Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: Board Censorship
I have been a firsthand witness to the alarming censorship used on this board. The bottom of this page is telling you to conform to the guidelines of this board, but I ask, how can that create intelligent discussion?
Petty name-calling is obviously not right, and it shouldn't be done, but still, is that really grounds for deletion?
I feel as though whenever I visit this page, I am bored as everyone is so worried with not conforming to the guidelines, and having their posts subsequently deleted, hence the pointless, inane chatter continues, while real topics have no place here.
So ok, I see the need for censorship in certain situations, but the question remains, who will censor the censors? You all the know the old saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Now this may just be a message board, but it once was a message board that I enjoyed frequenting, where I enjoyed having intelligent, adult discussions. I feel as though this place has become so concerned with the forum guidelines, so scared of disobeying, or god forbid questioning them, that it is just nothing.
Now I have a feeling this post will be deleted, but really, deletion doesn't solve the problems, it causes more. Why not let people have a wide range of opinions, instead of making them all conform to the one opinion.
p.s. Hello Mystery Woman
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
If you had gone through the work - invested your time, energy, money and effort designing this site and maintaining it, I could see your point. Chucky's site, Chucky's rules.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I haven't seen much alarming censorship on this site.
Petty name calling is one thing... tail-gunning flaming is another. People have varying tolerance for that.
This isn't a public square. The censors have a responsibility that we don't. Who'll censor the censors? Public opinion. If enough people feel it's bad enough, they'll leave. It'll become a ghost site.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Um, yeah. Fight the power, I guess.
Perhaps it's just me, but the rules here seem pretty mild. What is it besides no spam, no name-calling, no porn? If you really feel these rules are hindering adult conversation, you must be seeing something that I'm not, or possibly you're just deluded. Maybe you're not bored because people are frightened of the ruled; maybe it's just a boring forum.
By the way, what is this "alarming censorship" you speak of? What was this censoring that has alarmed you so?
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I have been a firsthand witness to the alarming censorship used on this board. The bottom of this page is telling you to conform to the guidelines of this board, but I ask, how can that create intelligent discussion?
Petty name-calling is obviously not right, and it shouldn't be done, but still, is that really grounds for deletion?
I feel as though whenever I visit this page, I am bored as everyone is so worried with not conforming to the guidelines, and having their posts subsequently deleted, hence the pointless, inane chatter continues, while real topics have no place here.
So ok, I see the need for censorship in certain situations, but the question remains, who will censor the censors? You all the know the old saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Now this may just be a message board, but it once was a message board that I enjoyed frequenting, where I enjoyed having intelligent, adult discussions. I feel as though this place has become so concerned with the forum guidelines, so scared of disobeying, or god forbid questioning them, that it is just nothing.
Now I have a feeling this post will be deleted, but really, deletion doesn't solve the problems, it causes more. Why not let people have a wide range of opinions, instead of making them all conform to the one opinion.
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gee I like whoever wrote this....I envy them :)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I think it's pretty lenient when compared to other pop culture boards and it's not like we pay dues or this place is run by our tax dollars, so rules are rules. There's plenty of other boards out there: few of which I would recommend. This one is the best... and I'm not getting paid to say this.
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Yeah, and he even gets a (moderator) tongue-lashing from time to time! ;D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
gee I like whoever wrote this....I envy them :)
End Quote
I'm interested to know why you envy them,what is there to envy???
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Do we really need to go through this again. It is Chucky's board so we follow Chucky's rules. They aren't that tough to follow. Please people, lets move on from this issue. :-/
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I am personally almost 100 % against censorship, and I belong to a board of a site dedicated to a rock group, where nothing at all is censored. Everyone gets along, no one resorts to the petty stuff, and we have real conversations.
I'm happy that all of you people are happy on these boards, I think if it is what you enjoy, then all the power to you. This is an interesting place, but I sometimes fell as though it becomes dull, hence the need to post a thread on censorship which will no doubt raise issues. ;)
Anyway, I have been a serial lurker for some time, in that time I have seen people 'disappear' (in other words get banned), I've seen posts get deleted for really no reason, I just think that the censors of this site could perhaps be a bit more open minded.
I'm not asking to fight the power, I'm asking to question it *if* you don't believe in it, thus here I am, because I don't believe in censorship.
Also, I am curious as well, Alicia why do you envy me? Dagwood put it oh so eloquently when asking what is there to envy? :)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Alicia, like any female likes to speak her mind. She always takes the chance of being moderated which pi$$es her off. So, she envies you for not agreeing with the moderation.
Am I close Alicia?
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
The only person I've ever known to be totally banned from the site is the hacker who tried to destroy the site last April. Other people who disappear generally do so for their own personal reasons, whatever they may be.
As for cencoring language, there are a number of regular visitors who are or can be considered children. Chucky welcomes everybody regardless of age, and by being a moderated forum, he can keep this place open to everyone.
The only individual posts I am aware of having been deleted were ones where the person posting lost his/her temper and posted a personal attack on another member, or said something else which could start a fight by offending a large number of people. None of these people (except the hacker) have been banned from the site.
Maybe the topics are not interesting to you, but we have had intelligent, mature discussions of sensitive topics in the past without people getting angry and "yelling". The topic on smoking/smoker's rights immediately comes to mind.
Perhaps there are not a lot of controversial subjects discussed because people do not want to discuss them here. Maybe most people come here becuse it has a reputation for being a nice, cheerful place?
Just my thoughts....
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Chucky's site, Chucky's rules.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
The only person I've ever known to be totally banned from the site is the hacker who tried to destroy the site last April. Other people who disappear generally do so for their own personal reasons, whatever they may be.
End Quote
I know of at least two other people that have been kicked off the board, one for posting a thread about where they lost their virginity. There has been someone on here lately whom Chuck has thrown off three times (and he used three different names), mainly for posting offensive material…
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
That person was kicked off? I can't remember it too well, but... anyway.
I know of at least two other people that have been kicked off the board, one for posting a thread about where they lost their virginity.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Said it before, say it again.
This is a place where I can sit and chat to people who I consider real good friends, regardless of what they have to say about me. Technically, I don't know who you guys are, by which I mean, I have never met any of you in person. What makes us great, is that we're a bunch of people, Twelve k miles apart in some cases, who can just sit here and talk as friends...
For me, losing one's temper over the net serves no purpose. I quickly forget what I was angry about, who I was angry with, and the negative things that everyone (on and offline) may or may not think about me.
Peace everyone.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
a) I don't understand how anyone can think this place is so "censored". Geez, we have fights all the time that don't get deleted! ;D I instigate those fights and don't get deleted! :-X Sometimes, I wish the moderators would ban all political discussion. Then I'd get in less trouble. :-[ But if you think it's boring, that may be simply the lull of the moment. Is every moment of your life fascinating? Let the MB be boring for a while; it'll change periodically.
b) Even if it were greatly "censored", that's their right. It's their website, they can do what they want; they don't have to do what you want. Why does everyone think the speech part of the 1st Amend applies to private venues, that they as individuals must allow you as an individual to "speak" in their venue? We all have rights, and that includes the moderators.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
MySharona/Me/PennyLane and Azzer. Those are the only two, beside the occassional troll, who got kicked out after many warnings. The one about the virginity and the thrice-named fellow, when did thet comm abo'ot? Let me in on the gossip.
Tarzan Boy
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I didn't kick the person who posted about losing their virginity.. they sent me a message apologizing, but were too embarrased to return (at least with that name as far as I know)..
aside from a couple of trolls who post spam or blatant vulgarity, I've only banned I think three people in one year.. and one of those people deleted several months of posts after making a pest out of themselves for several weeks..
I don't delete many posts, and neither Hairspray or Mystery Woman have been around much due to personal reasons, so I doubt very much they have deleted huge volumes of posts either..
Alica is upset because I got a couple of complaints recently about her sigs, and I just deleted them without telling her first.. I generally draw the line at anything dealing with sex talk of any type, since it can get the site blacklisted in "surf watch" type programs.. her sigs were fairly tame, but I don't really think they belonged here..
as for the messageboard the original poster mentioned, I'll believe it when I see it.. it can't be that big, and if it is, I doubt it is truly unmoderated. I can show you a lot of unmoderated boards with a lot of crap on them.. ask anyone who used to read the kissthisguy.com messageboard what I mean..
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
If you had gone through the work - invested your time, energy, money and effort designing this site and maintaining it, I could see your point. Chucky's site, Chucky's rules.
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I'm not that inflexible though.. if there's a rule in the guidelines that people were unhappy about, (not just one or two people) I'm sure I would change it..
I hang out on a couple messageboards that I won't even print the names of here (the naughty word filter would kill them anyways), plus I do run whatfreaks.com, so it's not like my personal beliefs are the reasons for the rules.. the rules are there because I think it fosters a more friendly environment.. I don't want to run a board like a couple of the ones I visit, because quite frankly, they're not that much fun after awhile..
maybe the rules I've posted are too long.. to be honest, I doubt many people have ever even read them.. I think they're simple: don't post spam, don't flame, don't post obsecene stuff. They're spelled out more elaborately than that, because some people seem to read their own meanings into them..
and if you're worried about a post being deleted, you either worry too much, or you probably shouldn't be posting it..
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Alica is upset because I got a couple of complaints recently about her sigs, and I just deleted them without telling her first.. I generally draw the line at anything dealing with sex talk of any type, since it can get the site blacklisted in "surf watch" type programs.. her sigs were fairly tame, but I don't really think they belonged here..
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You could have just told me that.....but being that you were rude about it then I was.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Also, I am curious as well, Alicia why do you envy me? Dagwood put it oh so eloquently when asking what is there to envy? :)
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Actually that wasn't me, that was Gis. It is an interesting question, though.
Subject: Free Speech Sux
I've stumbled on some unmoderated boards in the past. By far the worst was at rankpeople.com (the sites is gone, now). It was infested with mindless flamers, and a couple of regulars who got off on playing with the flamers.
Without rules, and without moderators, message boards go to hell real quick. We're all anonymous here and some people are responsible and some aren't. One unchecked flamer will drive out a hundred legitimate users in less time than it takes to read this thread.
If you want to see a messaging system that isn't working, go to the Yahoo! news site and navigate to the message board tailing each news story. A big story will have hundreds of message (too long to read); it's unmoderated (a lot of "those ***ing ****'s deserve to ***"; all heat and no light); the posters are anonymous (irresponsibility is unchecked).
I think Yahoo!'s heart is in the right place - provide a public forum to discuss breaking news. Democracy at it's best. It fails in practice, though. There always have been and always will be limitations on our first amendment rights, and it's right that there is.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Quoting:I'm not that inflexible though..End Quote
I know. My response just seemd to fit at that particular point in time.
It just bothers me when people don't take into consideration all of the effort that goes into this site and how we all (yes, even the members) triumph at keeping a good, friendly atmosphere in the forums.
IMO, I don't think the Guidelines are too long, but needed in the current format. They are just enough to be understood without question. No excuses.
I also believe they do get read. Some people just choose to blatantly go against them with the same complaints of censorship. Thankfully it is not a continual problem. Most of us are quite content with they way things are. Obviously we cannot please everyone, but I'll settle for the current majority.
Anyway, the original poster of this thread must have found something good to stay for - they just became a member! ;)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I know of at least two other people that have been kicked off the board...
There has been someone on here lately whom Chuck has thrown off three times (and he used three different names), mainly for posting offensive material…
End Quote
Thanks, CrazyDon, I stand happily corrected. I've been away without an internet connection, and I've missed quite a lot (and my memory is getting fuzzy these days for things that I was here for :-/ ).
We should keep in mind the very real fact that some things that are cosidered acceptible today, were obscene or objectionable 100 (or more) years ago. Each group must decide for itself what it considers ok, or not ok. Another group that I go to frequently discusses subjects (sex, politics, genetic engineering) which would not be allowed in some other forums, but are considered acceptible for that group(and yet they also have a "no name-calling" rule).
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I let myself get sucked down to another level once and was told (Not by a modifier) to modify my posts...I did so. Sometimes people are "Human Beings" that react that way. I was upset about something and reacted badly. No harm done....I left that situation by being positive. I grew up and moved on and am a better person for it....I also wish that person well ;) This board and everyone here, has been nothing but good for me since I joined. I lost my 17 year old son Blaine last year and I am still living my life...as best I can....and I have TONS of thanks to give to people here.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
The simple fact of the matter is...if you don't like the censorship here...leave....no one is making you stay here and read and post to the board. ::) ;)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
The unmoderated boards I've been to were rarely pleasant.
At times, though, they could be downright hilarious.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
The unmoderated boards I've been to were rarely pleasant.End Quote
I remember the old board at kissthisguy.com. It was unmoderated and there were a lot of obscene posts there. And now kissthisguy.com is gone. :'( Oh, well, there's always amIright…
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
You know what I resent? I resent someone sacrificing my safety for their sense of freedom. Not everyone responds to what they perceive as aggressive or offensive statements by defending themselves or jumping joyously into debate. Some of us would simply prefer to leave. Some of us actually get upset and would prefer not to. Now that's our choice, yes, but it's also our choice to create an environment free from those perceived threats and things that make us unhappy.
I get enough crap on the freeways.
Besides, I believe I've already illustrated how fun the censor mechanism on this board is. Bitch, fuck, cunt!
edited because apparently the censor mechanism isn't as sensitive as it used to be. oops.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
REPLY: Gone?! I pay so little attention nowadays... well, to be honest, and I'll speak from as fair a point of view as I am entitled to, I didn't like the way people submitted. Why put the real lyrics before the lyrics that were misheard? That's one of the things that confused me having lurked there for a while. Plus, the embarrassing revelation moment? I can't remember most things, never mind when I get a lyric disastrously wrong.
And now kissthisguy.com is gone.
End Quote
MESSAGE: When little moderation goes on in each songmeanings messageboard, (and I often am the reporter of bad things going on) you can really tell that the quality declines. By being able to think and conduct ourselves in a civilized way (and some of them really need to take a leaf out of our book), we can enjoy the messageboard, and really enjoy a little bit of risqué humour from time to time, without going over the top.
I take the point of arguments into this post. Malcolm Higgins, and Lou (Whatfreaks parodies, and so on) argue all the time. There is no harm. It's all done in fun. And I think people think the same way. I shall not disclose who I believe is the better parody writer, as that will lead to more arguments, and, as people are trying to settle them...
If people get upset, that's up to them. If you want to lose your temper over a messageboard, do it in a civilized way. These are things that I've learnt from songmeanings that are implemented here. I've often gone to bed at night, laughing good-naturedly about a comment I saw on the messageboard.
And so on.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I remember the old board at kissthisguy.com. It was unmoderated and there were a lot of obscene posts there. And now kissthisguy.com is gone. :'( Oh, well, there's always amIright…
End Quote
oh wow!!! I didn't even know they totally disappeared.. I remember they changed their messageboard software to a better package, and got rid of most of the flames.. that was what I was reffering to. But to see the whole site disappear is another thing..
Did they put up a message about changing software or closing down? Does anyone know anymore about it? I'd hate to see their site go away. I know some people probably think I consider it "competition" or something, but since I don't make any money on the sites (well, except for my amazon revenues, but they aren't enough to brag about), I view every site that does similar material as only positive. The more viewpoints that share the same ideas the better
I even offered to buy the domain from the owner at one point (when the site wasn't getting updates and I was still seeing a little ad revenue from my own). I always considered that site one of the classic sites from the early days of the web, so it's sad to see it go if it's really gone.. I know hosting costs can be a little cost-prohibitive for a busy site, but I found ways to cut costs, etc. So I hope they're just moving to a new service provider or something.
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Don't get me started. Don't get me started.
Chucky's board, Chucky's rules. Just wish "power" was better used by mods. Maybe some better placed comments.
That's all I'm going to say and I'm not going to look at this thread again because it will just make me mad.
My post will probably get deleted anyway. I'll bet you a dollar...
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Nah. Keep your dollar, cs. Your post's not going anywhere. :)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Nah. Keep your dollar, cs. Your post's not going anywhere. :)
End Quote
hey wait, if I leave it, then she owes me the dollar right? I sense a money making oppurtinity here..
heck, Fark raised several hundred dollars by auctioning the right to be a moderator for a month... maybe I should be charging Mystery Woman and Hairspray for the privledge of being moderators..
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
maybe I should be charging Mystery Woman and Hairspray for the privledge of being moderators..End Quote
:D LOL!!! I'd be paying up the wazoo, for MW is seldom around these parts anymore. ;D
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Nah. Keep your dollar, cs. Your post's not going anywhere. :)
End Quote
Truce? ;)
I know, I know. I came back to this thread.
I HAD to!!! :)
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Truce? ;)
I know, I know. I came back to this thread.
I HAD to!!! :)
End Quote
Truce? ? ?
Of course. I still have fond memories of our "calendar project" days. Remember? ;D
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
We should really do that calendar...
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Count me out. And for that matter, count IndyGent out, too…
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
We should really do that calendar...
End Quote
We could do a general calendar of everyone, but that would have to include getting everyone's individually written permission for usage of pics and other legalities. It's a good idea though! :D
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
We could do a general calendar of everyone, but that would have to include getting everyone's individually written permission for usage of pics and other legalities. It's a good idea though! :D
End Quote
I bet you could get permission....It wouldn't be too hard. I would buy a calendar! ;D
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I bet you could get permission....It wouldn't be too hard. I would buy a calendar! ;D
End Quote
Me Too :D
You've sold 2 calendars already !
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Me Too :D
You've sold 2 calendars already !
End Quote
Make that Three!
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
I would buy a calendar…if it had the ladies of the board on it…
Subject: Re: Board Censorship
Weeeeeell now!!! :D
We may have something here!!! :D :D :D
We'll see what we can do.
We must rekindle our brainstorming. Pm me.