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Subject: Poli Blog
Anyone want to say anything about next week's election?
Here in Minnesota the campaign is back on, after yesterday's memorial for Senator Paul Wellstone. Norm Coleman, the Republican challenger, was neck-and-neck with Wellstone. The Democratic selected Walter Mondale, who is polling 8 points ahead of Coleman. The memorial, which was attended by Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Trent Lott and a host of other politicians turned into a weird Democratic pep rally early on. Governor Turnbuckle stormed out at that point, Trent Lott simmered and Clinton... he was wildly cheered every time the camera turned on him.
Mondale's an old fashioned New Deal liberal. But he's been out of politics for nearly two decades and the whiff of brimstone is off him. Coleman has already cranked up his "young leadership for the future" message but... 8 points is a lot to make up in less than a week. President Bush is coming here on Saturday.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
I don't know much about Minnesota politics...I guess Mondale is a sentimental favorite since he was a popular 80s politician and the Democrats just lost a respected senator.
If Ventura isn't running for governor anymore, will Triple-H step in? :)
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
HHH's son, Skip, ran for governor in 98 and came in third. This state loathes Junior, but the reasons are too dark and deep to get into.
Mondale gave an intelligent, issue ridden acceptance speech to the Democratic caucus that nominated him tonight. Poor Norm Coleman... he ran for governor in 98 and was flattened by the Ventura steamroller, he had a decent chance to unseat Wellstone this year. Now the best he can hope for is an Honorable Defeat. Unfortunately he's already starting to sound like a yippy little rat terrier. He's hitting too many cue words... "young", "energetic", "future"... Christ, even I can here the gears shift in his campaign, and I'm not paying attention. Ventura blew him and Skip out of the water in '98 when he was acting like a professional pol with the Taste in His Mouth. It worked with Wellstone because, well, Wellstone was more annoying than Coleman.
Mondale is already looking like an eminence grise... he's already been in the Senate, been in the White House, been an Ambassador. Coleman was elected mayor of St. Paul after two unsuccessful campaigns for the job.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Norm Coleman has to be the unluckiest politician in Minnesota. Ran over by the Jesse Juggernaut in '98, swamped and probably beached by the tragic events of '02.
He's running the "shocked and saddened" ads, now. An informal poll I ran (Hey, Dave, what'd'ya think... Dana, did you see the Coleman article...?) shows unanimous agreement that Coleman is a likeable person, and he tends to be way too obviously "on message". His ambition is so blatent it's painful to watch. The key words v. Mondale seem to be "new ideas", "progressive", "energetic".
Up to six percent of Minnesotans voted by absentee ballots, and the state supreme court is deciding how to handle the ballots already cast. As it stands, the ones for Wellstone are to be thrown out, the ones for Coleman will count, and nobody who has absentee voted already is to be allowed to change their vote.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
I don't think there will be any problem with my CA absentee ballot, considering I voted Green this year...Davis and Simon are HORRIBLE gubenatorial candidates. They reek of evil.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
I never paid much attention to Minnesota politics until the Ventura thing. The rest of the country thanks you for demonstrating that a 3rd party CAN win and for showing that it's not always best when they do. I did see two debates for that gubanotorial election and thre reason Ventura won was becasue Coleman and Humprhey stuck to the partisan arguments (Yes for school voutures, No for school voutures) etc and Jessi stuck to a common sence line.
I think it would be great for Mondale to retire Coleman for good and hopefully Mondale be able to stick to his principals and serve how he wishes to since the Dem party owes him bigtime.
By the way, I have to ask; Why does anyone live in Minnesota in the winter? My gawd I had a girlfriend that was getting her masters at the UM and it took only one vistit for me to relise Seattle winter is no big deal. That was in '95-'96 when there was the -40 going on. 10,000 lakes dobn't do that much when they are all frozen! ;D
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Why does anyone live in Minnesota in the winter? My gawd I had a girlfriend that was getting her masters at the UM and it took only one vistit for me to relise Seattle winter is no big deal. That was in '95-'96 when there was the -40 going on. 10,000 lakes dobn't do that much when they are all frozen! ;D
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That's why hockey is so popular there...all those frozen rinks :) Plus you know those northern girls with the way they kiss they keep their boyfriends warm at night.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Yes, I can say that it was warm in some places when I visited my goirlfriend ;)
Plus you know those northern girls with the way they kiss they keep their boyfriends warm at night.
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Subject: Re: Poli Blog
That's why hockey is so popular there...all those frozen rinks :) Plus you know those northern girls with the way they kiss they keep their boyfriends warm at night.
End Quote
No way. I'd never choose to live in a place where evolution has taken a turn for the worse - the insects are bigger than the mammals :o What with all those "lakes," the mosquitos will eat you alive! :o
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
One thing I noticed when I visited Minneapolis, the drivers on the road are worse than the mosquitos! I was in a constant state of :o when i was walking about. Made me relize that we Seattlelites are a bit more coureous than other big metro areas.
No way. I'd never choose to live in a place where evolution has taken a turn for the worse - the insects are bigger than the mammals :o What with all those "lakes," the mosquitos will eat you alive! :o
End Quote
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
One thing I noticed when I visited Minneapolis, the drivers on the road are worse than the mosquitos! I was in a constant state of :o when i was walking about. Made me relize that we Seattlelites are a bit more coureous than other big metro areas.
End Quote
Sad, but true. We have some of the worse drivers in the nation. I think it's got less to do with a lack of courtesy, though; I think Minnesota drivers have a feeling of entitlement. Until a couple of years ago a pedestrian couldn't cross the street unless he was at a light. The cars simply refused to stop for anyone on foot. The law says pedestrians always have the right of way, and the authorities started enforcing it two years ago. Yeah -- Minnesota drivers are jerks.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Well I'll be damned! Maybe it would be better since it was '95 since I was there. I was near the UM campus so lots of peds around but even when you had the light you still looked both ways and ran like hell when you had the chance.
I went there around Thanksgiving and I can say the big thing I noticed was lack of color, then again WA is called the evergreen state and for clear reasons. I went back in June and it was very nice, the colors came out and much more pleasant.
Sad, but true. We have some of the worse drivers in the nation. I think it's got less to do with a lack of courtesy, though; I think Minnesota drivers have a feeling of entitlement. Until a couple of years ago a pedestrian couldn't cross the street unless he was at a light. The cars simply refused to stop for anyone on foot. The law says pedestrians always have the right of way, and the authorities started enforcing it two years ago. Yeah -- Minnesota drivers are jerks.
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Subject: Re: Poli Blog
I voted for Governor Turnbuckle in 98, and I would probably vote for him again this year if he were running. At least he had the decency to walk out of the Wellstone memorial when it turned into a get-out-the-vote rally. Gawd was that embarassing. :-[
There's been talk of a Mondale Coleman debate but we're down to the last 72 hours and nothing scheduled yet. Coleman is running "Paul Wellstone made me a better public servant" radio ads this morning. I've heard that his campaign is producing television ads slamming the Carter/Mondale administration...
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Huh, Mondale and Coleman are going to debate Monday evening. Mondale is stressing the "trust" issue, which makes sense at this point -- Coleman is a carpet bagging ex-Democrat who sweats ambition. This is the second major campaign he's been in in the last four years and watching him pursue that ambition is embarassing... kind of like watching a dog clean himself.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Hi Steve...
I read today that Governor Ventura appointed his own Independent Party Senate replacement...is that true?
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Hi Steve...
I read today that Governor Ventura appointed his own Independent Party Senate replacement...is that true?
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Not only, but he announced it at 10 in the morning, just when the one and only Mondale-Coleman debate was being held. Jesse's a sanctimonious thug. He's in a snit because the Independent Party and Green Party candidates weren't invited to the debate. Both parties are polling about 3%, which is the cut-off for debate recognition. Jesse has done nothing to help the Independent Party. If it was so important to him he should have spent the last four years building it. The unfortunate victim of his neglect is Tim Penny, the ex-US Representative and current Independent Party candidate for governor. He's fallen like a rock in the polls....
Our last real governor, Republican Arne Carlson, was on the radio just now. Commenting on the debate this morning, he said Mondale was the clear winner, although Coleman acquited himself well. Carlson said it was the best debate he's heard "in decades". If it comes on C-SPAN in your area, give it a peek.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
So this means that the debate was all for nothing, eh? Too bad.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
What I would like to know is why Minnesotans are so gung ho for Mondale all the sudden. Where were all these people in 1984 when he lost the Pres. election by 17,000,000 votes?
Everytime I see Mondale, I immediately think of the Carter administration and the 4 years miserable years America endured under them.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
The Minnesota Senate candidates probably won't be doing this anymore since the esteemed Gov. Ventura has flexed his political muscle, but has anyone felt assaulted by their state's political candidates either by junk mail or unsolicited phone calls? It is rather maddening.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
...but has anyone felt assaulted by their state's political candidates either by junk mail or unsolicited phone calls? It is rather maddening.
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Actually, I have only received one phone poll call, by Democrats. I just hung up on them, so it wasn't too bad.
My district doesn't really have any critical candidates this year. The Republican has a huge lead.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Speaking of phone calls, I just got one from Arnold Schwarzeneggar...that was awesome.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
What I would like to know is why Minnesotans are so gung ho for Mondale all the sudden. Where were all these people in 1984 when he lost the Pres. election by 17,000,000 votes?
Everytime I see Mondale, I immediately think of the Carter administration and the 4 years miserable years America endured under them.
End Quote
I think being out of politics for 20 years has a lot to do with it. Another thing that's helped Mondale, a lot in my opinion, was running a really short campaign. He was immune from the negatives that build up in a long campaign. Coleman wasn't (nor was Wellstone, for that matter)
There is black crepe on all the Wellstone lawn signs (I haven't noticed that any have been taken down). Struck today by the number of hand-made Mondale signs. My favorite one read "Deviate from the Norm. Elect Mondale '02".
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
Republicans are sweeping the boards as I write this. Amazing and impressive, especially considering it's an off year election. Coleman leads Mondale in the Minnesota race for US Senate, but the senate ballots are being counted separately from the regular ballots. Coleman leads 51-46, but the metro area ballots haven't been counted yet, so it's still up in the air. Mondale is expected to out perform Coleman in the cities.
I think, in all fairness, the mandate that President Bush didn't achieve in 2000 is being delivered this year. This is not only a victory for the separate candidates, but for Bush as well.
Subject: Re: Poli Blog
It's five o'clock in the morning here and the Associated Press is calling it for Norm Coleman, 52% to 47%. There was probably enough of a backlash against the Democratic rally at the Wellstone memorial service to have tipped it. Coleman's a smart, articulate politician. He'll make a good senator.