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Subject: What should replace the World Trade Center?
What would you like to see in the site of the former World Trade Center in NY?
I saw some of the design proposals and they are impressive. I personally like the ones that feature a new building that would be the world's tallest with a memorial on ground level for the public to see..
What do you all think?
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I like the world's tallest building idea. But if that doesn't pan out, a huge hand flipping the "bird" would be awesome ;D
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
...a huge hand flipping the "bird" would be awesome ;D
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Oh now thats a good idea! :D
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
or a big fat butt with lips attached to it.
I think you get the point,now! ;D :D
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I have an idea. Let's build a replica of Osama bin Laden, put a target sign on his back, and a sign that says, "Just try to fly a jet plane here NOW!"
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I have an idea. Let's build a replica of Osama bin Laden, out a target sign on his back, and a sign that says, "Just try to fly a jet plane here NOW!"
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Dicey. The Muslims wouldn't like it.
Let's build it in Baghdad instead, maybe it'll work better over there ;)
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Seriouly I think a memorial similar to the Vietnam one listing every victom of terroist activites in the world, or a Starbucks.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Seriouly I think a memorial similar to the Vietnam one listing every victom of terroist activites in the world, or a Starbucks.
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Starbucks actually refused to give the emergency workers water for them and the victims during the tragedy of 9/11. >:( :P ::)
They all had to pull their money together and buy water for hundreds of dollars.
Definitely not a Starbucks. :-/
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
No Starbucks, I was just trying to be as shallow as possible. ::)
Starbucks actually refused to give the emergency workers water for them and the victims during the tragedy of 9/11. >:( :P ::)
They all had to pull their money together and buy water for hundreds of dollars.
Definitely not a Starbucks. :-/
End Quote
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
What would be nice is some kind of cultural center for all religions, races etc. Not political, just different representations of cultures, such as art, information about different religions, etc. That way everyone is represented. And on the bottom floor, the entrance, should be the memorial with every victims name.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
No Starbucks, I was just trying to be as shallow as possible. ::)End Quote
That's ok. ;)
I think we should rebuild the World Trade Center in all it's former glory, except a stronger, more efficient super-structure. At the main entrance wall, there would be a giant plaque, perhaps just an entire gold wall with all of the victims names with a precious poem to celebrate their memory.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Definitely not another Arthur Andersen. Or Morgan Stanley.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I vote for your proposal, good one!
The reason I vote against another big building is that it would become a target for all the nutballs out there, also the towers were huge but as ugly example of architecture.
What would be nice is some kind of cultural center for all religions, races etc. Not political, just different representations of cultures, such as art, information about different religions, etc. That way everyone is represented. And on the bottom floor, the entrance, should be the memorial with every victims name.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
...the towers were huge but as ugly example of architecture.End Quote
I don't agree. I think the towers were quite appealing, awesome and commanding.
The towers would not be anymore vulnerable than any of the oether tall structures in the U.S., The Sears Tower comes to mind. It was just the luck of the draw last time.
This also raises the question of what America should do to protect any and all of their high-rise structures in the future.
I say have some missile defense system perched on the roof. If anything comes within a certain distance, blow it out of the sky!
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
What would be nice is some kind of cultural center for all religions, races etc. Not political, just different representations of cultures, such as art, information about different religions, etc. That way everyone is represented. And on the bottom floor, the entrance, should be the memorial with every victims name.
End Quote
I really like that idea. I think I heard something that there is already a memorial-I'm not too sure if it a permanent one or not but it has the remains of many of the victims.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I don't agree. I think the towers were quite appealing, awesome and commanding.
The towers would not be anymore vulnerable than any of the oether tall structures in the U.S., The Sears Tower comes to mind. It was just the luck of the draw last time.
This also raises the question of what America should do to protect any and all of their high-rise structures in the future.
I say have some missile defense system perched on the roof. If anything comes within a certain distance, blow it out of the sky!
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Correct that it could have been any other building, but since it was the WTC any similar building on that site would be "marked" and a freaky challenge for a lot of wackos out there in the world. I vote simple memorail.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Do you know that the towers were built over a black cemetery? I wouldn't say it is jinxed or something but perhaps that place is fated to be a graveyard ever since.
Yup, I think the memorial idea is the best.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I think replacing it with some memorial... putting up new towers exactly the same would just... make people think there was no attack...
Do you know that the towers were built over a black cemetery? I wouldn't say it is jinxed or something but perhaps that place is fated to be a graveyard ever since.
Yup, I think the memorial idea is the best.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I think a permanent memorial is a good idea. Someplace to remember those that are gone all year long.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Quoting:I think we should rebuild the World Trade Center in all it's former glory, except a stronger, more efficient super-structure.
At the main entrance wall, there would be a giant plaque, perhaps just an entire gold wall with all of the victims names with a precious poem to celebrate their memory.End Quote
I still think this older post of mine a good idea.
The two chosen finalists and their proposals do not impress me. I don't like the designs.
I also don't think higher is good or the way to go. It's not practical or safe in terms of emergency escape times being increased even further.
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. ;)
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Thanks for the link, Rice. I like both plans, both are beatiful. And both would include a memorial.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Northeast/02/04/wtc.finalists/index.htmlEnd Quote
If you vote on the question of which design/designer you prefer or neither, you'll find the higher percentage of people voted neither! :o I'm not the only one who doesn't like them. ;D
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Rebuild, exactly as they were, with architectural and technological enhancements, built to withstand high speed impacts.
A memorial is a nice sentiment. But it doesn't begin to deal with the over 1,000,000 square feet of office space that was lost to an already overcrowded city. I like what someone said about putting a weapon system on top of this an other structures like it. When I was in the Navy, I worked on the Phalanx aka C.I.W.S (close in weapons system). It's maximum effective range is classified, so I won't say that on the newsgroup :). It looks like an all white R2-D2 with a big ... (well endowed ;) ) But it will automatically lock and load on target approaching at a certain minimum speed (also classified), and not stop firing until it's destroyed. Had this been there on 9/11, we would've lost the planes, but saved the structure and the lives inside.
I was born and raised in NY. I can remember standing on the path at the park which overlooked the flushing bay, and being awe-struck at this iron skeleton as the WTC was being built.
Until very recently, I worked for Sun Microsystems as a systems administrator. We had floors 25 and 26 of tower two. How many of you would have gotten on a plane Sept 17? That's what I did...to help my friends and family unbury themselves out from under the rubble.
Those sick bastards stole more from me than an icon of American strength. Personally, I have forgiven them. This for my own benefit because I don't have enough spare internal organs left for my rage to eat up. But besides that, I still want to rebuild, just as they were.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I agree with you, Mountain dude. For some people the towers were imposing and ugly, but I just cannot imagine a New York skyline without them. They're as much a part of NY's soul as the Empire State Building.
I grew up partly in the NY/NJ area. And I miss the Twin Towers every day. You notice how you take something for granted until it's gone, and then you appreciate them again, in retrospect?
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Rebuild, exactly as they were, with architectural and technological enhancements, built to withstand high speed impacts.
A memorial is a nice sentiment. But it doesn't begin to deal with the over 1,000,000 square feet of office space that was lost to an already overcrowded city. I like what someone said about putting a weapon system on top of this an other structures like it. When I was in the Navy, I worked on the Phalanx aka C.I.W.S (close in weapons system). It's maximum effective range is classified, so I won't say that on the newsgroup :). It looks like an all white R2-D2 with a big ... (well endowed ;) ) But it will automatically lock and load on target approaching at a certain minimum speed (also classified), and not stop firing until it's destroyed. Had this been there on 9/11, we would've lost the planes, but saved the structure and the lives inside.
I was born and raised in NY. I can remember standing on the path at the park which overlooked the flushing bay, and being awe-struck at this iron skeleton as the WTC was being built.
Until very recently, I worked for Sun Microsystems as a systems administrator. We had floors 25 and 26 of tower two. How many of you would have gotten on a plane Sept 17? That's what I did...to help my friends and family unbury themselves out from under the rubble.
Those sick bastards stole more from me than an icon of American strength. Personally, I have forgiven them. This for my own benefit because I don't have enough spare internal organs left for my rage to eat up. But besides that, I still want to rebuild, just as they were.End Quote
Finally someone who agrees with me on every single point, even the weapons system! :o :D Woo-hoo!
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
When I was in the Navy, I worked on the Phalanx aka C.I.W.S (close in weapons system). It's maximum effective range is classified, so I won't say that on the newsgroup :).
End Quote
It's a secret to everybody.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
It'll be some massive office complex, there's just too much open space. It will create thousands of jobs and bring in a lot of tourism.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
i think that it should be the tallest building in the world. if for no other reason than to say we will not be held down. we will overcome any thing you throw at us and do it better than before.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
It's a secret to everybody.
End Quote
This should probably be another thread. But having spent so much of my military career involved with this stupid gun, I just can't take it lying down :)
Of specific objection is this comment:
"A 1000lb missile moving at 300-350m/s isn't going to be significantly affected by a half-pound projectile moving at 1000-1500m/s in the opposite direction."
Which is why (and I don't think I'm giving away anything classified) the phalanx is equipped with 9mm rounds of *depleted uranium* housed in a 20mm casing. Oh, and it's not "A" half-pound projectile. The gun fires at 3000 rounds per minute.
I've been dealing with naysayers over this gun since I took an interest in the system and decided to make it my specialty. I've heard all these stories before. But it's hard to deny what I've seen with my own eyes. In tests, not only did we shoot down the drone, but we also started tracking and shooting down the cable it was attached to. This proves that phalanx continues to protect the ship against debris.
From this demonstration, one can ascertain that although damage from an incoming missile or kamakaze aircraft could be significant, it would be manageable and certainly reduced from its intended destructive potential.
Finally, let's look at this gun for what it was designed to do. What if your anti-missile missiles, guns and aircraft miss? This gun's ability to lock and load is sobering. Just ask the helicopter pilot who got me 30 days extra duty for pushing a few buttons in the wrong sequence ;) As quickly as I could push "Air Ready, search only" the gun lifted itself off its stowed postion of 270, promptly faced 180 at the helicopter, then returned to 270. Yep...the "old man" wasn't too happy with me either ;)
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I heard about this earlier and forgot about it, so thanks to Rice for mentioning it. ;)
Anyway, I think the design is really awesome. I also like the idea of having a bigger and better skyscraper than before.
I think it makes a statement that the even though the terrorists can hit us with a cheap shot, it just made us stronger.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I also like the idea of having a bigger and better skyscraper than before.
I think it makes a statement that the even though the terrorists can hit us with a cheap shot, it just made us stronger.
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I agree with your statement above, except I'm not so crazy about the design. No twins anymore either. :-/
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
In my opinion, I think they should build them to look like they were before 9/11. But of course revise their structural engineering & make it a more solid piece of steel. I do think that a memorial should be there. But somewhere outside the buildings like maybe a courtyard that seperates the two. A place where people can go anytime night or day & pay repects. All my life I have been visiting NYC. It definitly has a place in my heart & I will forever miss those towers.
I was at an art gallery about a week ago & I saw a picture of a skyline & had no idea what it was (empire state building was hidden) until I read the caption under the picture. It said "NYC - Post 9/11". Mind you I have looked at that same skyline for 30 years. The view as you are coming into Manhattan from the GW Bridge.
I want those towers back! As both a reminder & as a way to show those terrorist that they can never keep us down. If you make us fall, we will just get back up & stand up for what we are proud of.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
In my opinion, I think they should build them to look like they were before 9/11.End Quote
I feel the same way. Sadly, our opinions didn't matter. :-/
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
I thought this picture was interesting. In my opinion it just doesn't look right, it looks interesting, but not right.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
A mosque?
<fx: ducks and runs>
But seriously, folks... I think it would be a shame to replace the twin towers with something too similar: it would be sort of looking back, rather than creating something new and original. It is a cliché, but it is a unique opportunity to rebuild something special. I don't really go for this huge needle design, but then I wouldn't have taken to his design for the Jewish Museum in Berlin, and although I've not been there myself, the people I know (German and Brit, Jew and Gentile) have all come away saying it's exceptional and very appropriate.
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
We're forced to move on, start fresh and look towards the future.
I'll try to keep an open mind on this. I have no choice, do I?
It's for the best. :)
Subject: Re: What should replace the World Trade Center?
In my mind, as far as the "Twin Towers" are conserned, it's time to finally let them go. I'll always cherish the memories of the time spent in them. Here, I bid them my final farewell. Goodbye.
On to the future!