starting to flood music sharing communities with bad copies of music and video. Are they really losing that much money? At 15 bucks a CD?
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Figures. ::)
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Now, if you could just have the same idea when it comes to Big Tobacco and Big Oil (not to mention Big Govt.), you'd be perfect :)
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Wait a second, your the one who likes Big Government, remeber these comments:
"Everyone would be better off if we were socialists"
"Cuba is the best nation in North America"
You can't say your aginst Big government, then support the Ideas that call for big government.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
...There's a word in the dictionary for that. End Quote
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, ya ya you already used that line twice before. geez, some people. ::)
You can't say your aginst Big government, then support the Ideas that call for big government.
End Quote
well, then again, we are referring to Tarzan Boy, the "King of Contradiction".
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
I've been downloading mp3's for about four years now and I get about as many bad files now as I did when I started.
Some people don't know how to do it right so they end up with weird noises or clicks or pops in the file when they convert it or whatever.
That's just one of the problems you face when you download.
But, a few times it has worked out to my advantage. A while back I was trying to download a copy of "Who's Got My Back" by Creed and ended up getting "Fine Again" by Seether.
I had never heard of Seether or Fine Again but I knew it wasn't Creed and I liked it. So I typed some of the words into Google and did a search.
Corrupt files, misnamed files, incomplete files; they've been around as long as Napster.
Personally I haven't noticed any problems with more corrupt files than I ever have.
Even that Wired.com article said that it would take an extremely massive system of servers to flood the system with enough corrupt files to make a real difference.
High speed internet is coming on fast. It won't be long before almost everyone has it. So what if you download a corrupt file. If it only takes five minutes to download another copy, just type it in and go get another cup of coffee.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Some people don't know how to do it right so they end up with weird noises or clicks or pops in the file when they convert it or whatever.
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I know what you mean! I don't have cable internet, I am still using the regular phone modem, and it can take a while to download a song. And its so frustrating when you listen to the song and it either sounds crappy or is the wrong song all together. >:(
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
It appears the music industry is starting to flood music sharing communities with bad copies of music and video. Are they really losing that much money? At 15 bucks a CD?
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I wonder why the music industry is causing such a commotion about file-sharing services, but not about free-download sites. I do not use file-sharing services because of concerns about privacy and security, but I do download from sites which feature direct downloads of MP3s.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Wait a second, your the one who likes Big Government, remeber these comments:
"Everyone would be better off if we were socialists"
"Cuba is the best nation in North America"
You can't say your aginst Big government, then support the Ideas that call for big government.
End Quote
Maybe he is for government programs on a case by case basis? Only keep those programs which have a positive impact on people, not the pork which congressmen get into bills for extra contracts in their district. I think you can have it both ways, eliminate money from politics so politicans do not have to depent on money to run for office, and at the same time support government programs which show a direct benifit to people.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
I know what you mean! I don't have cable internet, I am still using the regular phone modem, and it can take a while to download a song. And its so frustrating when you listen to the song and it either sounds crappy or is the wrong song all together. >:(
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Before I got high speed internet I used to do all my downloading at night when I was sleeping because it was too frustrating and time consuming to do it during the day.
As I'm sure you've experienced, it takes time to find the song you want, type it in and make sure it's downloading.
Then you come back ten minutes later and find that the connection for that song got cut off for whatever reason. So you have to type it in again and get it downloading from someone else, then you come back ten minutes or an hour later and find that that connection got lost.
It can really tick you off.
So, I did all mine at night. I found that on the average I got about 50% of my downloads. And if a file or two were corrupt I'd just put them on my list for that night.
It makes it a little less frustrating that way.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Before I got high speed internet I used to do all my downloading at night when I was sleeping because it was too frustrating and time consuming to do it during the day.
As I'm sure you've experienced, it takes time to find the song you want, type it in and make sure it's downloading.
Then you come back ten minutes later and find that the connection for that song got cut off for whatever reason. So you have to type it in again and get it downloading from someone else, then you come back ten minutes or an hour later and find that that connection got lost.
It can really tick you off.
End Quote
thats exactly right. I try to do it either at night or when I am going to be out of the house for a few hours. Then I just hope I have some completed songs when I come home.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
thats exactly right. I try to do it either at night or when I am going to be out of the house for a few hours. Then I just hope I have some completed songs when I come home.
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Yeah, it's a lot less frustrating that way.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
I know what you mean! I don't have cable internet, I am still using the regular phone modem, and it can take a while to download a song.
End Quote
It usually takes around 13 minutes for a song to download for me.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Again, it's so laughable reading this from you, but, then again... this is you (frightening, really). Weren't you writing something about screening posters? I totally agree with that.
I won't even go into Screwball's comments seeing as to how he did not comprehend the totatility of my statement. It would be a trial in futility since I can tell just by his grammar and poor sentence structure that he still needs to review basic reading comprehension.
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Dude, you pump out so much smug that even if I agreed with you, I wouldn't like you.
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Again, it's so laughable reading this from you, but, then again... this is you (frightening, really). Weren't you writing something about screening posters? I totally agree with that.
I won't even go into Screwball's comments seeing as to how he did not comprehend the totatility of my statement. It would be a trial in futility since I can tell just by his grammar and poor sentence structure that he still needs to review basic reading comprehension.
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I made a valid argument. You have no defense, so you turn to insults. My sentence structure was not bad, nor was my grammar. Who made you an English professor?
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Again, it's so laughable reading this from you, but, then again... this is you (frightening, really). Weren't you writing something about screening posters? I totally agree with that.
I won't even go into Screwball's comments seeing as to how he did not comprehend the totatility of my statement. It would be a trial in futility since I can tell just by his grammar and poor sentence structure that he still needs to review basic reading comprehension.End Quote
What the hell is wrong with you, TB?
Geez, that's so not cool. Not at all. :-/
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Weren't you writing something about screening posters? I totally agree with that.
End Quote
Its called sarcasm, look into it! ::)
Quoting:I won't even go into Screwball's comments seeing as to how he did not comprehend the totatility of my statement. It would be a trial in futility since I can tell just by his grammar and poor sentence structure that he still needs to review basic reading comprehension. End Quote
I keep trying to find a way to like you TB, but you make it more and more difficult everytime you post.
Hairspray was absolutely right, "What the hell is wrong with you"?
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
To lighten the atmosphere a bit... to the tune of Feargal Sharkey's "A Good Heart (these days is hard to find)":
I hear a lot of stories I suppose they could be true
All about low quality MP3s, and MPEGs too
Record co's are putting out, the risk of losing dough
And still, there's so much they don't know
I know, 'cause I download them all the time
I know, music has too high a price
And good MP3s, are hard to find
One-twenty-eight bit, the lossless kind
And good MP3s, are hard to find
So please be download all of this stash of mine
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
lol...cool Parody Phil (as always)
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
lol...cool Parody Phil (as always)
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Hmph! You're going to want me to finish it, then? I can't remember the rest...
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Again, it's so laughable reading this from you, but, then again... this is you (frightening, really).
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Is this an error from the self-proclaimed English champion himself? Everyone who has passed English 101 knows that you can use a comma followed by the word “but” to combine two independent clauses. Tarzan boy somehow decided it was better to use two commas instead of one. Way to go!
I won't even go into Screwball's comments seeing as to how he did not comprehend the totatility of my statement.
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Is this a misspelled word? I think it is.
I would tell you to review English (like you told another poster); however I feel you need to review kindergarten first. Remember the lesson about treating others how you would like to be treated? Obviously you didn’t learn it the first time. I recommend the book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things by Robert Fulghum. You can buy it here:
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
T.B. honey, may I put my two cents in here?
I think Screwball's spelling and grammer (or lack thereof) are part and parcel of his charm and one of the many things that makes him 'loveable' (altho' you may disagree! :o ).
While I generally concur that a well-constructed sentence is a joy to read, it does not negate the simple fact that a person can be less literate and still hold valid, well-reasoned opinions.
Using your logic, am I then to believe that you would be in complete agreement with the Tidewater aristocrats of old, who believed that the unschooled masses should not even be allowed to vote? ;)
Subject: Re: Good MP3's harder to download.
Is this an error from the self-proclaimed English champion himself? Everyone who has passed English 101 knows that you can use a comma followed by the word “but” to combine two independent clauses. Tarzan boy somehow decided it was better to use two commas instead of one. Way to go!End Quote
You got me there, Random Observer. I saw it too, but by then it was too late to modify it. "Self-proclaimed English champion" I am not, but your hyperbole does add effect to your point. I like that.
Is this a misspelled word? I think it is.
End Quote
Yeah, I saw that one too. I was already quoted to go back and change it. My jittery fingers often do that when writing on a time constraint. The time was 11:05pm when I posted and the computers shut down at around that time, so I was already getting warning signals to save and close all programs. I've never claimed to be the best typist. Excuses, excuses. I don't even know why I am explaining this, but you can test me if you actually want to go to that extent.
As for the rest: I got lazy. That's my only explanation. I could've chosen better words. I could've chosen to not reply in the first place. I did reply. With different word usage, the message remains the same. The deed is done.
With the exception of Chuck, Zella, and a few select people, I truly could not care less about anyone else's assessments. You are more than welcome to pour some more salt, Observer. Of course, you do know now you'd be wasting your time on me.