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Subject: "Trigger Happy TV" show
For thos ehwo don't know, this is a British show on Comedy Central involving stupid hidden camera stuff and pranks.
Does anyone else think this show is just plain boring? I have tried to give it a chance, but man is it not funny.
Its like a very lame attempt at the classic "Bloopers and Practical Jokes" show, without the humor.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Perhaps it's simply because it's British humor...popular shows like Absolutely Fabulous sometimes don't get their due because of the "Briticized" humor. I mean, these are the people who drive on the other side of the street with backwards cars :) (no offense, Union Jack)
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Perhaps it's simply because it's British humor...End Quote
You're exactly correct. I just can't understand why Comedy Central holds onto it.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
"...everyday life, seen through the eyes of a crazy person."
I actually like this show very much.
Some of the skits, I just plain don't get, but others have me laughing so hard I fall off the chair.
It's similar to the old "Candid Camera" in that the idea is to see how ordinary people will react to something obviously odd. But the humor is even more odd than you would expect.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I actually like this show.
Comedy Central is a station that caters to the stoners.
Look at all the shows they have. You have to be high to watch CC.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Well I'm English and yet I think its a crap show! I've never found it funny at all really :]
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Well I'm English and yet I think its a crap show! I've never found it funny at all really :]
...yet on the other hand, I think Jack*** is pretty funny
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I think its a great and hilarious show!
No offence to all non-British readers, but one of the premises of the show is making fun of the people who just don't get it!
That is why the comedian, Dom Joly, tends to approach tourists in London, and they are usually taken in by him!
Such as when he approached an American couple, did an insane dance and called it "Morris dancing!" They were full of praise for him, believing his bizarre act to be serious, british heritage and culture!
I think British people tend to be too cynical to be taken in by something like that, however it's just as funny watching some of the pranks he plays on them!
I think us British have quite a unique sense of humour. Whilst most American shows have wide-spread humour and appeal, such as Friends and Will & Grace, i just can't see other countries taking to Trigger Happy TV or Reeves & Mortimer!
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I loved it,it did start to lose it a bit towards the end of the last series but some of the things he did were so funny.
To Xenakat and 80's rocked some of the skits aren't meant to be got they are just stupid for the sake of being stupid or bizarre
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
A "Jack***" clone with people in animal costumes. :P
Like "Jack***", it's not funny.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
wow, this is an ooooold thread brought back from the dead. :D
But, regarding "Trigger Happy TV", Kayhepburn I think you are right about the British having a "unique sense of humor". And I too think it differs from the American sense of humor. I think what turned me off to it was how he would do the same prank basically every segment(like that giant cell phone). After you've seen it twice, its not funny anymore.
And to APS, I actually think "Jackass" can be very funny sometimes. :)
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Perhaps it's simply because it's British humor...popular shows like Absolutely Fabulous sometimes don't get their due because of the "Briticized" humor. I mean, these are the people who drive on the other side of the street with backwards cars :) (no offense, Union Jack)
End Quote
Huy! They do that in Éire and Oz too ya know! At least we aren't the only country on the planet that writes the date backwards (mm/dd rather than dd/mm)! ;)
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Trigger Happy T.V. wasn't too bad in bits. The giant mobile bit was good ('It`s funny because it`s true' Simpsons; Fat Tony, i believe?). But they did tend focus too much on visual stuff; 'goofy' costumes and props etc. whereas they should have put a bit more into just freaking people out or confusing them. 3/4 out of 10 :-/
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
it's good, but when you've seen him shouting into a giant mobile phone or walking a stuffed dog a few times the joke does wear off
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Trigger Happy TV is o.k if you watch it once or twice. It's not worth watching a whole series - there doesn't appear to be any development in the sketches. It reminds me of The Fast Show, the original premise was sound as long as it was developed. But it wasn't.
The British, I think, love surreal concepts and satire. That's why Bo Selecta (Have you seen this?), Shooting Stars and Monty Python are on British telly. I also recommend anybody watching 'The Office' featuring Ricky Gervais.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Bo Selecta is so-so verging on good (where did the apostrophe come from? ??? ). I prefer the bits with Avid Merrion: He says things you think but would never say out loud in public ;D
I loved that bit with the celebrity football (you seen that one Bobby?) where he asks one of them 'Can you focus?' but says it as 'fuhcus'.
But the bits with the masks focuses too much on just 'silly' stuff rather than real stuff about the stars that they could take the mick out of - there is loads of material they never use. ::)
And the bear with the erection is just dodgy :D Were you watching it tonight, Bobby? (Something like: ) 'I love hunting foxes - ginger s', that's one of my quotes now. :)
The Office is good but i'm not sure if our Atlantic cousins would get that one :-/ Some of the stuff that Gareth (is it? The ex-army bloke with the sunken eyes and the bad blonde haircut) says it really cracks me up - something along the lines of 'What? So a queer or a cripple or a woman or a foreigner can take my job?' The best bit in that was where erm...(i'm crap with names) the guy with the brown hair was taking the mick out of him without him realising 'They`ve discovered you're camp' etc.
Anyway, lost my train of thought (thankfully ::) )
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
The Office is excellent!
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Bo Selecta is so-so verging on good (where did the apostrophe come from? ??? ). I prefer the bits with Avid Merrion: He says things you think but would never say out loud in public ;D End Quote
Avid is hilariously perverse. I remember watching him fantasize about Destiny's child becoming his make-up artist. He used cardboard cut-outs of them scribbling lipstick on his face - funny as heck.
Quoting:I loved that bit with the celebrity football (you seen that one Bobby?) where he asks one of them 'Can you focus?' but says it as 'fuhcus'.End Quote
I haven't watched it lately, Hoeveel but I plan to pick it back up again soon.
Quoting:But the bits with the masks focuses too much on just 'silly' stuff rather than real stuff about the stars that they could take the mick out of - there is loads of material they never use. ::)End Quote
The mask stuff is funny for me because it is so unlike the celebrities he is portraying (Craig David impersonation cracks me up all the time). It's like Avid's idea of the celebrities rather than anybody elses. The Lorraine Kelly gag showing herself is a bit tasteless though.
Quoting:And the bear with the erection is just dodgy :D Were you watching it tonight, Bobby? (Something like: ) 'I love hunting foxes - ginger s', that's one of my quotes now. :)End Quote
That bear is so dodgy. I don't know how he got away with it. For our friends abroad, the gag is that Avid (dressed as a cute bear) is sitting on a bed, he asks a celebrity to read him a bedtime story and invariably the story ends in a sexual way. This causes the bear to show his arousal (Avid's finger being poked in a strategic hole in the costume) and causing a panic at the end - It had me in fits of hysterics first time around. ;D
Quoting:The Office is good but i'm not sure if our Atlantic cousins would get that one :-/ Some of the stuff that Gareth (is it? The ex-army bloke with the sunken eyes and the bad blonde haircut) it really cracks me up - something along the lines of 'What? So a queer or a cripple or a woman or a foreigner can take my job?' The best bit in that was where erm...(i'm crap with names) the guy with the brown hair was taking the mick out of him without him realising 'They`ve discovered you're camp' etc.
End Quote
Yes, that was in the first series, Hoeveel. I think the scenario was Gareth was privately creating questions for quiz night. Tim (Administrator) and Dawn (receptionist) walk in and ask a 'serious' question about the army. Gareth falls for the bait and the joke is that Gareth is so naive underneath his background that he doesn't realize they are using the army example as a way of mocking him sexually:
"So you've dug your fox-hole, pitched your tent, they've discovered you're camp and you're lying there and they've caught you with your trousers down and they've entered your hole without you knowing. . ."
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Yeah, that was it. Tim! You opviously have a better memory than me (you and about 6 billion others :P ::) ).
Yeah, i agree with you about Craig David. With the thick Northern accent 'Propa bo, ah tell thee'. But not the rest of them really. Well, Michael Jackson...sort of but him just saying 'sharmone motherfcker' all the time gets a bit boring: They should really concentrate on the whole whiteness/weirdness bit...in my opinion.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Oh, yeah, and Avid Merrion keeping Craig off Big Brother in the cupboard, that's pretty cool - only decent thing Craig's done.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Some of the skits aren't very funny and can be a bit tiresome, but when they come up with a great idea, it's hilarious!
Trigger Happy takes Jack and gets rid of the material that deals with feces and male genitalia. I think it's great!
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I think this show is hillarious! Sure, there are some dumb things they do, but most of the things are funny. But hey, remember, its much better than jack___, that show is just stupid!
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I think this show is hillarious! Sure, there are some dumb things they do, but most of the things are funny. But hey, remember, its much better than jack___, that show is just stupid!
End Quote
Hi Mike, surely the premise of these two shows is different- i.e. Jack***'s humour is based on people willingly hurting themselves/ each other, whereas Trigger Happy is based around people acting out bizarre situations & seeing how the public/ celebrities react- and yes, I think there are similarities to Candid Camera in THTV. The addition is the very British sense of irony, I find his stunts in central London hilarious- all those passers-by completely ignoring bizarre events is strongly indicative of our capitals' "not my business" attitude. I particularily enjoyed the few scenes where Dom would walk in to a shop (I seem to believe one being an Estate Agent) & behave oddly, then the shop would get a call from A THTV accomplice, indicating Dom was an escaped psychiatry patient who needed to be kept at the shop until his carers arrived ;D; one of the few times I've seen an exhibition of good customer service from an estate agent (realtor to you U.S.'ers) ;D
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Hi Mike, surely the premise of these two shows is different- i.e. Jack***'s humour is based on people willingly hurting themselves/ each other, whereas Trigger Happy is based around people acting out bizarre situations & seeing how the public/ celebrities react- and yes, I think there are similarities to Candid Camera in THTV. The addition is the very British sense of irony, I find his stunts in central London hilarious- all those passers-by completely ignoring bizarre events is strongly indicative of our capitals' "not my business" attitude. I particularily enjoyed the few scenes where Dom would walk in to a shop (I seem to believe one being an Estate Agent) & behave oddly, then the shop would get a call from A THTV accomplice, indicating Dom was an escaped psychiatry patient who needed to be kept at the shop until his carers arrived ;D; one of the few times I've seen an exhibition of good customer service from an estate agent (realtor to you U.S.'ers) ;D
End Quote
yeah, there are differences, but to me, Jack*** isn't funny...to me, its pure stupidy...but THTV, both english and american versians, are hillarious. I particully like when Dom, or on the American shows, the other guy, walk into a store dressed like a delivery man with the "sad penquin" and say "sign for a sad penquin." I love the reactions of the store keepers. Its hillarious.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I just wanted to say that Trigger Happy TV is very funny, because a lot of you are saying it sucks and I can't see what's not funny about it. How can you say Brittish humor sucks when there's a show as hilarious as Mr. Bean???
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
How can you say Brittish humor sucks when there's a show as hilarious as Mr. Bean???
End Quote
I don't think British humor sucks. I think Mr. Bean's hilarious too!!! :D
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
One that hasn't been mentioned yet (and i think it should) is Red Dwarf: Low-budget BBC Sci-Fi/Comedy prog with all kinds of humour in it. An old mate of mine the other day was just saying how underappreciated it was, how it was a 'classic'.
Cat: Hey man, I'm so hungry, I just have to eat.
Lister: Shhhhh. Not now, man. Rimmer's dad's died.
Cat: I'd prefer chicken.
Rimmer: Broadcast on all frequencies and all known languages, including Welsh.
Cat: THIS is my shiny thing. And if you try and take it off me I may have to eat you.
Rimmer: Lister, we'd be fools not to listen to him. When is he ever wrong? Alright, he may have a head shaped like an inexplicably popular fishing float but he does operate from a position of total logic and we'd be fools to ignore his sage council.
Kryten: At least let me and Mister Rimmer go in your place. We are after all merely electronic life forms and therefore expendable.
Rimmer: And what the smeg would you know, bog-bot from hell?
Rimmer on the subject of his dad: I don't think he had one screw fully tightened, to be perfectly honest with you. He had this fixation that we all had to get into the Space Corps. At meal times, he'd ask us questions on astronavigation. If we got them wrong - no food.
Lister: God, Rimmer! How did you cope with that?
Rimmer: I didn't. I nearly died of malnutrition.
News-Reader: Europe: a terrorist representing the Revolutionary Working Front, a fanatical left wing group dedicated to eliminating the.........middle class, was arrested today. The man, Henri le Clerque, was attempting to poison the mineral spring in France, which is the source of all the world's Perrier water. Had he succeeded, experts believe the middle class would have been wiped out within three weeks.
Lister reading a letter written to Rimmer from his mum: "I write to--" I can't read that. Oh, "I write to inform." "I write to inform you that your father is dad." Well of course he is. Maybe it's your father stroke dad.
Rimmer: It's dead.
Lister: I can't make it out. (Holds letter up and examines it.)
Rimmer: My father is dead.
Lister: What?
Rimmer: My father is dead.
Lister: Oh yeah it's an E. (Happy to have solved it.) That's what it is. Your father's dead, Rimmer. (Realises what he's said.) Oh, eh -- I'm sorry.
Rimmer: Is that all she says?
Lister: Just that, "He passed away peacefully in his Jeep." (Looking at the letter again) "...sleep."
No? Ah, well, maybe it's all in the delivery. :-/
Oh, and Craig Charles' (Lister) accent is one of the few Scouse accent i can stand.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
I don't think British humor sucks. I think Mr. Bean's hilarious too!!! :D
End Quote
Thanks Hairspray. Mr. Bean was not bad but was a bit of a chore to watch at times. I am personally surprised that it was successful outside the UK. The film was rubbish though and seemed implausible after watching the half hour episodes on telly.
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
How can you say Brittish humor sucks when there's a show as hilarious as Mr. Bean???
End Quote
British humor doesn't "suck", per say. Its just...very dry and subtle. :)
And regarding Mr Bean, like Trigger Happy TV, Mr Bean was funny the first time I saw it. Then each time it got harder and harder to stay awake through the whole episode.
Subject: Re:
Mr. Bean was not bad...
The film was rubbish...End Quote
Rowan Atkinson was born to do comedy, no doubt about it. Mr. Bean rules, IMO. ;D I found the film to be a hoot. I own it too! :D 8) I can't wait to see his highly acclaimed film "Johnny English". :) Our American film critics love it!
Subject: Re:
Quoting: I can't wait to see his highly acclaimed film "Johnny English". :) Our American film critics love it!End Quote
My girlfriend went to see 'Johnny English' at the cinema and recommends it. It was based on an old Barclays bank advert, would you believe it?
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Hey, Dom Joly is the shiznit ;D
U need to get off the crack if u don't like Dom
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Rock on! I'm going to see Johnny English too...it looks funny...Mr. Bean is cool!
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
Rock on! I'm going to see Johnny English too...it looks funny...Mr. Bean is cool!
End Quote
If his new movie is anything like his old one, it will be straight to video in 3 weeks or less. :D
Subject: Re: "Trigger Happy TV" show
If his new movie is anything like his old one, it will be straight to video in 3 weeks or less. :DEnd Quote
His old one is great, IMO. The thing is, unless people were familiar with "Mr. Bean" the series, it is my opinion they wouldn't really "get" (understand) this type of humor enough to appreciate the movie or if they did "get" it, this type of humor just wasn't their "bag" (thing). Yes, I'm typing like a hippie today. ;D
The one thing which stood out for many about "Mr. Bean" was the fact that he said very little and what he did say was virtually mumbled. IMO, that's it's charm. :)
If Johnny English does end-up going to video in a few weeks by some crazy fluke, I'll be the first one in line to buy it. 8)