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Subject: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I saw it last night.It's long and the end is a bit cheesy but it's very good.I have to say it's not my favorite book in the series, thats book 3 so roll on The Prisoner of Azkaban.......
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Is that the second movie, Gis ?
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I just read that Potter author J.K. Rowling is set to be the first billionaire author in the world! That's pretty darn amazing, considering that she was flat broke just five years ago!!! :)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
...It's long...End Quote
How long? How different is it from the book?
Like, for instance....
Does "Lockhart" have long hair or short?
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Yes it was the second film.
The film is 2 hours 40 mins long
.Lockharts hair is not long as such just a floppy fringe but Lucius Malfoy has long hair.Kenneth Brannagh is brilliant as Lockhart and gets all the laughs.Both the lead boys voices are breaking so go high and deep throughout the film which is funny in places.Hermione is acted miles better.
As to J.K. Rowling the new book is due out in june/july next year and is already bigger than Goblet of Fire and may possibly end up being published in two parts aparently.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I just read that Potter author J.K. Rowling is set to be the first billionaire author in the world! That's pretty darn amazing, considering that she was flat broke just five years ago!!! :)
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Just shows there's no justice in the world. I mean, HP is OK, but it's not *that* good - just another bandwagon to jump on :-(
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Just shows there's no justice in the world. I mean, HP is OK, but it's not *that* good - just another bandwagon to jump on :-(
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I wonder if the amount of money is a sign of the times though.For the way she has grabbed childrens imaginations I think people like Enid Blyton and C S Lewis would be in the same possition as her if they were writting today.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I just read that Potter author J.K. Rowling is set to be the first billionaire author in the world! That's pretty darn amazing, considering that she was flat broke just five years ago!!! :)
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I think it shows how desperate people (in general) are for escapism. I mean, there are just as many adults taken by the series Harry Potter as there are children.
In this reality we live in, in these days, It IS great escapism. :)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
...just a quickie: do you know what the connection is between Harry Potter and William Tell?
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Uh...that snitch looks sorta like an apple?
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Uh...that snitch looks sorta like an apple?
End Quote
er... nope
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Who was William Tell again? Forgive me...my education escapes me...all that rises to mind is that catchy classical song and that whole legend of the apple off the head with the arrow thing
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Who was William Tell again? Forgive me...my education escapes me...all that rises to mind is that catchy classical song and that whole legend of the apple off the head with the arrow thing
End Quote
He was a Swiss patriot who was famous for shooting the apple off the head of his son: basically he was the revolting type who threw the Austrians out of Switzerland (if you're Swiss, that is) - I think he also features in, of all things, Austrian folklore
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
OK...um...Harry Potter and WIlliam Tell both have an accent? ??? I'm grasping at straws here :'(
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I wonder if the amount of money is a sign of the times though.For the way she has grabbed childrens imaginations I think people like Enid Blyton and C S Lewis would be in the same possition as her if they were writting today.
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I think this is a good point. I actually went to read just the first part of the first book, to make sure it was okay for my son (you know, all the hub-bub that was going on about it being evil and so forth ::)) and ended up loving it myself and rushing out for all the books (luckily, that part was easy--my dad had already bought and read them all!)
..anyway, I think the money IS just a sign of the times--we're paying sports figures 250 million dollars and actors millions per movie--naturally a book series that is selling the way the HP books have would be just as "worthy" of the big bucks.
Personally, I'm glad to see an author writing books that are actually getting kids excited about reading at all.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Personally, I'm glad to see an author writing books that are actually getting kids excited about reading at all.End Quote
Good point. Me too! :D :)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I am not a big Harry Potter fan, but that's probably because I haven't picked up one of the books yet. I have heard that Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf) is on the top of the list to replace Richard Harris as Dumbledore, which could be interesting.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I am not a big Harry Potter fan, but that's probably because I haven't picked up one of the books yet. I have heard that Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf) is on the top of the list to replace Richard Harris as Dumbledore, which could be interesting.
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Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Why would anyone would want to go see Harry Pothead? The movie is dumb and boring and is a kids show. I saw the first one and was totally bored through-out the whole movie. Not to mention Lord of the Rings, don't get me started on that.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
^^ But then again, this guy liked 8 mile and thinks those of us not interested in it are close-minded. Thanks for your opinion, Sag. I personally really enjoyed the first movie, have advance tix for the second, and found myself thoroughly enjoying the books. Our whole family is eagerly anticipating the next one. There's something to be said for a story and characters that actually engage your imagination, rather than people whose music only seeks to offend, degrade, and shock.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Offense, degradation, and shock have their place, truly, but Harry Potter is funny, and it appeals to more of an audience. Eminem has his followers, as does Rowling.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Why would anyone would want to go see Harry Pothead? The movie is dumb and boring and is a kids show. I saw the first one and was totally bored through-out the whole movie. Not to mention Lord of the Rings, don't get me started on that.
End Quote
I just finished reading your posts on "8 Mile". You feel very strongly about that movie and bashed those who disagreed by calling them closed-minded, not respecting their individual opinions.
Then, you jump-in on this post to insult Harry Potter?
That's all well & good.
I will respect your opinion and not call you closed-minded.
Please pay the same courtesy to others in these forums.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I just finished reading your posts on "8 Mile". You feel very strongly about that movie and bashed those who disagreed by calling them closed-minded, not respecting their individual opinions.
Then, you jump-in on this post to insult Harry Potter?
That's all well & good.
I will respect your opinion and not call you closed-minded.
Please pay the same courtesy to others in these forums.
End Quote
Yeah! What he said!!
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I just finished reading your posts on "8 Mile". You feel very strongly about that movie and bashed those who disagreed by calling them closed-minded, not respecting their individual opinions.
Then, you jump-in on this post to insult Harry Potter?
That's all well & good.
I will respect your opinion and not call you closed-minded.
Please pay the same courtesy to others in these forums.
End Quote
eh they bashed Eminem and 8 Mile without giving it a chance, they could have kept their opinions to themselves. me on the other hand, I watched Harry Pothead the first one and didn't like it. people were praising it and I wanted to see what all the fuss was. to me it was way overhyped and still is.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Quoting:they could have kept their opinions to themselves.End Quote
Messageboards in general are opinion forums.
Everyone, including you, has a right to express their individual opinion - Within the Forum Guidelines, of course:
It's OK to agree to disagree. If everyone liked the same things, this world would be quite boring. ;)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I am not a big Harry Potter fan, but that's probably because I haven't picked up one of the books yet. I have heard that Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf) is on the top of the list to replace Richard Harris as Dumbledore, which could be interesting.
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I heard in the U.K that Christopher Lee was the favorite.I hope not I don't think he would make a good Dumbledore at all.To give him his due he did tell the jounalists that it was disgusting and disrespectful that they hassled him for comments on the rumour a day after Richard Harris died.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I heard in the U.K that Christopher Lee was the favorite.I hope not I don't think he would make a good Dumbledore at all.To give him his due he did tell the jounalists that it was disgusting and disrespectful that they hassled him for comments on the rumour a day after Richard Harris died.
End Quote
...so they're hyping Gandalf or Saruman as Dumbledore replacements? ...best suggestion so far from h2g2 forums is Tom Baker - a doctor (or rather the doctor), as opposed to a wizard ;-)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
...just a quickie: do you know what the connection is between Harry Potter and William Tell?
End Quote
...I forgot which thread I posted this question in (or should that be "in which thread I posted the question"...
The answer is that William Tell's wife was called "Hedwig" (though Italian retellings, like the opera from which the famous tune is taken, often have that as Hedda)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
Christopher Lee is too scary looking...besides, he always plays bad guys (read: The Man With the Golden Gun, LOTR, Star Wars: Episode II) so the kids might not be able to relate.
I heard in the U.K that Christopher Lee was the favorite.I hope not I don't think he would make a good Dumbledore at all.To give him his due he did tell the jounalists that it was disgusting and disrespectful that they hassled him for comments on the rumour a day after Richard Harris died.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I watched Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets and liked it very much. :D :D :D
It was just as good as the first one, in my opinion. :) :) :)
I can hardly wait until the next one. I surely hope they continue using the same actors for all permanent story roles.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I saw Harry Potter today and I think that it was just as good as the first one, maybe a little bit better! I do think that they are going to have a hard time trying to find someone to replace Richard Harris, though. He is such a pivotal part of this whole movie and storyline. I'm ready for the 3rd one!!
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
$87.7 million in the first 3 days...sheep! You're all sheep!!! ;D
Then again I saw Spider-Man a dozen times in the theater, so I'm just a different kind of sheep :)
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I'll file this movie under my "I'll see it when its out on video" file.
I'm not sure I would want to sit through a 2hr 40min movie like this in a theater.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I'll file this movie under my "I'll see it when its out on video" file.
I'm not sure I would want to sit through a 2hr 40min movie like this in a theater.End Quote
It was worth it for me. You could never get the same effects and impressions from a TV screen.
Then again, I find this series quite enchanting. Great escapism!!! :D
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I agree with everyone who said they enjoyed the movie. Heck, I'm the crazy one who woke up and drug two of my kids out Thursday night/Friday morning (a midnight showing ;D) just to go see it. They wanted to see it as bad as I did, and promised they wouldn't be grouchy the next morning, so we went. And the place was packed, I must say!! And, we may go see it again later this week so hubby can go!
I thought it was very good. It was spookier than the first one, but, so was the book. Again, I think they stayed pretty true to the book (though my son was bummed that they didn't show the Deathday party :-/) and I really liked it. I hope that the new director can do just as good a job on The Prisoner of Azkaban. I do think though that it is gonna be hard to see anyone besides Richard Harris as Dumbledore in the future movie(s). :'(
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I saw The Chamber of Secrets a couple of days ago and I thought it was great. I actually liked it better than the first. Harry Potter may be aimed for children but I saw more adults in the theaters than children.
Dobby was just the cutiest (ugliest) thing.
Subject: Re: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets.
I saw The Chamber of Secrets a couple of days ago and I thought it was great. I actually liked it better than the first. Harry Potter may be aimed for children but I saw more adults in the theaters than children.
Dobby was just the cutiest (ugliest) thing.
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I agree. When we went, it was mostly adults and teenagers. (and apparently, judging by the "ooh's and aww's" I heard, Harry has gotten a popular teenaged girl following :-*) I think the books may have originally been intended for kids--but I think most of the adults that've read them like them just as much as the kids do! I heard all about them from adults before my son showed an interest in them. Now we've both read all four of them and are anxiously awaiting the fifth, sixth, and seventh!
And yeah, Dobby was an ugly little thing, in a cute-ish way--but he was really funny. In fact, my daughter said her favorite part was watching Dobby bang his head against everything! Course, she's only five... ::)