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Subject: Bowling For Columbine
Has anyone seen this movie? It's supposed to by a sort-of-documentary (not a mockumentary) by Michael Moore, about the illegal use weapons these days. It contains graphic footage of the Columbine tragedy. Some of it is darkly funny, as in the Marilyn Manson interview. Some of it is informative and shocking. How do you feel about this type of movie being shown in the wake of more recent acts of violence with guns? ???
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Why not? It's controversial, but the United States always seems to have some gun related issue going.
Here's a snippet from Michael Moore's home page:
Don't Let the Bush Cartel Take Control of the Senate. The Republicans are incorrigible at trampling on democracy. After stealing the 2000 presidential election (which Bush lost by more than a half a million votes), they are up to the same old tactics of bullying, lying, and deceit. In Georgia, they're intimidating minorities; In Florida, someone's calling Dems to tell them to vote AFTER the election; Vietnam-dodging Republicans are holding themselves up as war-mongering "patriots"; and the War on Iraq is a scheme to win back the Senate and deflect attention from the economy.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Bring it out.
Let Moore beat people over the head with his agenda, he's not known for his subltety.
I think the US needs to have alternative and main stream view points available to be evalutated and stir debate. While I loathe this slobs heavy left agenda It can still make for some intersting points.
By the way, the Iraq thing is not deflecting my town from the econominc problems, but of course we don't elect Republican senators (or congress) anyway.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I live in a state where both Dems and the GOP are supposedly Conservative. I, being a Moderate Republican, believe that whether owning a gun or not should be the decision of sane, rational people going by the U.S. Constitution. Children should not carry guns or other weapons to school for any reason. And no Uzi's or other guns like the snipers used should be in the hands other than officials who are permitted and tested to use them. I feel safer having the police and military use guns than having nuts shoot people at will. :(
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I agree with you, IG. I got on a rant at work on Friday saying all guns in the US should be confiscated, but that is an unworkable idea. I don't understand why automatic and semi-automatic weapons are still so readily available, though. It's a really tough issue.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Yeah I was watching this on Opra (not that I watch it), but I found it quite interesting. I laughed when that guys brother that did the Oklahoma bombing was interviewed and the idiot he was. He was saying he/we need protection. I like to know against what? But however, did like his interpretation of America he did in 3 minutes in his cartoon. Ish was hilarious, that was the most sarcasticness I seen in years that was so hilarious. Anyone else see it?
Bring the movie out, I wanna see the cartoon again!
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
You that know me on this board know that I don't comment on politics, religion, etc. I'll just say Michael Moore has been a "hero" of mine from waaay back.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Don't Let the Bush Cartel Take Control of the Senate. The Republicans are incorrigible at trampling on democracy. After stealing the 2000 presidential election (which Bush lost by more than a half a million votes), they are up to the same old tactics of bullying, lying, and deceit. In Georgia, they're intimidating minorities; In Florida, someone's calling Dems to tell them to vote AFTER the election; Vietnam-dodging Republicans are holding themselves up as war-mongering "patriots"; and the War on Iraq is a scheme to win back the Senate and deflect attention from the economy.
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Just another Hollywood Liberal trying to get his insane left viewpoint heard. How come "liberals" are the ones that want more government control? Shouldn’t it be opposite? I could argue all of these so called "points" on his home page, but I will refrain, because Logic and reason seams to fly right over the left's head.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I thought it was pretty interesting. It was a good idea making it seem a bit on the funny side, because its such a heavy topic. Ya need a bit of humor to break it up..ya know? ;)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
...they are up to the same old tactics of bullying, lying, and deceit.
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And the Dems never do that, do they? Sounds to me like the pot calling the kettle black. ::) I've never had much use for Michael Moore myself.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I think all the hollyweird liberals should take a hike to fantasy land....my son was killed by an idiot with a gun...aquired legally, but I will say this...if you try to outlaw guns, the outlaws still will find a way to aquire them >:(
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I agree with you, RnRF. Hollywood would like nothing more than to rule the world be their low standards. And forget about Demi Moore's speech on achieving "middle ground". She is as liberal as Hanoi Jane.
Having said that, I think we should leave the more dangerous weapons to those ordered to keep the peace in the hope that these outlaws will receive the same justice as other felons.
I think all the hollyweird liberals should take a hike to fantasy land....my son was killed by an idiot with a gun...aquired legally, but I will say this...if you try to outlaw guns, the outlaws still will find a way to aquire them >:(
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Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I think all the hollyweird liberals should take a hike to fantasy land....if you try to outlaw guns, the outlaws still will find a way to aquire them >:(
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I agree 100%. All the celebrity/wannabee politiciaons who do more campaigning than acting should be deported. And by the way, remember when Big Nose Streisand and No-Talent Baldwin said they were leaving the country if Bush was president? I'm still waiting for them to leave.
I'm a card-carrying member of the NRA and proud of it.
"An Armed state is a Free state"
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
One good thing about Ann Coulter: she has the sexiest legs ever! ;)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
You'd think all this gun control nonsense would be moot with all the legislation dealing with trigger locks and waiting periods and stuff...but like someone said earlier, the bad guys always find a way around it. Strange world we live in, no?
I read parts of Stupid White Men by Michael Moore...he's probably one of the most liberal people I've ever read, and that extreme radicalism sorta scares me.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
At least Moore is not as repugnant and repulsive as Ann Coulter, O'Reilly, Hannity And Colmes, ...
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funny how you only named Right-winged journalists(except Colmes, but he's so weak he doesn't count). We could easily say the same about every Left-wing journalist.
And as for your remark regarding the NRA, do you honestly beleive that gun-related crimes will actually drop significantly if guns are banned? Absolutely not. Liberals can say one day that ALL guns are banned in America, and you know what, there are still going to be illegal trades and sales of guns no matter what you do.
As far as I'm concerned, if you really want to to live in a country with no guns, I suggest packing your bags and heading north.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
One good thing about Ann Coulter: she has the sexiest legs ever! ;)
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Ann Coulter is by far the most attractive political type in America.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
As far as I'm concerned, if you really want to to live in a country with no guns, I suggest packing your bags and heading north.
End Quote
Not that there's anything wrong with Canada...Canadians are among the friendliest people in the world, and you're guaranteed to find a frozen pond for an impromptu hockey game six months out of the year ;)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
One good thing about Ann Coulter: she has the sexiest legs ever! ;)
End Quote
She's also one of the most intelligent women I've seen on television ;)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Speaking of Ann Coulter:
Politics never looked so pretty!
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
The Simpsons episode tonight sorta touched on the whole gun control thing :) apparently you need guns to defeat the sadistic zombie people, but in the far future guns will destroy civilization as we know it. Go figure.
As for the CNN anchor-people...bleah. Wolf Blitzer? pishaw.
I do think MSNBC's Ashleigh Banfield looks really sexy with her glasses and boots though. :)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Almost pulled a messageboard taboo there...my bad. :-[
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
do you really, as irrational as it may be, believe it would as high without the guns?
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Sure gun-related crimes would drop, but very little. My point is: you can ban guns, but there will always be illegal sales and trades going on underground.
And besides, why take guns away from people who do use them responsibly. Just because there are some nutsos who use their guns for the wrong reasons and who purchase them illegally doesn't mean every gun owner is that way.
And this statement is not directed only at Tarzan Boy, its to all the Gun-Hating Liberals who somehow think banning guns will end all the crime and murders in America.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Let's just not act surprised or scared the next time another citizen decides randomly it's someone's turn to die.
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And banning guns will just magically end all shootings I suppose. Give me a break. Just like the "war on drugs" got rid of all the drugs in America too right?
As I said, Liberals can try to ban guns, but people will still find a way to buy/sell them.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
In answering your question asked in your previous post(which is missing now for some reason): No I am not in favor of legalizing drugs.
My point was: they tried/try to rid the country of drugs, and it did nothing to the business.
Same would go for the banning of guns.
Thats all I'm saying.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Guns aren't drugs, 80sRocked.
Do you favor any sort of regulation at all?
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
So why all the hoopla about banning guns? End Quote
Well, this may make me sound like a wierdo, but I consider it a privelage to be able to go to a sporting goods store and be able to buy myself a nice hunting shotgun, or go to a gun show and find and buy that special collector Colt 45 that I'd been looking for for years.
Banning guns would make it illegal to do those things. Why punish me fand the millions of other responsible gun owners for the actions fo some crazy people who use guns for the wrong reason?
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Well, this may make me sound like a wierdo, but I consider it a privelage to be able to go to a sporting goods store and be able to buy myself a nice hunting shotgun, or go to a gun show and find and buy that special collector Colt 45 that I'd been looking for for years.
Banning guns would make it illegal to do those things. Why punish me fand the millions of other responsible gun owners for the actions fo some crazy people who use guns for the wrong reason?
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You might not believe this, but I've got no problem with you or any other non-felon buying a shotgun or a collectible Colt 45. Where I have problems is when we get to these hi-tech, semi automatic, armor piercing weapons.
Should there be any regulations on these type of weapons?
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Do you favor any sort of regulation at all?
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If by "regulation" you mean requiring extensive background checks for every hand-gun purchase, then Yes. I am not in favor of un-regulated sales/trades.
But like I said earlier, no matter what law is introduced to stop it, it will always occur. That is why I made the drug/gun comparison.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Where I have problems is when we get to these hi-tech, semi automatic, armor piercing weapons.
Should there be any regulations on these type of weapons?
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Well, Steve, the thing is: As much as I too beleive having a machine gun etc. may be excessive, I ask you, what more could you do to regulate those types of weapons other than making them illegal? And once again, let me say: you can make them illegal, but it will not stop the sale/trade of them. So whats the point?
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
There's a word in the dictionary for people who claim to be one thing, but do the exact opposite. As long as it's not your rights, it's fine, I suppose ::) How typically Republican.
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Resulting to personal attacks. Thats classy.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Ok. I'll contribute my opinion to this thread (perhaps not as eloquently as some of you ;D) -
I'm not against guns, just against all of those semi-automatic/automatic weapons like oozies, guns and rifles which are too powerful, big and excessive for hunting purposes.
All of those militaristic types of weapons really need to be taken off the streets with more diligence.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Tarzan Boy, I just stopped back in to see if there were anymore posts in this thread and noticed some of your posts in this thread are now gone. Whats going on.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I agree with you, and not just because I'm Republican. I don't think there's enough manpower to ensure that these "high-tech" weapons stay out of the country, and unfortunately we have to rely on people's common sense to prevent needless deaths and violence. Common sense doesn't always cut it though.
I thought there were training programs to teach people how to use the machine guns wisely, but for what reason they'd need these weapons, I don't know ???
Well, Steve, the thing is: As much as I too beleive having a machine gun etc. may be excessive, I ask you, what more could you do to regulate those types of weapons other than making them illegal? And once again, let me say: you can make them illegal, but it will not stop the sale/trade of them. So whats the point?
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Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
How's this for an analogy (it's getting onto my nap time, so pardon the fuzzy thinking)...
A shotgun is to marijuana what a semi-automatic, armor piercing, high caliber tank destroyer is to heroin. Most of us could probably be swayed by pro-shotgun and pro-marijuana arguments. Legalising heroin, though, is as frightening as what seems to many of us a mad proliferation of non-sportsmen type weapons.
Here's another fuzzy thought. We all hate lawyers, right. And at least half of us hate regulations. But, you know, unregulated industries that wreak havoc and death tend to be brought to bay by those loathsome lawyers. If you don't believe me, ask Phillip Morris.... Or Smith and Wesson... it's a matter of time before gun manufacturers are brought to the same bar the tobacco producers have been to. It may not lead to any new regulations, perish the thought, but... has anyone noticed how expensive cigarettes are becoming?
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Tarzan Boy, nice to see you came back.
By the way, I'm still wondering why some of your posts in this thread have mysteriously "dissapeared".
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Tarzan Boy, nice to see you came back.
By the way, I'm still wondering why some of your posts in this thread have mysteriously "dissapeared".
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Hi 80s dude...I just thought that this topic seems to be heating up a bit and to watch that you keep the conversation intellectual and not confrontational...apparently in some other threads somebody p-ed off the moderators...that MIGHT explain the dropped posts, but I haven't been following your arguments so I can't be sure. Just a heads up, werd ;)
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I can't beleive it.
If you are going to argue/debate on an issue as hot as this, you should at least have the decency/courage to keep your posts on, and not delete them before others have a chance to read what you said.
If you are going to say something simply for the sake of argument and then delete it later, then why bother.
Thats all I'm saying.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Y'all shouldn't get too personal about this...truth is, nobody is ever going to agree on this issue, it's just a tad too complex.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Rice Cube, you have inspired me.
In an issue as hot as this, it is clear that everyone involved must "agree to disagree". We could debate this for hours, and truth is, it will never change the opinions and viewpoints of the opposing party, and vice versa. So, Tarzan Boy, while I may disagree with your opinions, I do respect them.
"...while I may not agree with what you say, I would fight to the death to give you the right to say it..."
Therefore, in an effort to not gain an enemy on this board, I am leaving this thread.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I had hoped this would be a nice, friendly conversation on how everybody felt about the movie. But it has denigrated into the same old argument about gun-control. I have mostly myself to blame for this. So I would like more opinions about the content in the film. Thanks.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Indy, I thought the movie was about guns and gun control. It also seems that since it was made by Michael Moore (I haven't seen it, but I speculate based on his liberalism) it would be extreme and one-sided. I liked reading his books though. I'm sure the movie is thought-provoking, and in the end, that's what your thread did, was to provoke thoughts. Sure they were a tad hostile towards the end, but look at the issue involved! You can't argue guns in this country without having a wee bit of hostility. Still, you shouldn't blame yourself...it was a fun conversation.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I'm a card-carrying member of the NRA and proud of it.
End Quote
So is Michael Moore, believe it or not.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
So is Michael Moore, believe it or not.
End Quote
Then I suppose he would be objective in his documentary.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
So is Michael Moore, believe it or not.
End Quote
Moore received a liefetime membership as a child in the scouts. He is on record saying that if he were to become president of the NRA, his first order of business would be abolishing the organization. So yes, he is a member, but he would not be welcome at an NRA meeting.
And yes I know I said I was leaving the thread, but I thought I needed to clear this up about Moore being an NRA member.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
it'd be fun if you stayed around though :D
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I have not seen this documentary, but I have heard good things about it. For one, I've heard that it actually is objective, or at least more objective than you'd expect it to be, and several right-wing Christian sites have praised it for its ability to provoke serious thought. For example, here's some interesting points brought up during the movie: Canadians actually have MORE guns, per capita, than the States; they don't even have to lock their doors at night. Violent crime is down 20%; media coverage of violent crime is up 600%. I'm not going to say that there aren't moments that will you off if you're a Republican, but it seems to be worth it to watch.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Yeah, hang around 80sRocked. It's understandable if you don't, though. It's tough to be point on a flammable topic like this.
A couple of years ago I was on a baseball site and I took an unpopular position on Pete Rose. It was fun for a while, but only a while. Even the people who agreed with me agreed with me for the wrong reasons. I didn't need the hassle at a place I was supposed to have fun at...
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
Well needless to say I have cooled down a bit since last night. I try not to let myself get worked up on here or other sites like this, but I have my faults.
In fact, I used to go to political rooms on Paltalk(a voice chat program) and would get so involved I would have to take a few days off from it to cool down. I have yet to return there after being kicked off 5 months ago.
Anyway, no hard feelings to anyone who may have taken anything I said the wrong way.
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
I Love you guys!!! :D
Please return to your regularly scheduled program. ;D
Subject: Re: Bowling For Columbine
So, how do we talk about a subject like this without ripping each other apart?