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Subject: how were you treated?
How were you treated back in school? doesn't matter what grade just tell. I was hearing the "youth of the nation" song by P.O.D. and heard in one of the lines "it's kinda hard when you aint got no friends, he put his life to an end, maybe they'll remember him then....." it's sad but anywho.......how were YOU treated?
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Well, In grade school I was treated O.K. up until about 5th grade. After that, I started getting picked on quite a bit ( my grades were bad, I probaly got into a fight once a week). This lasted through grade school. In 7th grade I was still pretty much Picked On, but that ended In 8th grade all of the sudden, the people that picked on me in earlier grades wanted to be friends. After that I switched schools and Became a track star at my new school, started getting better grades (3.8 sophmore year).
Then Before I started 11th grade I had to move again, and I kind of kept to myself (My grades droped 1.00 first semester junior year), I guess I realized that my popularity at my new school could never reach the hieght it was at my old. I had about ten people I considered my friends Junior & Senior year, But I didn't know over half my graduating class (mainly because I had to make up classes that they took in 10th and 11th grade).
(If this post was long and boring I appologize)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
My elementary school years were good because I got along with everyone. In sixth and seventh grade, I had a lot of trouble with this girl who always wanted to fight me. Eighth grade was pretty good. And when I got to high school, it was great, probably because I ditched school most of the time! ;D
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Well, like Screwball, I did fine until 5th grade, but for the opposite reason. I got really good grades and the teacher started doting on me, which lead some of the kids to begin following me home at lunchtime and calling me "teacher's pet" and other mean names. It probably only went on for 6 months at the most, but when you are only 10 it seems like a lifetime. It changed me totally, because every year in school after that I became more and more withdrawn into myself. I always had 2 or 3 good friends, but in general I was not liked. It was not until I was about 17 that I began to open up and become more outgoing and then I ran full to the opposite spectrum and became the outspoken, obnoxious person that you all know and love here today ;) ::)
It's funny, tho'-- I never had any animosity towards the kids that picked on me, even at the time. They weren't bad kids--they were just doing what kids unfortunately sometime do. If I ran into any of them today, I would give them a big hug. I still have unresolved anger, however, at all the adults (my teachers, principal, parents) who knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it. It is hard enough to be a child who is hurting--it is harder still when you cannot turn to those who are supposed to protect you. :'(
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Well, In grade school I was treated O.K. up until about 5th grade. After that, I started getting picked on quite a bit ( my grades were bad, I probaly got into a fight once a week). This lasted through grade school. In 7th grade I was still pretty much Picked On, but that ended In 8th grade all of the sudden, the people that picked on me in earlier grades wanted to be friends. After that I switched schools and Became a track star at my new school, started getting better grades (3.8 sophmore year).
Then Before I started 11th grade I had to move again, and I kind of kept to myself (My grades droped 1.00 first semester junior year), I guess I realized that my popularity at my new school could never reach the hieght it was at my old. I had about ten people I considered my friends Junior & Senior year, But I didn't know over half my graduating class (mainly because I had to make up classes that they took in 10th and 11th grade).
(If this post was long and boring I appologize)
End Quote
Please don't apologize....I plan on boring the heck out of you people tomorrow...for now I am enjoying the much needed rain and hoping that it's being distributed where it needs to be...
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
In my first year at senior school I got picked on by this one girl for awhile,not nice.After that for some reason I never figured out the school bully decided she liked me.Infact she told me so whilst pinning me up against a wall(no word of a lie!!)and after that I had a pretty quiet time.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was so short in school (as opposed to now ::)) that it was considered cowardly to pick on me (hooray !).
That was until this shorter kid joined our school, and didn't he have some problems >:(
I can still remember him pushing the back of my head into a brick wall. Why, because it was there of course !
FB :(
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Nothing too bad or nothing great. I was there, I did my own thing. :) I had my friends but I had no problems keeping to myself. :)
I hear horror stories from some of the HS school girls who come into my shop. They are so mean nowadays! :eek: A better word is, cruel!! >:(
I don't understand why it is like that???
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was the scapegoat. I was the kid they always picked on.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I got picked on in 7th grade...don't know why...8th grade I moved and went to the other jr. high in the district and wasn't picked on. Then Freshmen year in high school I went to school with a lot of the students from 7th grade...got picked on again...10th grade my mom remarried, we moved across town and I went to a high school in a different district. Never got picked on again...enjoyed my last 3 years of high school. :)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was teased a little bit through elementary school and 6th grade, but this past year (7th Grade) was worse. Plus my best friend moved away and I didn't have any classes with most of my other friends. But from what I've heard, in 8th grade and high school, you end up getting back with friends from elementary school, your REAL friends.
Last year I went through a case of depression which nobody except myself knew about...I wasn't going to commit suicide, only because of my family and the few TRUE friends I had at the time.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I don't remember ever being picked on in school. Sure I had some go-rounds with girls in high school over stupid crap, but I never felt ostracized or anything. By the time I was in high school, I'd had the same group of friends for years, and frankly I really didn't care what anybody else thought of me. I worried about popularity up through 8th grade or so, and after that, I just said "the heck with it" and figured as long as I had MY friends, which I did, I gave little or no thought to anyone else, or their opinions of me. ;D
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Elemantry School and Middle School were good. I live in a small town where everybody knew everybody so it was cool. Than I went to High School and we were lumped in with people from three different towns. My freshman year wasn't good. I didn't know how to socialize very well. I had like one friend. My sophmore year was a little better and i started scocializing more. Junior year started out great and I had a group of friends that excepted me and I talked with. Than one day a kid got jealous because he thought I was taking his friends away from I THINK so he showed me a letter that he said I wrote (which I didn't) that said a bad thing about him. I told him I never wrote it. He said I wrote it(right in front of eveybody to make me look like a fool.) In fact he wrote it to make me look me bad in front of everybody. From that point on my group of friends would not talk to me because of the letter he said I had wrote. I tried to talk to one of the guys a month later and he didn't want to talk with me. For the rest of my junior year I had no friends and was really depressed. My senior year started and I had to make up with the person that dissed me. I don't know why I did it but I did. I just wanted to make peace with him because I don't like having enemies. I the mid-point of senior year I had another group of friends that TRULY cared about me and it was nice to feel accepted. Senior year was fun, Sophmore year was ok , and the rest weren't very good. I could not a girlfriend back than which was sad. All in All, High School is an awkward experience I would not like to go through again. I tried to like everybody back then but in turn some people will like you and some people won't. There are still some people I would like to see again but some other people I wouldn't even bother talking to.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was picked on because I was overweight and kept to myself. I only had a few friends, but they were good friends. I never listened to the morons that teased me...I never wanted to be their friends anyway. I guess I am lucky that my head was on straight...I knew there was more to life than looks and popularity.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
When people make fun of me, I either give them a smart-ass reply, or just ignore it. A lot of people here on this messageboard didn't (or don't) seem to be really popular, so it's good to know I'm not alone.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
WOW! That was so many years ago as I grew up in the 60s and 70s! But I remember it like it was yesterday! Unfortunately I have many bad memories! I was the target of school yard bullies!
Peace,Cat Lover
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
When people make fun of me, I either give them a smart-ass reply, or just ignore it. A lot of people here on this messageboard didn't (or don't) seem to be really popular, so it's good to know I'm not alone.
End Quote
Lebeiw! How can the starter of the compound thread help but be popular?! We couldn't do without you! :)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I guess I did ok..I was the star football players girlfriend..so they were too scared to pick on me I guess...sometimes having friends in high places does work!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
My family moved around a lot up until I was in the 4th grade. That was a traumatic year for me because I was the minority in my school and everybody picked on me and called me names. :'( I became very withdrawn and started to go into corners during recess just to try to escape the torment. This continued for several more years and it wasn't until 8th grade that I really started to make a few good friends.
What's funny is that once I reached high school the kids who once used to be really mean started being nice towards me. I guess we had all matured a bit by that time...
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Im just like Rapture :-D
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was always one of the lucky ones: not the most popular bod in school, but on good terms with everyone: pupils, teachers even the bullies - I guess making people laugh has served me pretty well through the years
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
These are some memories I would like to forget. In second grade, I was very shy and quiet, really introverted, and the teacher hated me with a passion. She would make me stand in the front of the room and would scream at me in front of all the kids, telling me I was stupid, a failure, would never, ever be anything in life, etc. And of course, the kids treated me as the teacher treated me, kids learn by example.
Somewhere, I learned to fight, so after that first year in second grade, no one messed with me. By the time I reached 5th grade, I was an honor student, straight A(s) and perfect scores on my CAT tests. By the time I reached high school, I was tired of fighting, so I went "weird". Goth before Goth was even a term. Half the people in the school were afraid of me, the other half wanted to know me (It was almost cult like, I had people saying "Hi" to me, calling out my name when I had no idea who they were. I was voted most likely to not be forgotten). When I went to college, I lost touch with all of my high school friends. Oh well.
If I ever decide I want kids, I would seriously consider home schooling, that's how much I hate the system. Boy, this is a long post. Now, let's not talk about school again.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Pretty much like Jessica. I hardly attended school. The only reason I kept coming back (and why I staunchly looked down upon continuation school) was for my AP and honors classes. I tried to relate with the other kids, really, but I hate "trying" - especially trying to act like someone I'm not. I took the path least traveled when I decided that I didn't need anyone's acceptance anymore (a case of too little too late?)...for the good and the bad. It's relaxing not to walk on broken glass, at least.
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I was picked on in high school, but generally by my own doing. If no one has guessed, I have a smart mouth. This accounted for about 95% of it. Although, three different occasions were because of girls. Some X was upset that I was with "their" girl. I'm sure most of you can imagine my responses (ever being the smart ass). It got a little carried away at a football game, with 9 guys pushing me around. A guy by the name of Kevin (the instigator) happened to get jumped in a dark ally by three guys the next evening. For some reason, Kevin wasn't so gamey after that. ::) Imagine my surprise. I'm sure he's beating his wife someplace really nice, RIGHT NOW.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
In the early years, I was neither picked on, nor popular. That changed around 4th grade. I developed scoliosis, which made me look overweight. I was severely picked on for two years. Kids would yell 'earthquake!' and throw themselves to the ground. And that was the nicest thing they did.
I spent the summer vacation between 5th and 6th grade having surgery to correct the scoliosis, and spent that year in a body cast while I was healing. Most of the kids avoided me then, like most kids, they believed it was contagious. They didn't want to "catch" whatever it was I had.
7th grade (Jr. High) started much, much better. I looked 'normal' again, and suddenly found myself well-liked, and maybe a bit popular. I wasn't buying any of it though. I remembered how all but a handful of these people (my "real" friends) had treated me before. I enjoyed not being picked on, but couldn't bring myself to believe they were sincere.
High school was a disaster, (for other reasons) and I ended up dropping out. When I got to college, it was all worth the wait. Most of the people were really nice, and there was almost no one being picked on. (Well, we picked on the Accounting teacher, but he encouraged us to.)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I got picked on when I was young (elementary school) because I was so sensitive that people could get away with it. In my latter school years I decided I wasn't going to let it get to me. I didn't care about the whole social ranking that seems to permeate middle/high school, so I was treated just fine.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
I got picked on when I was young (elementary school) because I was so sensitive that people could get away with it.
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That happened to me too...it still happened last year in 7th grade.
It really pisses me off that kids these days are so immature and have to pick on kids to be more 'popular' and enjoy themselves. :-/
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
It really pisses me off that kids these days are so immature and have to pick on kids to be more 'popular' and enjoy themselves. :-/
End Quote
It's not just kids these days, Junior. They have always been that way. In my opinion kids who pick on other kids are just insecure. They have to belittle someone else to feel good (or superior) about themselves. It is pretty sad that this does have to happen...but, in my experience, by high school it pretty much ende. Once I was in high school, I wasn't popular, but the kids who used to pick on me left me alone. Maybe they just matured...or the learned to talk about me behind my back instead of to my face.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
That happened to me too...it still happened last year in 7th grade.
It really pisses me off that kids these days are so immature and have to pick on kids to be more 'popular' and enjoy themselves. :-/
End Quote
Dagwood's reply is quite correct. You realise as you get older that they were the ones with the 'real' problems (but that doesn't make your any better at the time).
When you start work you will observe some adults (who have never grown up) doing it also....
Stick with it Junior.
FB ;) ;)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Well, if you say so, Zella ;)
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Gosh, I felt like I was reading stories about my own life when I first started reading the posts on this thread.
Junior High was a nightmare...an absolute nightmare. I would never, never want to re-live those two years. To make a long story short, a "friend" of mine started spreading rumors about me, and before I knew it, the whole school hated my guts. I had no friends. Fortunately my "friend" moved away, and everything was fine as wine after that. The people who once hated me actually got to know me and we became friends after she moved.
High school was wonderful. I was on dance team and really involved in extracurricular activities. I had a wonderfully supportive circle of friends, and my social life was great.
Ever since Jr. High, I've been very compassionate towards others - especially young children who are going through a difficult time at school. Kids can be SO cruel - I know first hand. I always tell anyone who is having a hard time at school that the problem is only temporary. Eventually you grow up, they grow up, and everyone goes their own way.
Subject: Re: how were you treated?
Just another face in the crowd.