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Subject: Public nudity?
This gentleman was summoned to court to face charges of walking down the street naked. He turned up at court naked and was thrown out and arrested again for 'breach of the peace'
So... Should it be illegal to be naked?
Is the human form offensive?
Whilst I prefer to wear clothing (especially when the wind blows off the sea ;)) I can't see any problem with public nudity. What does everyone else think?
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I actually don't care. But I like clothes, they keep me warm and prevents my little friend from flapping in the wind. That could get distracting, y'know :)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
There is nothing wrong with the human body (even though I believe that some people should deffinately keep their clothes on). I have been to a nude beach before and yes, I did get sunburnt where the Sun doesn't normally shine. (It was very rough sitting down for the next week.)
There is a song by a group called the Toyes called "What's so bad about a nipple" talking how t.v. shows blood and guts but the human body is taboo. I would much rather see nudity than gore.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Sure. Why not? I wouldn't do it. At least not until I've got months of working out and eating a healthy diet 8)
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Why is it that only in America is this an issue? Most countries around the world have no problem with this. Mostly on beaches, but still. Although I do have to say that I don't know of a developed country that allows people to walk down the street nude. But, I do have to agree that I wouldn't want to see Roseanne or Louie Anderson walking down the street naked. That would be just wrong... :P
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
On the local radio show this morning they were talking about a nude vacation package to Barbados. Once the plane hits cruising altitude everyone strips (they do get a towel to sit on). When they get to the island they go to a nudist resort for a week. The package is totally booked. I don't know if it is true, I couldn't find anything about it on the net but it sure made me laugh.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I'll bite...
Public nudity would be all good if everyone looked good naked.
But not everyone looks good naked, so...
Like 80s_cheerleader said:
"I wouldn't want to see Roseanne or Louie Anderson walking down the street naked. That would be just wrong..."
Excellent point. ;D
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I actually don't care. But I like clothes, they keep me warm and prevents my little friend from flapping in the wind. That could get distracting, y'know :)
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After reading your post, Rice, all of a sudden the words of Bob Dylan sprung to mind, from 'Subterranean Homesick Blues'....
"...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows..."
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
It is probably best that Americans have such residual moral/christian issues about public nudity since they are also way more critical about what is beautiful and what is not. The latter being a result of the former, I'm guessing. Judging from the responses here, I think I would be deported. ;)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Hey,I could go on the train naked.
But then,it's so cold out my "wee-wee"
would freeze.
I would see a lot of women staring at me and I
would be saying"What are you looking at"?
"Betcha you''ll never get this stuff anytime soon".
(talking to the women)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Judging from the responses here, I think I would be deported. ;)End Quote
Geez, I did sound shallow in my last response. I apologize. Goodness knows I'm no model myself. :P
Cheer up, Bobo! :D You're in good company. ;D
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Don't worry, I took that in jest. When I came here from Germany, I found that body size in America is under much more scrutiny. Additionally, only 1 in 10 Germans regularly go to church, and the attitude about public nudity is more relaxed. A coincidence? When you go to the dentist in Germany, it is very common to find "Playboy"-type magazines in the reception room. A couple of nipples here and there is no big deal, but parading around Full Monty may get you a trip to the psychiatrist.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
In this state, the public decency laws are more strictly enforced than speeding. A little boy can't even use the bushes to pee on without the fuzz driving by. So just look out for those serial tinklers when driving in Indy. ::)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I'll bite...
End Quote
Please don't :o I love to be naked in the privacy of my own home....That's all :D
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
On the local radio show this morning they were talking about a nude vacation package to Barbados. Once the plane hits cruising altitude everyone strips (they do get a towel to sit on). When they get to the island they go to a nudist resort for a week. The package is totally booked. I don't know if it is true, I couldn't find anything about it on the net but it sure made me laugh.
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I saw that story today on a local news station web site. True story, I'd hate to be the one to wash down all the seats though. Main thing they were stressing is no "Hanky Panky" on the plane, the organizer quoted as saying this is for fun, not for sex.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Main thing they were stressing is no "Hanky Panky" on the plane, the organizer quoted as saying this is for fun, not for sex.
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Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being naked? Or am I just thinking one-dimensionally again? ::)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of being naked? Or am I just thinking one-dimensionally again? ::)
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No you aren't Rice.... ;D
The only other two times it is useful are bathing and changing ! :P heh heh...
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I need to throw my 2 pennies in. Public nudity in select areas where it's accepted and expected is fine. Elsewhere, No! I have no problem with that scheduled naked flight, unless I'm the next passenger to sit in one of the seats that hasn't bee properly cleaned :P . I do not except people running naked in public, even if it's some hot bodied babe I'm gonna get embarrased and trip over something. Nudity is natural, if your a newborn, once past that 15 minutes we are best clothed. If we were intended to be nude we'd still be covered in hair and have thicker pads on our feet. Keep the nudity to bathing and sex, thanks.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Women Bare All in the Name of Peace
Fri Jan 17,11:21 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Donna Sheehan wants to stop what she believes is the U.S. military's naked aggression in Iraq by taking off her clothes and getting women across the world to do the same.
The 72-year-old California artist has recruited her friends and neighbors to use their nude bodies to spell out the words "No War" and "Peace" in protests that are drawing attention and spurring women worldwide to bare all in the name of peace.
"We are doing this from the heart and from a feeling of desperation," Sheehan said. "It is a wonderful, physical way of creating a powerful statement."
Sheehan said she receives about 25 e-mails a day from people who are interested in shedding their clothes like the Northern California women who plan a "major" protest action at an anti-war rally in San Francisco on Saturday.
Women in Montana posed nude in a snowstorm while a group in England has carried out a number of their own high-profile peace photos sans clothes. Men are also getting into the act, which Sheehan said made it necessary to change the group's name from "Unreasonable Women Baring Witness" to "Baring Witness."
"We are calling it a national spelling bee and there are actions popping up just like crop circles, mysterious here and there," Sheehan said.
Sheehan said the idea for her first protest came to her in a dream and was reinforced by the Nigerian women who threatened to disrobe last year in a fight with Chevron-Texaco over more jobs and services in their local community.
The artist eventually convinced about 50 women in her small town of Marshall just north of San Francisco to take part in the first peace photo back in November. Since then there have been two other photo shoots with women aged between 20 to 83.
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I saw that story today on a local news station web site. True story, I'd hate to be the one to wash down all the seats though. Main thing they were stressing is no "Hanky Panky" on the plane, the organizer quoted as saying this is for fun, not for sex.
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No matter how well they clean the seats, I don't think I would want to go on the plane after them. :-X
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Please don't :o I love to be naked in the privacy of my own home....That's all :D
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Yeah,Me Too.especially when I'm watching my videos. ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Yuck, Howard...some things are better off left unsaid. :-X
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
I need to throw my 2 pennies in. Public nudity in select areas where it's accepted and expected is fine. Elsewhere, No! I have no problem with that scheduled naked flight, unless I'm the next passenger to sit in one of the seats that hasn't bee properly cleaned :P . I do not except people running naked in public, even if it's some hot bodied babe I'm gonna get embarrased and trip over something. Nudity is natural, if your a newborn, once past that 15 minutes we are best clothed. If we were intended to be nude we'd still be covered in hair and have thicker pads on our feet. Keep the nudity to bathing and sex, thanks.
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Umm I have to back you up here Race.I cannot imagine seeing certain people naked. Like my grandparents (oh I have just gone blind at the thoughtof it). Or your old high school teacher. How would anyone get any work done if someone in the office decided to come in naked? No no no that is just not right. Think about how embarrassing this could be for people if...er..certain issues were to....rise...at an inopportune moment? Sorry, I just don't feel that liberated. Limited to bathing and sex. And the occasional skinny dip. ;D
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Public Nudity??? Depends on how public you mean. I wouldn't be caught dead walking down my street in my birthday suit but my husband and I met at a nudist camp (not colony) and it didn't seem "weird" at all. My mother-in-law lives full time in one and when we go to visit, we are expected to follow the rules of the camp. People with clothes on are looked at funny rather like a nude person would be on a city street. I don't feel uncomfortable in the least there.
So, it really would depend on where I was going to be "strutting my stuff" so to speak. :D
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Nudist Camp is fine, it's expected and I don't have to travel through it. I wonder though, why? Isn't nudity more exciting when It meand that there is sex involved? Like I said it's nautural for a new born, but there are few places in the world due to weather where it works out very well after exiting the womb.
Public Nudity??? Depends on how public you mean. I wouldn't be caught dead walking down my street in my birthday suit but my husband and I met at a nudist camp (not colony) and it didn't seem "weird" at all. My mother-in-law lives full time in one and when we go to visit, we are expected to follow the rules of the camp. People with clothes on are looked at funny rather like a nude person would be on a city street. I don't feel uncomfortable in the least there.
So, it really would depend on where I was going to be "strutting my stuff" so to speak. :D
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Subject: Re: Public nudity?
What doens being naked have to do with it ??? It's a protest I understand but they could probably get more people showing for support if they kept their clothes on. Protest is strength in numbers, this will get some press to be read and maybe some photos on pay web site but what else? ::)
Women Bare All in the Name of Peace
Fri Jan 17,11:21 AM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Donna Sheehan wants to stop what she believes is the U.S. military's naked aggression in Iraq by taking off her clothes and getting women across the world to do the same.
The 72-year-old California artist has recruited her friends and neighbors to use their nude bodies to spell out the words "No War" and "Peace" in protests that are drawing attention and spurring women worldwide to bare all in the name of peace.
"We are doing this from the heart and from a feeling of desperation," Sheehan said. "It is a wonderful, physical way of creating a powerful statement."
Sheehan said she receives about 25 e-mails a day from people who are interested in shedding their clothes like the Northern California women who plan a "major" protest action at an anti-war rally in San Francisco on Saturday.
Women in Montana posed nude in a snowstorm while a group in England has carried out a number of their own high-profile peace photos sans clothes. Men are also getting into the act, which Sheehan said made it necessary to change the group's name from "Unreasonable Women Baring Witness" to "Baring Witness."
"We are calling it a national spelling bee and there are actions popping up just like crop circles, mysterious here and there," Sheehan said.
Sheehan said the idea for her first protest came to her in a dream and was reinforced by the Nigerian women who threatened to disrobe last year in a fight with Chevron-Texaco over more jobs and services in their local community.
The artist eventually convinced about 50 women in her small town of Marshall just north of San Francisco to take part in the first peace photo back in November. Since then there have been two other photo shoots with women aged between 20 to 83.
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Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Yuck, Howard...some things are better off left unsaid. :-X
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sorry bout that. :-[
you ok now? ;)
Subject: Re: Public nudity?
Like everything else of course, if nudity in public was suddenly legalized, a small percentage of people would immediately begin to strut their stuff.
A lot of teenagers would do it just to show off.
Then, after awhile more and more people would begin doing it and eventually it would become perfectly normal.
You wouldn't be any more sex crazed at gazing at a beautiful naked person than you are gazing at a beautiful clothed person.
It would hit the porn industry hard. I think that would that would be funny. ;D