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Subject: Headin' on up to South Park
Do we have any South Parkateers here besides me? I figured if The Simpsons and Sponge Bob had a thread, the Colorado lads deserved equal time (or maybe not). :D So whats your favorite episode, character, etc. I like the first couple or years shows the best and I guess my fav was "Scuzzelbutt" ("Fire, Ned, Its coming straight for us"). As far as characters, Mr. Mackey cracks me up, mmmkay?
P.S. I also wanted to know from the Ozzies and Brits if South Park had hit over there yet.
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
ME ME ME!! I LOVE South Park!!
The best by far has to be the Chicken Lover episode! I love Cartman as a cop...."Respect My Authoriti" ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Personally, my three fave eps of SP are "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants", the Mongolian episode where the kids aren't even safe with their own parents so their parents send them off, and the Towelie episode.
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
I've always liked the very first episode aired, "Cartman Gets an A n a l Probe." Also liked the first Halloween episode and the first Christmas episode.
Stan: Oh, my God, they killed Kenny!
Kyle: You bastards!
Cartman: Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Cartman: I'm not fat, I'm big-boned!
Timmy: TIMMY!
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Oh wow! And here I thought I was the only one twisted enough to like South Park!
I tend to miss the newer episodes because of when they are on, but my brother tapes them (or buys the "official" tapes), and I kidnap his copies for months at a time.
My favorite episodes are the one where Robert Smith of the Cure calls up ( and turns into) all the old-time monsters from the Godzilla movies, and battles the evil Barbara Streisand.
I also loved baby Ike's circumcision, and any episode with Big Gay Al.
My favorite characters are Timmy and Mr. Mackey. "Drugs are bad.....MMMKay?"
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
South Park made my life hell in eighth grade. But it's still one of the best and most hilarious satires in history.
"Vote yes on Referendum 13, or you hate children. You don't hate children... do you?"
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
I just got Season 6 for my birthday...my friend apparently got it on cd-r for me.....haven't watched any of it yet...
My fave episode? Hmmmmmmm....tough call....I loved Cartman's birthday....I loved the ethernopian........but I think my fave of all is when Shelley babysits Cartman and her boyfriend comes over..the scene with Cartman and his frog playing Wild Wild West was the BEST!! I laughed until I stopped and then I laughed some more!!
Want some Cheesy Poofs hun?
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Stan: Cartman, you have such a big fat @$$, that whenever people look at you, they say "Damn, that's a big fat @$$!!!
Cartman: No they don't!
Some Guy: Damn, that 's a big fat @$$!
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Yeah, theres no WAY I could say which is my favorite. Also loved the one where Kenny, Kyle, and Stan catch Cartman in the back yard having a tea party with Clyde Frog, Polly Prissypants and the rest. Its the 2 parter where he goes in search to find out who his father is.Some mentioned above are great too. There all HELLACOOL!!
Oh and I couldn't go on without mentioning the "South's gonna rise again" episode, where they all get drunk on Smores Schnapps during the Civil War reenactment and "General Cartman Lee" talks them in to going first down to Topeka and then all over the country trying to win the war again for the south. Thats the first one I remember Butters (another fav) in. "God I love those guys so very, very much."
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
I've always liked the very first episode aired, "Cartman Gets an A n a l Probe."End Quote
Me too! The first time I saw that episode, I laughed so hard I cried! ::)
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
In Britain, certainly. Ozzieland, I don't know. Personally, as much as I was a fan, the only episode that stuck out in my head was the one I saw with the Cheesy Poofs song...
P.S. I also wanted to know from the Ozzies and Brits if South Park had hit over there yet.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
I haven't watched it lately, but I do enjoy it. I think one of the last 'new' episodes I viewed was the one where movie directors were changing the classic movies and the kids tried to assemble a coalition against the changes ("Free Hat! Free Hat! Free Hat!...") ;D
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
I played the South Park pinball game yesterday.. I love it.. landing the ball in the toilet after you make Mr. Hankey popup to release multiball is great, killing Kenny for some reason eluded me though, I could get him ready to be killed, but then never land the last ball in time.. depressing to get him on the hook only to let him slide back off
hard for me to elaborate on what I love about that show, there's just too much fun stuff to it.. the repeat that was on last week with the Trapper Keeper 2000, Cartman mentions he's not allowed to have any male friends over 30 anymore.. that was such a funny reference to the older NAMBLA episode.. you gotta love a show that can talk about NAMBLA..
we've even code named one of our projects in house South Park.. which I think is pretty funny.. we all laugh during meetins when it comes up..
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Quoting:P.S. I also wanted to know from the Ozzies and Brits if South Park had hit over there yet.
End Quote
Hey Dudeman
It has been popular In Aus since about 1998 - if my memory serves me correctly ......
There was a big stink from the PC police but it seems to have blown over now
FB :)
PS It's Aussies ! Not Ozzies ! Ozzies are things that appear on TV 'reality' shows ::)
Although 'Ozzie' is the way that 'Aussie' is pronounced, as opposed to 'Ossy'
Clear as mud now ?
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Of Course Il ive South park! it has such sweet vulger language! it's awsome ;D my fav episode is when chef gets mariied and his dad and mom are there.
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
Well, if you like South Park, I happen to know of this piece of South Park Fan Fiction that's pretty funny:
See 4 Yourselves.
;) ;D :D
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
My favorite episode was when Cartman had seamonkeys as pets and all of a sudden they had a town in his tank.pretty funny stuff. -howard-
Subject: Re: Headin' on up to South Park
...the Mongolian episode where the kids aren't even safe with their own parents so their parents send them off...End Quote
You stupid Mongorian!!! Stop tearing down my sh*tty wall!!!
Good times.