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Subject: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
When My son Blaine was murdered on 4/26/01, the shooters girlfriend turned those involved in.....she also collected a $10,000 dollar reward for doing so. Well, since then she has befriended me and my family and then lost touch with us. All the while we all...her mom included, felt that there was more to the story of that horrid night. Yesterday we met with the D.A. who informed us that a witness has told them that "Christine" was the one who planted the seed for the robbery....and all the while we thought that she was a help to us all >:( The investigation is in the stages of infancy, but we are pissed. I again apologize, I just HAD to get this out... :'(
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Don't apologize. That really sucks, and it's even worse that everyone thought she was some sort of hero (and she collected money for it!) for turning the killers in.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
When My son Blaine was murdered on 4/26/01, the shooters girlfriend turned those involved in.....she also collected a $10,000 dollar reward for doing so. Well, since then she has befriended me and my family and then lost touch with us. All the while we all...her mom included, felt that there was more to the story of that horrid night. Yesterday we met with the D.A. who informed us that a witness has told them that "Christine" was the one who planted the seed for the robbery....and all the while we thought that she was a help to us all >:( The investigation is in the stages of infancy, but we are pissed. I again apologize, I just HAD to get this out... :'(
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So sorry to hear that, RnRFan. If it turns out to be true, it really sucks; I'd think it would be kind of like pouring salt in the wound. To think that you trusted this girl and she recieved money for her "help" in a case that may have been her fault from the beginning..anyway, I'm sorry to hear about it, and I hope they find something out soon. >:(
Hang in there! ;)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Yes. Hang in there, RnRF.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm Sorry she betrayed you and your family R&RF, sum people have no conscience. If she was somehow involved with your sons murder, I hope she is punnished.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I second that Rock! Even if she did try to help you, I still wouldn't have trusted her, having been in cahoots with the killers. >:(
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
My heart goes out to you sweetie; I am so sorry for this added pain that you are having to deal with. Will keep you in my prayers as always.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I again apologize, I just HAD to get this out... :'(
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That's okay, I think everyone knew that you would keep us all updated.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm wondering what you mean by "planted the seed". Did she somehow connive or cajole her boyfriend into committing the crime?
In any case befriending you and your family (as well as taking money), if she was truly a conspirator, disgusts me.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
How horrible if its true...I'm thinking of you and your family.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
My heart breaks everytime I hear your story, R&R. Know that you and your family are in all of our thoughts and prayers here at inthe80s.com. You obviously have great courage and a capacity for forgiveness. I truly hope that all of those responsible in the death of your son are brought to swift justice...
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
That's a darn shame and I'm sorry you have to go through such torment.
I wonder why the felons didn't "give her away" after they were detained initially or even now that they recieved their respective sentences. They should have nothing to lose at this point.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm very sorry to hear this for you R&RF. After everything that you have been through with this it musy be a real downer.
I don't know what else to say except that I hope things start to improve for you.
And getting it out is much preferable to keeping it in, so that's okay, okay ?
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Hang in there, bud. That really does suck, shows how greedy people are today...I mean, she helped with the robbery and then got all that other money...what a bitch.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Wow Sweetie! I'm feel for you! One good thing, now you know what kind of a person she is and not to trust her.
I'm glad you can vent about this. :-/
The last email you sent me didn't come through, try sending it to my new email.
Member, anytime...
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Don't worry, R&RF, one day you'll be vindicated and she'll get hers. Just remember that for every seed we sow, there's a consequence - and her consequences are far greater than we can ever imagine. Just hang in there! :'(
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Sorry to hear about this new info, RnRF. You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Oh, I am so gonna catch he<< for this, but somebody DID list me as the butt-kicker in the yearbook...
First of all, was your son's murder actually part of the "plan"? I doubt it. I'm sure her guilt and remorse were all the more severe because she did have some involvement. I highly doubt she took the money and had a good laugh about it. More likely she will have nightmares everyday of her life.
Secondly, the more you allow yourself to continue in the role of the victim, the longer it will take you to regain a sense of self and power. A horrible horrible thing happened to you, but it is your responsibility now to find a way to move into, if not forgiveness, at least the present. For the sake of the loved ones you still have. Give them back the father and husband they deserve and know that you honor Blaine in the process.
Okay, I'm gonna go sit in the corner and wait for the rantings...
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm only going to say that I felt a need to go and talk to his killer but after hearing him say it was an Accident yet there were 4 seconds between the first and then the fatal shot...was IMO No accident. As for ALL involved, I may someday feel less angry but for now...this is un-charted waters for me & my family. I don't KNOW what to do having never been through this before. All I know is I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I can't go into too much detail except to say that...they were all talking and she brought up the fact that her car payment was due the next day, 1 suggested robbing a store....they were about 10 miles south in Fountain....when she piped in with, "Well, since you 2 worked at a subway why not go there and rob it? No she may not have pulled the trigger, but just like the driver and the other one that was with Blaines killer, they all share the responsibility of his death....she is on a lesser degree but not much. As I have told people here who have constantly told me "You should move on with your life"....I being the one going through this, say...give me Time! Now I will sit back and take flack :'(
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
She planted the seed for a robbery...that resulted in a murder. From all that I understand, her original intention was to get money for her car payment, which was due the next day. When she then heard there was a reward, she turned to her friend and said, "I guess I can make that payment now!", all with a sh*t-eating grin on her face. Apparently they were all getting high on the $ stolen from Subway when she heard about the reward. Hence, the comment...I was surprised no-one turned her butt in, especially after collecting the money, but there is more to the story than meets the eye, and further investigation is warranted.
I think the victim in all of this was Blaine, and ALL of his family. Talking on this board is Rock's way of coping. I am not so sure that he is portraying himself as a victim so much as wanting to vent his feelings...as he has before, and I hope, continue to do so.
We have a nice support group going here, and if one does not want to commiserate or lend the support, one merely refraines from reading and/or answering. (That sounds very Miss Manner-like!) I think it's cool that RnRF thinks enough of all our support to even post some of the threads he has...I wish I could say I felt the same.
Be that as it may, I will now shut up.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
RnRF, I don't think anyone expects you to forget what happened. I doubt that it's possible. I think you have gotten tremendous support from the posters here. Every time you have posted something about your son or your wrist or whatever, there has been a deluge of well wishes and support for you. But at the same time I think there is a saturation point, and you may have reached it with some people. Just an observation.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
RnRF, I don't think anyone expects you to forget what happened. I doubt that it's possible. I think you have gotten tremendous support from the posters here. Every time you have posted something about your son or your wrist or whatever, there has been a deluge of well wishes and support for you. But at the same time I think there is a saturation point, and you may have reached it with some people. Just an observation.
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I appreciate you sharing that with me ;)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
further investigation is warranted.
I think the victim in all of this was Blaine, and ALL of his family. Talking on this board is Rock's way of coping. I am not so sure that he is portraying himself as a victim so much as wanting to vent his feelings...as he has before, and I hope, continue to do so.
We have a nice support group going here, and if one does not want to commiserate or lend the support, one merely refraines from reading and/or answering. (That sounds very Miss Manner-like!) I think it's cool that RnRF thinks enough of all our support to even post some of the threads he has...I wish I could say I felt the same.
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First off, as further investigation is needed, unfortunately whenever something new happens in the case (There are at least 2 more going to trial later this year) it opens up the wounds again...I am getting better but until all this mess has legally wrapped up I will turn to my friends for support. I appreciate everyone here and do respect ALL of your feelings as well. As I have told everyone I know, this is a great place, with wonderful people. Lastly, Banasy...we will always share a bond which came from 2 horrible tradgedies, but I am so glad to know you :-*
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
RnRF, I don't think anyone expects you to forget what happened. I doubt that it's possible. I think you have gotten tremendous support from the posters here. Every time you have posted something about your son or your wrist or whatever, there has been a deluge of well wishes and support for you. But at the same time I think there is a saturation point, and you may have reached it with some people. Just an observation.
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Well, I am not saturated, and as far as I am concerned, R&RF can bring up this topic or any other as often as he wishes. There will always be people here to be an ear for him. As for Langdon, I think she was just trying to help, and I do agree that someday, there needs to be a point for forgiveness. But perhaps this is not yet the point --the wounds are too too fresh. It is not easy to envision what another person is going thru without being in his or her shoes....
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Well, I am not saturated, and as far as I am concerned, R&RF can bring up this topic or any other as often as he wishes. There will always be people here to be an ear for him. As for Langdon, I think she was just trying to help, and I do agree that someday, there needs to be a point for forgiveness. But perhaps this is not yet the point --the wounds are too too fresh. It is not easy to envision what another person is going thru without being in his or her shoes....
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I couldn't agree more, Zella!
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
Well, I am not saturated, and as far as I am concerned, R&RF can bring up this topic or any other as often as he wishes. There will always be people here to be an ear for him. As for Langdon, I think she was just trying to help, and I do agree that someday, there needs to be a point for forgiveness. But perhaps this is not yet the point --the wounds are too too fresh. It is not easy to envision what another person is going thru without being in his or her shoes....
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I'm sure that you aren't, Zella. And as I reread my post, I can't seem to find specific mention of anyone in particular. I wasn't presuming to speak for you. The great thing about this board is that anyone can post about anything, within certain guidelines. I banged my knee up a couple of days ago, and I have no doubt that if I had started a thread about it I would have gotten well wishes. But that's not my bag. However, RnRF seems to need the support and group hugs of lots of people and it's his right to post whatever he wants. I don't think I said otherwise.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm sure that you aren't, Zella. And as I reread my post, I can't seem to find specific mention of anyone in particular. I wasn't presuming to speak for you. The great thing about this board is that anyone can post about anything, within certain guidelines. I banged my knee up a couple of days ago, and I have no doubt that if I had started a thread about it I would have gotten well wishes. But that's not my bag. However, RnRF seems to need the support and group hugs of lots of people and it's his right to post whatever he wants. I don't think I said otherwise.
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I am sorry -- I wasn't presuming that you were presuming. I just felt that R&R needed a kind word at this point, so I gave it to him. :)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I am sorry -- I wasn't presuming that you were presuming. I just felt that R&R needed a kind word at this point, so I gave it to him. :)
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I think it's me who should apologize to you, Zella. It's not always easy to tell what someone means, or interpret the way they mean something, when all you have to go by is the written word. I made an error in interpretation, and for that I do apologize. I should have known better. :)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I think it's me who should apologize to you, Zella. It's not always easy to tell what someone means, or interpret the way they mean something, when all you have to go by is the written word. I made an error in interpretation, and for that I do apologize. I should have known better. :)
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No need to apologize, Lester. No offense taken. :)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I'm only going to say that I felt a need to go and talk to his killer but after hearing him say it was an Accident yet there were 4 seconds between the first and then the fatal shot...was IMO No accident. As for ALL involved, I may someday feel less angry but for now...this is un-charted waters for me & my family. I don't KNOW what to do having never been through this before. All I know is I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I can't go into too much detail except to say that...they were all talking and she brought up the fact that her car payment was due the next day, 1 suggested robbing a store....they were about 10 miles south in Fountain....when she piped in with, "Well, since you 2 worked at a subway why not go there and rob it? No she may not have pulled the trigger, but just like the driver and the other one that was with Blaines killer, they all share the responsibility of his death....she is on a lesser degree but not much. As I have told people here who have constantly told me "You should move on with your life"....I being the one going through this, say...give me Time! Now I will sit back and take flack :'(
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Darlin', you take as long as you need - we're here for you. The healing process is different for everyone - some like to forget, some choose to remember - it's all about what works for you. What you have been through is a nightmare, and if talking about it helps you through the most unbearable times, then talk away.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
We are all sorry for RnRFan. How could any parent not be, knowing that we all fear that very nightmare? :-/
I have to back Lester and Langdon up, though. I don't think they were trying to be cruel, just trying to kindly offer some observations. Some (including myself) would like to see some positive thoughts about Blaine, or even other family members. Rejoice in those who are still here, in case one day a tragedy pulls them from us. ;)
We all deal with pain and grief differently, and the fact that RnRFan feels he can open up to us is a testament to this board.
I have to say, though, that I think you should talk to your doctor about depression, RnR. It can suck you in, and you don't even realize it. I think the trauma of what happened to your family may be affecting your well-being... Medication could never take away the pain, but it may help you cope a little better. ;)
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
I would like to emphasize that I was not chastising RnRF's choices or emotions. I was voicing a hope that he is moving forward. It is frequently deceptively easy to believe that "venting" is in itself productive and allow oneself to get mired down in the pain, preventing any healing. After a while, we start to identify more with the pain than we do with the wish to move past it and then we think that the anger it creates is our only source of power.
We? Did I say we? Oh dear. Unscheduled moment of insight into Langdon of the Past.
Subject: Re: Girl Who Turned In My Sons Killer, Questioned
We are all sorry for RnRFan. How could any parent not be, knowing that we all fear that very nightmare? :-/
I have to back Lester and Langdon up, though. I don't think they were trying to be cruel, just trying to kindly offer some observations. Some (including myself) would like to see some positive thoughts about Blaine, or even other family members. Rejoice in those who are still here, in case one day a tragedy pulls them from us. ;)
We all deal with pain and grief differently, and the fact that RnRFan feels he can open up to us is a testament to this board.
I have to say, though, that I think you should talk to your doctor about depression, RnR. It can suck you in, and you don't even realize it. I think the trauma of what happened to your family may be affecting your well-being... Medication could never take away the pain, but it may help you cope a little better. ;)
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I don't feel any animosity towards anyone here. I am in grief counseling and it's helped a lot. I was jsut doing what you and others have pointed out...expressed my feelings and given updates on my sons case. Thanks for the concern Everyone, I do appreciate it ;)