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Subject: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: randbfan23 on 06/13/02 at 11:36 p.m.
The only reason I watch it anymore when I do watch it is because of Hogan, and a few other wrestlers. It is also somewhat entertaining. But Vince is becoming more and more dumb about what he does with his company, and his wrestlers.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: southernspitfire on 06/14/02 at 00:18 a.m.
I had to click on this just to see what you are talking about...and since I had no idea what WWE was...then yes..it must be over....people talk bad about reality tv but think wrestling is "real"....please..someone give these people a book to read!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: Kryllith on 06/14/02 at 07:37 a.m.
I'm the opposite. I tend to watch it for the newer talent (especially cruiserweights) since they tend to be more inventive of maneuvers.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: panda on 06/14/02 at 07:58 a.m.
i think wrestling is definitely going out of style. it used to be on almost every night of the week on a couple of different channels and now, it's hardly ever on by comparison. at least around here it is.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: Junior on 06/14/02 at 08:55 a.m.
I really don't think that World Wrestling Entertainment (formerly World Wrestling Federation) is going to be leaving television anytime soon, especially since NWA-TNA (?) and other wrestling companies are starting to become more popular.
Signing with MTV for Sunday Night Heat & Tough Enough was an excellent choice, because it expanded the wrestling base to music lovers too, although now MTV shows less and less music on now, which, well, pisses me off.
Ric Flair, Hollywood Hogan, and some of the older guys need to give it up now.
I like watching the WWE mostly for the cruiserweight division, the woman's division (which, in most cases, they actually wrestle, and not have a catfight), and for all the up-and-coming talent. Some of the storylines tend to hook me too.
The only real problems I see with the WWE right now are that they need to rid of some of the older talent, and they need to stop re-using storylines.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: Tv on 06/14/02 at 10:55 a.m.
I think the WWF just took off at a time when the economy was good much like teen-pop did because of the happy mood of the country. Now the country is recovering from a recession so the WWF isn't as popular anymore. I think the WWF will still be around for alot of years but I think 1997-2000 it reached the peak of its popularity.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: XenaKat13 on 06/14/02 at 11:54 a.m.
Back in the 80's I thought that pro wrestling had reached it's peak, but I was proved wrong recently. My mom even remembers going to live wrestling matches when she was a teen (back in the 40's).
I think it's popularity is cyclical. That is, it will be wildly popular for a while, then die down for a few years, before becoming popular again.
There may be some confusion for the casual fan over the name change. Not many people know that WWF changed to WWE, or why.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: Junior on 06/14/02 at 02:39 p.m.
My great-grandmother was a huge fan of wrestling, she went to the coliseum every week to see it, but, unfortunately, was hit by a truck walking across the street. Many of the wrestlers attended her funeral, as they all knew her and were very good friends with her. Unfortunately, I never met her, as this was a long while ago. I believe it was NWA.
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: jamminoldies on 06/15/02 at 09:44 a.m.
Vince is an old fartbag and now he treats his women wrestlers like little sluts.He must get his jollies out of french-kissing Trish and Stacy and Tori.He must love young girls. -howard- :o
Subject: New Question
Written By: Sagnastian on 06/19/02 at 10:54 a.m.
The real question is ... who thinks wrestling is a waste of time? I DO! I DO!
Subject: Re: Who all thinks wwe is going out of style?
Written By: jamminoldies on 06/19/02 at 06:33 p.m.
Well,I don't think it is because it keeps people entertained for most of the time.I don't watch a lot of wrestling anymore cause I am busy and have things to do.There was a time when I was always glued to the TV on Monday nights to watch Nitro and RAW.I only go for the main events on RAW.The main event is like the highlight of wrestling. -howard- 8)