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Subject: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Has anyone used a proper one? Did it work? Please list your TRUE experiences, I'm sure it doesn't only intruige me!......
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Never have, never will.I've heard enough horror stories from people I trust and believe not to even if I were curious.A friend told me that he was talking to an aborigine man about them and he gave him this very good reason not to use one.All trapped spirits live in darkness and using one of these boards is like opening a door of light into a dark room.They all rush towards the light and you can't guarantee it'll be a nice friendly one who gets there first.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
First, I have to say, I am and always will be a skeptic. But my friends and I used to play with the Ouija Board all of the time back in high school. We actually used to sneak it into school and use it in this one section of the school that was suppose to be "haunted" and didn't see much foot traffic. We used to "talk" to someone named Zack a lot. And according to Zack, in another lifetime he and I had been lovers, but he murdered me in a jealous rage because I had cheated on him. He swore I was going to die again, violently, by a certain age.
We were probably pushing it ourselves without comprehending that we were doing it, but all I do know is we gave ourselves a bad case of the creeps. And we got yelled at because two of the girls ended up crying in the counselor's office because they were so scared. It's all rather silly now.
The truly creepy thing was we asked the board for a phone number of this guy we knew of, but didn't know, to test the board and it gave us the correct number.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
all I can say is that the guy that invented the ouija board is a genius.
He took a cheap piece of wood with letters and numbers on it, included a cheap plastic "eye" thing to move around on the board, said it would conjur up dead people, and boom he's a millionaire.
I think the ouija board only "works" if you really beleive it is working. By that I mean, if you really think you are conjuring up spirits with your mass-produced "spirit conjurer", then thats what you'll be telling people the next day. And they'll tell more people, and so on and so on...
The guy's a genius, true genius.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Here's something relevant ;)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
i bought one off ebay a few months ago, i have always wanted to know if they work or not and so far have only used it once. There was 2 girls from work and me using it one night and we did contact someone but because i thought the other girl was moving it i kept taking my hand off and it still kept moving and she did the same thing too, kept taking her hand off and it was moving. The other girl was writing down every thing for us. I didn't tell too many people from work i bought one cause i didn't want to sound like a looser but now theres a few of them that all want to use it
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I remember using one with my Mother.My Brother had passed away in 1995 and a few years later,we wanted to see if there
were any spirits around.The dial kept moving and both our hands never touched it.maybe it was just some energy signals.But very spooky if you asked me.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
A bunch of us decided to have a seance once when we were in high school. We got the room done out with candles, etc and sat on the floor around the board. Nothing actually happened, but enough of them there believed something would enough so that when a stray draft crept through the room and blew a couple of the candles out, there was chaos!
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I've never used one but my brother has - and it scared the crap out of him. Apparently he and his friends used it in the apartment above the one we lived in and he made contact with a little boy named Eddie. He lived on the property around the early 1900's. My brother realized that this was the little boy that I told him about. I had these really strange dreams of a little boy coming into my room while I slept and he would run in grab my wrist and attempt to jab something into it. I've never seen what he looked like because he always appeared as a shadow. According to my brother the little boy (or spirit) would follow me around the apartment and wondered were I went after I moved out. Unfortunatly my brother got to freaked out to find out how he died and he and his friends threw the ouija board out.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I used it once with my ex but before we asked any questions...i asked my "guardian angels" to come in the room and protect me from anything harmful. He did the same. We asked a question but nothing happened. However...the door started to shake a lot.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I don't know about contacting spirits, but the psychiatric community will warn you not to use one of those, or automatic writing, because you may receive a message from your subconcious that you are just not ready to deal with. I think that is what makes them possibly very dangerous.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I used to use them a lot as a teen. One time there were two people working the board and I asked the questions. I asked a question that the two people couldn't possibly know and it answered it correctly (it was a name that was spelled out-not a yes or no question or a number). That was really spooky. We also had some guy at the other end of the room writing down a letter. The board would go a letter close to it-if he wrote down a J, it would go to the K or something like that. Once time he wrote down an S and it went to an X-it sounded like it. Each time, it was close.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I've used one at a couple parties with my friends... we make them ourselves with scrabble letters and bits of paper. They work, a little but not really enough to be convinced. But it was a bit chilling when we asked the board if it could tell us its name, and it said no, never. When we asked again, somebody accidentally knocked over a candle and all of our hands got scalded. We thought it was a message from the spirits or something. ;)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
My friends and I used to use one all of the time in HS. We always had 3 of us and the one not touching it would ask a ?? that only they knew the answer to. We finally stopped when it became obsessed with me and would only spell out my name if I wasn't using it (even if I wasn't there) This was one that was about 50 years old, though. When we first started, we would blindfold ourselves to make sure noone was cheating and it still worked.
Speaking of OUIJA board, anyone remember the movie Witchboard? That movie gives me the creeps to this day!
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I don't know about contacting spirits, but the psychiatric community will warn you not to use one of those, or automatic writing, because you may receive a message from your subconcious that you are just not ready to deal with. I think that is what makes them possibly very dangerous.
End Quote
That is if you believe there really is a "subconscious".
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Has anybody else noticed how it's mostly females who've used and believe in them ???
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Has anybody else noticed how it's mostly females who've used and believe in them ???
End Quote
:D Well now that you mention it...
Maybe the word "Ouija" translates into "gullible woman". ;D
After reading this thread I am amazed at how many people actually believe their mass-produced "magical spirit conjuring board" can actually call on the dead.
I wonder how many of the people who believe Ouija boards really work also spend $3/min. to get "spiritual advice" from frauds like Miss Cleo? ::)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
:D Well now that you mention it...
Maybe the word "Ouija" translates into "gullible woman". ;D
End Quote
Ooh, don't make some witchy-boardie angry. Who knows what kind of maaaagick she can conjure up against you ;D
Quoting:After reading this thread I am amazed at how many people actually believe their mass-produced "magical spirit conjuring board" can actually call on the dead.
I wonder how many of the people who believe Ouija boards really work also spend $3/min. to get "spiritual advice" from frauds like Miss Cleo? ::)
End Quote
Notice how these seances usually occur in some dark room with candles with all that foreboding mumbo-jumbo, but never at a family picnic or on a sunny day at the beach. I suppose ghosts are just too cool to hang with me at the park and feed the ducks and the pidgeons :P Casper was alright. If there was anyone who'd go with me to the arcade, it'd have been Casper. Still, I don't see how a "spirit" shaking the doors or mysteriously moving an object in the room is gonna cause any harm... I'd probably scare "them," if there were any to scare off in the first place ;D
Shoot! Instead of asking it irrelevant questions, maybe we people should ask for lottery numbers :D ! Ghosts ascertain so well, one may as well try them with the lottery. And even then, I'd still wouldn't put much credibility on a piece of plastic with letters and numbers other than my credit card 8)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Notice how these seances usually occur in some dark room with candles with all that foreboding mumbo-jumbo, but never at a family picnic or on a sunny day at the beach. End Quote
you are absolutely right. Its all a big joke. If you and some friends are using a Ouija board in a dark scary attic dimly lit with candles during a thunderstorm, any crack or creak in the floorboards is going to make you think it was caused by the Ouija board.
Like El Chacal said, try using it on a bright sunny day on the beach, and I bet you will realize it is crazy.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Indeed. Why is it that spirits only choose to make their appearance in gloomy old houses in the middle of the night? In a dimly-lit room, it's often very difficult to make out fine details. The reason a lot of mediums used darkened rooms for seances was so they could employ little tricks to convince their customers they were legit. Doing tricks with mirrors and things to make it look like a spirit is in the room is a lot easier to do in a candlelit room when you can barely see anything.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Guys, it's marketed as a toy. It's not supposed to be real per se, just as real as you want it to be. Some people choose to make a leap of faith, others like you may toss it away as a waste of money. To each their own, cool? ;)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Sanity has returned to our current events, thanks men. ;)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Funny how you "guys" are not taking in the account of the ages most of us women were when we played with these things. Oh, and I forgot about all the guys I scared, yep, scared, once I learned how to manipulate the thing convincingly. And the seances (especially the one where I had my friend sneak in wearing a scary mask), and calling up Black Aggie and Bloody Mary, the guys screamed louder then the girls. So tell me guys, does it put more hair on your chest when you come into a thread and make fun of people for any beliefs they may have? I bet you enjoy laughing at 6 year olds for believing in Santa.
Yes, I believed it when I was 15, but then I still believed in God too. I don't believe in anything anymore, but at least I think everyone has the right to believe in what they want to.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Funny how you "guys" are not taking in the account of the ages most of us women were when we played with these things. Oh, and I forgot about all the guys I scared, yep, scared, once I learned how to manipulate the thing convincingly. And the seances (especially the one where I had my friend sneak in wearing a scary mask), and calling up Black Aggie and Bloody Mary, the guys screamed louder then the girls. So tell me guys, does it put more hair on your chest when you come into a thread and make fun of people for any beliefs they may have? I bet you enjoy laughing at 6 year olds for believing in Santa.
Yes, I believed it when I was 15, but then I still believed in God too. I don't believe in anything anymore, but at least I think everyone has the right to believe in what they want to.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
It's not a matter of what age the person is who uses the toy, the spirit board, whatever they want it to be. It's a toy, it's marketed as a toy, and it is supposed to be fun. If you're going to have fun contacting the dead or predicting the future, so be it. I think that's a good thing, it fosters the imagination, and it's a way for friends to do something together.
As for the whole superstition thing, EVERYONE is superstitious. You've got the pro athletes who have to tip their hats or wipe their sweat in a certain way or else they think they can't make a pitch or a free throw. You've got the theater folk who won't say "Macbeth" in a theater because they believe it will bring doom upon the production. So, like MissI said, you shouldn't make fun and you shouldn't make generalizations.
Back to the fun :)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
For the record: I've never used a Ouija board (which is supposed to be "yes" in French and "yes" in German as one word, I guess), but I wouldn't mind giving it a go.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Yes. It can be fun, scary, interesting, exciting. Especially when you are young. I have used one. when we were teens we would play with them, my friends and I. The planchette would move and the blame would ensue: "You moved it!" "No, I swear." "Yes you did." Man we had fun. Then we talked about in in psych in college and our prof told us about the subconcious theory that I posted earlier. We would also use a glass and a piece of paper with the ouija drawn on it. And it wasn't just us girls using it. The guys we hung out with were just as fascinated as we were. :)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Funny how you "guys" are not taking in the account of the ages most of us women were when we played with these things. Oh, and I forgot about all the guys I scared, yep, scared, once I learned how to manipulate the thing convincingly. And the seances (especially the one where I had my friend sneak in wearing a scary mask), and calling up Black Aggie and Bloody Mary, the guys screamed louder then the girls. So tell me guys, does it put more hair on your chest when you come into a thread and make fun of people for any beliefs they may have? I bet you enjoy laughing at 6 year olds for believing in Santa.
End Quote
Well, the poster did ask what our true stories are (i.e. if it works). I've seen people use them and psych themselves into thinking funny things. I can't help seeing what I see and knowing what I know. Does it make one a better person to believe in it? Does it make one a worse for pointing how silly it looks to see adults still believing in Santa? I don't know. I just answered from my perspective. I don't see what all the aggravation is for. Ouija is advertised as a game, after all... Individuals are allowed to laugh and make fun when playing games, right? If it's a 6 year old, it's cute. If it's a grown person, it's downright high-larious!
The Jackal
PS - Yes. I checked the people's ages and when they stated they've last used one. Classic ;D
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
The reason the Ouija board was mass marketed was because of a craze of Spiritualism that was sweeping across Europe and America (Alastair Crowley, etc...) William Fuld was the main marketer (though there were lots of copy-cats) but by no means was it his invention. And the original concept of the Ouija board was not a toy. Here's an interesting web site about the history of talking boards: http://www.museumoftalkingboards.com/
Quoting:Individuals are allowed to laugh and make fun when playing games, right? End Quote
There is nothing wrong with friendly teasing, but if the intention is to ridicule and humiliate the other person (people) then I certainly wouldn't want that individual playing any games I play.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Thanks for the link Miss I, some interesting facts there. I am just sorry to see that some people decided to try to spark an argument between the sexes, and to further insult fellow posters about their intelligence. Gonna run into ppl like this sometimes, probably best to ignore it. ::)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
The time I used the Ouija board, I was teen-NO! It wasn't in some dark attic. In fact, it was in broad daylight. I can't say if I actually believed in it or not. I was always skeptical. But there were things that I couldn't explain. There were times when I used the board alone. I know that I wasn't moving it.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I am just sorry to see that some people decided to try to spark an argument between the sexes, and to further insult fellow posters about their intelligence. Gonna run into ppl like this sometimes, probably best to ignore it. ::)
End Quote
touchy touchy, geez if I knew I was "insulting" people by stating my opinion that the Ouija board is a joke and is all in the mind of the user, then I would have refrained. ::)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
I wasn't really directing that at just you 80's Rocked. I am not insulted. Just the comments directed towards women being gullible and stupid was not appreciated, and I wasn't the only one who did not appreciate it. Believe what you like about Ouija. BTW Oui and Ja are the French and German words for yes. The words don't translate into "Gullible Woman". ;D No harm no foul.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
BTW Oui and Ja are the French and German words for yes. End Quote
Yes, but that's not were the word "ouija" comes from. ;)
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Thanks for the replies guys.
I have been thinking about using one for a while, strangely I'm drawn towards it although I'm no devil worshipper or whatever just a normal run of the mill geezer with ESP ( I think!)
Funny thing is, I used one the other night, it didn't move at all. But prior to that, I used one and it spelt out three letters, which were
'B E G'
Any ideas!?!?!?
That's all it said!!
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
i wasn't a teen either when i used one. I know they are a toy but like cat theres no was i can explain it moving around when we took our hands off. We also didn't do it in a dark room, it was night time but we were in a room that was well lit, no candles or any thing like that.
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
i wasn't a teen either when i used one. I know they are a toy but like cat theres no was i can explain it moving around when we took our hands off. We also didn't do it in a dark room, it was night time but we were in a room that was well lit, no candles or any thing like that.
End Quote
I agree completely. And i'd like to add that the nay sayers are making assumptions that we are in old houses in the attic when that's not the case at all. If you've never had the experience then i don't see what gives you the right to call people names as "gullible".
Subject: Re: Ouija Boards - YOUR true stories....
Still new to the boards, I'd just like to give all of you one good advise, NEVER EVER MESS AROUND WITH A OUIJA BOARD! :o It may seem fun at first, but you'd have to really know about it. I have had my experiance, but it's a very long story. ;D