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Subject: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazis
I ran across this story a few years ago and I thought you guys may be interested. It talks about Ford's support and connections to Hitler and the Nazi Party. It was printed in the Colorado University newspaper in 1997, so I "copied and pasted" it below:
Henry Ford was a founder, financier, and leader of fascism, and facts
show that his "apologies" were as insincere as Hitler's reassurances
that he would invade no more countries and desired only peace.
James and Suzanne Pool's "Who Financed Hitler" (Dial, 1978 ) has
an entire chapter on Ford's role in the rise of fascism/nazism. Hitler's
Mein Kampf contained lengthy excerpts from Ford's writings on The
International Jew in Fords newspaper The Dearborn Independent. Ford
sent large sums of money to the Nazi party in Germany during the
1920s before major German capitalists began financing Hitler. In
1927 Ford issued a public apology to Jews. It was nothing more than
a public relations ploy, and Ford subsequently changed nothing in his
In 1938 Ford accepted the Grand Cross from Hitler. Ford
advocated and supported fascism in general and genocide against Jews
in particular. To suggest that he was surprised by the Holocaust and
regretted his earlier views is in fact as ridiculous as an apology
from Hitler in his bunker.
Moreover, Ford not only promoted fascism in Germany. He
practiced it extensively in his own auto plants. Ford created the
Ford Service Department, an eight thousand person private army of
thugs, mainly recruited from Michigan's prisons, to spy upon and
terrorize Ford workers and prevent unionization during the 1920s and
1930s. Auto workers were beaten, fired, and sometimes killed by
Ford's goons. Ford also concentrated black workers exclusively in
his River Rouge plant and paid black ministers to preach
anti-unionism to black workers. Ford and Hitler preached and
practiced the same racist fascist war against the working class.
In a sense it is fitting that Ford sponsored the network
telecast of Schindler's List last week. Ford is trying to erase its
own fascist history by sponsoring a film that tries to erase German
capitalists' responsibility for Nazism. U.S. capitalists are
currently creating the institutional and ideological apparatus of
fascism: Prison labor, workfare, racist scapegoating of blacks and
immigrants, etc. Allowing capitalists to rewrite the past
history of fascism will make it more difficult for us to defeat their
current fascist plans.
Steve Rosenthal
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 23:23:11
Steve and Mimi Rosenthal (mdr@borg.evms.edu)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
I have heard about that. There is also something else that most people are not aware of, there was a plot to over-throw the FDR administration for a fascist regime. (This was during a time when everyone was afraid of communism-it just goes to show ya how good propaganda can be.)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
GW Bush and his pappy have some pretty strong ties to Nazi Germany too.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
GW Bush and his pappy have some pretty strong ties to Nazi Germany too.
End Quote
nice try, but no cigar...
GW Bush wasn't even born until 1946, so do the math,
and his "pappy" was a decorated Naval pilot during WWII, so next time you decide to make a ridiculous statement like that again, do some research first.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
GW Bush and his pappy have some pretty strong ties to Nazi Germany too.
End Quote
Who the hell wrote this? That's one of the most retarded statements I've ever read.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Who the hell wrote this? That's one of the most retarded statements I've ever read.
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just another loser wanting to ruffle some feathers.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
This is an interesting article though...I never learned much more about Henry Ford than that he was the initiator of the assembly line format and that's why the Model T was so popular...I thought he was a philanthropist too. I certainly never read anything in the history books about him being a fascist.
Learn something interesting every day ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
I certainly never read anything in the history books about him being a fascist.
Learn something interesting every day ;)
End Quote
There was another article that I had that talked about the Dupont family as being major fascists and Hitler supporters. I don't have it anymore though.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Most history books do not mention things like that. They really didn't want to show the "dark" side of U.S. History. A few good history books that I recommend is "Who Built America? It is a two volume set. "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn (but I warn you, some guy bought that book with his credit card and later discovered that the reciept was in his FBI file-NO JOKE!) and one of my favorites, "Lies my Teacher told me" by James Loewen.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Most history books do not mention things like that. They really didn't want to show the "dark" side of U.S. History. A few good history books that I recommend is "Who Built America? It is a two volume set. "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn (but I warn you, some guy bought that book with his credit card and later discovered that the reciept was in his FBI file-NO JOKE!) and one of my favorites, "Lies my Teacher told me" by James Loewen.
End Quote
funny, I don't recommend any of these books.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Henry Ford doesn't have any connection to Nazis!! Unless you count that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where him and Sean Connery, like, slaughter a whole regiment full of Nazis and get them to drive a tank over a cliff!
Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Here it is, the now disgraced Bush family of incompetence tied together with Nazi Germany.
Bush and Nazi ties?
by Robert Lederman
November 14, 2000
Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000
Author links Bush family
to Nazis
The president of the Florida Holocaust Museum said Saturday that George W. Bush's grandfather derived a portion of his personal fortune through his affiliation with a Nazi-controlled bank.
John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice DepartmenDepartment's Nazi War Crimes Unit, said his research found that Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was a principal in the Union Banking Corp. in ManhattaManhattan in the late 1930s and the 1940s.
Leading Nazi industrialists secretly owned the bank at that time, Loftus said, and were moving money into it through a second bank in Holland even after the United States declared war on Germany. The bank was liquidated in 1951, Loftus said, and Bush's grandfather and great-grandfather received $1.5 million from the bank as part of that dissolution.
"That's where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich," Loftus said.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
^ ::)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Here it is, the now disgraced Bush family of incompetence tied together with Nazi Germany.
End Quote
Yes, thoroughly disgraced. They must feel such shame that they can't even show their faces. Oh the public humiliation they must be going through. I guess that's why the entire family has gone into hiding. I would too, what with the disgrace they must feel.
And you're dead on with that "family of incompetence" thing. They're so hopelessly braindead that they're worth more than thirty times of your family and they run the free world.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Here it is, the now disgraced Bush family of incompetence tied together with Nazi Germany.
End Quote
uh, ok. ::)
next please.
I noticed the story was published over 2 years ago, so why is this the first time we are hearing about it? If either of those 2 stories had any shred of truth or merit to them, don't you think his political opposition would have brought them up by now? Especially during elections. ::)
And by the way, after looking through some of the other "essays" on that first site you listed(baltech.org), it was obvious there was an agenda at play. So go feed your garbage to someone thats willing to eat it cause I aint hungry!
This site needs a screener to weed out the morons like they do on talk-radio.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
This site needs a screener to weed out the morons like they do on talk-radio.
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Ah yes, but this is a messageboard, and that would amount to censorship. Even morons should be allowed to express their opinions ::)
It's more fun for us because then we get to shoot them down ;D
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Ah yes, but this is a messageboard, and that would amount to censorship. Even morons should be allowed to express their opinions ::)
It's more fun for us because then we get to shoot them down ;D
End Quote
ok, when you put it like that... :D
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
i'm still reeling from Errol Flynn's connection to Nazism. :o
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
i'm still reeling from Errol Flynn's connection to Nazism. :o
End Quote
I thought they proved he wasn't spying for the Nazis?
Maybe I'm wrong.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
GW Bush and his pappy have some pretty strong ties to Nazi Germany too.
End Quote
What? Is there oil in Germany. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Bush's Grandfather was secretly sneaked plans for an early SUV prototype from the Nazis. ;)
Another hidden fact was Hitler hated broccoli and was determined to irradicate it from the earth.
What? Is there oil in Germany. ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Bush's Grandfather was secretly sneaked plans for an early SUV prototype from the Nazis. ;)
Another hidden fact was Hitler hated broccoli and was determined to irradicate it from the earth.
End Quote
I knew it! Those Republican b@st@rds ::)
Thank goodness Popeye went in and gave Hitler an atomic wedgie before he could annihilate spinach ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Bush's Grandfather was secretly sneaked plans for an early SUV prototype from the Nazis. ;)
Another hidden fact was Hitler hated broccoli and was determined to irradicate it from the earth.
End Quote
Wait... Bush hated broccoli too. I remember he had it banned from Air Force One. Coincidence? I think not. ;) ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Another hidden fact was Hitler hated broccoli and was determined to irradicate it from the earth.
End Quote
Do you think hitler hated broccoli because it reminded him of his disformed green helmet? Plus, what was with his love facination of brits? Too bad Frued never got around to him.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Exactly! Random fate? I think not!
Wait... Bush hated broccoli too. I remember he had it banned from Air Force One. Coincidence? I think not. ;) ;D ;)
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Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
... but... that's what talk radio is! I wonder what the point of having a screener is ???
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To weed out the super-morons ;D
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Yes, Hitler used to were neck ties AND Bush has recently learned to tie his shoes...Coincidence?
GW Bush and his pappy have some pretty strong ties to Nazi Germany too.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
An intriguing question- What is the make of the pick-up that George W drives on his ranch, that's right, it's a FORD!!! :o
This is getting a little to spooky. ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Prescott Bush once showed up in Nazi Germany and puked on Adolf.
America can't rid itself of the Bush family soon enough, 2 lousy Presidents.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
... but... that's what talk radio is! I wonder what the point of having a screener is ???
End Quote
some shows are, some aren't.
Prescott Bush once showed up in Nazi Germany and puked on Adolf.
America can't rid itself of the Bush family soon enough, 2 lousy Presidents.
End Quote
man, your credibility is gone. Go preach your crap to a different crowd.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
can't handle the truth, must be a Republican.
Sorry, but King George is the worst President since maybe Herbert Hoover.....or that braindead napper Ronald Reagan.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
can't handle the truth, must be a Republican.
Sorry, but King George is the worst President since maybe Herbert Hoover.....or that braindead napper Ronald Reagan.
End Quote
Wow, a mudslinging platform. Spoken like a true Democrat ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
can't handle the truth, must be a Republican.
Sorry, but King George is the worst President since maybe Herbert Hoover.....or that braindead napper Ronald Reagan.
End Quote
sorry, but there's a difference between "truth"(facts), and some essay you just pulled off the internet written by some guy about some story that nobody has ever heard about.
If you want to call it "truth", then so be it. I guess "dillusion is bliss", in your case.
And besides, did your "Bush is a Nazi supporter" train run out of steam? Because like Cyclops said earlier, you have used the classic Democrat strategy of resorting to mudslinging. Once the mudslinging starts, thats a sign you are desperate.
Quoting:...must be a RepublicanEnd Quote
You're darn right, and I wouldn't have it any other way! ;)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
The truth is republican presidents are the worst, I mean America goes to hell when they're in offense. Surplus into deficits, crappy economy with slow growth, poor national defense, petty little wars, crime is up, I can go on and on. Post charts about how the 8 clinton years were the best and tops any one of your war mongering nazi republican fuhrers but you'll probably turn a blind eye to that too.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
The truth is republican presidents are the worst, I mean America goes to hell when they're in offense. Surplus into deficits, crappy economy with slow growth...End Quote
You are intentionally leaving out one major detail...Clinton didn't have to try to repair the economy after a terrorist attack. Remember that? Or are you intentionally blocking that out of your memory.
Yea yea, I know you will respond saying thats a poor excuse, but its not, and even you know its not.
How many of these compainies that have either layed off workers, shut their doors, or both, were in that situation before 9/11?
Quoting:...poor national defense...End Quote
What? Bush is still rebuilding the military that, oh yes, your precious Bill Clinton nearly reduced to almost nothing! So what are you talking about?
Quoting:...petty little wars...End Quote
don't even go there...
This discussion has strayed away from the original topic
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
And Bush has to take the blame for 9/11, he was warned, and you can't dispute that. The govt. did not take the proper measures to prevent such an attack.
Clinton did have to rebuild the economy after a GOP attack though, just like John Edwards will have to in 2004.
the military was still extremely strong under Clinton, still the strongest in the world.
preventing 9/11 has nothing to do with the sheer volume of the military. It was Dubya falling asleep at the wheel, or his ranch(well, his pappy's ranch that he inherited) or wherever he is these days
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
. or whatever your name is, I am not responding to your posts anymore, unless they regard the orignal topic of this thread. I'm not going to participate in your "president bashing" debate anymore. Its going nowhere.
So, with that said...
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
great quotes about the disgraced "president"
"George W. Bush is emptiness personified, formed of vacuous phrases to hide his life. He is a picture which the news media, blindfolded and foolish, never broke open. He is being completely handled. He delegates everything, including the fight for his political life. His daddy's team is fending for him."
- Jane Pretyman
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party. Yes, he was elected governor of Texas, and before that he ran a (mediocre)baseball team and lost a lot of other people's money in the oil business. But what has happened in the intervening five years to make people believe that George W. Bush would be a good president?
What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
-Ron Reagan Jr.
Today George W. Bush visited New York City. He said the first thing he wanted to do when he got here was to meet the guy who voted for him.
"If George Bush was anymore retarded, he'd be on death row in Texas."
"You have to go back to Coolidge to find a president with a resumé so short, a presence so uninspiring, an intelligence so difficult to locate".
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Note the name of the author: Steve Rosenthal. Not exactly an unbiased source.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
And Bush has to take the blame for 9/11, he was warned, and you can't dispute that. The govt. did not take the proper measures to prevent such an attack.
End Quote
Do you honestly believe that GW knew and did nothing to prevent it. This has gone beyond mudslinging and hit slander. >:( Listen, I don't care if you don't like the man...you have no right to accuse him of murder. That is basically what you are saying here. I have friends who dislike Clinton (myself included) as much as you dislike Bush...but there is not a one of us that would even think that he would stoop to this level. GROW UP!
Clinton did have to rebuild the economy after a GOP attack though, just like John Edwards will have to in 2004.
End Quote
Oh yeah, GOP attack of words...Al-Queada attack with 4 commercial airliners. Great comparison...apples and oranges, an exact match. ::)
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
sorry, but there's a difference between "truth"(facts), and some essay you just pulled off the internet written by some guy about some story that nobody has ever heard about.
If you want to call it "truth", then so be it. I guess "dillusion is bliss", in your case.
And besides, did your "Bush is a Nazi supporter" train run out of steam?
End Quote
I wish I could say it has, but look on the Yahoo News Message Board and there are still people pumping up that steam engine. And all on the basis of Prescott Bush, while they ignore Joe Kennedy Sr.'s support for the Nazis, and the fact that all the Kennedy kids have been left-wing, and mainly liberal. Actually the same thing applies to Henry Ford. His kids, grandkids and great-grandkids aren't pining for the "glory days of the third reich," either.
Subject: Re: Henry Ford's connection to Hitler and the Nazi
Or maybe it was a Hollywood smear campaign because other leading men were jealous of his dashing good looks. :-/
I thought they proved he wasn't spying for the Nazis?
Maybe I'm wrong.
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