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Subject: when will the 00's start?
Many ppl would consider the years 1990 and 1991, some even say 1992, as the final years of the 80's, not 1989, similary most ppl dont think the 90's have really ended to this point. so my question is do you think 00's will ever really start? and if so, when do you think it will really begin? 2003? 2004? keep in mind lots can happen in only 12 months and ppl will really know its the end of an era.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Who knows. We had at least some idea of where things were going in the late '80s and early '90s. Much of the '80s had actually died down by 1988 and 1989, and the very early '90s were just phasing out whatever was left over.
We have no indication right now that the '90s are even slowing down. It seems to be going on forever. For instance, if you tried saying "totally radical!" in 1990, or even the second half of 1989, you would have been laughed at for using an outdated slang phrase. But you can still use '90s lingo like "da bomb!" now and it's still acceptable.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
For me, with worries about the Millennium Bug, new century projections for all kinds of practical things measured over ten years ago, and so forth, this millennium (Starting from 2001CE) began way too early. Possibly anticipatory, probably the mere fact that so much has happened that people jump on the bandwagon and say they were right all along.
Or something.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I'm hoping the 90's will be finally over by 2003/ASAP.
We need a fresh start, new ideas, new and original music, new fashions, refined/filtered dialect - slang is all good but I'm tired of the excessive swearing trend of today.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
For me, with worries about the Millennium Bug, new century projections for all kinds of practical things measured over ten years ago, and so forth, this millennium (Starting from 2001CE) began way too early. Possibly anticipatory, probably the mere fact that so much has happened that people jump on the bandwagon and say they were right all along.
Or something.
End Quote
I think the original poster means that the pop culture of the present is no different from the 1990's. This current pop culture is just a hold over, or rerun of the late '90s. Britney Spears, Eminem, Christina Aguilera, N'SYNC, BSB, Creed, these are all late '90s acts. And the fashion now is still for the most part a '90s style. Many popular TV shows now like Buffy and Friends are '90s shows, not really 2000s shows. Even in 1990, you had a recognized '90s show like Seinfeld around.
Also, in 1991 and 1992 you already had Pearl Jam and Nirvana on the scene, as well as gangsta rap. There's nothing different around now to seperate the current pop culture from that of the '90s. It's not even slowing down. At least during the late '80s/early '90s time, the actual Eighties were slowing down conisderably. Fashions and hairstlyes were dissappearing, as well as slang catch phrases. Even the late '70s/early '80s had the '70s pop culture dying down very quickly.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Historically, like the 60's began on November 22 1963, the 00's started at Sept. 11 2001.
Pop-culturally, I think they're about to start very soon. The teen pop trend has been going down steadily, the success of The Hives and The White Stripes in the face of a million faceless nu-metal bands seems to indicate that a change is coming.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
lets see 80's started probably 83 and 90's probably started 92 so 2001 the 00's should start. Doesn't sound right. Maybe next year in 2003 the 00's will start.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I don't know when the 00's will start. I hoping it would be in late 01/early 02, but no! Most things are still so late 90ish. My older cousin who was a teen in the early 80's thru late 80's said the 80's began in 82, started to slow down in 88 and was dead by late 91. He told me that during his senior year in high school which was in late 87/early 88 that New Wave music was already considered outdated when it was just a brand new style of pop music 8 years earlier.
My mom told me that 1980 and 81 were completely different from 1978 and 79. She also told me that even bellbottoms and Disco music were already considered outdated by the second half of 1979. But there wern't much differances between 1997 and 2002 as in styles in clothing and music. I guess everyone still likes the late 90's. But it will die out soon.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Okay, my take. I think it's best to go to a bi-decade type of measurement process, to much happens in 10 years. Being born in '66 I rember clearly from '75 on.
70-75-transition from hippie and vietnam protest generations. "Earthy living and styles still big, folk type music popular.
75-80-Disco years, louder, wilder colors, "me" generation.
80-85-Preppy styles, wide legs gone, skinny ties in. Thank god collars shrank too. New Wave era of music hit.
85-89-Big Hair days, to much spandex and leather. Clothes got louder again.
89-95-Grunge, earthy styles again. Hiar was relaxed and even cut short. Politics liberlised, cold war ended.
95-2000-Techo generation really hit big, to much info to fast. 24 hour news all the time, the OJ thing set the tone. Music not so easily classified "pop" music can mean anything. Gangsta Rap top of the charts one week, Mariah Carey the next, the next year Mariah is dropped from her lable.
The stock market goes crazy, to many jobs to fill and not enough people, computer wiz makes a bundle.
2000-Present- Still mostly same except reality hits, dot.com goes dot.bomb. Computer wiz mowing lawns and having to bathe regulary to look for work. Business world upswing plummets down, stock market drops faster. "Fuzzy math" went from George Bush's interpretation of Gore's plans to how to much of the books were kept in large business.
The 2000s are here, just now that great a time to remember.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I graduated high school back in 1993. So my high school years were 1989 to 1993 obviously. BIG CHANGES when I went to high school. Everything about pop culture, and even world politics turned on it's head during my high school years. When I started as a freshmen in the Fall of 1989, Bush Sr. was still president, and he basically acted like a lite version of Ronald Reagan. Also, the USSR and the Berlin Wall were still around. And stuff like Paula Abdul, Bobby Brown, New Kids on the Block, Motley Crue, Bon Jovi and Milli Vanilli were still popular. All that late late late, literally December 31st late '80s stuff was still what kids were listening to.
By the time I was a senior and graduated in the spring of 1993, that was all completely OUT DATED. Everything about the late '80s was considered old hat and no one even dared talk about the '80s anymore. There was no more USSR or Berlin Wall, and Bill Clinton was the President. When I was a junior and senior, the pop culture was all about the beginnings of '90's grunge. Though the truth is, even when I started high school in 1989, you could feel everything about the '80s going out the window very quickly, and most of the decade wasn't considered cool anymore. I remember very clearly that talking about anything that happened before 1988 was a serious no no.
So sometimes, these things can happen very rapidly. Change in pop culture and politics can happen very quickly in the span of only 2-3 years.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Spidey, spoken like a person truly there, someone that sences open and could observe. My argument was that it begain in '89 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, that and I had moved to Seattle that year so the vibe was strong.
I loved 89-95.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
^Oh yeah I agree, the grunge probably did start in Seatle or other places back in 1989. I never really noticed it in my high school until late 1991 though. I'm just trying to point out to these other people here that are wondering when the '00s will change from the '90s, that things in the world can change very quickly when you least expect it. Just look at my high school years. So many things changed so fast when I was in high school. When I was a senior in 1993, the politics were different, the world situation was a little different, and the fashions and music were definately VERY DIFFERENT then when I started in 1989.
I remember once telling my younger sister that when she graduated high school in 2000, a lot of things in the world was still the same as it was when she started in 1996. Same president, same fashions and basically same music, etc, etc. I keep telling her how everything changed so fast when I was in high school and she agrees that sometimes things can change very fast right before your eyes. You never really know when these sudden shifts will occur.
But I do agree, that these changes usually do coincede with changes in domestic or world politics, and I was convinced that when 9-11-01 happened, that pop culture would change too.
Boy was I wrong....I'm also very surprised that it's October 2002 and pop culture is still kinda the same. But it could shift any minute.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Very true, 89-94 was a dynamic time but I think that period your sister was in school was as well, just wasn't positive movement. I do blame the OJ incident on a lot of it, it was the 1st time I had seen some event being covered to the point that the they had special talk shows that addressed the problem of too much coverage. Remeber in the Gulf War days it was basically just CNN, by the time OJ came about Fox, MSNBC, and CNBC were around, we had news stories about Marsha Clark hair and makeup style, possible romantic attractions with her and the other prosecuter, re-enactments of the trial, enough experts to fill a stadium, gawd it was sick. Then there was the Clinton Lewinski thing, covered in very much the same way. The death of the last of my political liberalism came about from that fiasco. I admit I was ashamed of the President and i was ashamed of the people who accepted his behavior.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
What needs to happen is people need to get sick of the 90s. In the early '90s people had enough of the '80s. In the early 80s people had enough of the '70s.
But it's the early '00s and people still like the '90s....
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I think the 00s (as you call them) will start when we can download whole movies (all 1.5 GB of it) in less than a second. We're also getting close to having cell phones implanted in our brains from birth. It just needs be so drastically different from the 90s and be borderline Jetsons, or at least like Back to the Future Part 2.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Very true, 89-94 was a dynamic time but I think that period your sister was in school was as well, just wasn't positive movement. I do blame the OJ incident on a lot of it, it was the 1st time I had seen some event being covered to the point that the they had special talk shows that addressed the problem of too much coverage. Remeber in the Gulf War days it was basically just CNN, by the time OJ came about Fox, MSNBC, and CNBC were around, we had news stories about Marsha Clark hair and makeup style, possible romantic attractions with her and the other prosecuter, re-enactments of the trial, enough experts to fill a stadium, gawd it was sick. Then there was the Clinton Lewinski thing, covered in very much the same way. The death of the last of my political liberalism came about from that fiasco. I admit I was ashamed of the President and i was ashamed of the people who accepted his behavior.
End Quote
Looking back on the whole O.J. thing I still remember I was sitting in class in High School and I heard the verdict over the radio. The whole summer of 94 was full of OJ on TV constantly. I was like an American Event that OJ was on Trial. I remember when I was watching the NBA Finals(knicks-Rockets) and they interrupted the NBA Finals with the coverage of the OJ chase.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I remeber one cool thing about the OJ bust, I was in Seattle when it happened and flew to Alaksa to a ship that had been working in a remote area, no contact at all with the world. I brought with me the news and the famous Time magazine with the cover they had made him darker skinned. No one could believe me until I showed them the magazine, it was more popular than a Penthouse mag at the time!
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Actually, the way I see it, the 90s ENDED in 1999. We've been living in the new decade since then.
1999 is around the time when teen pop acts like Britney and N'Sync, as well as rap-metal acts like Korn and Limp Bizkit, replaced the angst-ridden grunge rock of the 90s. By 1999, the iconic bands of the 90s like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains didn't exist anymore. Also, the Smashing Pumpkins broke up the following year.
1999 is also probably when the whole cynical generation X attitude of the 90s went out, and got replaced by happier feelings. I'd say "Reality Bites", released in 1993, is the movie that is the most symbolic of 90's "Generation X cynicism".
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I'll go with ending in '99 but "replaced with happier feelings" I don't know about that. Please define what makes it a happier place and maybe I can be convinced.
Actually, the way I see it, the 90s ENDED in 1999. We've been living in the new decade since then.
1999 is around the time when teen pop acts like Britney and N'Sync, as well as rap-metal acts like Korn and Limp Bizkit, replaced the angst-ridden grunge rock of the 90s. By 1999, the iconic bands of the 90s like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains didn't exist anymore. Also, the Smashing Pumpkins broke up the following year.
1999 is also probably when the whole cynical generation X attitude of the 90s went out, and got replaced by happier feelings. I'd say "Reality Bites", released in 1993, is the movie that is the most symbolic of 90's "Generation X cynicism".
End Quote
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Actually, the way I see it, the 90s ENDED in 1999. We've been living in the new decade since then.
1999 is around the time when teen pop acts like Britney and N'Sync, as well as rap-metal acts like Korn and Limp Bizkit, replaced the angst-ridden grunge rock of the 90s. By 1999, the iconic bands of the 90s like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains didn't exist anymore. Also, the Smashing Pumpkins broke up the following year.
1999 is also probably when the whole cynical generation X attitude of the 90s went out, and got replaced by happier feelings. I'd say "Reality Bites", released in 1993, is the movie that is the most symbolic of 90's "Generation X cynicism".
End Quote
I wouldn't nessecarily call Limp Bizkit a "Happy Band". Korn songs are usually about frontmans Jonnathan Davis's hardships through his life. If you want happy songs or feel good music list Sisqo's "Thong Song", Ricky Martin's "Livin Lavida Loca", Britney Spears's "Baby One More Time", or Backstreet Boys "I Want It That Way". Those are "Happy Songs" of 1999-present. Even though I don't like these songs they do symbolize the feel good economic times of 1999-2000 when nobody had a worry in the world(i.e. Dotcom boom, and business mergers, the booming automobile market.) I think songs that symobolize 2001-2002 are System of A Down's "Chop Suey", Kylie Monigies(spelling) "Can't Getta Out Of My Head" and Pink's "Just Like a Pill". I could be wrong of course.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Actually, the way I see it, the 90s ENDED in 1999. We've been living in the new decade since then.
1999 is around the time when teen pop acts like Britney and N'Sync, as well as rap-metal acts like Korn and Limp Bizkit, replaced the angst-ridden grunge rock of the 90s. By 1999, the iconic bands of the 90s like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains didn't exist anymore. Also, the Smashing Pumpkins broke up the following year.
1999 is also probably when the whole cynical generation X attitude of the 90s went out, and got replaced by happier feelings. I'd say "Reality Bites", released in 1993, is the movie that is the most symbolic of 90's "Generation X cynicism".
End Quote
You're sort of right. The 90's BEGAN to END in 1999. The same way the 80's began to end in 1987. But the Eighties were not fully over till late 1991/early 1992. If the same pace holds true I guess we can expect the 90's to be fully over around 2004.
The 90's started to end in 1999, but it's clearly still not fully over.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
The 90s aand 00s will just blend together without anyone even knowing it... as the 80s -> 90s liftover. You wont really notice a change till say the 10s.............. :-/
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
the 10s... ??? 8) :o ;) :'( :-/ :-[ ::) ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Been thinkin about this a little bit. although im not sure about the start of the 00's, though musically it looks like a change is coming on strong, i know when this "in between" period started. 97/98. Just look @ the 90's between 1992-1996, then look at 97-99, they just arent anything a like really. 1997/98 we got DVD, Playstation was getting HUGE(and then final fantasy 7 comes out , Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls,N Sync,Britney Spears, all came out, Puffy and Master P got huge,Korn gets immensely popular, the birth of TRL, AOL starts gettin humoungous and global, Internet usage skyrockets, Everybody is gettin richer. Look at 1992-1996, the Raving era(b4 it went all mainstrem), Ace of Base, Mariah Carey, Boyz 2 Men, Nirvana, Green Day, Tupac, Alanis Morrisette, Kriss Kross, Coolio, Hootie and the Blowfish, the Simpsons were still great, Beavis and Butthead are household names, a computer is an IBM to most people, pogs and gimp(lol), the end of the republican hold on US government, MTV begins to get crappy, movies like Clueless,Reality Bytes,Speed, Disney animated movies were still good, Mortal Kombat series, Sonic series, Street Fighter series become immensely popular, Yo! MTV raps, My So called Life, Family Matters was good, Ren & Stimpy, Rugrats were good. look back at that, id say late 91-somehwhere in 97 was the "real" period of the 90's, and the period since 97 is somewhere between the 20th and 21st century pop culture.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Historically, like the 60's began on November 22 1963, the 00's started at Sept. 11 2001.End Quote
I agree with you on this one. Sept 10, 2001 was a completely different world than on Sept 11, 2001. Look how things have changed. In the 90s I think we had a glimmer of hope for the time after the millenium. In actually we now have quite a bit of despair: Terrorism, economic worries, bad leadership, environmental threats.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I would say that The 00's will start in 2010 so that they go decade by decade.
howard :)
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
Right now we're heading for war with Iraq, it should start in a month or two. I think the 2000's will start to take shape after this war ends (I don't expect it to last long, but it won't be a cakewalk like the Gulf War) anyway, the 90's, especially, the late 90's have overstayed there welcome and war will wipe it away from good.
what will the 2000's be like? your guess is as good as mine
something is brewing on the horizon though
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I don't want to say that the 2000s began with Sept 11 2001, but if you look at this decade, yeah. It has set the tone for this decade so far. No, everything is not about that day, but, look at headlines,
music, everything about our culture before then, and after then. :( Just my opinion....I will understand if someone disagrees.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
I don't want to say that the 2000s began with Sept 11 2001, but if you look at this decade, yeah. It has set the tone for this decade so far. No, everything is not about that day, but, look at headlines,
music, everything about our culture before then, and after then. :( Just my opinion....I will understand if someone disagrees.
End Quote
you are absolutely right, 9/11 SET THE TONE for the 2000's, but it didn't end the 90's, the 90's are still here from 9/11 to January 2003, but they're fading fast.
IMHO it's still the 90's, but it's on life support, very soon we will enter the 2000's for real.
Subject: Re: when will the 00's start?
you are absolutely right, 9/11 SET THE TONE for the 2000's, but it didn't end the 90's, the 90's are still here from 9/11 to January 2003, but they're fading fast.
IMHO it's still the 90's, but it's on life support, very soon we will enter the 2000's for real.
End Quote
I can't modify because I'm not a member, but just to follow up.
IMHO the "True 90's" are already dead and have been dead for over 7 years. The period of the 90's that I love and remember (90-95) are long gone. More than any other period(except maybe the 60's) the 90's were a tale of 2 different era's. 90-95 and 96-00 are soooo different from each other, and to me 90-95 will always be the period in time that I cherish the most.
Right now we're attempting to shake off the terrible late 90's residue, and it's almost all gone though not quite ;) but for me, the real 90's are dead.