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Subject: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember watching good stuff on Nickelodeon a long time ago, and unfortunately, I can't remember much before the year 1996-7, when they really started making more and more cartoons. Now everything on that freaking channel is cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, and that Nick News show.
There are like, no good shows left. I don't get why so many kids like stuff like "The Butt-Ugly Martians", I mean, come on. They've gone a little too far.
The Nick Cannon Show, The Amanda Show, and All That are just plain annoying.
Pick up a TV schedule for Nick, and besides Sunday nights, everything is basically cartoons... I remember when it had about 3 or 4 good Nicktoons, and they're the ones they never play anymore... :(
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember Doug, Rugrats and Ren and Stimpy...that was a good line-up. I also liked the Rocko cartoon :)
But I hated the live action shows.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Well...my children like and benefit from Nick Jr. I don't really have an opinion against it because there isn't a whole lot of offensive material on the Nick Jr shows. And..I love Spongebob. I think Spongebob is a love it or hate it kind of thing. Have to have a twisted sense of humor to like that one I guess. Now the Amanda show etc that is all crap I definitely agree. :P
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember having to babysit my niece and nephew and that was all they watched, and that was back in the 1980's. They practically lived off that channel! And most of the late morning and early afternoon was taken up by a show called "Pinwheel"! They loved that stuff!
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Spongebob and Invader Zim are the only two saving graces of that channel. In every other respect, Nickelodeon has taken a giant orange dump on every thing that was good about kid's programming. Man, I'm glad I'm all grown 'cause it would suck to be a kid right now.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember watching a show called, "You Can't do that on Television." I loved that show (concidering I was in my 20s at the time.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember watching a show called, "You Can't do that on Television." I loved that show (concidering I was in my 20s at the time.
End Quote
I liked that show. That and "Turkey TV."
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember "You Can't Do That On Television". It was from Canada. I remember seeing Alanys Morrisette on that show. It was a really cute kid variety skit based show...
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
oh yea, by the time Nick hit its "glory years" (90-95) I was already beginning to outgrow the network, but cute, clever shows like Salute Your Shorts, Doug, Rugrats, Wild and Crazy Kids, Ren and Stimpy, Are you Afraid of the Dark, Pete and Pete and Roundhouse kept me interested. Those were some damn good shows. Too bad they faded into oblivion and I grew up, 96 was a turning point year for Nick, that's when the network took a major step backwards.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I agree Nickelodean has declined heavily over the last decade. The day-time lineup stinks, the evening lineup stinks, and the Nick-at-Nite lineup stinks. I remember when Nick-at-Nite was actually fun to watch. Now, the shows that are on Nick-at-Nite can be seen on other channels during the day. They are hardly "classic".
Thank goodness for Spongebob!
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
i don't know where the hell spongebob came from but that show is fukking BRILLIANT!!! It's too good for this era, it belongs in that 90-95 era.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember watching a show called, "You Can't do that on Television." I loved that show (concidering I was in my 20s at the time.
End Quote
I used to love that show.I remembered when they used to say water and slop and the crap would fall from the sky. ;D
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I shoulda known Nick was about to go down the gutter when they sold Doug to Disney(who proceeded to screw it up). anyways i loved that old nick stuff, David the Gnome, the Litt'l Bits, Maia the Bee, Old Rugrats episodes, Ren n Stimpy, are you Afraid of the Dark, Roundhouse, Wild & Crazy Kids, Hey Dude, Salute your Shorts, original Guts, Double Dare, Aah! Real Monsters, Rocko's Modern Life, Clarissa, My Brother and Me, All That until when Amanda Bynes was still on it. But those days are long gone.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Oh yea Invader Zim and Hey Arnold are the only good recent cartoons, the Brothers Garcia about the only good show, Taina is OK. Everything else on Nick is horrible.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
lol me again just remembered about Pete and Pete too. Also i forgot to add they also had Dangermouse, Rocky & Bullwinkle, and Underdog on Nick back in the day. Why did they ever get rid of those? And since were talking about Nick, i dont think its too far out on a limb talking about watching MMC and Kids Inc and Ready or Not on Disney. and Speed Racer and those silly Hanna-Barbera Cartoons like Thundarr, the Herculoids, and junk. Also i loved when Disney would have the Friday night thing where they played REAL movies, not stupid Disney "not so original" movies all the time. My personal favore was one night they had a tripleheader with Labyrinth, Return to Oz, and the Neverending Story 1. That was the first time i saw labyrinth and ive been in love with that movie ever since.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I remember when Nickelodeon was a good network in the mid 1990's. :)
And now it's mostly Nicktoons, "Romeo!", and the current cast of "All That". :P No more Looney Tunes, older cartoons, kids' programming, game shows, and sitcoms. :P
The only good Nicktoons were "Ren & Stimpy", "Rocko's Modern Life", and "Ka Blam!".
And early "Rugrats" & "Doug" were OK.
I agree that it was good until the late '90's.
I think it gotten far worse with having spinoffs from "Oh Yeah Cartoons" earlier this decade & a certain sea sponge named Bob. :P
Disney Channel & Cartoon Network also went downhill. :P
I miss classic Looney Tunes & Disney cartoons.
Though "My Life As A Teenage Robot" is slightly better than the other Nicktoons from the "SpongeBob" era, but isn't as entertaining as the classic Nicktoons like "Ren & Stimpy".
Plus, some of Cartoon Network's cartoons are better and appeal to many generations.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Quoting:Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?End Quote
As a matter of fact, I do. Maybe I'm just older now and a bit more mature. The only good stuff they have on now is Nick at Night.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Spongebob is genius.
ROMEO is frking horrible!!!! It is so corny...If I were still a little kid I would just stick with the DIZNE Channel and CARtoonnetwork
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
The only good stuff they have on now is Nick at Night.
End Quote
Actually I think even Nick at Nite stinks these days. They moved all the "classic" shows over to "TV-Land". Nick at Nite is trying to show "modern classics", but their choice of what they consider "modern classics" are actualy the same shows I used to avoid watching when they were on originally.
Last summer they did have "Perfect Strangers" on for a while, which was a great show. But for some reason they took it off after only a few months.
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
I stopped watchin Nick when they threw Hey Arnold! into the mix. Once that happened, it was all downhill from there. I loved the shows like Doug, Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, Salute Your Shorts, and Are You Afraid of the Dark(A Favorite!!). I even like Rocko's Modern Life to a point.
It's funny cuz I was just thinking about it the other day, and I don't even know if they still play any of those shows anymore! Its too bad cuz those shows were really good IMO!
Subject: Re: Remember When Nickelodeon Was A Good Channel?
Actually I think even Nick at Nite stinks these days. They moved all the "classic" shows over to "TV-Land". Nick at Nite is trying to show "modern classics", but their choice of what they consider "modern classics" are actualy the same shows I used to avoid watching when they were on originally.
Last summer they did have "Perfect Strangers" on for a while, which was a great show. But for some reason they took it off after only a few months.
End Quote
Not to mention Nick at Nite also airs shows that can still be seen on other networks like "The Cosby Show" (TBS, WGN) & "Full House" (ABC Family). :P
I agree that "Perfect Strangers" was a good show and Nick at Nite should've aired it on a decent time slot than 3:00 AM.
If I ran Nick At Nite, I would limit the shows to one airing and air shows that are now rarely seen. Like when was the last time somebody seen "Murphy Brown" or "My Two Dads"?
Though I don't care for those shows, but I know there's some people who want to watch them again.