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Subject: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
I have had a major gripe with this for years. I'm talking of course about smokers throwing their butts on the ground instead of using ash-trays/cans/buckets/etc.
here's the scenerio I always think of when I see this happen: If I were to casually throw my gum wrapper, or something similar, on the street, sidewalk, etc, I would be littering and subject to a fine. So why is it acceptable for people to throw cigarette butts on the ground with no fines?
What really gets me ticked is when I am driving along in my car and the person in front of me flicks their cig. out the window and it hits my car. Ohhhhh my road rage level jumps about 5 levels when that happens.
Supposedly, there is a law in my state that you can be fined for throwing your cig butt on the ground, but since I just saw a cop do it today, I don't think it is working. My bro-in-law is a cop and he didn't even know the law existed!
I am not against smokers, if you smoke then so be it, its your life. All I ask is that you use some common decency and not use the streets and sidewalks as your personal ashtray, especially if you're driving and there is a car behind you!
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Smoking is such a turnoff. And a used cigarette or cigar butt, since they become effectively useless, fall under my classication for "waste". Ergo, tossing your cigarettes on the ground is littering. Pretty lame considering that most malls and restaurants have special ashtray/trash cans for them.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
you are right once again Rice.
used butts are waste/trash, just as a used kleenex or napkin would be. And most people wouldn't even consider throwing their kleenex or napkin on the ground.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
It is litter. And it is disgusting litter. Should be put into the nasty butt cans that you find all over the place. And I have had that happen to me with the cig butts out the window thing. It is rude and irresponsible, not to mention dangerous. If anyone wants to smoke go for it, just don't fill up my space with it and keep the butts picked up so my kids don't find them please.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
One of my favorite Tex Avery cartoons involves a man who is driving through the forest and flicks a cigarette butt out the window, causing a forest fire; and the fire taunts the dimwitted firefighters! Remember, don't flick those butts out the window, use your ashtray and dump them in the trash!
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
And I have had that happen to me with the cig butts out the window thing. It is rude and irresponsible, not to mention dangerous. End Quote
thanks for pointing out the danger part of it. I forgot to mention how when some of the butts hit the pavement while driving they throw up all those sparks. Everytime I see that happen I always think about how terrible it would be if there happened to be even a trace of spilled/leaked gasoline in that spot.
Remember, don't flick those butts out the window, use your ashtray and dump them in the trash!
End Quote
Don you brought up a good point: "use your ashtray and dump them in the trash!"
I also get ticked when I see a pile of nasty cig butts in the parking lot that someone just dumped out.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Definately litter.
I don't smoke but a couple of my friends do, and the butts gross them out, too. I think that people who toss their butts on the ground should be fined. What if a little kid picked one up after it hit the ground in front of him? >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Exactly, Dagwood. Kids will pick up anything from the ground, and I happen to have young kids. I have friends that smoke too, but they know the rule at my house. Outside and butts go in the sand filled coffee can in the shed. My friends are good about using it. We live on a foot traffic'ed street though and ppl throw stuff like that in my yard all the time. >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter :P >:( :P
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter >:( And NOW I run across some people that are saying that the truth.com commercials are lying about 2nd hand smoke harming children....They make me sick...much like that nasty smoke..http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/26.gif Maybe they should just suck on thier exhaust pipes of thier cars...it would help cut down on pollution AND save them money :D
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
But you know,people these days don't care.They'll just throw
their ciggarette butts wherever they want.How about a fine for spitting? They should enforce that rule as well. >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter of course !
It's ironic, I was talking about this with a friend just yesterday.
It seems to be 'accepted' that someone can throw a butt on the ground, yet if they dropped something 'else' on the ground, it is littering.
There is no difference. It is all littering.
And while we are at it....Chweing gum....lovely blackened hard spots all over the ground, disgusting....
I suggest gum chewers who can't be bothered putting it in a bin, swallow it instead ! The medical consequences would be enough to teach you !
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
"The world is my ashtray!"
Someone actually said this to me in a bank once when I commented about them butting their cigarette out on the floor of the bank!!!
I was shocked to say the least! The good news? They are biodegradable so don't last long in our wet weather....but the bad news is that they ARE litter and are quite disgusting!
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter - I don't smoke but I find butts in my garden all the time from my neighbours. It drives me crazy >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
"The world is my ashtray!"
Someone actually said this to me in a bank once when I commented about them butting their cigarette out on the floor of the bank!!!
I was shocked to say the least! The good news? They are biodegradable so don't last long in our wet weather....but the bad news is that they ARE litter and are quite disgusting!
End Quote
It takes four years for the filter to biodegrade in a landfill, or that is what I read...
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Most definitely litter. If you're gonna smoke, at least dispose of your refuse in the proper way! >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Cigarette butts are definitely litter. In fact most of the litter on the ground I see are cigarette butts. I wish people would clean up after themselves. It doesnt take that much effort to dispose of butts properly. Dont be lazy smokers.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter! >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter! >:( >:(
I've had one of those @$$****s flick their cigarette butt out the window of the car in front of me and fly inside my window. >:( It sucks to have to worry about that crap while driving around with your windows rolled down because the weather is nice...
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Of course they're litter. Worse, they can (and do) start wildfires. In October and November here, we had over 100 wildfires, some of which were started by morons tossing their cigarette butts out of car windows. One of these fires burned through a village and destroyed homes. It got so bad, a hotline was set up for people to report anyone they saw throwing butts out of windows. I'm a smoker myself, but for a long time now I have used the car ashtray while I've been driving, and I always put my butts in a little plastic bag whenever I'm walking somewhere that's not close to a rubbish bin.
And chewing gum! I've had at least two pairs of pants ruined by morons leaving it on seats. I hate gum.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter - I don't smoke but I find butts in my garden all the time from my neighbours. It drives me crazy >:(
End Quote
You know where I see ciggarettes?
On my grass! moronic neighbors with their moronic friends stuff
butts on my grass and dispose it there.
I'll tell ya where I want to stuff their butts! >:(
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Yes, definately litter and what's more, in the smoke shack at the refinery where I work, people can't even seem to get their butts into the receptacle while they're standing right next to it for pete's sake! It makes all those employees who smoke seem like lazy, disrespectful slobs.
I try to be a "considerate smoker". When I light-up, I attempt to do so at a distance from others. If someone approaches me to talk, I'm aware of the direction the smoke is blowing and will move myself down wind from them as well as blowing my smoke away from them. I really don't even think of it. It's automatic. If they have a problem, they can simply move along...I tried...
I do not toss butts out the window, and yes, do it in front of a cop and you will be cited. It's considered littering and also a fire hazard.
I do not smoke in the house and have purchesed a receptacle for my room-mate and I to use for our butts.
Having taken common sense measures to keep others from having to breathe my smoke or put-up with my ugly cig butts I will forever be the target of that smug, superior glance, apathetic shake of the head with some variation of "...those are bad for you, (will kill you), (shouldn't do that), (whatever), (whatever)..." All I can say is SAVE IT.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter is litter no matter how big or small. But I'm not going to tell my co-workers or relatives not to throw butts on the ground. That's the cops' job.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
I don't like people who throw cigerettes out the window of their car or just throw them on the ground before they enter a store. Either find somewhere to throw them away before you walk into a store and when your driving use your ashtray. Smoking is a right and I think its ridiculous how a pack of cigerettes has gone up in price the last 5 years but please keep your smoking to yourself.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Yes, definately litter and what's more, in the smoke shack at the refinery where I work, people can't even seem to get their butts into the receptacle while they're standing right next to it for pete's sake! It makes all those employees who smoke seem like lazy, disrespectful slobs.
I try to be a "considerate smoker". When I light-up, I attempt to do so at a distance from others. If someone approaches me to talk, I'm aware of the direction the smoke is blowing and will move myself down wind from them as well as blowing my smoke away from them. I really don't even think of it. It's automatic. If they have a problem, they can simply move along...I tried...
I do not toss butts out the window, and yes, do it in front of a cop and you will be cited. It's considered littering and also a fire hazard.
I do not smoke in the house and have purchesed a receptacle for my room-mate and I to use for our butts.
Having taken common sense measures to keep others from having to breathe my smoke or put-up with my ugly cig butts I will forever be the target of that smug, superior glance, apathetic shake of the head with some variation of "...those are bad for you, (will kill you), (shouldn't do that), (whatever), (whatever)..." All I can say is SAVE IT.
End Quote
I agree 100%. Some of us are "considerate" smokers. I do not do it in my house, car, or around my children or anyone else who does not smoke. I do have to admit to throwing them on the ground, if there is no other place to put it. However, I do not do this in people's yards AND I make sure it is totally put out before I leave (I am not a flicker). It does make me mad when I see butts around a receptacle or a pile in a parking lot.
Now, on the subject of litter or not litter? What about dog poop? I went out to get the mail the other day and what do I find in the street right in front of my mailbox? (Good thing I was paying attention or I would've stepped in it :() A great big pile of dog poop! I can honestly say that I think I would rather have my child pick up an old cigarette butt than a piece of animal excrement!
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Hey Cheerleader, dog poop is litter, city oridinace in Seattle is that you have to remove it from you yard every 24 hours ::)- now I haven't had the cops in my back yard for an inspection
yet but I'ts not even legal to keep it around on your own property. So yep, cigarette butts, dog poop, and I'm sure many other gross things out there are litter.
I agree 100%. Some of us are "considerate" smokers. I do not do it in my house, car, or around my children or anyone else who does not smoke. I do have to admit to throwing them on the ground, if there is no other place to put it. However, I do not do this in people's yards AND I make sure it is totally put out before I leave (I am not a flicker). It does make me mad when I see butts around a receptacle or a pile in a parking lot.
Now, on the subject of litter or not litter? What about dog poop? I went out to get the mail the other day and what do I find in the street right in front of my mailbox? (Good thing I was paying attention or I would've stepped in it :() A great big pile of dog poop! I can honestly say that I think I would rather have my child pick up an old cigarette butt than a piece of animal excrement!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Hey Cheerleader, dog poop is litter, city oridinace in Seattle is that you have to remove it from you yard every 24 hours ::)- now I haven't had the cops in my back yard for an inspection
yet but I'ts not even legal to keep it around on your own property. So yep, cigarette butts, dog poop, and I'm sure many other gross things out there are litter.
End Quote
What if I don't have a dog? This was someone else's dog that did it?
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
What if I don't have a dog? This was someone else's dog that did it?
End Quote
You would be exempt, I think that was for personal dog poop only. ;) Actually if you take a dog in public here you have to have a "waste disposal system" with you in case that happens.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Litter, and disgusting at that. I know some smokers that are considerate of others but often to many are rude and so it goes that is how the public sees them all.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Of course it is litter, duh! Littering is disgusting, and there is no excuse to do it. If you don't have a trash container in your car, then set it on the floor or dashboard and wait until you get home, then put it in something called a "trash can." It's not hard to do folks.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Aye, yae, yae...I thought the subject concerned the classification of ciggy butts but the vitriol and crass generalizations spewing forth cause me to wonder if the original querry isn't merely thinly veiled social commentary.
Follow me, please... ;)
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Sorry, I know I went off topic on that one. :-/ :-are litter. Very disgusting IMO. Also as the others said, very dangerous as well.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
No apologies, bro. That was just me. :D
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
You would be exempt, I think that was for personal dog poop only. ;) Actually if you take a dog in public here you have to have a "waste disposal system" with you in case that happens.
End Quote
In The City,where I work,there is a ton of "dog crap".I'm always stepping in it.Blind people that have dogs should be able to clean them up.Or have someone clean it up for them.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
But I'm not going to tell my co-workers or relatives not to throw butts on the ground. That's the cops' job.
End Quote
true, but the problem is that its not inforced.
Its very frustraing though when you see cops tossing theirs cigs on the ground too. I was in my car at a trian crossing and the cop in front of me flipped his out the window onto the street. And like I said in an earlier post, my bro-in-law is a cop and he didn't even know he could fine people for doing it.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
true, but the problem is that its not inforced.
Its very frustraing though when you see cops tossing theirs cigs on the ground too. I was in my car at a trian crossing and the cop in front of me flipped his out the window onto the street. And like I said in an earlier post, my bro-in-law is a cop and he didn't even know he could fine people for doing it.
End Quote
Consider this, though; it sure feels nice to speed on the highway with impunity.
Subject: Re: Cigerette Butts- Litter or not Litter?
Consider this, though; it sure feels nice to speed on the highway with impunity.
End Quote
Huh? you lost me on that one. ???