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Subject: Of Mice and Men...

Written By: Rice Cube on 12/04/02 at 02:27 p.m.


So, I figured this was true all along, but now they actually did all the stats and sequence alignments and showed that the mouse and the human are not that dissimilar...despite the size difference, of course.  I was always amazed how much mouse and human proteins were alike when I was doing research.

Subject: Re: Of Mice and Men...

Written By: Race_Bannon on 12/04/02 at 02:36 p.m.

What happens if you put a trap down and catch one of those suckers?  Is it murder or simple pest control?

Subject: Re: Of Mice and Men...

Written By: Rice Cube on 12/04/02 at 02:38 p.m.

What happens if you put a trap down and catch one of those suckers?  Is it murder or simple pest control?
End Quote

Depends on who you talk to.  There are some animal lovers who would cringe at even squashing a dust mite (or the mere though of it) and some who wouldn't really give a rat's @$$.

I think the genetic similarities do justify animal experiments on a mouse model, though.  Unless some wacko decides to start advocating human test subjects...