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Subject: Jacka*s
So anyone going to see Jackass when it opens on Friday? I personally love to see grown men inflicting pain upon themselves, while their friends stand by and snicker. http://www.inthe00s.com/smilies/twak.gif
I mean, Steve-O pierced his butt on purpose in one episode!
Now that's good comedy.
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
No. I have to deal with enough Jack*sses at work without seeing a movie based on some. ::)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I didn't care for it on MTV so I don't see myself spending the $7 to see it in the theaters. A huge pierced butt on a huge screen :-X. Of course, if it ever comes on cable I will watch it then. ;)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
So anyone going to see Jackass when it opens on Friday? End Quote
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
So anyone going to see Jacka*s when it opens on Friday?End Quote
No. I'd rather flush $7.50 down the toilet, literally. That way, I save on the gas money, time, energy, effort and aggravation. It looked sooooo.... stupid in the previews, it was un-funny.
I guess I have old-fashioned ideas of what Good comedy is. ::)
And just to prove that I'm not totally uncool, I own "Dumb & Dumber" and "Beavis & Butthead's Do America" and I also played "Quake II" on PC and "Half Life" - if that makes any difference. ;D
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
Nope...can't stand the tv show and will definately not watch the movie.
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
A couple of friends at work were talking about it and wanting to go. I can say NO WAY IN HELL!
I've never thought of myself as an elitest or one to take a high moral ground but this is garbage and is an example of the decline of western civilzation. There stunts are not much differnet than Romans throwing Christians to the lions for entertainment. Movies, televison, and even radio are big on displaying pain and humilition on others, even when it willing people that doens't make it less sick, only more so. I'm not going to encourage or support any of it.
A quick note, I don't hate people that do, I just question there tastes.
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
There stunts are not much differnet than Romans throwing Christians to the lions for entertainment. A quick note, I don't hate people that do, I just question there tastes.
End Quote
Ok wait a minute Race Bannon, this show/movie is in NO WAY the same as your quote above, mainly because they're not throwing others into the lions den, they're doing it to themselves, and that's what makes it funny to me.
Seems as though I'm very outnumbered on this topic, and that's fine (i'm used to it), but don't start digging on my "taste" or "morals" just because I think it humorous what some idiots will do for a laugh.
Get off the horse, it was just a question for the group, I didn't ask for judgement on my personal morals.
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
Yes I'm opinionated but don't mean to offend. The 2 guys that were talking about going I work with are friends and I respect them, we just have different tastes. I do think it's sad that people will subject themselves to that kind of treatment for 'laughs".
JHC, you could very well be a fine person, we just wouldn't go see a movie together. ;D
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
Your post became technically corrupt. Fortunately, I was able to save the gist of it and place it in quote for me to reply to you:
Feldy quote:
"Put your money where your mouth is! I want to see an MPEG of you flushing $7.50 down the toilet. I bet you wont. Feldy
You're kidding?
In case you're not, I have no need, nor the desire to make such a choice. ::)
Instead of making empty statements, make an intelligent statement as to why you disagree with my point of view. ;)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I just thought it would be funny to see that on video.
-feldy :D
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I just thought it would be funny to see that on video.
-feldy :D
End Quote
I'd rather flush a cam down the t... HA! Just kiddin'. ;)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
If anyone does end up seeing it and the Oompa Loompa skateboarding is shown, drop me a line, that might be worth the price of a matinee there ;D
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I mean, Steve-O pierced his butt on purpose in one episode!
Now that's good comedy.
End Quote
My god that was NASTY!! Yet, strangely, I still carried on watching? Its wierd show that sucks you in - it can be quite funny. :)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I'll just wait til it pops up at the $1.50 place. :-)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I am really surprised that everyone is so anti jacka$$. They are not bad guys in my opinion. I find myself more entertained than repulsed. The only parts I dont care for is when they are vomiting all over each other or when santa got his colon cleansed. That was overstepping the bounds of decency.
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
Has anyone seen the movie yet? Any Oompa Loompas or BMX jousting?
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
I'll just wait til it pops up at the $1.50 place. :-)
End Quote
Or when they show it on TBS, in about 13 years with half the scenes cut out. ;)
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
The critics rated this movie 0 stars. :o-howard-
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
They were being generous.
The critics rated this movie 0 stars. :o-howard-
End Quote
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
jackass took #1 at the box office.
it's a sign of the Apocalypse :o
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
jackass took #1 at the box office.
it's a sign of the Apocalypse :o
End Quote
Armageddon!!! :o :o :o
What's happened to soceity as a whole?
What's happened to soceity?
It's the end of the world, as we know it.
I AM shocked and I shouldn't be. We're going to hell in a handbasket. :P
Subject: Re: Jacka*s
Jackass #1 at the box office? Were already there. :(
We're going to hell in a handbasket. :P
End Quote