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Subject: Top 10 Movies of All Time
10. Almost Famous
9. Ordinary People
8. A Hard Day's Night
7. Reality Bites
6. Taxi Driver
5. Ghost World
4. In the Bedroom
3. Easy Rider
2. The Deer Hunter
1. Girl, Interrupted
Well there you have it. Questions, comments, comparisons?
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I'll have to do this without pictures, but I'm sure you can find the posters on www.imdb.com :)
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. The Shawshank Redemption
3. Dirty Dancing
4. Back to the Future
5. Braveheart
6. The Karate Kid
7. The American President
8. Rocky III (Mr. T rocks)
9. Chicken Run
10. Major League
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
In no particular order (my favorites tend to change since there are so many good movies IMO)
The Abyss
Lord of The Ring
Star Wars
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (a childhood movie I will always love)
Silence of the Lambs
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
In No particular order:
1) Monsters Inc.
2) Toy Story I & 2
3) The Others
4) Alien Series (Can I count those as one? ;D)
5) Rocky Series, Except V (Ditto?)
6) Star Wars Series (Hmmm...? ;))
7) The Exorcist
8) Tomb Raider
9) Raising Arizona
10) The Terminator Series (The Terminator 3 is coming out next year!!! :D :D :D)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Honorable mentions to:
Leviathan (The Ocean Version Of Alien, IMO. ;D)
The Abyss (Excellent groundbreaking special fx. 8))
The Sixth Sense (Well done. :))
I'm sure I'll come up with more later.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Rocky V does not exist. I (and others like me) will NOT argue about this.
In No particular order:
1) Monsters Inc.
2) Toy Story I & 2
3) The Others
4) Alien Series (Can I count those as one? ;D)
5) Rocky Series, Except V (Ditto?)
6) Star Wars Series (Hmmm...? ;))
7) The Exorcist
8) Tomb Raider
9) Raising Arizona
10) The Terminator Series (The Terminator 3 is coming out next year!!! :D :D :D)
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Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I never quite understood that whole scene when they were on the candy boat on the chocolate river and then it turned into one really bad acid trip. Was that supposed to appeal to the kids or to stoned theater-goers? HMMM... ::)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (a childhood movie I will always love)
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Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Rocky V does not exist. I (and others like me) will NOT argue about this.End Quote
What does "and others like you" mean?
What are you and others like you like?
I too would deny the existence of this travesty of a movie called "Rocky V".
But... alas... ::) It does exist whether we liked it or not. :-/
Trying to "block it out" may be a good idea afterall. ;)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I never quite understood that whole scene when they were on the candy boat on the chocolate river and then it turned into one really bad acid trip. Was that supposed to appeal to the kids or to stoned theater-goers? HMMM... ::)
End Quote
Most likely the stoned theater-goer. ;) ;D What can I say I am a chocoholic and the chocolate factory is the ultimate fantasy. :D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
In no particular order:
1. The Mummy
2. Shirley Valentine
3. Shrek
4. Harold and Maude
5. Top Gun
6. Moulin Rouge
7. Dave (I'm Kevin Kline mad!)
8. Rushmore
9. The Life of Brian
10. Babette's Feast
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
1. Wonka and the Chocolate factory
2. Krull
3. Gremlins
4. Underground (Serbia)
5. Beautiful Village, beautiful flames (Serbia)
6. Charlie's Angels
7. The Empire Strikes back
8. Beetlegeuse
9. (dare I say) Harry Potter & the Philosophers Stone (fun!)
10. The Lost Boys.
PS: Tarzanboy, I'm surprised to see "Breaker Morant" in your lineup! We had to study that to DEATH at school so I'm OVER it! ;)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
1. Wonka and the Chocolate factory
2. Krull
3. Gremlins
4. Underground (Serbia)
5. Beautiful Village, beautiful flames (Serbia)
6. Charlie's Angels
7. The Empire Strikes back
8. Beetlegeuse
9. (dare I say) Harry Potter & the Philosophers Stone (fun!)
10. The Lost Boys.
PS: Tarzanboy, I'm surprised to see "Breaker Morant" in your lineup! We had to study that to DEATH at school so I'm OVER it! ;)
End Quote
Where's Rock Star? ??? Not to mention Swedish On the Loose? ???
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
You all must be kidding. ::) ;)
No particular order, just putting in some that must be or are near top 10 for me.
Singin' In the Rain
Gone w/the Wind
Ben-Hur ('59)
King and I
Court Jester
Superman ('79)
Return of the Jedi (all the original are very good - and the new 1s aren't bad)
Star Trek IV (all were good except V)
Last of Mohicans ('91)
Quo Vadis ('53)
Meet Me in St Louis
My Fair Lady
Sound of Music
Sixth Sense
I don't know, I could go on....the Abyss was very good (neat concept) and so was the Others; some else here were very good too but not sure I'd put them in my top 10.
And the 400 Blows - BLOWS. Worst movie I can even imagine! Yikes! >:( :P
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
1.Silence of the Lambs
2-?.Everything else.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
You want me to pick just 10? Okay, these are in no particular order:
1. The Road Home
2. Farewell My Concubine
3. The King Of Masks
4. Shall We Dance?
5. Adrenaline Drive
6. Sisters Of Gion
7. Monsoon Wedding
8. Gone With The Wind
9. Full Metal Jacket
10. Arthur
If you're interested, the first 3 are Chinese movies and the next 3 after that are Japanese movies.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Seen them. I like this one in particular. A lot of Japanese films (foreign films, really) focus on day-to-day things and dialogues, which is refreshing after most of the bigger than big Hollywoof fare in where everyone breaks into song, all problems are solved in the end, overdone situations/bad stories and scripts, acting that is just plain blah, big budgets overshadowing all these bad qualities, shock value, et cetera. Tokyo Cowboy (a Canadian film) is another one, even though the premise is strange and unrealistic - one can't help but get caught up in the drama of the situations portrayed later on.
I guess here in the US, one would call this type of film-making as "indie" or "guerrilla" since they don't follow the formulaic junk. The French were at the forefront on this from waaay back in the late 50s and early 60s - they called it Nouvelle Vague (New Wave) and have made some memorable, if iconoclastic and truly rebellious, material. Something like The 400 Blows :) is one of a kind - nothing like it existed before (!) and the ideas behind it are so innovative (it is certainly recognized by great film-makers worldwide as influential - try asking Martin Scorcesse and Paul Schrader about it). The closest thing the US could come up before this were films like Rebel Without A Cause and Blackboard Jungle, but when compared to Truffaut's vision of rebelliousness and alienated youth, Rebel... looks like a glossy poster. In the world of New Wave nothing is made up to look beautiful; it is meant to look as realistic as possible - if it's ugly, it's because it really is ugly; if it's beautiful, it's because it already was... strange concept that the US still has yet to grasp...
End Quote
I'm well aware of how "Great" the fancy-schmancy film connoisseurs (professional and amateur) think "400 Blows" is and all non-Hollywood films are. So sorry, I don't exactly see your views as truly liberal or rebellious or unique at large. Only us average guys would watch Hollywood tripe. I don't gush over something because it's supposed to be avant-garde or even innovative (Jurassic Park? please), any more than I praise things because they're "mainstream" and "bourgeois". I call it as I see it myself, not as super-special "artistes" see it, and I'm not impressed by Truffaut or "reality" (as if boredom and ugliness and violence are always everyone's reality) shows.
Incidentally, in my (1 liberal-arts) film class, along w/"400 Blows", "Singin' in the Rain" also made it as 1 of the great films ever anywhere for its mixture of elements. And the viewers got much more out of that, it was plain, than they did from the other. So what if we get a few laughs out of it? Is that so terrible to feel a bit better for having fun at a movie? Must everything even be analyzed?
OK, maybe I better get off the soapbox again..... ;) Sorry to go on so, it's just not new to me. :)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
In no particular order:
Without Limits (The Steve Prefontaine Story) 1998
Animal House-1978
Van Wilder-2000
Real Genius-1985
Dumb & Dumber-1995
Raiders Of The Lost Ark-1981
Heaven Can Wait-1978
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Just to throw a little thickener in the soup. What about a silent era movie or two? How's about Erich von Stroheim's Greed: http://www.silentera.com/info/img/greed.jpg
Or the greatest horror movie of all time, Bride of Frankenstein: http://www.filmsite.org/posters/bride4.gif
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
A couple more off the top of my head:
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Just a stab in the dark...
Orson Wells?
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Too easy, Sarge.... it's Peter Lorre, of course... and that was a creepy movie
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Peter Lorre was a nifty little actor. He might have played a fat bug-eyed squeakball late in his career, but he had the chops. Couple other top ten considerations:
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
That's ok. I was never good with names and faces anyway. ;)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Just a couple more and I'll let it rest...
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Where's Rock Star? ??? Not to mention Swedish On the Loose? ???
End Quote
Right you are my friend! "RockStar' would DEFINITELY be in my Top films list *hee!*...as for "on the Loose", - if i could understand 3 words spoken in the film, I'd like it more...my copy is fully Swedish and has NO subtitles!!! Its great to watch though...Im sure you''ll agree! ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
You want me to pick just 10? Okay, these are in no particular order:
1. The Road Home
2. Farewell My Concubine
3. The King Of Masks
4. Shall We Dance?
5. Adrenaline Drive
6. Sisters Of Gion
7. Monsoon Wedding
8. Gone With The Wind
9. Full Metal Jacket
10. Arthur
If you're interested, the first 3 are Chinese movies and the next 3 after that are Japanese movies.
End Quote
Such diverse tastes you have...most of these are artsy films that I've never heard of. I will have to see Full Metal Jacket sometime though :)
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
The first half of Full Metal Jacket was sensational. The second half was a real big let-down. Do yourself a favor if you're renting it for the first time; stop after Gomer Pyle makes his final exit. You won't be missing much.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Just read the last few posts, and here's my thoughts:
First of all the_OlLine_Rebel, I can see where you're coming from, but seriously you're a bit out of line. Tarzan Boy never stated any of that pseudo intellectual film poseur crap that you are so against in his posts, so your attacking of him seems a bit unfair.
The people here seem to have some really diverse tastes, which is cool, and you all like what you like, which is also cool.
(nice vocabulary there, huh?)
Anyway, Steve H, have you seen Birth of a Nation or Battleship Potemkin? Both excellent silent movies.
And Hairspray, I have seen some of Welles' work, and I may be in a minority here, but I don't really like it. Citizen Kane is very overrated, and frankly, not particularly interesting. Are you a fan of his work? Personally, movies from the 40s don't really gel with me, Hollywood was brilliant in the 50s, great towards the end of the 60s, and fantastic in the mid to late 70s
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I didn't get Citizen Cane either, I rented it a couple of years ago and it put me to sleep, literally.
Just read the last few posts, and here's my thoughts:
First of all the_OlLine_Rebel, I can see where you're coming from, but seriously you're a bit out of line. Tarzan Boy never stated any of that pseudo intellectual film poseur crap that you are so against in his posts, so your attacking of him seems a bit unfair.
The people here seem to have some really diverse tastes, which is cool, and you all like what you like, which is also cool.
(nice vocabulary there, huh?)
Anyway, Steve H, have you seen Birth of a Nation or Battleship Potemkin? Both excellent silent movies.
And Hairspray, I have seen some of Welles' work, and I may be in a minority here, but I don't really like it. Citizen Kane is very overrated, and frankly, not particularly interesting. Are you a fan of his work? Personally, movies from the 40s don't really gel with me, Hollywood was brilliant in the 50s, great towards the end of the 60s, and fantastic in the mid to late 70s
End Quote
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
And Hairspray, I have seen some of Welles' work, and I may be in a minority here, but I don't really like it. Citizen Kane is very overrated, and frankly, not particularly interesting. Are you a fan of his work?End Quote
I'm not a fan. But I'm not a film buff either. I know of some of his work and the "War Of The Worlds" radio broadcast thing, which I thought was brilliant and the reaction awesome. I think I saw "Citizen Kane" quite a long time ago and I don't remember it making any impression on me. But, again, I'm not a film buff. I only mentioned him earlier in the thread as a sheer guess to TB's query. ;D
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I haven't seen Battleship Potemkin, but I did see Birth of a Nation... it's pro- Ku Klux Klan, if I remember.
Here's a still from a scene from my favorite movie:http://www.openix.com/~danb/seventh6.jpg
Citizen Kane may be the greatest movie, but I wonder how many people enjoy it. I think that's what OLine was talking about... at any rate, it may have been innovative, shocking, a perfect work of art, but it's not a lot of fun. And movies are supposed to be fun. I'd rather watch http://www.filmsite.org/posters/touc3.jpg.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Just the one so far, Tarzan Boy. It worked for me and I'd have the devil of a time saying why. Maybe it was the visuals more than anything... I don't know, it seems like foreign films concentrate more on characters, American films more on plot.
Course, there's another foreign movie no-ones mentioned yet:http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/165000/images/_165658_seven_samurai.jpg
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Close enough. It's The Seven Samurai.
Leave them on, Tarzan Boy. It's fun looking at the old posters.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
The Magnificent Seven wasn't half the movie The Seven Samurai was. Funny how guys like Kurosawa and Leone got the westerner down better than we did.
Okay, here's my top ten as of today:
1. The Seventh Seal
2. The Searchers
3. The Seven Samurai
4. Treasure of the Sierra Madre
5. The Bride of Frankenstein
6. Out of the Past
7. Schindler's List
8. Some Like It Hot
9. It's a Gift
10. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
No love for Rashomon, Steve?
Also TB, you mentioned Fellini in one of your posts, I take it you have seen 8 1/2? What did you think of that one?
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
OK, guys, I admit I was a bit "out of line" jumping down TB's throat in this case. And it could be said I started it by knocking "400 Blows" which TB listed (but which I still say SUCKS BIG TIME), and to which he surreptitiuosly replied by way of someone else.
(HEY, where is TB's post about how good 400Blows was, and Scorcese ref, and Hollywood-bashing? It's gone - only left as a quote in my post!?)
Anyway, sorry for the offense. I just wanted to stick up for that Hollywood fare, which seems to be largely "dissed" here. Not that I like much of anything that's been put out in my lifetime, but I will definitely speak up for pre-Rebel stuff. (BTW, I never said I was "rebellious" per se, just pointing out that at Cannes these viewpoints are not so rebellious either.) I guess things set me off alot more than they used to - I can't help thinking of reviews, discussions and arguments that have gone on re: (whatever subject) and I now sort of automatically launch into it even though it wasn't set up for discussion. :-X ;) I used to be much more stoic and even-tempered. Now I'm more hot-head.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Citizen Kane may be the greatest movie, but I wonder how many people enjoy it. I think that's what OLine was talking about... at any rate, it may have been innovative, shocking, a perfect work of art, but it's not a lot of fun. And movies are supposed to be fun. I'd rather watch
End Quote
You got it. Except that I'd never say something is the "greatest" w/o it touching the public at large. Not saying something is the greatest which pulled in the most people (NOT money - a bad misleading criterion), but it should be something that is very popular overall, and maybe then look at what the movie itself did. After all, if alot of people don't like it, isn't there naturally something wrong? (And please, no snide attacks like "Yeah, Americans never watch other films". I mean of what they get to watch at least - how do the "foreign" films do in their respective heavy markets? How many will see a movie? Better yet, how many will gladly see same again in the theater ?)
I'm not a big fan of Citizen Kane. I mean in some ways it's interesting, but it doesn't hold interest. I can see it once and get over it. That Marion Davies character is annoying and frankly, ol' Orson never looked old, just covered in makeup w/a skullcap. But I did like that he was fixated on the sled; I thought that was sweet and actually quite realistic esp. for his situation as a child. I'm amazed no1 ever seems to know that "Rosebud" is the sled - it's obvious at the end even - did people just fall asleep by the end that this would be a big question as if it were a mystery?
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
You got it. Except that I'd never say something is the "greatest" w/o it touching the public at large. Not saying something is the greatest which pulled in the most people (NOT money - a bad misleading criterion), but it should be something that is very popular overall, and maybe then look at what the movie itself did. After all, if alot of people don't like it, isn't there naturally something wrong? (And please, no snide attacks like "Yeah, Americans never watch other films". I mean of what they get to watch at least - how do the "foreign" films do in their respective heavy markets? How many will see a movie? Better yet, how many will gladly see same again in the theater ?)
I'm not a big fan of Citizen Kane. I mean in some ways it's interesting, but it doesn't hold interest. I can see it once and get over it. That Marion Davies character is annoying and frankly, ol' Orson never looked old, just covered in makeup w/a skullcap. But I did like that he was fixated on the sled; I thought that was sweet and actually quite realistic esp. for his situation as a child. I'm amazed no1 ever seems to know that "Rosebud" is the sled - it's obvious at the end even - did people just fall asleep by the end that this would be a big question as if it were a mystery?
End Quote
Well, the only flick I saw more than once in a theater was Billy Jack... and if that was a great movie I'm still a teenager. I don't think sales = anything worthwhile. If it did, Titanic should be on a lot more lists than it is.
I think "greatest" is a misnomer. A Serious Movie Critic has to list Citizen Kane high, if for no other reason than to keep his credentials. It's a lot better, in my opinion, to talk about "favorites". People have different tastes, and a movie as highly regarded as Citizen Kane, I feel, is praised for reasons other than its intrinsic qualities. The herd mentality is as strong in the film criticism circles as anywhere else.
I don't care if I see Citizen Kane or Casablanca ever again. I've never seen Gone With the Wind and I don't feel the need to change that now.
You do know the inside story on "Rosebud", don't you?
Subject: The Many Faces of Orson Welles
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
The first half of Full Metal Jacket was sensational. The second half was a real big let-down. Do yourself a favor if you're renting it for the first time; stop after Gomer Pyle makes his final exit. You won't be missing much.
End Quote
Are you Kidding!! the whole movie is great. I personally think post Gomer Pile is the best part. It is where the "Moral" of the movie is contained. Just to watch the boot camp scenes would be to almost not watch the movie at all.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I thought FMJ ran out of steam after the first half. If you liked the movie, though, you out to pick up Dispatches by Michael Herr. A great book the movie was based on.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
Completely subjective. I'm not even a frivolous film critic, let alone a serious one. These are the ten movies that "moved me", and that I'll watch again and again even though I can quote the dialog before it's uttered:
1) Ben Hur
2) High Noon
3) Hunt for Red October (even though it has Red Baldwin)
4) It's a Wonderful Life
5) Marty
6) American Grafitti
7) Dead Poets Society
8) Bells of St. Mary's
9) Wild One
10) True Grit
Honorable mention: Foreign: "Babette's Feast" (A French movie about food, not sex!), followed by a really obscure one - "The Boys of Paul Street" ("Pal Utca Fiuk" - Hungarian); Horror: The Cat People (The 1940 original, not the remake), followed by "The Exorcist"; Science Fiction: The Day the Earth Stood Still (despite a blooper - Harvard Street, where the boardinghouse is located, is several miles from the Mall, yet the characters are shown walking out the door and arriving, on foot, moments later); War: "Patton", followed by "The Longest Day"; Musical: "Fiddler on the Roof"; Comedy: any of the "Airplane" series, followed by the French "Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob"; Detective/Crime: "Tony Rome" tied with "Chinatown"; Miscellaneous/Obscure: "The Perez Family" with Marisa Tomei, followed by "An American Rhapsody".
OK, critics, have at me, I can take it!
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
These are in no paticular order.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Grapes of Wrath
Dances With Wolves
Field of Dreams
It's a Wonderful Life
Schindler's List
Silence of the Lambs
The Godfather I and II
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
What about "Goodfellas", "Reservoir Dogs", ??? Shame shame shame on you people!
Just kidding ;D ;)
I didn't notice anyone mention those 2 and had to throw them into the hat too.
I also agree with the folks that agree that "Citizen Kane" is overrated. Thinking back, I cannot honestly tell you anything that would regard it as the Best Movie of All Time.
Some of my favorites(besides the 2 mentioned above), in no order:
Uncommon Valor
Back to the Future (original, not the sequels)
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Full Metal Jacket
American Graffiti
the Outsiders
Radiers of the Lost Ark III
...just to name a few.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
PF4Eva, Britney Spears failed attempt at acting in the movie flop "Cross Roads" proved there is actually something worse than her singing; her acting.
Subject: Re: Top 10 Movies of All Time
I will take this one step further...by asking PF4Eva if he's kidding or not. I hope you are :-/
PF4Eva, Britney Spears failed attempt at acting in the movie flop "Cross Roads" proved there is actually something worse than her singing; her acting.
End Quote
Anyway...I thought I'd make a top 10 comedy movies list...
1) My Cousin Vinny ("a yute? what's a yute?")
2) The Naked Gun ("steeeeeeeeeeeeeeerike three!!!")
3) SpaceBalls ("I bet she gives GREAT helmet!")
4) Austin Powers Trilogy ("It looks like she's been beaten with an ugly stick!")
5) As Good As It Gets (the dog is so cute)
6) Rat Race (the scene with Jon Lovitz and Hitler's car is priceless)
7) Clerks (Dante and Randall's Star Wars argument is worth the whole movie)
8) Chicken Run (I love Brit humor)
9) There's Something About Mary ("How'd you get the beans above the franks!?")
10) UHF ("STUPID!!! You're so STUPID!!!")
I'd list the Monty Python movies, but I haven't seen them...though I should ;)