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Subject: Are there any other teens here?
Just wonderin, I'm 18 but still I love the 80's! Does anyone collect 80's toys? Also wondering if anyone likes the kind of music I like (Nirvana, TOol, Smashing Pumpkins, WHite Stripes, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath, etc.) Or does anyone play guitar? (I have played for nearly 6 years now)
Just looking for someone that I have somethin in common with here (Other than the obvious!) :D ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Just wonderin, I'm 18 but still I love the 80's! Does anyone collect 80's toys? Also wondering if anyone likes the kind of music I like (Nirvana, TOol, Smashing Pumpkins, WHite Stripes, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath, etc.) Or does anyone play guitar? (I have played for nearly 6 years now)
Just looking for someone that I have somethin in common with here (Other than the obvious!) :D ;)
End Quote
Methinks if you like the 80s you should've popped this thread in the 80s board :)
I like Transformers, GI Joe, MicroMachines, the original Masters of the Universe (and that includes She-Ra), the Smurfs, the O.G. Muppet Show (which is sorta 70s-ish) and the Thundercats. I'm sure there's more. Oh yeah, The A-Team and MacGyver rocked ;D
I'm 24 (SOON!) but I've been told I act like I'm 15...so does that count? :D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Yeah I wasn't sure where to have posted this but I figured here since there's the music question and the age thingie :o
I think that counts, i'm 18 but I act TWO so... LoL ^_^; I like SHe-ra I remember watching the show with He-man. :D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
This is a great place for music discussions :)
I like most bands between 1960 and 1989...not much after that :)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
There are a lot of people on the 'boards who are 18 and under. Bobo, Alicia, lebiew15, and The Ghetto John come to mind right away. Whether these people are as much into the '80's as you are is something you will have to ask them for yourself, though.
I lived through the '80's as a teen. I still listen to a lot of '80's music and I particularly like Anime from the '80's.
Edited to add:
(I just turned 35, but I certainly don't feel it sometimes ;) ) I also like Ozzy/Black Sabbath and Dio, Duran Duran, Adam & the Ants, Siouxie and the Banshees, and many many other musical acts from the 80's.
Don't be shy--with over 1500 members, there's bound to be someone who likes the same stuff you do.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Just wonderin, I'm 18 but still I love the 80's! Does anyone collect 80's toys? Also wondering if anyone likes the kind of music I like (Nirvana, TOol, Smashing Pumpkins, WHite Stripes, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath, etc.) Or does anyone play guitar? (I have played for nearly 6 years now)
Just looking for someone that I have somethin in common with here (Other than the obvious!) :D ;)
End Quote
Wow 18 and love the 80's. It seems like people like the 80's again. Its weird. People in 1995 wanted to forget all about the 80's.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
:D Wow this is a big board, huh? I'm so glad I found it ^_^
I love anime, 80s or otherwise! I mostly like the cutesy ones like Sailor moon but I also love Ghost in the Shell :D
And the edit:
I always have loved the 80's, it's not the current trend going on now either, all my best memories are from the 80's, and it's not just cuz i was a little kid. I look back on it and life was so much better then in general. Plus, the toys!!!! The best and cutest toys ever made were in the 80s ^_^; *shuts up now*
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
im 18 myself in 2nd semester of college, and im into Cameo, Kenny G and Hair Metal(the band itself doesnt really matter to me, i just love the sound of that time), which is why i also admire Run-DMC for doing rap mixed with Hair Metal guitar riffs. I mean for me, the coolest part of the Sum41 "Fat Lip" video is when they do "Pain for Pleasure" in all their Hairy glory. And i like some of that other mess even though it was becoming hugely popular around the time i was born. Wait, when i was born, Thriller was still #1. If i wanted to know somethin more about the 80's i could just ask my sister or my youngest aunt, who were born in 77 and 68.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I'm 18 also and love the 80s - but its the music that really does it for me.
From probably 1978 - 1996 is the best time for music in my opinion. I love the New Wave stuff, the Alt and Indie, even some of the cheesy stuff from the 80s. I really am not into the whole 'Hair Metal' thing tho!
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
i am 17.
i teach private guitar lessons and work in a music store.
i've played guitar for about 7 years. and piano for about 11.
music is my life.
the only band that you listed that i like is nirvana.
i don't like the eighties, with the exception of flock of seagulls (i don't actually like them... they just used to have fuckin rad hair)
i am a hippie and i don't cut my hair.
picture of me:
picture of something i drew:
i listen to two faces of music.
one which is old classic stuff (floyd, zeppelin, doors etc.)
and then i listen to emo.
99.87% of people have no clue what i'm talking about when i say that.
i have never met someone in real life who listens to that type of music.
i could name about 35 bands off the top of my head and chances are you haven't heard of more than like 5.
my name is Tim.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I'm not a teen...but sometimes I play one on here! That is to say that I act 15 still, at times. I enjoyed the 80's but my favorite musical decade is probably the 70's...then the 60's and 80's. I share Rice Cubes opinion that all the good stuff came from 1960-1989...although I do LOVE some things past that, like....Nirvana, The Offspring, Soundgarden and of course, Godsmack ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Thursday/Tim: ROFL Your hair rocks!!! :D I know about emo, I know lots of people who like it and I would say that I've at least heard of 10 or so bands that you would probably mention ^_^ I like lots of stuff I know people either don't like/don't know what it is, like Bjork, Spice Girls, T.A.T.U., some J-Rock/J-Pop (I will be shocked if anyone has heard of that!), Lords of Acid, etc. No one I know likes any of those. :p
PS---- Here's something I drew lol
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
i listen to LoA :)
your pictures are pretty cool. although i can't say that i'm a fan of sailor moon or any other anime.
will you draw me a picture of a penguin?
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Tim: Thanks for the compliments ^_^; I have never drawn penguins, but I can try !! Email me Buttons_the_Unicorn@webtv.net send some pics of examples of what you would want... ;) And you like LoA, I could just eat you!!! They rock! :D I will die if anyone likes Jack off Jill too
Whoa this board is so cool I don't believe someone else likes Japan music, I like German/Iceland music too (Thus Bjork)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
One could say you have a worldly taste, Buttons ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Yup I think as time goes by everyone that knows me realizes my extreme ecclecticism (sp?) I like everything, in every category food/music/clothes/art/animals/etc... it's almost sad, really LoL
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
It just means you appreciate the diversity of art :) No sadness there.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
*Giggles* Thanks! :D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I like Transformers, GI Joe, MicroMachines, the original Masters of the Universe (and that includes She-Ra), End Quote
You'd be suprised how many of the original masters of the universe figures are on ebay! I was just looking. By the way, I'm 18 years old...
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Or does anyone play guitar? (I have played for nearly 6 years now)End Quote
Maybe you can help me out, then! I'm just starting guitar, and I'm 17 on the 13th of this month, so I'm still a teen :)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Maybe you can help me out, then! I'm just starting guitar, and I'm 17 on the 13th of this month, so I'm still a teen :)
End Quote
Good luck, it's a great instrument to play - I didn't start playing till I was about twenty, which means I've been strumming the thing for sixteen years now. Scary.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I am not sure how to teach someone guitar over the internet but I can give ya tips and the like ;) Email me if u want :D Buttons_the_Unicorn@webtv.net
Glad to see other teens now I don't feel as left out! ^_~
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Just wonderin, I'm 18 but still I love the 80's! Does anyone collect 80's toys? Also wondering if anyone likes the kind of music I like (Nirvana, TOol, Smashing Pumpkins, WHite Stripes, Ozzy Osbourne/Black Sabbath, etc.) Or does anyone play guitar? (I have played for nearly 6 years now)
Just looking for someone that I have somethin in common with here (Other than the obvious!) :D ;)
End Quote
hi im 13! i like Nickelback, KoRn, Nirvana, The Foo Fighters, InMe, Bowling For soup, Puddle of Mudd, Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, Queens of the stone age, Jerry Cantrell, Kelly osborne, Avril Lavigne, Default, Soil, Theory of a deadman, My m8s band V9 and Sum 41.
I have been playing electric guitar for 9 months now.
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
hi im 13! i like Nickelback, KoRn, Nirvana, The Foo Fighters, InMe, Bowling For soup, Puddle of Mudd, Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, Queens of the stone age, Jerry Cantrell, Kelly osborne, Avril Lavigne, Default, Soil, Theory of a deadmanEnd Quote
have you noticed that 'theory of a deadman' is just nickelback in disguise? ;)
i bought an alpine white sg two days ago.
brings me own eight guitars now i think :)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Cool I like all of those except Avril :x
I think I'm on my 5th year playin electric/acoustic. WOW eight guitars!!! :o I have one electric and one acoustic, and I don't even own an amp LoL I gave mine away as a Christmas present. hee hee
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
haha yeah i have put like every cent i have ever earned into guitars and guitar stuff.
my guitars:
Garrison Acoustic
Washburn 12 String Acoustic
Yamaha Classical (30 years old)
Gibson SG Standard
Fender American Strat
Ibanez 5 String Bass
Westone Raider 2 (this guitar is a joke. funniest lookin thing ever. it screams metal and is colored sparkly blue and sparkly yellow.)
turns out i have 7 :)
i sold my Ibanez Js1000 about a couple weeks ago to get money for my new gibson :)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I'm 18 too... but i cut the 80's era when it comes to music.... mainly because it was all electro drum and synthesisers junk...which isn't exactly my cup o' tea. The best way it just to go from the 60's then 70's skip the 80's then got to 90's and 2000+
And as for the bands you've named all the ones I like ;D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
I'm 18 too... but i cut the 80's era when it comes to music.... mainly because it was all electro drum and synthesisers junk...which isn't exactly my cup o' tea. The best way it just to go from the 60's then 70's skip the 80's then got to 90's and 2000+
End Quote
Total blasphemy, but I'll just pretend I didn't hear that ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
You would though wouldn't you Rice.... or should i say... Mumm-ra !
I'll have to get the rest of my buddies out of the retirement home just to battle you again... wait there a mo whilst i fetch my walking stick... Don't move from that spot !
"Snarf Snarf"
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
LoL I think a lot of aspects of the 80's were awesome. I love The Cure, Blondie, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Cindi Lauper, Aerosmith, ABBA, and most anything that's not 'too' hairband :D I even like Flock of Seagulls pretty well.
*Hides* LoL
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
LoL I think a lot of aspects of the 80's were awesome. I love The Cure, Blondie, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Cindi Lauper, Aerosmith, ABBA, and most anything that's not 'too' hairband :D I even like Flock of Seagulls pretty well.
*Hides* LoL
End Quote
My hero ;D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
LoL I think a lot of aspects of the 80's were awesome. I love The Cure, Blondie, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Cindi Lauper, Aerosmith, ABBA, and most anything that's not 'too' hairband :D I even like Flock of Seagulls pretty well.
*Hides* LoL
End Quote
Hold your head high and be proud! The 80's rocked! ;D :D 8)
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Hey and Thundercats kick!! *Takes a step nearer to Rice* ..chants "80's rock! 80's rock! Gnarly! Awesome! Everybody wang-chung tonight! Totally Tubular!!!!"
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Rice Cube sits down in a booth, chugs his beer, and says, "Yeeeeeeeeeah" ;D
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
Wow, I missed this!
i'm 17 into most music but lately been listening to Nickelback, The Offspring, Idlewild, Millencolin, Placebo and King Adora. Ummm yeah the eighties had the best stuff generally and i'll just about die before I let anybody touch my ikkle thundercats book, I found it in the loft over xmas and it's MINE!!! (so ner :P )
And I just found this! wowee!
I am much impressed!
Subject: Re: Are there any other teens here?
End Quote
Hey Mumm-ra Rice... that was my quote... Jees
Your quote was something along these lines....
"Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh" with drool always hanging between your teeth.