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Subject: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I sincerely hope he is telling the truth...
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
wow, talk about throwing your career away.
I read/heard this morning on ABC News he was already on an FBI watchlist because they were tracking him among 1000's of others worlwide using their credit cards to buy memberships into those websites. I really don't beleive his excuse that he was just doing "reasearch" for a book. Give me a break.
Whether he's guilty or not, his reputation is now tarnished forever. ::)
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Why am I not surprised. ::) :P
More and more artists become exposed for what they truly are by the day.
I'm inclined to beleive the allegations. I just don't buy into excuses. >:(
Whether he's guilty or not, his reputation is now tarnished forever. ::)End Quote
You're absolutely right.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Actually, his reputation was already on a thin line when he had that interview following "Rough Boys" where he said, "I am a woman." Even though most of his fans correctly interpreted he was pretending to be a woman singing the song. It's no surprise to me, either. :(
You're absolutely right.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I heard about this today on the radio. As much as I would like to believe him (I try to see the good side of people), his excuse just seems wrong. The whole thing is sick and wrong and if he is indeed guilty...I say toss the book at him.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Whoops !
Pete's done a "Gary Glitter" ::)
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Over 20 years ago, the lyrics to "Rough Boy" kind of gave a pretty good indication:
Tough boys
Running the streets
Come a little closer
Rough toys
Under the sheets
Nobody knows here
Rough boys
Come over here
I wanna bite and kiss you
I wanna see what I can find
Tough kids
Take a bottle of wine
When your deal is broken
Ten quid
She's so easy to blind
Not a word is spoken
Rough boys
Don't walk away
I'm still pretty blissed here
Tough boys
I'm gonna carry you home
You got pretty pissed dear
Gonna get inside you
Gonna get inside your bitter mind
Rough boys
Don't walk away
I wanna buy your leather
Make noise
Try and talk me away
We can't be seen together
Tough kids
What can I do?
I'm so pale and weedy
Rough fits
In my Hush Puppy shoes
But I'm still pleadin
Tough boys
Running the streets
Come a little closer
Rough toys
Under the sheets
Nobody knows her
Rough boys
Come over here
I wanna bite and kiss you
I wanna see what I can find
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
The excuse he is using just doesn't hold water. Sorry. He says he was surfing porn sites because he may have been abused as a child???? What is that about? Count the ways that 2+2= 5 here... >:(
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
The excuse he is using just doesn't hold water. Sorry. He says he was surfing porn sites because he may have been abused as a child???? What is that about? Count the ways that 2+2= 5 here... >:(
End Quote
I agree... I don't buy the "research" excuse either. But the 15 year old in me who grew up listening to the Who wishes it was true. Are there no more good guys? :-/
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Whoops !
Pete's done a "Gary Glitter" ::)
End Quote
LOL, just what I was thinking :D
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I agree... I don't buy the "research" excuse either. But the 15 year old in me who grew up listening to the Who wishes it was true. Are there no more good guys? :-/
End Quote
Believe me..I wish this was not true. :( Would that we could think of some legitimate reason for this.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
"...his own suspected childhood sex abuse"? What's with that? Surely you would know if you were sexually abused or not. Repressed memory theory has been virtually debunked as psychiatric quackery. Surely he doesn't expect us to believe he's shut out the memory of something as traumatic as being molested?
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
"...his own suspected childhood sex abuse"? What's with that? Surely you would know if you were sexually abused or not. Repressed memory theory has been virtually debunked as psychiatric quackery. Surely he doesn't expect us to believe he's shut out the memory of something as traumatic as being molested?
End Quote
This is NOT a defense of Townshend before you read this, I personally think he is guilty:
People do not always remember and it is a blessing. Sometimes people do block out horrible things. I have a friend, who was burned with cigarettes,beaten with objects AND molested by an abuser. She was 4-5 yrs old and their is proof that it happened,medical exam notes, pictures and all. She doesn't remember this happening to this day in her thirties. I just don't believe that if someone is abused or suspects sexual abuse that it automatically means they should surf sites about porno. Just doesn't add up.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
You're right. Surfing child porn sites is not an appropriate study aid for anyone, for any reason whatsoever. And in regards to my comment regarding repressed memories, there may be some evidence that some people have the ability to block out trauma, but very, very few people can do this. Trauma is something we are more likely to have trouble forgetting. I don't believe Pete Townshend really believes he may have been molested as a child. I know a few children who've been victims of child molesters and they certainly don't forget about it.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
You're right. Surfing child porn sites is not an appropriate study aid for anyone, for any reason whatsoever. And in regards to my comment regarding repressed memories, there may be some evidence that some people have the ability to block out trauma, but very, very few people can do this. Trauma is something we are more likely to have trouble forgetting. I don't believe Pete Townshend really believes he may have been molested as a child. I know a few children who've been victims of child molesters and they certainly don't forget about it.
End Quote
Yes, this thing about surfing child porn sites, I mean he expects ppl to believe this:" I suspect I was sexually abused as a child, so instead of, oh, I don't know, maybe seeing a psychiatrist, or a doctor, I logically go to my computer and give my credit card # to a bunch of sleazy low lifes to see unspeakable and disgusting things done with children." Sorry this just makes me incredibly angry that he is even going there. It destroys credibility for others....
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I find this very strange. Pete Townsend is a smart person, as far as rock-n-rollers he's about the smartest. I am simply amaxed that he would do something so stupid and traceable and then try to pass it off to us as "research".
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
It almost worked for Winona Ryder, didn't it? ;)
I am simply amaxed that he would do something so stupid and traceable and then try to pass it off to us as "research".
End Quote
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Excellant point.
It almost worked for Winona Ryder, didn't it? ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
beleive it or not, there is a positive side to this whole thing:
I just saw on CNN-HN that the illegal Texas-based porn site he subscribed to has not only been shut down by the feds, but has netted over 1,800 arrests so far worldwide with more to come. It had over 250,000 subscribers.
So, at least there are 1,800 fewer sick ba$@#&ds out there.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
beleive it or not, there is a positive side to this whole thing:
I just saw on CNN-HN that the illegal Texas-based porn site he subscribed to has not only been shut down by the feds, but has netted over 1,800 arrests so far worldwide with more to come. It had over 250,000 subscribers.
So, at least there are 1,800 fewer sick ba$@#&ds out there.
End Quote
Does anyone happen to know what the penalties are for this? Whatever they are I am sure it isn't enough. I hope it isn't just slap on the hand and then back out to the general public. Do these people have to register with the state as sex offenders?
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I find this very strange. Pete Townsend is a smart person, as far as rock-n-rollers he's about the smartest. I am simply amaxed that he would do something so stupid and traceable and then try to pass it off to us as "research".
End Quote
Has anybody considered the possibility that he might be telling the truth? In the eyes of the law, people are innocent until proven guilty - and so far there's been no evidence released either way (as that would obviously prejudice his chance to a fair trial). The way this one's heading, he's going to get about as fair a trial as Gary Glitter did.
Before people start jumping on me saying how dreadful child abuse is, jumping on the bandwagon of saying someone's guilty without seeing any evidence at all is the sort of attitude that caused a paediatrician to get a brick through her window.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Has anybody considered the possibility that he might be telling the truth? In the eyes of the law, people are innocent until proven guilty - and so far there's been no evidence released either way (as that would obviously prejudice his chance to a fair trial). The way this one's heading, he's going to get about as fair a trial as Gary Glitter did.
Before people start jumping on me saying how dreadful child abuse is, jumping on the bandwagon of saying someone's guilty without seeing any evidence at all is the sort of attitude that caused a paediatrician to get a brick through her window.
End Quote
Granted, there has been no evidence produced, but even if he is completely innocent you still have to wonder at his judgement. If you are planning to do such research it behooves you to go through the proper channels before doing so. I heard that he said he contacted Scotland Yard to inform them of his plans, but didn't wait to hear back. Could he possibly be so dense?
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I heard that he said he contacted Scotland Yard to inform them of his plans, but didn't wait to hear back. Could he possibly be so dense?
End Quote
If he can provide evidence of that (the contacting the Yard, rather than being so dense), then I'd be very surprised if it even comes to court (not to mention the possibility of suing for wrongful arrest/defamation etc); i.e. if he did inform the police of what he was doing beforehand... Whatever, all this speculation is like so much pissing into the wind - what you get back ain't likely to be so wholesome ;-)
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Phil is correct and has a point. But at the best you have to ? this guys excuse.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
I seriously doubt anyone will actually know the truth of what happened - to this day no one has a clue as to whether or not Michael Jackson was innocent.
So really, there will be a lot of speculation for a long time to come. Gee, can't wait. ::)
Seriously though, whether abused as a child or whatever, there is no excuse to go into those sites, to condone the activites displayed in those sites. It is the lowest of the low, the sickest of the sick, I have no idea how Townshend could be gathering research by viewing these horrendous things, so I am inclined to be disbelieving on that front.
But really, I thought everyone knew that Pete Townshend was, is and always will be a total d*ckhead. He made great music, yes, but he is severely lacking in the human department. Not that I would have necessarily pegged him as this kind of person, but I don't think I would have pegged him as a good person either
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Couldn't resist posting this - it came from another forum:
Quoting:Saddam Hussein states that he is NOT developing WMDs, but is only doing "research" for a book on WMDs. He thinks that he may have been a victim of WMDs as a child. End Quote
Well, it made me laugh, anyway ;-)
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
That was quite funny philbo! Certainly lightened up this thread a bit. Anyway, I think we should wait and see what other evidence turns up against Townshend on this one. He may have only visited this site once, perhaps out of some morbid curiousity. Maybe he was researching something, but I still think that if he were researching child sex abuse it would be much better to look for websites that deal with psychological profiles of offenders and victims, for example, than a pornographic site.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
Does anyone happen to know what the penalties are for this? Whatever they are I am sure it isn't enough. I hope it isn't just slap on the hand and then back out to the general public. Do these people have to register with the state as sex offenders?
End Quote
That would depend on where you're from, I suppose, or at least where you are at the time you're arrested. Make no mistake though: the judicial systems of most nations take this sort of behaviour very, very seriously.
Subject: Re: Townshend arrested on suspicion of child porn
To further increase levity in an otherwise overly-serious subject: Matthew Kelly, the presenter of (amongst other things) "Stars in their Eyes" has just been arrested for misbehaviour with young boys many years ago - no, that's not the funny bit. The funny bit is that he was picked up at the theatre where he's performing in pantomime...
PC Plod: Now, Mr Kelly, you're coming with me
MK: Oh, no I'm not
PCP: Oh, yes you are
MK & Audience: Oh no, I'm not
PCP: Now, where's he got to...
Audience: he's behind you
PCP: And we wouldn't want that, now, would we boys and girls?