Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: Current Self Pics!
I will be getting a link for a pic of me from January of this year very soon....just giving fair warning to all the people with weak stomachs :o Meanwhile...let's see how all of you look :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I warned you!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I warned you!
End Quote
Don't be so self-depreciating! Admit it -- you are a hunk! Like fine wine, you just keep getting better with age.... ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What the hell... some of you have seen this already. For those who haven't, it was taken last September.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Woohoo, Lester!! What a hottie!!! :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I guess I'll join the brave few and maybe we can get this thing going! This is me in April, at work.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I know I already did this on the 80's board, but it is the only one I have on my computer right now.
Great pics RnRf, Lester and Goldie :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
WOW, I can;'t believe so many already posted. :)
RnRFan, your kinda cute..who knew? ;) LOL
Wicked Lested don;t look all that wicked. :P
Goldie is very pretty! :)
*edit* ...Dagwood, very pretty too! :)
Thanks for sharing!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, I'm not going to post a picture of myself, but I'll show you a picture of my beautiful sister and our rotten dog. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
holy canoli! I feel so darn young compared to those pics.I swear at first I assumed and thought that most of you were young guys and girls.Hoo! Boy,was I wrong.Most of you are probably in your late 30's & early 40's? -howard-
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Everyone's pictures look great. RnR, I would kill to have a body like yours for myself. ;)
Hey Jess, I thought you said that Alicia was the shy one and you could post one of yourself instead. Isn't that calling "Passing the Buck"? Hey what you've got to lose, Sweetie? ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Everyone's pictures look great. RnR, I would kill to have a body like yours for myself. ;)
Hey Jess, I thought you said that Alicia was the shy one and you could post one of yourself instead. Isn't that calling "Passing the Buck"? Hey what you've got to lose, Sweetie? ;)
End Quote
Well, I guess I can put one up just for you, J.C.! :) Tomorrow though, because I have to find one.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What the hell... some of you have seen this already. For those who haven't, it was taken last September. End Quote
Yeeeeh Lester! The Mystery Man finally reveals himself to the masses! And what a treat it is! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, girls! Goldie, you look exeactly as I imagined you (just like your avatar)! :)
Dagwood and Alicia you both look great! (Except I imagined Alicia looking like Marilyn Monroe--I wonder why? ;D).
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, since dagwood asked ;) and she shared her pic - here is old man sleevewipe (with some friends) from last Halloween. (I'm wearing the black vest.)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, everyone! It's nice to finally put some faces to some names.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Okay, this was taken back in February. No, I'm not really a physics teacher, I was just joking around with some of the teens on the high school robotics team I volunteer on. I love those kids, they thought I was only 22 and even knowing my real age, they think I'm too "cool" to be an adult!
Everyone elses pictures are great!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
It's so nice to see the pictures of all of you! What a great-looking group of members we have here! 8)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
(Except I imagined Alicia looking like Marilyn Monroe--I wonder why? ;D).
End Quote
I could post a pic of her dressed up as Marilyn, but she might kill me for that! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
...they think I'm too "cool" to be an adult!
End Quote
I think you are, too. great pic! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Me in my bedroom dorm at UNLV.....
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
It is so wonderful to see all these great pictures!!!! :D And Wicked Lester so nice to see you post your picture. You look so hansome compared to your 80's photo. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm posting this for cricket. This is her on Halloween 2000. She was Poncho. The beard and mustache are drawn on with mascara.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
he is mine... :o
oops..forgot to say,
nice pics, Sagnastian and cricket! :) ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is great!.It's so cool to see what you all look like,I'll have to get round to my brother's house with a picture from now too(and the 70's and the 90's....oh boy)
oh and Howard, being in your 30's and 40's isn't old,it's the prime of life as I'm sure you'll discover for yourself some day soon.......
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Like fine wine, you just keep getting better with age.... ;)
End Quote
Thanks Zella, but if that's true I'm just following your lead ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Me in my bedroom dorm at UNLV.....
End Quote
Nice picture, Sagnastian! BTW, we may have disagreed on the Red Wings but I have always felt Michigan won the '97 Football Title outright...stupid Nebraska >:(
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
RnRFan, your kinda cute..who knew? ;) LOL
End Quote
Well I certainly didn't :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Fabulous, Cricket. How do you look without the mascara? ;)
I'm posting this for cricket. This is her on Halloween 2000. She was Poncho. The beard and mustache are drawn on with mascara.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Me in my bedroom dorm at UNLV.....
End Quote
Very sexy pic, Sagnastian! Always good to see a bit of leg! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
All the ladies look great! Pretty funny picture, Cricket (you're gonna get Goldie for that one, eh? :D) MisInformation and Rapture, you both look fantastic! Oh, and you too, Sleevewipe! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Dayam! Nice pic, Rapture! Better hand me another tissue! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
The beard and mustache are drawn on with mascara.
End Quote
I HOPE so... :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's cool rockandrollfan, between the 97 Wolverines and the 97 cornsuckers would have been a great match. But I don't think they be ready for Woodson:) Seems like the only people that disagree are the spartan and cornsucker fans.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
All the ladies look great! Pretty funny picture, Cricket (you're gonna get Goldie for that one, eh? :D)
End Quote
Acutally Zella, she picked it out and was sitting next to me when I posted it. She even told me exactly what to say!! So I hope that I'm safe! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, since dagwood asked ;) and she shared her pic - here is old man sleevewipe (with some friends) from last Halloween. (I'm wearing the black vest.)
End Quote
Thanks...wow great pic. :o
Great pic Misinformation.
Leg is good, Sagnastian.
Great pic, Cricket.
Rapture, yours is great as well...you look alot like I pictured you.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sorry I'm late people -
Great to see all these pics :
R&RF - as J.C. said, I'll take that body anytime (if you get my meaning !) Swap you !
Wicked - the mystery is solved ! Where does the 'Wicked' part come in though ? Are they your kids in the background ?
goldie - another mystery solved - as was said, just like your avatar, very nice (just tilt the head a bit more, and you will 'be' the avatar)
dagwood - yes, seen before, but again is good. A sporty piece (not the car...)
Jessica - I don't know where you got to (were you behind the camera ?) - the dog looks a bit unsure about the pic !
sleevewipe - what 'old man' ?? Wait till you are one !
Missinfo - Oooh - there's something alluring about playing teacher ! Robotics ? High Schol sure has changed.....
Saganstian - a pic of you in your bedroom hey ? Some people will go to any lengths ! Nice pic.
cricket - I'm trying hard honey, but the extras are a worry ! Underneath looks lovely,though. Why did I assume you looked like goldie ?
Rapture - web cam pic ? Very nice - keep those hands where we can see them !
Sorry once again for lumping these all in together....
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Wicked - the mystery is solved ! Where does the 'Wicked' part come in though ? Are they your kids in the background ?
End Quote
Well, the wicked part doesn't show because I have the shades on... otherwise you could see the flames in my eyesockets. :P
Actually, "Wicked Lester" was the name of a band that Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley were in together before KISS... I sort of borrowed it. ;D
Kids... only one of them is mine. He's the one hanging from the tree... the others are his cousins.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey Goldie,that's a nice picture of you.I swear at first I thought most of these people were young kids about my age(20's),till I saw the pictures and I'm just in awe.I feel like a young kid.Most of you's must be at least in the early 30's-mid 40's? -howard- :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I believe that was Alicia in that photo, as Jessica was the one that sent it. Unless Alicia is using Jessica's password. ;)
Jessica - I don't know where you got to (were you behind the camera ?) - the dog looks a bit unsure about the pic !
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Jessica - I don't know where you got to (were you behind the camera ?) - the dog looks a bit unsure about the pic !
End Quote
Yes, I was taking the picture. My dog just looks like that because we woke him up! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
cricket - I'm trying hard honey, but the extras are a worry ! Underneath looks lovely,though. Why did I assume you looked like goldie ?
End Quote
Thanks fb...but trust me...while my soon to be ex would love to think I really look like that...I don't....and as soon as I get a more current (and hairless) pix..I will post it....but I am the family photo bug so normally I am behind the camera...not in front!!
And no...goldie and I don't look a THING alike...except for our voices....no one would even know we are kin...I am dark haired, darker skin...taller and our features are NOTHING alike...goldie is shorter with blonde (uh hum...) hair and fair alabaster skin.....I guess that is why we get along because we are so different
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey Goldie,that's a nice picture of you.I swear at first I thought most of these people were young kids about my age(20's),till I saw the pictures and I'm just in awe.I feel like a young kid.Most of you's must be at least in the early 30's-mid 40's? -howard- :)
End Quote
Yes, JO. I'm 35. But I've always believed that you are only as old as you feel, and I certainly don't feel 35 at all! I'm only getting better with age!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And no...goldie and I don't look a THING alike...except for our voices....no one would even know we are kin...I am dark haired, darker skin...taller and our features are NOTHING alike...goldie is shorter with blonde (uh hum...) hair and fair alabaster skin.....I guess that is why we get along because we are so different
End Quote
Same as me and my sis!She has dark hair and olive skin and I'm so pale it's scary!.The picture I was thinking of posting has her in it.I will get around to it I promise.......
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here is a pic of me and my youngest daughter Kelsey taken on June 11th....
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Thanks Davester! ;)
Thanks Dagwood! :)
Nope..that is not a webcam pic, Fuss. My hands are folded nicely on my lap. http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cracks_smileys/otn/angels/newangel.gif LOL
Nice picture, Jonman. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here is a pic of me and my youngest daughter Kelsey taken on June 11th....
End Quote
Wow, Jonman...you still look good. :D
Cricket, Goldie...My sister and I are the same way. I have dark hair and a dark complexion...my sister has blond hair, green eyes and a light complexion. It was nice in school though. No one even knew we were sisters, we didn't get along so well so I didn't have to deal with people knowing who my sister was. We get along great now. Just can't live together.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Yes, I was taking the picture. My dog just looks like that because we woke him up! :D
End Quote
Oh, I'm glad yo cleared that up - J.C. s reply had me really confused !
J.C. : You confused me !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here is a pic of me and my youngest daughter Kelsey taken on June 11th....
End Quote
Alright ! Jonman strikes yet again - that is a nice pic of you and your Daughter (and the 'previously unproven' buggered wrist !)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is a fairly recent shot of me in London:
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is a fairly recent shot of me in London:
End Quote
Nice pic 80sTrivia !
Ere' wot's that thing you got growin' out t' top o' your 'ead then ?
London huh ? Now I'm jealous - I was there 20 years ago....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pic 80sTrivia !
Ere' wot's that thing you got growin' out t' top o' your 'ead then ?
FB :)
End Quote
I was suffering from a case of Bigbenitus, which I contracted on my travels through Europe, FB!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I was suffering from a case of Bigbenitus, which I contracted on my travels through Europe, FB!!! ;D
End Quote
Well look on the bright side of life :
Having a 'Big Ben' must rate higher than having a 'Little Richard'
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well look on the bright side of life :
Having a 'Big Ben' must rate higher than having a 'Little Richard'
End Quote
:lol: Too funny, FB!!!
Here's a more recent photo of me, taken on my trip to Belize and Guatemala in 2000:
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What a good looking group. Being new here, it’s nice to know who is who.
Zella – Do you mind that I’m currently using your 70’s roll call pic as my wallpaper? ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What a good looking group. Being new here, it’s nice to know who is who.
Zella – Do you mind that I’m currently using your 70’s roll call pic as my wallpaper? ;)
End Quote
LOL! Well, I'm honored to know that I am being...er... put to good use! ;) ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:lol: Too funny, FB!!!
Here's a more recent photo of me, taken on my trip to Belize and Guatemala in 2000:
End Quote
Hmmm..seen this pic somewhere before. :D
Still handsome as ever!! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Very nice pictures 80sTrivia and Jonman! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hmmm..seen this pic somewhere before. :D
Still handsome as ever!! ;)
End Quote
Thanks, Rapture! I was thinking the same thing about that gorgeous pic of you!!! ;D
And thanks to Karen as well! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, we seem to have a board full of hotties. Great pic, Triv, you seem to be very well traveled.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here's the Fett family at Medievil Times in California, summer of '00.
End Quote
not working...http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/traurig/traurig003.gif
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
not working...http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/traurig/traurig003.gif
End Quote
I couldn't get the picture to show up either, Fett...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Alright ! Jonman strikes yet again - that is a nice pic of you and your Daughter (and the 'previously unproven' buggered wrist !)
FB ;)
End Quote
'Previously unproven'? You mean you didn't believe me? LOL j/k...
Thanks everyone for your kind comments...like I said in the 90s thread...my hats will never fit now!! LOL
And yes, we DO have a board full of hotties! :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I would put my pic up here, but my mom would go psycho if she found out. ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I warned you!
End Quote
I thought you had brown hair. ;D I don't have a scanner and I don't have a picture of myself.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I would put my pic up here, but my mom would go psycho if she found out. ::)
End Quote
Probably not a good idea to post a pic then. I can't blame your mom, though. The internet can be a scary place. It is good to see that she is protective of you.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sorry for the false advertisement. All the pics (70s, 90s, 00s)worked when I posted them last night! >:(
I'll figure somthing out! ???
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sorry for the false advertisement. All the pics (70s, 90s, 00s)worked when I posted them last night! >:(
I'll figure somthing out! ???
End Quote
If you're remote linking to files on a GeoCities site (or some other free web hosts), that might be your problem. Dey don't play dat game.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I warned you!
End Quote
Damn tree..I can't see a thing!! >:( :D
Cheesy, I know.. but it just came to me. :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm sorry guys but I don't have any current pics but take a look at my profile pic at the left.That one was from Kindergarden 1979.I was only 6 years old.Hope you enjoy the pic. -howard-(don't call me jammin'!) ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pic Howard! It's nice to get a glimpse at what you might actually look like! Thanks for sharing!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pic, Howard. You were a cute kid. ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Very nice photo, J.O.! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Pic of me here:
It was taken for my work ID card about 4 or five years ago.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Pic of me here:
It was taken for my work ID card about 4 or five years ago.
End Quote
Dude! Are you THE Chris Kuan from the old board? Or am I getting the Aussies mixed up again?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
End Quote
This is waaay gauche of me to say, but you're very pretty. Is that your natural hair colour? You could, like, do advertisements for hair products definitely.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:Dude! Are you THE Chris Kuan from the old board? Or am I getting the Aussies mixed up again?End Quote
Yes, it's me ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is waaay gauche of me to say, but you're very pretty. Is that your natural hair colour? You could, like, do advertisements for hair products definitely.
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
I agree with Tarzan Boy....very pretty indeed...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here is a pic of me and my youngest daughter Kelsey taken on June 11th.... End Quote
Oh yeah, THAT'S the stuff! ;D Another to add to my collection...
Wow, Jonman, you look tanned in this picture! Seeing as how you're recently back from Vegas, and I know you gamble, I'll bet you $50 you have tan lines; but you have to be willing to PROVE IT if you want to collect!
Hot as always, babe. (And Kelsey sure has grown up quickly in the past year!)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Oh yeah, THAT'S the stuff! ;D Another to add to my collection...
Wow, Jonman, you look tanned in this picture! Seeing as how you're recently back from Vegas, and I know you gamble, I'll bet you $50 you have tan lines; but you have to be willing to PROVE IT if you want to collect!
Hot as always, babe. (And Kelsey sure has grown up quickly in the past year!)
End Quote
You have a collection? Yes, I was tanned from Vegas and b/c it was Africa hot up there....I may have to take that bet ;D
Thanks....she's turned into a very beautiful woman...she's growing up TOO fast for me LOL
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:Here's the Fett family at Medievil Times in California, summer of '00.End Quote
Let me just say that I have a very sexy harem, and he has a beautiful family!!! :-*
Wicked Lester, I'm glad you finally decided to share your sexy self with the masses. You should have shown them that other picture, though... ;)
sleevewipe, you have NOTHING to be shy about! I'm glad you're not hiding yourself anymore... :)
SO MANY HOT MEN, SO LITTLE INK LEFT IN MY PRINTER... What's a girl to do? You're all a treat for the eyes.
And the women on this board who have posted current pics are all sooooooo pretty! It's no wonder there's so much flirting going on around here... I think we're going to have to make a calendar for BOTH sexes, because there is definitely some pin-up material amongst you gals!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:This is waaay gauche of me to say, but you're very pretty. Is that your natural hair colour? You could, like, do advertisements for hair products definitely.
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Quoting:I agree with Tarzan Boy....very pretty indeed...End Quote
I have to stop reading these things at work. Someone just walked by and asked why my face was turning pink! And yes, it is my natural hair color. And thanks, I was just worrying that it was boring looking...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I have to stop reading these things at work. Someone just walked by and asked why my face was turning pink! And yes, it is my natural hair color. And thanks, I was just worrying that it was boring looking...
End Quote
I'd be afraid to ask what "exciting" looking is to you :o
...and I guess I'm not alone in thinking that some of us seem to have found the fountain of youth (seriously, how did Zella and Jonman manage? Is it in the water or something?). Lester is funny though; I actually imagined him thus - a delta pledge just like me (oy, are those scrubbs you're wearing ??? But more importantly, did you purposely spill mustard on it?)...and, can I vote in Jessica and Blue for the group-huggable category?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, guys & gals.
Here's mine (I'm the chick). ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
End Quote
...and she's taken too :'(
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, guys & gals.
Here's mine (I'm the chick). ;)
End Quote
WOW! :o :o :o :o :o :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Thanks! I feel better!
*****Lights up a cigarette*****
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, guys & gals.
Here's mine (I'm the chick). ;)
End Quote
That is a beautiful picture of you, nat!!! :) Quite stunning!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Lester is funny though; I actually imagined him thus - a delta pledge just like me (oy, are those scrubbs you're wearing ??? But more importantly, did you purposely spill mustard on it?)...End Quote
TB, if it's any consolation I do frequently spill mustard and assorted other condiments on my clothes when I'm at a ball game... or just sitting in the chair watching on TV for that matter. ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You look gorgeous, Natmc78. But who's the soon-to-be ex boy toy you are with? ;) ;)
That is a beautiful picture of you, nat!!! :) Quite stunning!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You look gorgeous, Natmc78. But who's the soon-to-be ex boy toy you are with? ;) ;)
End Quote
..git yer mits offaher! I saw 'er first! Zella! Prepare mee mine armour and fetch my orange cone - this gentleman has just op'n'd a can of whup@$$
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pic Howard! It's nice to get a glimpse at what you might actually look like! Thanks for sharing!
End Quote
You're quite welcome.That picture was taken in 1979.I was only 6 years old at the time.If you see a small chunk of my hair was cut off.I did it myself while my Mother was painting.I used small scissors to give myself a haircut.I had to take the picture with that small chunk of hair missing.It didn't grow back until I was 7.Did any of this ever happen to you? -howard-(don't call m e jammin'!) 8)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Is this a challenge, TB? Just remember, Jane. I was the one who gave Zella her cones (although Tantrum might disagree). You sir, are outmanned. ;)
..git yer mits offaher! I saw 'er first! Zella! Prepare mee mine armour and fetch my orange cone - this gentleman has just op'n'd a can of whup@$$
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You look gorgeous, Natmc78. But who's the soon-to-be ex boy toy you are with? ;) ;)
End Quote
Ha ha, actually, he's my soon-to-be husband. We've been together for about 4 years, and I don't see us breaking up anytime soon. ;) Thanks for the compliments, though.
So, where are your pics, J.C.? ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That is a beautiful picture of you, nat!!! :) Quite stunning!
End Quote
Thank you for your kind words, 80strivia. ;)
Now, where is that Trivia Golden Girls book? I'm waiting...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
..git yer mits offaher! I saw 'er first! Zella! Prepare mee mine armour and fetch my orange cone - this gentleman has just op'n'd a can of whup@$$
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Wow, I feel special. How chilvalrous of you, TB. No one has ever fought over me before.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
My pics are still in the camera I don't have and wouldn't know how to use anyway. Also don't have a scanner. Hope to post one soon if there's not an investigation on me at work. ;)
Ha ha, actually, he's my soon-to-be husband. We've been together for about 4 years, and I don't see us breaking up anytime soon. ;) Thanks for the compliments, though.
So, where are your pics, J.C.? ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
..git yer mits offaher! I saw 'er first! Zella! Prepare mee mine armour and fetch my orange cone - this gentleman has just op'n'd a can of whup@$$
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
But we never found you a pantomime horse! ;D
(NatMc, your pic is fantastic! :) )
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
...and I guess I'm not alone in thinking that some of us seem to have found the fountain of youth (seriously, how did Zella and Jonman manage? Is it in the water or something?).
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
But, T.B., I don't have a current picture posted! ;D
I don't have a current picture, 'cus no one wants to take one of me... :'(
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
But, T.B., I don't have a current picture posted! ;D
I don't have a current picture, 'cus no one wants to take one of me... :'(
End Quote
I would take one of you but I'm still working on this blasted time machine ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You're quite welcome.That picture was taken in 1979.I was only 6 years old at the time.If you see a small chunk of my hair was cut off.I did it myself while my Mother was painting.I used small scissors to give myself a haircut.I had to take the picture with that small chunk of hair missing.It didn't grow back until I was 7.Did any of this ever happen to you? -howard-(don't call m e jammin'!) 8)
End Quote
Actually Howard that did happen to me. We got notices in school that people with long hair would have to wear bathing caps in the local swimming pool to stop the filters from clogging up so I cut my own hair b/c there was NO way I was wearing a bathing cap.....when she finally stopped laughing at me, my Mom said that the notices were meant for GIRLS. I wore a hat most of the summer.....d'oh!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
My pics are still in the camera I don't have and wouldn't know how to use anyway. Also don't have a scanner. Hope to post one soon if there's not an investigation on me at work. ;)
End Quote
Sounds like a feeble excuse to me, J.C.! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Actually Howard that did happen to me. We got notices in school that people with long hair would have to wear bathing caps in the local swimming pool to stop the filters from clogging up so I cut my own hair b/c there was NO way I was wearing a bathing cap.....when she finally stopped laughing at me, my Mom said that the notices were meant for GIRLS. I wore a hat most of the summer.....d'oh!
End Quote
LOL, Jonman! That's too funny!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I too cut my own hair as a small child.Apparently I slid the scissors along my scalp and started to give myself a skinhead cut,my poor Mum had to finish it off just to make it all neat! My Dad was away at the time and when he came back the first thing I said was 'Mummy cut my hair' he went mental apparently until my Mum managed to explain!I spent the next few months being mistaken for a boy.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Thank you for your kind words, 80strivia. ;)
Now, where is that Trivia Golden Girls book? I'm waiting...
End Quote
The book will be out, eventually... and maybe before I die!!! The publishers have been sitting on the book for so long and I've moved on to several different projects... I promise to keep you updated on the book's "progress"!!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pics, guys & gals.
Here's mine (I'm the chick). ;)
End Quote
Yes You ARE ;) You two make a really cute couple!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Lovely photo Natmc78
And congrats on your som to be wedding
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sooo, not even a "one in a million chance," huh? (Dumb And Dumber ::) )
Your fiance is a very lucky man and, likewise, you are a very fortunate woman. I know that somewhere in he// there's a place for flatterers, but I recall reading in the plastic surgery thread that you would actually consider getting plastic surgery done - seriously, women here have plastic surgery so they can look as close as possible to you :) If there's any fault, I surely don't see it. I thought of that show, Third Rock From The Sun...you must wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and say to yourself: "God! I am gorgeous!" ;)
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Congratulations on your engagement, Natmc78! But what are you going to tell the harem keepers that want your fiance for themselves? ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Here is a recentish picture of me out for the night with my brother and sister,(why we have 4 beers between us I have no idea!?!) Left to right is my sister the queen of goth,my brother and me.The serious looking one behind me is my fiance Ian pre-haircut.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a great pic of you and your family, Gis!!! Looks as if you guys had a fun night, judging from the bottles in hand!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I too cut my own hair as a small child.Apparently I slid the scissors along my scalp and started to give myself a skinhead cut,my poor Mum had to finish it off just to make it all neat! My Dad was away at the time and when he came back the first thing I said was 'Mummy cut my hair' he went mental apparently until my Mum managed to explain!I spent the next few months being mistaken for a boy.
End Quote
I was also in the same boat....my grandmother had a pair of thinning combs and I decided on day to brush my hair "pretty" . As I sat on the bar stool I did not see the mounds of hair falling off my head...I though my mother was gonna cry herself to death...and I had one screwy looking haircut for awhile!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Actually Howard that did happen to me. We got notices in school that people with long hair would have to wear bathing caps in the local swimming pool to stop the filters from clogging up so I cut my own hair b/c there was NO way I was wearing a bathing cap.....when she finally stopped laughing at me, my Mom said that the notices were meant for GIRLS. I wore a hat most of the summer.....d'oh!
End Quote
Well John,What the heck did I know,I was only 6 years old.I didn't know anything about a haircut.My mother was ticked off at me. If I could go back 23 years ago,I wouldn't have touched the scissors in the first place and my Mother would've taken me to my Barber. -howard-(don't call me jammin'!) ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Such great pictures, everybody!! It's really neat to be able to put so many faces with names! This is one good looking messageboard! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Gis ! Lovely photo - you look like you're having a real good time.
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Thank you.We were having a great time as we don't often manage to get together.My sister not only runs a shop but is allergic to travel!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sooo, not even a "one in a million chance," huh? (Dumb And Dumber ::) )
Your fiance is a very lucky man and, likewise, you are a very fortunate woman. I know that somewhere in he// there's a place for flatterers, but I recall reading in the plastic surgery thread that you would actually consider getting plastic surgery done - seriously, women here have plastic surgery so they can look as close as possible to you :) If there's any fault, I surely don't see it. I thought of that show, Third Rock From The Sun...you must wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and say to yourself: "God! I am gorgeous!" ;)
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Wow, you've now become my ultimate favorite person on this board.
Your comments made my day - actually, they made my week. Flattery is ALWAYS nice...especially when it's sincere.
:-* :-* ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:DEveryone here is really great looking :D For the members I have met already from the other site, I have change my hair color. My summer look 8) Just took it :)http://www.geocities.com/pooh_obother/MVC-002S.jpg
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I am officially smitten.
Well done, Shell.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I would take one of you but I'm still working on this blasted time machine ;)
End Quote
Hey, there's a dude around here that's selling a Delorean. I'm thinking - I've got the brains, you've got the looks, let's make lot's of money :D
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I am officially smitten.
Well done, Shell.
End Quote
Thank you so much! Again ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:DEveryone here is really great looking :D For the members I have met already from the other site, I have change my hair color. My summer look 8) Just took it :)http://www.geocities.com/pooh_obother/MVC-002S.jpg
End Quote
All I get is little "x." I tried typing in the address and it says it can't find the page ??? Hmwell.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Okay I'm officially adding Gis to the hotties list!! Wow! Great pic and you and your family look so happy! I think your fiance needs to cheer up a bit though LOL J/K!! ;)
Shell all I'm getting is the little box too...maybe your host site is down....hmmmm....gonna have to come back to this one...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Just click on her WWW link.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I just place the other picture on my WWW site, so now you can see them both.
Oh and a :-* for the nice things you said!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Very pretty pics, Gis, natmc78 and shell_29. :)
Are you men gonna make it? Or do You need some wipes? ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Shell 29....wow! :o
The women on this board.....wow......what more can I say? Is it HOT in here? :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:My summer look
End Quote
Hehe - nice rack (CD rack, that is! You have to be *so* careful around here! ::) )
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey again, Shell!!! Glad you decided to post your pretty pic here as well!!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I was also in the same boat....my grandmother had a pair of thinning combs and I decided on day to brush my hair "pretty" . As I sat on the bar stool I did not see the mounds of hair falling off my head...I though my mother was gonna cry herself to death...and I had one screwy looking haircut for awhile!!!
End Quote
My gorgeous baby sister used to make her own "fashions" as a child. All was fine as long as she was designing skirts from newspaper and halter tops from old hose... but at one point bubble gum seemed like the perfect material from which to mold a hat...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey Shell! Not bad-for a newby. ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Okay I'm officially adding Gis to the hotties list!! Wow! Great pic and you and your family look so happy! I think your fiance needs to cheer up a bit though LOL J/K!! ;)
Shell all I'm getting is the little box too...maybe your host site is down....hmmmm....gonna have to come back to this one...
End Quote
Why thank you kind sir ;D
We have our moments!! and as to Ian what can I say?? he hates clubbing sadly :-/
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hehe - nice rack (CD rack, that is! You have to be *so* careful around here! ::) )
End Quote
mrgazpacho - Great minds think alike - I had noticed the same things oops ! thing.... :-[
Whew !
Lovely pic Shell
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:o Oh my! Those last comments about my Rack (I mean cd's )
About made my coffee come out my nose!!
I love it here ;D
Thank you all for the warmest welcome ever!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Are you men gonna make it?
End Quote
I should be so lucky... oh, you mean stick a pic up. I suppose so, if you insist:
... the software I write takes pictures for verification and ID card production, so in testing I tend to take mainly silly pictures (there are hundreds of similar pictures in various systems in prisons round the country):
...though they do get worse:
Happy now?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:o Oh my! Those last comments about my Rack (I mean cd's )
About made my coffee come out my nose!!
I love it here ;D
Thank you all for the warmest welcome ever!!!
End Quote
Or perhaps the Hottest?http://www.aloha.net/~noriaki/flame.gif
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I should be so lucky... oh, you mean stick a pic up. I suppose so, if you insist:
Happy now?
End Quote
Great pic, Phil. The last one was the best. Good work! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
So, Philbo, this is the Geordie who's a frequent visitor to my quizzes ?
Thanks for posting - all great pics.
Of course you (deliberately ?) left yourself wide open to the question....
Will the 'real' Philbo please identify himself ?
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Will the 'real' Philbo please identify himself ?
End Quote
Well, I guess pic 1 is the "real" philbo, pic 2 is the "real silly" philbo and pic 3 is the "surreal" philbo (thanks to Kai's Goo program) ;-)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Philbo!! Great pics! Another for the ladies to put on their list...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Philbo!! Great pics! Another for the ladies to put on their list...
End Quote
List? :-[ What list? :-X I don't know what you've heard, but it's not like we keep track of these things, write them down and pin up the results on our bedroom walls... ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
List? :-MW...did we change the rules again...when....I thought that is what we did do.....you need to keep me more informed of these changes
oh by the way....guys...that question to MW has nothing to do with what Jonman asked about
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
MW...did we change the rules again...when....I thought that is what we did do.....you need to keep me more informed of these changes
End Quote
I'm not going to redecorate any time soon!!! And, MW, they are on my ceiling, right along side of where my trapeze is hung! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nope, nothing to do with Jonman or philbo's pic at all...
PSSSSST, CRICKET... PRINTOUTS OF PICS go on our walls; LISTS get submitted to the "For Women Only" Forum...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
LISTS get submitted to the "For Women Only" Forum...
End Quote
And where would THIS forum be? ;D I want in! :P
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And where would THIS forum be? ;D I want in! :P
End Quote
Me too, my walls could use some redecoration.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And where would THIS forum be? ;D I want in! :P
End Quote
I wouldn't worry, Rapture! If there's a place on the Web with piccies of guys, I know you will encounter it eventually!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm not going to redecorate any time soon!!! And, MW, they are on my ceiling, right along side of where my trapeze is hung! ;)
End Quote
OF COURSE, Banasy... to the left of the mirror. ;) ;D Now that's my kinda woman!
And where would THIS forum be? ;D I want in! :P
End Quote
Actually, SO DO I! We should start a forum for both sexes. Of course, moderators would HAVE to have access to both... 8)
Me too, my walls could use some redecoration.
End Quote
There may not be a forum (yet!), but the calendar/photo gallery is alive and well and coming soon to a bedroom wall near you... :o
I wouldn't worry, Rapture! If there's a place on the Web with piccies of guys, I know you will encounter it eventually!!! ;D
End Quote
Only if they're nakey, Triv, only if they're nakey... ::) (I do so miss your pics, Rapture!!!)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Actually, SO DO I! We should start a forum for both sexes. Of course, moderators would HAVE to have access to both... 8)
End Quote
And who's your buddy? Who's your pal? I am, right? ? ? ? ?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And who's your buddy? Who's your pal? I am, right? ? ? ? ?
End Quote
And here I thought it was ME!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I should be so lucky... oh, you mean stick a pic up. I suppose so, if you insist:
... the software I write takes pictures for verification and ID card production, so in testing I tend to take mainly silly pictures (there are hundreds of similar pictures in various systems in prisons round the country):
...though they do get worse:
Happy now?
End Quote
Nice pics Phil.You sure do have long hair.Why don't you cut it and get a fuzzy-wuzzy? -howard-(don't call me jammin'!) ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Davester, you nailed it. It indeed was a Geocities site. I didn't know of that problem. ???
So, for those interested, click on my "www" and see the many phases of Fett69! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What a great family, Fett! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
How do you put in pictures? I only have something on hard drive, it's not on a server, and I'm not at home anyway. ???
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
How do you put in pictures?
End Quote
W/help from my racing forum friends, I'm gonna try this....this is just a test but hopefully it'll work so I don't have to keep trying...this is last Fall at my parents' anniversary party.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
W/help from my racing forum friends, I'm gonna try this...
End Quote
Pooh! Let's try again....
<IMG SRC="kristin-2001.jpg">
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:Posted by: Rapture Posted on: 07/01/02 at 6:37pm
What a great family, Fett!
End Quote
Thanx, Rapture! I'm quite proud of the whole gang.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
OK, unless otherwise helped by others, these are my last 2 (max) attempts....sorry about this
<img src="http://members.aol.com/rebelkris/images/kristin-2001.jpg">
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
gggrrrrrr >:(
<img src="rebelkris/images/kristin-2001.jpg">
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
gggrrrrrr >:(
<img src="rebelkris/images/kristin-2001.jpg">
End Quote
You mean like this?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You mean like this?
End Quote
Now Phil, I've seen your pics, so I know that isn't you.
So we'll assume it is the_OlLine_Rebel...
On that basis, good lookin' pic Rebel. Someone's having a good time....
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Now Phil, I've seen your pics, so I know that isn't you.
So we'll assume it is the_OlLine_Rebel...
End Quote
Yeah, way too much hair...
But Rebel seemed to be having a problem with the IMG field (possibly because she didn't realize that all you have to do is click the http://www.inthe00s.com/YaBBImages/img.gif icon above and stick the URL where it says URL...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Yeah, way too much hair...End Quote
I'm sincerely hoping that's not the only thing there's too much of..... :D
FB ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm sincerely hoping that's not the only thing there's too much of..... :D
End Quote
ROFL - I hope so too - and I'm afraid the reverse wish goes, too!
Hey Phil, thanks for doing that - I don't know how YOU did THAT, but thanks for sparing me and the board more aggravation w/10 more posts!
Thanks for mentioning the Icon - I had no idea. If I ever wish to post pix again, I'll know what to do. Should've known all those icons would have something related in them. Duuuh! ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Thanks for mentioning the Icon - I had no idea. If I ever wish to post pix again, I'll know what to do. Should've known all those icons would have something related in them. Duuuh! ::)
End Quote
Little tip: if someone has done something, and you're wondering how, hit "reply with quote" and you'll see the codes there rather than the result of the codes...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a very nice pic of you, OLRebel!!! You have a wonderful smile. Thanks for sharing! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'll concur with 80s Trivia here. Your smile is very nice. You don't look too bad yourself. ;)
That's a very nice pic of you, OLRebel!!! You have a wonderful smile. Thanks for sharing! :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well here's mine. It was taken in April.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey Jessica
Another lovely pic is posted to the board ;) Thanks for contributing.
And special congrats on it being your 400th post (at least when I looked it was...)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And special congrats on it being your 400th post (at least when I looked it was...)
FB ;)
End Quote
You know, I probably wouldn't have even noticed that. ::) Thanks for pointing it out! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pics, Jessica & OLRebel!
Now, I know that my Godessfulness, MW, is in charge of the calendar OF the men, but who's in charge of the calendar FOR the men? We's gots lotsa hot ladies roamin' around these here parts...! :o :P
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well here's mine. It was taken in April.
End Quote
that's my beautiful sister! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
She is very attractive. But where's yours?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I haven't looked at this thread for awhile, so I apologise if I missed a comment on anyone's pic. Just looked at the most recent page, and wanted to say:
Jessica -- you look fabulous! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Jessica looks a little like Tori Amos. :)
Cute pictures everyone! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pics, Jessica & OLRebel!
Now, I know that my Godessfulness, MW, is in charge of the calendar OF the men, but who's in charge of the calendar FOR the men? We's gots lotsa hot ladies roamin' around these here parts...! :o :P
End Quote
You volunteering for the job Fettman ?
It would be a lot of work, but pleasant work though - there's a lot of good stuff here to choose from :P
But there's only 12 months of the calendar ! Looks like there would have to be a number on each page...
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
She is very attractive. But where's yours?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
End Quote
Yes ! You !
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:You volunteering for the job Fettman ?
It would be a lot of work, but pleasant work though - there's a lot of good stuff here to choose from
But there's only 12 months of the calendar ! Looks like there would have to be a number on each page...
FB End Quote
I'll volunteer for the sorting job! Help with the layout & all. And no one makes 12 month calendars anymore! They're all at least 16-20 months. We can squeeze 'em all. Into a calendar, that is. ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's my wonderful contribution to the collection. It's not really a regular picture, but I like it. I just took it a couple days ago and messed around with it in Adobe Photoshop.
If there's enough interest I may post a more conventional pic.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'll volunteer for the sorting job! Help with the layout & all. And no one makes 12 month calendars anymore! They're all at least 16-20 months. We can squeeze 'em all. Into a calendar, that is. ;)
End Quote
Start Squeezing Fett
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's my wonderful contribution to the collection. It's not really a regular picture, but I like it. I just took it a couple days ago and messed around with it in Adobe Photoshop.
If there's enough interest I may post a more conventional pic.
End Quote
Yummy! *waiting patiently for the more conventional pic* http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Crazy/crazy204.gif
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is FussBudget today
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Because I'm a cheapskate, I have to post links to my Geocities pics! ;D
Here's one:
You'll need to cut and paste it for it to work. If you can be bothered, that is. I'll put one in one of my photo galleries in a day or so that should make it easier.
Actually I found a way to get it to appear in my post, so check the post below this one!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pic, Jessica. Now we need a current pic of your baby sister ;D
Wow, Fussbudget. You still look good. :-*
Goreripper, damn....hottie alert....is that a recent pic?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Goreripper, damn....hottie alert....is that a recent pic?
End Quote
Yeah thanks. *blushes*
It was taken 2 years ago on my 31st birthday.
Here's the same pic, but it's easier to access:
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Fussbudget..wow!! Very nice!! http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/Gluecklich/glueckorgdrool.gif Those eyes....;)
Goreripper the link is not working for me??? :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
this was taken with my webcam when I first got it. I was just messing around with it.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
this was taken with my webcam when I first got it. I was just messing around with it.
End Quote
Hehe.. looks like a Phil Collins CD cover ;) http://www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=679155472/pagename=/RP/CDN/FIND/album.html/artistid=COLLINS*PHIL/itemid=321792
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is FussBudget today
End Quote
And I think you look like Phil Collins!! (Take that as a compliment!)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I think he looks more like Bobby "Slick" Leonard, former Pacers coach and Pacers' radio color man.
Boom, Baby!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is FussBudget today
End Quote
Still foxy at 40! :D But I can't see your beautiful blue eyes in this one... :'(
Z :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Fuss...nice picture, and just how I imagined you would look today! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
this was taken with my webcam when I first got it. I was just messing around with it.
End Quote
Sagnastian, you look awesome! :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Philbo...sorry I'm a little late with this. You know for some reason I always pictured you as having fair hair! Don't ask me why! It looks like you had fun playing around and distorting your pic!!! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
WOOO HOOOO Fussy boy...you do have some piercing blue eyes....do all aussies look like you? !!! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
WOOO HOOOO Fussy boy...you do have some piercing blue eyes....do all aussies look like you? !!! ;)
End Quote
So, aren't you glad you included the hot-tub in the virtual party...? ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Still foxy at 40! :D But I can't see your beautiful blue eyes in this one... :'(
Z :-*
End Quote
Thank you Zella, how nice ! ;) The eyes are still there though.....
Wow, Fussbudget. You still look good. :-*
End Quote
Thanks dagwood ;)
Fussbudget..wow!! Very nice!! http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Gefuehle/Gluecklich/glueckorgdrool.gif Those eyes....;)
End Quote
Thanks Rapture ! :D Zella ! Rapture can see them !
I think he looks more like Bobby "Slick" Leonard, former Pacers coach and Pacers' radio color man.
Boom, Baby!
End Quote
Thanks J.C., I think ? I just had a look at "Slick" at the following link (listed at the end of message) :
So that scared me a bit - maybe on a bad day ?
And those sideburns ! Yeah ! Pure 70's (which is roundabout the era in which my mind spends it's time....
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
WOOO HOOOO Fussy boy...you do have some piercing blue eyes....do all aussies look like you? !!! ;)
End Quote
Well, you are making it hard for me, I'm not sure which way would be in my best interests to answer that, so I think I might say : NO ! ;D
Thank you cricket for your feedback ! ;)
PS They look even bluer in hot tub surrounds.... :P
So, aren't you glad you included the hot-tub in the virtual party...? ;D
End Quote
Yes I am - and Zella, cricket can see my eyes too......why can't you ???
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Yes I am - and Zella, cricket can see my eyes too......why can't you ???
End Quote
I can see them. :) They just don't have quite that alluring piercing sapphire quality in that particular photo.... ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a good picture Fuss!! You haven't changed at all from your 80's pic!! And I can see your blue eyes!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a good picture Fuss!! You haven't changed at all from your 80's pic!! And I can see your blue eyes!! ;D
End Quote
You are too kind by half goldie ! Haven't changed from the 80's pic ? I wish !
But the eyes are still the same, irerspective of what Zellla's failing eyes have picked up...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
But the eyes are still the same, irerspective of what Zellla's failing eyes have picked up...
End Quote
Fine! I'll just go sit in my rocking chair and knit! I can probably do that if I lean close enough to the yarn and have a really strong light.... :-[
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Fine! I'll just go sit in my rocking chair and knit! I can probably do that if I lean close enough to the yarn and have a really strong light.... :-[End Quote
Aak ! FB goes too far... :-/
How about :
There must be something wrong with your Monitor, Zella...
I can't see you being fitted for the front porch rocker just yet ;)
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Aak ! FB goes too far... :-/
How about :
There must be something wrong with your Monitor, Zella...
I can't see you being fitted for the front porch rocker just yet ;)
FB :)
End Quote
That's better! I suppose I will forgive you.... :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
And I think you look like Phil Collins!! (Take that as a compliment!)
End Quote
Thanks lebeiw15
I will ! (Unfortunately, as time pushes on, my hairline is copying Phil Collins' as well.... :'()
Still, if it were a choice between his money or his looks... ::)
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
No bother Fuss.. woman of quality find bald men just as sexy! :P
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm going to have to put the link up again. You'll need to cut and paste it though:
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Someone pick me off the floor!! WOW... Goreripper! http://www.salacious.de/Smiliez/Crazy/crazy204.gif
psst..he should make the cover of the guy/eye candy calender MW is working on! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
No bother Fuss.. woman of quality find bald men just as sexy! :P
End Quote
Rapture :
You're moving up the rankings with a bullet for that one !
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
so... exactly how far down was I?? :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
so... exactly how far down was I?? :o
End Quote
It was just an expression !
Ummmm, AAhhh......Grovel...Smarm....
Not far, not far at all
But now you're much higher !
FB :D :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Philbo...sorry I'm a little late with this. You know for some reason I always pictured you as having fair hair! Don't ask me why! It looks like you had fun playing around and distorting your pic!!! :D
End Quote
I spend most of my day with images of some kind or another... maybe I'll post one of me as a blonde... scary thought!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
LOL!! It's all good :P :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm going to have to put the link up again. You'll need to cut and paste it though:
End Quote
Right oot off Wayne's World ;D Is there such a place as Aurora, Australia?
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Right oot off Wayne's World ;D Is there such a place as Aurora, Australia?
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Yes! It's in Western Australia!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'm going to have to put the link up again. You'll need to cut and paste it though:
End Quote
Great pic, GR! You look great wearing confetti or is that silly string? ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
How about Porpoise Spit, Australia, the town in "Muriel's Wedding"?
Yes! It's in Western Australia!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
How about Porpoise Spit, Australia, the town in "Muriel's Wedding"?
End Quote
Something tells me I should know where that really is and what it's really called, but I can't remember.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I didn't have any current pics, so had to have this taken this last Sunday. So this is a really fresh photo! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pic Zella! You remind me of someone...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice Pic Zella.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I didn't have any current pics, so had to have this taken this last Sunday. So this is a really fresh photo! ;D
End Quote
Whoah !
At first glance I thought Zella was trying to cause set a new level in board scandal :o because I though she had no top on ???
Then I saw it was just a trick of the light :( (or a cunning plan on her part... :D)
Great pic, Zella - nice to see a current one - still looking fine into the 40's !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pic, Zella! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I concur with everyone...Great Pic, Zella :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Whoah !
At first glance I thought Zella was trying to cause set a new level in board scandal :o because I though she had no top on ???
End Quote
Yeah Fuss, at first glance I thought she was showing off that bathing suit that she doesn't own!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great pic Zella! You remind me of someone...
End Quote
Well, I hope it someone famous and really gorgeous! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice Pic Zella.
End Quote
Thanks, sweetie! :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Whoah !
At first glance I thought Zella was trying to set a new level in board scandal :o because I though she had no top on ???
Then I saw it was just a trick of the light :( (or a cunning plan on her part... :D)
End Quote
Yeah Fuss, at first glance I thought she was showing off that bathing suit that she doesn't own!! ;D
End Quote
Okay you two jokers! Look, it was 110 friggin' degrees here, so I was wearing a tube top and it just happened to be a light color and the pic was in the sunlight and a bit overexposed.... (Why am I even explaining this? ::) )
<Stalks off with what is left of her dignity....>
Great pic, Zella - nice to see a current one - still looking fine into the 40's !
FB ;)
End Quote
Now that is more like it.... ;) :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I concur with everyone...Great Pic, Zella :D
End Quote
What? No time machine comment this time? :'( Maybe it is broken....? ??? :o Of course, you would only have to set it back 5 days.... ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Good pic, Zella!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice to see a recent picture of you, Zella. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Good pic, Zella!! :)
End Quote
Thank you kindly, Goldie! :)
Nice to see a recent picture of you, Zella. :)
End Quote
When I was looking for photos to post in the various decades, I began to realize that I actually had very little proof of my own existance! ;D So I thought I'd better get some taken and rectify that.... ::)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, I hope it someone famous and really gorgeous! ;D
End Quote
Vanna White? No, that's not it..
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Zella I kinda thought the same thing...you were gonna show us what you were gonna wear (or not wear) in the fountain!!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Zella I kinda thought the same thing...you were gonna show us what you were gonna wear (or not wear) in the fountain!!! :)
End Quote
Sigh -- I'm never gonna live that down, am I? :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Sigh -- I'm never gonna live that down, am I? :D
End Quote
Not for a couple of pages anyway.....
But hey..I went blonde today..and (hehe) shaved the beard and mustache...so I looked like a new person...guess I better get a new pick posted soon too!!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Not for a couple of pages anyway.....
But hey..I went blonde today..and (hehe) shaved the beard and mustache...so I looked like a new person...guess I better get a new pick posted soon too!!!!
End Quote
Sounds like a plan! Looking forward to seeing it! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Quoting:When I was looking for photos to post in the various decades, I began to realize that I actually had very little proof of my own existance! ;D So I thought I'd better get some taken and rectify that.... ::)
End Quote
I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a figment of my own imagination. Except this doesn't explain the fact that I keep waking up and still not looking like Christy Turlington...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a figment of my own imagination. Except this doesn't explain the fact that I keep waking up and still not looking like Christy Turlington...
End Quote
you and me both..the only thing I have in common with her is the name and I smoke too much too!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I didn't have any current pics, so had to have this taken this last Sunday. So this is a really fresh photo! ;D
End Quote
There's something missing in this photo...Imaginary Girl and me
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice legs and shorts, Zella! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's one of me from a couple years ago. Any more recent can be found on my web station page in my sig:
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's one of me from a couple years ago. Any more recent can be found on my web station page in my sig:
End Quote
guess you don't do everything with your clothes off!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is FussBudget today
End Quote
...hey...you look kind of like a younger version of Edward Woodward or like a younger cousin or brother...
Tarzan Boy (yeeh, I can only wish to be E. Woodward or just resemble him ::) )
Edited: So that people don't think E. Woodward is some silly doode.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
...kind of like a younger version of Edward Woodward or like a cousin or brother...
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Ha ! TB, you crack me up ! That's the funniest one yet !
BUT : I thought it was a picture of you amigo, cos' under the picture it quite clearly says : Tarzan Boy ......
Will the real Edward Woodward please stand up !
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's one of me from a couple years ago. Any more recent can be found on my web station page in my sig:
End Quote
TV9 - nice pic !
For some reason you seem, well, taller when I picture you 'in the flesh' !
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's one of me from a couple years ago. Any more recent can be found on my web station page in my sig:
End Quote
Great pic, TV. Is that your daughter with you? She sure is adorable. :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
There's something missing in this photo...Imaginary Girl and me
Tarzan Boy
End Quote
Hmmmmm.... Well, I don't know about Imaginary Girl, T.B., but I got bliss.... ;D
Nice legs and shorts, Zella! ;)
End Quote
In that order, I hope? :-*
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Well, here's one of me from a couple years ago. Any more recent can be found on my web station page in my sig:
End Quote
Veeeery nice photo, TV9! And your daughter is a cutie too. :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Okay, I know this has been posted somewhere before but I can't find it for the life of me - how do you post a picture? I feel so technically-challenged!!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Okay, I know this has been posted somewhere before but I can't find it for the life of me - how do you post a picture? I feel so technically-challenged!!!
End Quote
You first need to have a picture somewhere on the web. Then you use the 'Insert Image' YABBC tag in your post -- it's the fourth one from the left on the bottom row in the post reply window -- to enclose the URL of the pic. Hope that explains it. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Yup, pretty much - ;). Except the place that I have the photo sucks because you can only email it to people. Can you recommend a better site?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Yup, pretty much - ;). Except the place that I have the photo sucks because you can only email it to people. Can you recommend a better site?
End Quote
The best thing to do is get yourself a web page. Most servers offer personal web page space at no additional cost...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Much thanks to Zella, Goreripper and natmc78 for all the technical assistance!! You guys are the best! :D Anyway, here's the pic - I just got a new digital cameral at work and am trying to figure out how to use it (I may need more technical assistance, guys - LOL).
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Much thanks to Zella, Goreripper and natmc78 for all the technical assistance!! You guys are the best! :D Anyway, here's the pic - I just got a new digital cameral at work and am trying to figure out how to use it (I may need more technical assistance, guys - LOL).
End Quote
:o :o :o :o Wow! Is it HOT in here? :o :o :o :o
Wowsers Syanne! Another to add to the hotties list!!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Word, Jonman! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Much thanks to Zella, Goreripper and natmc78 for all the technical assistance!! You guys are the best! :D Anyway, here's the pic - I just got a new digital cameral at work and am trying to figure out how to use it (I may need more technical assistance, guys - LOL).
End Quote
Very very lovely picture, Syanne! Glad you were able to figure out how to post it so quickly. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Great ! Lovely pic, Syanne !
The collection is growing...
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
:o :o :o :o Wow! Is it HOT in here? :o :o :o :o
Wowsers Syanne! Another to add to the hotties list!!
End Quote
Indeed...what a grip of Gorgeous Ladies we have here :-*Heat ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
;D Aw gee, thanks guys! I just got back from camping and after several days in the wilderness, I was feeling anything BUT gorgeous. Thanks for the picker-upper!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'll just reiterate what everyone else has said: Fantastic picture, Syanne!!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
What good pictures, everyone. I'll try to post mine sometime.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I finally decided to post a (somewhat) recent pic of me. Here I am in late 2000 with my son, after his very first bath. ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Isn't it funny? That's just how I pictured you, CF!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Isn't it funny? That's just how I pictured you, CF!
End Quote
LOL! That is funny! Hey, I don't recall seeing a pic of you...did you ever post one?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Syanne and CF, U R both hot. And nice baby, too CF. How is he now? ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
LOL! That is funny! Hey, I don't recall seeing a pic of you...did you ever post one?
End Quote
Nope.. thought I'd just play it safe and not post one, you know. :-/ Maybe in about 20 years. ;) But it's great seeing everyone else's face here!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Syanne and CeramicsFanatic, you've got it goin' on girls! :o
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a great pic of you, CF :D
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
That's a great pic of you, CF :D
FB ;)
End Quote
Why thank you, Fuss! :-*
Thanks also to IG and MW for your nice comments! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Karen, it's so good to finally see a current pic of you. You look great! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Karen, it's so good to finally see a current pic of you. You look great! :)
End Quote
That's so sweet of you to say, Zella. Thank you! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You all look great guys! It's so nice to put a face to all your wonderful personalities! I'd love to get a pic on here of me, but I need to get a scanner and a decent picture of me! I tend to always have my eyes shut - I don't understand how it happens!! I'll post that if I can get it on the comp :]
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
This is a pic of me taken in my step-mother's country kitchen on a recent visit home to see my father in Kentucky:
End Quote
Can't see the pic.
I'm hurt you didn't let me know you were around. :'( We could have talked on the phone or met for a pepsi. Next time, OK?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I couldn't see the picture either. But I'll take you up on the Pepsi offer if 80s Trivia refuses. ;)
Can't see the pic.
I'm hurt you didn't let me know you were around. :'( We could have talked on the phone or met for a pepsi. Next time, OK?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Wow, 80strivia, you look great! I really like your recent pictures.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey 80sTrivia !
Great pics !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Very nice pics, 80sTrivia!! You must have a great job if it allows you to travel that much! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Very nice pics, 80sTrivia!! You must have a great job if it allows you to travel that much! :D
End Quote
The best job; I'm self-employed!!! ;D Thank you all for the wonderful comments!!! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I couldn't see the picture either. But I'll take you up on the Pepsi offer if 80s Trivia refuses. ;)
End Quote
If you're ever going to be in Louisville, let me know via PM. I LOVE Pepsi!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
BTW, 80sTrivia, we can't see the first pic because we need to log in to 80sExchange to be able to see it...
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Bumping this back up to the top, per request.... :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You're all just such beautiful people!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You're all just such beautiful people!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
You're all just such beautiful people!!!! ;D
End Quote
And do we get to see you Kay ?
FB :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'd say yes but:
1...the pic has been seen by most people anyway
2...it's quite offensive
3...I don't know how to do it anyway!!! ;D
I may be convinced though....depends.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'd say yes but:
1...the pic has been seen by most people anyway
2...it's quite offensive
3...I don't know how to do it anyway!!! ;D
I may be convinced though....depends.
End Quote
There are no other pics of you that could be posted instead ?
FB ???
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nope...there might be soon... not sure it's kind of up to my mate as they go on his website.
I'll come back tomorrow ok...
Look down a few ;D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I'd post my pic but you've seen me naked (Inter, "Happy Ending")
Ooops, wrong thread!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
this is one I didn't know about...
I'm the one on the bottom right I won't embarrass my mates by telling you who they are.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
this is one I didn't know about...
I'm the one on the bottom right I won't embarrass my mates by telling you who they are.
Still not there Kay. Have there been problems??
End Quote
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Hey Kay
Nice pic of you, and your friends - glad to see you found one to add to the collection here :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Nice pic Kay.! :D
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I can't see it! :'(
Played around and got it to work. GREAT picture Kay! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I've given up trying to sort it out but anyone else is welcome.
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
LoL...my pic is already posted. :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I've given up trying to sort it out but anyone else is welcome.
End Quote
I got it to work also, briefly, but it disappeared when I refreshed the page. I don't know why it isn't linking...
Okay, for those who want to see Kay's pic: go to her original post and click "reply with quote." When the box comes up, highlist the URL inbetween the "img" boxes, cut it and past it up in your URL box so you can go directly to the page....
Hope this helps....
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
LoL...my pic is already posted. :)
End Quote
A tad blurry, but nice just the same, ArchAngel! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
OK, this is me, taken yesterday (Oct14)... ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
still as good looking as ever, Aphasia! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Cheers Southern! :-*
Youre very sweet!
Ive totally loved looking thru this thread!!!
Where is yours though!?
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
I am not sure which page I am on....but you cannot miss me...I am the only chick with a painted on mustache and beard! It was from a Halloween party!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
AH YES! I remember now...the "Hombre Hottie!" Gr8 pic! :)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
AH YES! I remember now...the "Hombre Hottie!" Gr8 pic! :)
End Quote
Never heard it put that way!! Thanks!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Please, Hairspray, don't lock this thread! I'm still trying to find a way to put my picture on here. I just might have a picture of myself for you guys to see.
And I'd also like to see more recent pics of MW, Banasy, and Screwball, too!
Subject: Re: Current Self Pics!
Please, Hairspray, don't lock this thread! I'm still trying to find a way to put my picture on here. I just might have a picture of myself for you guys to see.End Quote
Oh, man. That's a toughy because this is one of the harder threads to upload for those who have 56k modems or slower.
I'll start a continuation of this topic and place a link for this thread (it will never get lost or forgotten this way) for those who want to look at the pics and commentary.
This way, those who don't want to be bogged down by waiting an eternity for the pages to upload have the option of skipping the link. :D