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Subject: The Elections Last Night
Now that Dashule is out of the way, maybe they finally can get something done!
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Amen to that! Looks like all the Bush-bashing from the Democrats over the last 2 years was useless.
Great night for Republicans and America
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I have to confess that I was happily surprised. In the Seattle area the Dems took everything like usual but the rest of the country seemed to be thinking a bit straigther.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
What I learned last night? Don't underestimate the drive, popularity and ability of George W. Bush. The mandate that he didn't get in 2000 he earned last night. Yeah, great night for Republicans. The Democrats have a lot of work to do.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Oh, that's right! I was supposed to vote yesterday. I knew I was forgetting something! Oh well. ;D
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Yes, a great night indeed. Now they have to do something with the power they have.
I thought it was rather telling that the areas where Bill Clinton campaigned all seemed to go Republican. Maybe he isn't as popular as some think.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Elections? wow I forgot about those too......to Darn bad I'm to young to vote....oh wait when I get older I still won't vote! HA! :)
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
In all honesty, I don't believe Dubya did anything to sway the election toward the GOP, at least not in Indy. It didn't matter because Hoosiers of our city have decided that negative ads have the opposite effect of the rest of the country. Party was not the issue in this election, even though we are known as Republicans. The "friends" of GOP Sheriff's candidate Tom Schneider managed to ruin both his campaign and that of Congressional candidate Brose McVey by running a flyer featuring McVey's opponent, Incumbent Julia Carson with Clinton. And our Mayor, a white man, played the race card. But Schneider was ripe for the pickin's, as we say here. My point is, the best candidates won and the cheaters are sobbing on their lapels.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I think the Republicans did their damnedest to smear the Democrats in the elections. Jim Humphreys, the Democrat, lost again to Smelly Bore Crapito because the Republicans smeared Humphreys with lies and allegations that he tried to defend but the public bought the lies and allegations and stupidly reelected Crapito…
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I think that a large number of the democrats who lost did so because of the smear campaigns that they launched. I for one and a couple of people I work with are sick of hearing smear campaigns. What about the issues...this is what is important to me. This goes for both sides of the aisle, I just heard more demos that repubs doing it. There was one race here where the demo went on tv stating that his opponent knows nothing about education because he doesn't agree with Bush's education plan. The only problem with this is that the opponent has been a teacher for 28 yrs. (and a da*n good one. He was my history teacher for 3 out of my 4 years in high school)
I think that ads should be about what your views on the issues are...not how your opponent is wrong.
Ok...off my soap box now.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Dagwood, you are completely correct.
I do think George W did some good with his campaigning. I don't know about Clinton doing harm, but I hope that was the case.
I think that ads should be about what your views on the issues are...not how your opponent is wrong.
Ok...off my soap box now.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Oh, that's right! I was supposed to vote yesterday. I knew I was forgetting something! Oh well. ;D
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...oh wait when I get older I still won't vote! HA! :)
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I do hope you are joking. There is no excuse for someone not voting.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
... but there's nothing to vote for in California. They're all the same swine :P
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Exactly. ;D
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
it's true, but there's something else you can do instead of simply not voting...vote Green :D
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
it's true, but there's something else you can do instead of simply not voting...vote Green :D
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Not in Minnesota next time, RiceCube. The Green Party failed to get 5% this time, so they're going to have to go the petition route to get on the ballot next time.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
YES! Finally...Republicans have control of Congress AND there's a Republican President they will work with...intead of him having to fight the liberals.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
This could be a double-edged sword, actually. Back when Congress and the President were opposite parties, both could blame the other side for fouling up the economy, or whatever was being fouled up at the time. Now there's no one to blame. They'd better do some very good work or it's going to come bite them in the ass in 2004.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I personally don't like the scapegoating property of politics, though. Would it be too much to ask for people to work towards a common goal instead of tossing blame here and fro? Of course it is, we're human :P
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I believe the low voter turnout was a protest against the main candidates...and the candidates probably got even less than the 22.4% each because some people purposefully left out the governor vote out of spite.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
A great percentage of people seem to have lost faith, confidence, trust, "what-have-you" in their sysytem of government.
IMO, I don't blame them.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Would y'all vote for me if I ran for governor? I'm a compassionate conservative :)
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Vote for ME! I believe that laws should not be passed without polling the people in the districts the politicians represent. After all, aren't they supposed to be representing US and our interests?It seems like that just doesn't happen. And what about pork-barrel crap? I'd put an end to that. And I think it's time we stop being the CORPORATE States of America, and stop letting the corporations take control of our country.
Lost faith in our government? HELL YES! They don't represent me one bit.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Folks, there is only one fix for the system, and that is term limits. Now, we all know that will happen when pigs fly, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
As I understand it, the original concept for the governance of this country was that it be by the people, meaning that Seth the farmer would go to the nation's capitol and have his turn in Congress, then go back to the farm and let someone else go. Somewhere along the way we lost sight of this and the career politician was born. No longer is it the betterment of the people that is the goal, but rather the betterment of self. Not "how do I vote to best serve the people I represent", but "how do I vote to keep my seat when I run for election again".
Yes, cynical, but true.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Folks, there is only one fix for the system, and that is term limits. Now, we all know that will happen when pigs fly, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
As I understand it, the original concept for the governance of this country was that it be by the people, meaning that Seth the farmer would go to the nation's capitol and have his turn in Congress, then go back to the farm and let someone else go. Somewhere along the way we lost sight of this and the career politician was born. No longer is it the betterment of the people that is the goal, but rather the betterment of self. Not "how do I vote to best serve the people I represent", but "how do I vote to keep my seat when I run for election again".
Yes, cynical, but true.
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And that's exactly the platform I'm referring to! Of course, you'll never see me running for anything, as I can't AFFORD to...
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
speaking of term limits...is Strom Thurmond dead yet? the last time I saw his picture it reminded me of Skeletor
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
speaking of term limits...is Strom Thurmond dead yet? the last time I saw his picture it reminded me of Skeletor
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Thank God he did not run for reelection. If he had run for reelection, and was reelected, he would be 106 when his term ended!
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Maybe he'd kick the bucket in mid-term and they'd elect/appoint someone who doesn't require a feeding tube.
Thank God he did not run for reelection. If he had run for reelection, and was reelected, he would be 106 when his term ended!
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I do hope you are joking. There is no excuse for someone not voting.
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Ummmm theres an excuse for me one beacuse it's boring.....2 because half of the things you are voting for don't make sense(well to me but thats just my opinion) and 3.......welll........I just don't want too.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Alicia, are you even old enough to vote? Maybe you'll change your mind by then...your vote is the most powerful individual voice you will have in government decisions, no matter how distanced from it you may feel. Remember that.
Ummmm theres an excuse for me one beacuse it's boring.....2 because half of the things you are voting for don't make sense(well to me but thats just my opinion) and 3.......welll........I just don't want too.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Alicia, are you even old enough to vote? Maybe you'll change your mind by then...your vote is the most powerful individual voice you will have in government decisions, no matter how distanced from it you may feel. Remember that.
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I don't care for government....never have and mostlikely probably never will. I maybe not old enought right now but personally I don't care...........
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Alicia, you will care. It's to difficult to ignore politics when you see what your paycheck looks like after taxes when you start collecting real paychecks, and when you can't get to work within 60 minutes when you only have 10 miles to drive to get to work, or when the bus service is cut so you can't take the bus to work to cut down on your commute time, or when the your childs classroom has 35 students in it, or when another vice tax raises that 6 pack of beer to $7.00, or when public parks are closed, or when we lose the pro-choice options, or when crime rates rise to dangerous levels, or when your 401-k retirement plan tanks hard, or when.............
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Ummmm theres an excuse for me one beacuse it's boring.....2 because half of the things you are voting for don't make sense(well to me but thats just my opinion) and 3.......welll........I just don't want too.
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Well, Alicia, I'm assuming you are still in school, still live at home, not a tax payer, not a home owner, not working a full time job, not supporting a family, I could go on.
My point is: maybe, or should I say hopefully when you do become an adult and have to take on adult responsibilities such as paying taxes, holding a full time job, buying a home, supporting a family, etc. you will care about the issues associated with government and will realize the importance of voting.
Quoting: ... for me one beacuse it's boring... End Quote
Uh, ok, I guess. Boring? How could you know if its boring if you are too young to even do it?
Folks, if Alicia14 is any indication of the mindset of the future voters of America, God help us all!
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I would love to be able to vote again. However, I cannot. Why? One word: Jury Duty. I voted for years and regularly received jury duty notices in the mail. Finally I stopped voting and the notices immediately stopped coming. After about 7 years I got up the courage to vote again, and within one month I had a jury duty notice. I had panic attacks for weeks in the middle of the night thinking about it. I went thru indescribable hell trying to get out of it so I could get back to trying to work and pay my bills. Until my government stops stalking me, they will never again see me vote.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I would love to be able to vote again. However, I cannot. Why? One word: Jury Duty. I voted for years and regularly received jury duty notices in the mail. Finally I stopped voting and the notices immediately stopped coming. After about 7 years I got up the courage to vote again, and within one month I had a jury duty notice. I had panic attacks for weeks in the middle of the night thinking about it. I went thru indescribable hell trying to get out of it so I could get back to trying to work and pay my bills. Until my government stops stalking me, they will never again see me vote.
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What?? ?? LOL! In what remote area do you live that voting would put you on a short list for jury duty? I have never heard about such things!
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
No TB, it is NOT easy to get out of. I sent in a detailed truthful letter claiming financial hardship and the answer I get back is basically "we couldn't care less, get your butt in here." Then I went in and sent a second letter up to the judge, with an itemized list of all the bills I had to pay in the following two weeks. The answer I got back to that was in the vein of "we don't care if we make you homeless, we are going to force you to serve." It was not until I stood before the judge as we were being questioned separately about our "excuses" and said "Look, I have $5. in quarters to my name -- when that is gone, I don't eat," that they finally let me off. And I lost a precious day's work to this nonsense as well as a month's sleep beforehand.
Reb, here in L.A. the jury duty potentials are taken from the voter's registration lists and the DMV lists. If you stop voting, it cuts your chances by 50 percent of being called. I have never received notices except when I was actively and regularly voting.
There is very little that I am afraid of, but even thinking about going thru the jury duty nightmare again makes me almost sick to my stomach.... :(
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Isn't that what this country is all about, Freedom? If people want to vote, then they have the Freedom to choose to do so. Same for the people who Choose not to vote. Freedom of choice.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Just tell them that you're biased towards the defendant or that you hate the death penalty or that you can't bring yourself to send anyone to jail. Pretrial bias will get you thrown out and they might think twice about picking you for jury duty next time. You can't avoid the initial jury selection stage but you definitely can weasel out of actually having to serve.
Yeah, getting out of it altogether is near impossible. I guess it's easier for me if I were to make up some excuse like I don't know English or have an old professor or doctor that I know write me an excuse. If I don't have those, then I have to show up and fill out their questionnaire - they leave me alone after that.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Let us not forget that freedom comes with responcibilities to preserve and honor it.
Freedom was not handed to up easily, it came from great sacrifice of lives and properties. To equate it to something as simpled as changing the channel on the TV is a great disrespect.
Isn't that what this country is all about, Freedom? If people want to vote, then they have the Freedom to choose to do so. Same for the people who Choose not to vote. Freedom of choice.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
What ??? Are we resorting back to "personal attacks" again ??? ::) "That's classy"... How condescending. You know that word in the dictionary I was alluding to? Yeah, it's back again ;)
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Uh, ok. I was referring to the fact that Alicia14 said she just doesn't care about elections and government because they are "boring". That to me is scary. I hope that her view is not how most kids her age see it now and when they can vote.
Tarzan Boy, just when I was starting to have some respect for you...well, you know...
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
You guys need to chill out. She'll come around if she chooses to, all you can hope to do is give her all the information and hope she makes an informed decision, one way or the other.
Uh, ok. I was referring to the fact that Alicia14 said she just doesn't care about elections and government because they are "boring". That to me is scary. I hope that her view is not how most kids her age see it now and when they can vote.
Tarzan Boy, just when I was starting to have some respect for you...well, you know...
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Ahh, good question. That's where the voting comes in, and not just the voting itself but being heard in the community. Also, votes aren not cast just for politicians.
One of the greatest things I've seen recently was the passing of initiatives here in WA state. These were causes championed by citizens to gather signatures and put on the ballet.
We had this incredibly high car tab tax, fees, and taxes for the fees so it ended up costing $400 a year, every year extra to drive your $20,000 car. We stopped that with the passage by vote in '00. In that same year we also voted in to law that makes all tax increases contigent on the approval of the voters. What a glorious thing to see that we can make a differnace.
Yes, career politicians can be an ugly choice, not all are bad and I think it would be a great thing to limit terms, we as voters have that choice every election by voting them out.
... but how can that be our fault when all we have are scoundrels/career politicians? There is a reason for my apathy. I don't disrespect the principle, but the people who fail to adhere to it.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Ahh, good question. That's where the voting comes in, and not just the voting itself but being heard in the community.
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Very well said. Voting involves so much more than just electing Congressmen and Presidents. So many people, especially those who have never been to the voting booth, don't realize how much is actually on the ballot. Its not just candidates, there are also important issues at stake.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Exactly. I try to keep abreast of current issues and events, especailly when it comes to election time and I am always surprised with how much I don't know when I get to the voting booth. Voting for a president or other national pol is important but the local issues effect you much more directly and each vote really does make a big differance.
Very well said. Voting involves so much more than just electing Congressmen and Presidents. So many people, especially those who have never been to the voting booth, don't realize how much is actually on the ballot. Its not just candidates, there are also important issues at stake.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Voting for a president or other national pol is important but the local issues effect you much more directly and each vote really does make a big differance.
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My friend, I like your thinking. After reading your posts, I realize the point I was trying to make with my posts in this thread, I just couldn't say it as well as you did.
Thank you.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
And thank you for that compliment.
A bit of education on what is involved would be a great thing for this country, if all that is heard is popular media than people will remain ignorant of smaller but directly important issues.
That, I can't tolerate people that throw up their hands and surrendor to a problem (or enven status quo) without even looking for a solution.
Jeesh, listen to me go, should I stand on a table and sing god bless americal now ;D
My friend, I like your thinking. After reading your posts, I realize the point I was trying to make with my posts in this thread, I just couldn't say it as well as you did.
Thank you.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I can play that on the harmonica while you sing :) And in the meantime I hope the GOP does a good job with their newfound superpowers so we can stem the tide of voter apathy in this great nation...
That, I can't tolerate people that throw up their hands and surrendor to a problem (or enven status quo) without even looking for a solution.
Jeesh, listen to me go, should I stand on a table and sing god bless americal now ;D
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Please play loudly so no one can hear my awful singing voice.
Intersting to see what the GOP can do, I remember Clintons 1st election he had it all Dems, didn't get a whole lot done except to lose the house a couple of years later. Remember the heath care reform and gays in the military?
I can play that on the harmonica while you sing :) And in the meantime I hope the GOP does a good job with their newfound superpowers so we can stem the tide of voter apathy in this great nation...
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I recall giving a speech in school about the gays in the military issue...I personally don't think there's anything wrong with that, particularly since gay people are just as patriotic as straight people or androgynous people...as for health care issues, I seriously hate all this crap I have to deal with to get a decent medical plan.
Please play loudly so no one can hear my awful singing voice.
Intersting to see what the GOP can do, I remember Clintons 1st election he had it all Dems, didn't get a whole lot done except to lose the house a couple of years later. Remember the heath care reform and gays in the military?
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
He blew the gays in the military thing, I don't think it should be a factor either. I worked aboard commercial ships for a number of years and there were gay people aboard and no problems arose because of it. My thougts have been unless you work in the adult entertainment industry or for Fredericks of Hollywood your sexualality, whatever it may be, should remain personal info that is shared only when it is comfortable in the environment I don't want to hear of straight, or gay mens expoloits, nor do I wish to share mine.
I recall giving a speech in school about the gays in the military issue...I personally don't think there's anything wrong with that, particularly since gay people are just as patriotic as straight people or androgynous people...as for health care issues, I seriously hate all this crap I have to deal with to get a decent medical plan.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Alicia, you will care. It's to difficult to ignore politics when you see what your paycheck looks like after taxes when you start collecting real paychecks, and when you can't get to work within 60 minutes when you only have 10 miles to drive to get to work, or when the bus service is cut so you can't take the bus to work to cut down on your commute time, or when the your childs classroom has 35 students in it, or when another vice tax raises that 6 pack of beer to $7.00, or when public parks are closed, or when we lose the pro-choice options, or when crime rates rise to dangerous levels, or when your 401-k retirement plan tanks hard, or when.............
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I don't drink beer......I don't want kids and over school crowdings I don't care for either....we get enough money to builed more classrooms and the priciple mysteriously gets a new car almost every year. Maybe if people cut back on having kids (which half the time they don't take care of) there wouldn't be a problem with that....and as for transet I wouldn't want to ride the bus thats why when I am 16 I will look for a job and save to buy a car....taxes are no problem....it doesn't hurt to save every penny you got when you are my age cut back on magazines and such.Thats all I have to say about this. Thats it. This one topic that I have with you is now close do not answer back. Thank you.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Well, Alicia, I'm assuming you are still in school, still live at home, not a tax payer, not a home owner, not working a full time job, not supporting a family, I could go on.
My point is: maybe, or should I say hopefully when you do become an adult and have to take on adult responsibilities such as paying taxes, holding a full time job, buying a home, supporting a family, etc. you will care about the issues associated with government and will realize the importance of voting.
Uh, ok, I guess. Boring? How could you know if its boring if you are too young to even do it?
Folks, if Alicia14 is any indication of the mindset of the future voters of America, God help us all!
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I said what I said you can't nag at me for not voting and or not wanting to vote.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Not voting can be as valid a political statement as voting.
And, anyone as intelligent and verbal as Alicia14... oops, Alicia15... will probably have people voting for her not much later than she is able to vote herself.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Well, Alicia, I couldn't wait until I turned 18 so I could vote!
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Well, Alicia, I couldn't wait until I turned 18 so I could vote!
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Hey Don, we can't force her to vote...nobody can. That's as much her right as actually voting. Too bad, really.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
It's about the same for Libertarians in our state. (The Our Party failed to get a single vote.) I voted for Lib Andrew Horning in the 7th District Congressional race to protest the dirty politics of the loser Brose McVey (actually "helped" by Marion County Sheriff's candidate Tom Schneider, who also lost) and the incompetence of the incumbent Julia Carson. He only got 3% of the vote. I admit it was a wasted vote, and I'd do it again, just as I did in 2000. :P
The Green Party failed to get 5% this time.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
It's about the same for Libertarians in our state. (The Our Party failed to get a single vote.) I voted for Lib Andrew Horning in the 7th District Congressional race to protest the dirty politics of the loser Brose McVey (actually "helped" by Marion County Sheriff's candidate Tom Schneider, who also lost) and the incompetence of the incumbent Julia Carson. He only got 3% of the vote. I admit it was a wasted vote, and I'd do it again, just as I did in 2000. :P
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There's no such thing as a wasted vote. The third party candidates in Minnesota have brayed the "There's no difference between Democrats and Republican" line this year at every opportunity. The problem is they haven't put that energy into defining what's their own party is about.
The scary thing is that a charismatic third-party candidate, like a Ross Perot or a Jesse Ventura, has a disproportionate impact on elections. Perot is completely unqualified for elective office, and Jesse won because he's articulate and charismatic. Senators and representatives loath him, so the state has undergone four years of gridlock.
Personally, I don't see the pressing need for a third party.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Uh, I dunno. This one seems to be a bit deep for me to jump into without my warm-ups or swimwings or something, but here goes...
I will say that in this last election, a whopping total of 37% of those capable of voting did. Something needs to change, obviously, so maybe not voting IS a viable political message. Not as viable, in my opinion, as actually voting, but still... to each their own. As long as it's not apathy but an aware and active choice, I don't mind.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
We had 55% here, but that was probably because of the Mondale-Coleman race. You piqued my curiosity, though, Langdon. I wonder if voting percentages were ever all that high. I'm gonna see what Google can tell me about that.
I'd like to be able to vote over the internet. And I'd really like to have better choices.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Hey Steve, you got me thinking on your opinion that there is not a need for 3rd party. Of course you know that there is many parties, just the Independant is the only one to get much press besides the biggies. I'm curious towards your thoughts though since your state has really the only one that has had a succesful bid towards filling a major seat with independant party. It's to bad it was someone who made a buffoon out of himself so quickly.
There's no such thing as a wasted vote. The third party candidates in Minnesota have brayed the "There's no difference between Democrats and Republican" line this year at every opportunity. The problem is they haven't put that energy into defining what's their own party is about.
The scary thing is that a charismatic third-party candidate, like a Ross Perot or a Jesse Ventura, has a disproportionate impact on elections. Perot is completely unqualified for elective office, and Jesse won because he's articulate and charismatic. Senators and representatives loath him, so the state has undergone four years of gridlock.
Personally, I don't see the pressing need for a third party.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Hey Steve, you got me thinking on your opinion that there is not a need for 3rd party. Of course you know that there is many parties, just the Independant is the only one to get much press besides the biggies. I'm curious towards your thoughts though since your state has really the only one that has had a succesful bid towards filling a major seat with independant party. It's to bad it was someone who made a buffoon out of himself so quickly.
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My opinion? I think Venura's a great communicator. I don't know about you, Race, but I get really tired of listening to politicians hitting their marks every time they speak. It's like they won't say anything their handlers don't tell them to say.
Jesse ran against a couple of politicians in 1998. Hubert Humphrey III and Norm Coleman. Humphrey and Coleman are slick politicians, but Ventura isn't someone a handler can handle. He was refreshing, big time. He pulled a ton of people to the polls.
This year Tim Penny was running for governor as the Independence candidate. I voted for him, and he came in a distance third. Penny was the best candidate out there, leagues better than any of them, but he has the charisma of a lump of clay. And he sounds like a politician, so his drone wasn't much different than a Republican or a Democrat drone.
I don't know. It seems like the only third party candidates to make a mark are the wackos like Ventura and Perot... mainly cause they make good quotes.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I saw two of the gubanatorial debates with Ventura and he did a great job up there, talking common sensce stances on the issues and not partisan, to damn bad he couldn't become a politician, I was dissapointed when he involved himself in the pro wrestler and XFL stuff, that cheapened him and I thought displayed a lack of respect for his position. I think the Independants need to keep trying, it helps keep the biggies in check a bit.
My opinion? I think Venura's a great communicator. I don't know about you, Race, but I get really tired of listening to politicians hitting their marks every time they speak. It's like they won't say anything their handlers don't tell them to say.
Jesse ran against a couple of politicians in 1998. Hubert Humphrey III and Norm Coleman. Humphrey and Coleman are slick politicians, but Ventura isn't someone a handler can handle. He was refreshing, big time. He pulled a ton of people to the polls.
This year Tim Penny was running for governor as the Independence candidate. I voted for him, and he came in a distance third. Penny was the best candidate out there, leagues better than any of them, but he has the charisma of a lump of clay. And he sounds like a politician, so his drone wasn't much different than a Republican or a Democrat drone.
I don't know. It seems like the only third party candidates to make a mark are the wackos like Ventura and Perot... mainly cause they make good quotes.
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Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Yes, career politicians can be an ugly choice, not all are bad and I think it would be a great thing to limit terms, we as voters have that choice every election by voting them out.
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This is true as long as you have an informed electorate. However, a vast majority of voters don't understand the issues and don't make an effort to understand them, they simply vote for the incumbent because the name is familiar.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
This is true as long as you have an informed electorate. However, a vast majority of voters don't understand the issues and don't make an effort to understand them, they simply vote for the incumbent because the name is familiar.
End Quote
We have a perfect example of that here in Utah. His name is Orrin Hatch. When he first ran almost 30 yrs ago his platform was that the previous senator had been in too long. Term Limits. He seems to have conveniently forgotten that. People here just vote for him because they know his name. It drives me nuts.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
We have a perfect example of that here in Utah. His name is Orrin Hatch. When he first ran almost 30 yrs ago his platform was that the previous senator had been in too long. Term Limits. He seems to have conveniently forgotten that. People here just vote for him because they know his name. It drives me nuts.
End Quote
It's the same with Teddy "Killer" Kennedy out in Mass. >:(
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
That to me is scary. I hope that her view is not how most kids her age see it now and when they can vote.
End Quote
Sorry but after just reading this part I have to tell you a lot of people at my school think this way, hope your not mad are you? I like doing this...you know arguing in what you believe and we are handling it quit well and not fighting this time. don't you think that is good? and sorry for being scary but thats just my nature :P
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I stand corrected. Voter turnout has slowly, but steadily, been declining. Here's a breakdown of the percent turnout of voting age population for presidential elections from 1960 to 1996:
1960 -- 63.06%
1964 -- 61.92%
1968 -- 60.84%
1972 -- 55.21%
1976 -- 53.55%
1980 -- 52.56%
1984 -- 53.11%
1988 -- 50.11%
1992 -- 55.09%
1996 -- 49.08%
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
What do you guys thinks about this one?
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Thanks Steve, i haven't seen that one.
Political Education, that's what this country needs.
What do you guys thinks about this one?
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Interesting to see that it spiked back up for '92, one thing that I can say for Clinton is that he did appeal to the youth. I remember his appearance on MTV and there big vote push. I also remeber he had an excellant interiview in Rolling Stone and was supported by them. Damn shame that it dropped back down this past election.
I stand corrected. Voter turnout has slowly, but steadily, been declining. Here's a breakdown of the percent turnout of voting age population for presidential elections from 1960 to 1996:
1960 -- 63.06%
1964 -- 61.92%
1968 -- 60.84%
1972 -- 55.21%
1976 -- 53.55%
1980 -- 52.56%
1984 -- 53.11%
1988 -- 50.11%
1992 -- 55.09%
1996 -- 49.08%
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Sorry but after just reading this part I have to tell you a lot of people at my school think this way, hope your not mad are you? I like doing this...you know arguing in what you believe and we are handling it quit well and not fighting this time. don't you think that is good? and sorry for being scary but thats just my nature :P
End Quote
Nothing wrong with that...if everyone agreed one things then this wouldn't be as interesting a world as it is...then again it would prevent a lot of wars and bad sh*t from happening. I like it just the way it is (minus the suicide bombers, of course). Stay strong in what you believe in, but always remain open-minded.
Did one of you guys mention internet voting? I think that's a horrible idea. The opportunity to fake a vote is just too great. Besides, it's ONE day every two years that you have to trudge out to the polls, are we really getting so lazy that we can't do this? This is why I think Election Day should be a national holiday so people stop their excuses.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Quoting: I'd like to be able to vote over the internet. End Quote
Sounds great in theory, but its has "potential voter fraud" written all over it.
I've thought this for years, but I don't expect it to ever happen.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Thanks for the support with the internet thing :)
Sounds great in theory, but its has "potential voter fraud" written all over it.
I've thought this for years, but I don't expect it to ever happen.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I think your correct, even if there was a way to do it in a secure and accurate method, the general public would not have complete faith in it and it would be a simple matter for someone to rasie fraud charges.
Thanks for the support with the internet thing :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
For the sake of argument, there are potential voter fraud issues with absentee balloting, too, but every state has absentee balloting in one form or another.
I predict we'll have internet voting, in one form or another, by 2010.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I voted by absentee ballot the past couple elections. I think I'll go to the polls next time, but there are problems with the polling places sometimes too. Until we have some new voter reform laws I don't think voting will be "airtight".
For the sake of argument, there are potential voter fraud issues with absentee balloting, too, but every state has absentee balloting in one form or another.
I predict we'll have internet voting, in one form or another, by 2010.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Will there ever be anything aritight? Whatever method chosen there will always be someone trying to outsmart it, think Microsoft for an easy example. The best that can be done is to make it as simple as possible and trackable if there is allegations of fraud raised.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Like I said, I'd like to vote over the internet, but I sure don't have to. The polling place is only a half-block away from me, and even this year, with a 70% voter turnout in our precinct, having to register as a new resident, and the confusion with the Senate ballot, I was in and out in a half-hour.
I think we'll have internet voter because the powers that be want to increase participation, but I don't think people aren't voting because it's inconvenient.
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
No excuse for me not to vote either, I could throw a rock and hat my last two voting places, I do try to refrain from doing so though, one is a church and the other a retirement home.
Like I said, I'd like to vote over the internet, but I sure don't have to. The polling place is only a half-block away from me, and even this year, with a 70% voter turnout in our precinct, having to register as a new resident, and the confusion with the Senate ballot, I was in and out in a half-hour.
I think we'll have internet voter because the powers that be want to increase participation, but I don't think people aren't voting because it's inconvenient.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
No excuse for me not to vote either, I could throw a rock and hat my last two voting places, I do try to refrain from doing so though, one is a church and the other a retirement home.
End Quote
Heeheehee..... good one, Race ;D
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
Note that the biggest drop was in 1972 - after the voting age was lowered to 18 nationwide.
I should declare my own bias up front for the benefit of anyone who doesn't read the parodies - it lists decidedly to the right of center. Having said that, I sympathize with all those, left, right, or just plain alienated, who don't vote because they think they have no real choice. In many cases, they are right. I believe turnout would increase if voters in every district had a real choice. (Another, possibly related trend - the increase in the number of incumbents of both parties running unopposed.)
Single-member districts lend themselves logically to a two-party structure, but there are ways around this. I like the New York ballot, and I wish it could be adopted nationwide - allowing cross-endorsement of candidates of other parties.
Thus, the Democratic candidate for (name your office) can also run on the Liberal or Green lines - or not; likewise the Republican can run on the Conservative or Right to Life lines - or not. If "not" the minor parties run candidates of their own. The beauty of this scheme is: each candidate chooses whether to run for the center at the risk of alienating elements of the base, or mobilize the base at the risk of losing the majority of the center. Either way: a) the candidate lives with the consequences of the choice; and b) the voters have a wider range of choices.
I stand corrected. Voter turnout has slowly, but steadily, been declining. Here's a breakdown of the percent turnout of voting age population for presidential elections from 1960 to 1996:
1960 -- 63.06%
1964 -- 61.92%
1968 -- 60.84%
1972 -- 55.21%
1976 -- 53.55%
1980 -- 52.56%
1984 -- 53.11%
1988 -- 50.11%
1992 -- 55.09%
1996 -- 49.08%
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Elections Last Night
I didn't feel like starting a new thread for this, and since this thread deals with politics anyway, let's stay here...
Did you read about the reports on JFK's alleged illnesses and problems? Apparently he "suffered" a lot more than people thought. I find it hard to believe that people actually get MONEY to do these studies, and I find it especially tasteless that they'd go so far to (seemingly) defame a good President who died almost 40 years ago.