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Subject: Star wars Episode Two
Oh boy, only 22 days to go.I think poor Ian will implode before then at this rate!! I'm not sure what to expect from it having seen the trailers(many times over SIGH)Is anyone else waiting for D-Day??
Oh,the Scooby Doo trailer looked funny too is that out yet in the States??
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Oh,the Scooby Doo trailer looked funny too is that out yet in the States??
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Scooby Doo - the movie? Damn, I can't believe I didn't get the chance to audition for the part of Shaggy ;-)
Have you seen the Scooby Doo/Blair Witch MPG that's been doing the rounds? Very funny.
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Scooby Doo - the movie? Damn, I can't believe I didn't get the chance to audition for the part of Shaggy ;-)
Have you seen the Scooby Doo/Blair Witch MPG that's been doing the rounds? Very funny.
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It's a bit like Roger Rabbit in that Fred ,Daphne etc are played by actors and Scooby is animated.The guy doing Shaggy has got the voice down to a tee!
No!! How can I see it ??Can you give me a link to it??
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
The second Scooby trailer lowered my expectations of it a bit actually. Granted, it's pretty close to what the cartoon is like, so I'm not really surprised. The original trailer (the one that looked like a Batman trailer) was so much better though.
As for Star Wars, from everything I've heard and read, it's supposed to be more on track with the style of the original movies. No kids, no cutesy characters to appeal to kids (well, Binks is in it, but only briefly), heck even the N'sync (ack!) cameo where they were fighting in the background has hit the cutting room floor. From what the reviewers say, it will be far better than Phantom Menace. Considering that I like Phantom Menace, despite what everyone else thinks about it, I should have no problems with Clones...
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
No!! How can I see it ??Can you give me a link to it??
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It's too big for my webspace (I have two versions @16MB and 27MB, but only 10MB space)... I've checked and there's a few kazaa users with it (search for Scooby Blair and it shows up - though, thinking about it, that would have been a better name for Leo, wouldn't it :-) )
If you can't get it using Kazaa/Gnutella or whatever, I can put it on an FTP site (I'd just have to find the right user/pwd)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I haven't seen the trailers for Star Wars or Scooby Doo. I am not really excited about the new Star Wars movie but I am anxious for Scooby Doo to come out. I was a big Scooby Doo fan back then and my daughter loves the cartoon now.
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I've got all the Trailers for EP II downloaded, and watch them now and then. Can't wait for the movie. I might have a chance to see it the night BEFORE it opens. heh heh. And I was at the store tonight, going through the book section when what do I find? The novelization.... couldn't resist, had to have it. Now, to resist the temptation to read it...
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
It's too big for my webspace (I have two versions @16MB and 27MB, but only 10MB space)... I've checked and there's a few kazaa users with it (search for Scooby Blair and it shows up - though, thinking about it, that would have been a better name for Leo, wouldn't it :-) )
If you can't get it using Kazaa/Gnutella or whatever, I can put it on an FTP site (I'd just have to find the right user/pwd)
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Thanks Phil,I'll give it a go! Gis
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I've got all the Trailers for EP II downloaded, and watch them now and then. Can't wait for the movie. I might have a chance to see it the night BEFORE it opens. heh heh. And I was at the store tonight, going through the book section when what do I find? The novelization.... couldn't resist, had to have it. Now, to resist the temptation to read it...
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I know how it is. I have all 4 of the movie trailers on my computer and the fake trailer that came out a couple years ago. I haven't bought the novel though. Did Salvatore end up writing it (the rumors were he was supposed to)? Speaking of things coming out, the soundtrack should be coming out very soon (if it's not out already) and the music video from the movie is viewable at www.starwars.com (maybe I'll actually watch it today.)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Ian was watching that last night.He has already downloaded the music and had it in his walkman for work this morning!?! I know sad is the word!!!
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I'm thrilled to see "Episode II"! I've waited an eternity, it seems. I hope it doesn't have too much of the "romance" aspect that so often ruins many movies. We already know to expect some innevitably, but I have some hope that these young actors will be able to pull it off. <crosses all fingers> :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Well the romance is supposed to appeal to a broader range of audience (course, Jar Jar was supposed to do that too), but I don't think the romance developing between Han and Leia in Empire Strikes Back hurt it any, so hopefully George will handle this similarly. :)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Well the romance is supposed to appeal to a broader range of audience (course, Jar Jar was supposed to do that too), but I don't think the romance developing between Han and Leia in Empire Strikes Back hurt it any, so hopefully George will handle this similarly. :)
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I hope so. IMO, Han & Leia's romance didn't overtake the movie with extended scenes. Their romance was done well. If it were done today as it was yesterday, I'd be thrilled. But Han & Leia's chemistry and romance would be hard to duplicate. Times were different back then. Nowadays, romantic scenes are extended (long talks, long walks, long kisses, etc,.) and more involved and detailed. The trailers sure seemed to center around the romance between Padme/Amidala and Anakin.
As you can probably tell, it's the action I'm looking forward to. ;)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I know how it is. I have all 4 of the movie trailers on my computer and the fake trailer that came out a couple years ago. I haven't bought the novel though. Did Salvatore end up writing it (the rumors were he was supposed to)? Speaking of things coming out, the soundtrack should be coming out very soon (if it's not out already) and the music video from the movie is viewable at www.starwars.com (maybe I'll actually watch it today.)
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Yes, Salvatore did write it. And I know I've read other work by the same author, but I'm damned if I know what... I can't resist the temptation, though. Tonight instead of watching the boob tube (not quite litrally since I shut off HBO and Showtime) I'm going to plop my butt down on the couch with that book...
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Never fear Hairspray! I know someone who was on the set and saw some of the rushes and there's plenty of action.....a hint think Yoda fighting Christopher Lee's character with lightsabres that puppet is flying about!
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Never fear Hairspray! I know someone who was on the set and saw some of the rushes and there's plenty of action.....a hint think Yoda fighting Christopher Lee's character with lightsabres that puppet is flying about!
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Thank you, Gis! :) :D :)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Yes, Salvatore did write it. And I know I've read other work by the same author, but I'm damned if I know what... I can't resist the temptation, though. Tonight instead of watching the boob tube (not quite litrally since I shut off HBO and Showtime) I'm going to plop my butt down on the couch with that book...
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I've actually not read his other books. Given the way people tend to overhype Drizzt, I'm not sure I want to. One of my friends has all his books, but then he's a big fan of the Drow. The only AD&D books I've read have been from Weis & Hickmann...
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I hope so. IMO, Han & Leia's romance didn't overtake the movie with extended scenes. Their romance was done well. If it were done today as it was yesterday, I'd be thrilled. But Han & Leia's chemistry and romance would be hard to duplicate. Times were different back then. Nowadays, romantic scenes are extended (long talks, long walks, long kisses, etc,.) and more involved and detailed. The trailers sure seemed to center around the romance between Padme/Amidala and Anakin.
As you can probably tell, it's the action I'm looking forward to. ;)
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True, and the relationship between Amidala and Anakin are more important to the plot than that between Han and Leia. Afterall, the restrictions placed upon Anakin in regards to his emotional relationships is one of the things that drives him to the darkside (fuels his anger and greed). Toss in the fact that they do give birth to two pivotal characters and well, it becomes quite important. But with the development of the Empire, Anakin's building dark emotions, the clone wars (plus the history of Jango and Bobo Fett) you just can't avoid actions. :)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
True, and the relationship between Amidala and Anakin are more important to the plot than that between Han and Leia. Afterall, the restrictions placed upon Anakin in regards to his emotional relationships is one of the things that drives him to the darkside (fuels his anger and greed). Toss in the fact that they do give birth to two pivotal characters and well, it becomes quite important. But with the development of the Empire, Anakin's building dark emotions, the clone wars (plus the history of Jango and Bobo Fett) you just can't avoid actions. :)
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Of course. You're right in how much more of an importance this particular relationship will have over the entire saga.
Now I'm not only crossing all my fingers, my toes too!!! Not an easy feat, I might add. ;)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Well I've 4 tickets for the 12:20 am showing on Thursday morning, but two of my friends who were supposed to go with me had to head to Louisiana to help their parents fix a leaky roof. Anyone passing near Oklahoma City in about 15 hours?
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Ian went to the five past midnight showing last night and said it was brilliant.He goes again tonight and then we both go tomorrow night.Episode one he saw 9 times at the cinema so lord only knows how many times he'll go this time!!
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I thought it was great, but then I'm also a big fan of episode one which a lot of people didn't like. So, you might not want to put a lot of stock in my opinion. :P
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I also loved Episode 1. I thought it was well done, and to be honest, Jar Jar didn't bother me. To me it showed that the galaxy wasn't made up of strictly heroes and warriors, but plain simple folk (and simpletons). I thought it set the stage for the rest of the series quite nicely, and when one considers that the entire series is actually about the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker, as stated by Lucas in the 80's, it did a hell of a job starting it off.
To those who didn't like it, I invite them to look at Star Wars. In the 70's, this movie was also blasted by reviewers, and was a king of cheesy movies, but it captured our attention. We look back at it fondly, with a STRONG degree of Nostalgia, and in our eyes, those first 3 movies are the shiznit. People went into Episode 1 looking for the same sense that they had looking back at Star Wars, but they forget that they're older and more mature now which gives us a different perspective on the new movies, technology is greater now, the STORY is set back, and we're getting new characters. Sure, some were stiff and awkward, but so were those in Star Wars at first. By the time of ROTJ, those characters fit like gloves. The same will be true here.
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I saw it last night with my wife and was suitably impressed. My wifes FAVE episode is The Phantom Menace, so its all about taste and perception indeed. I loved it also, albeit JarJar was a bit of a sellout in Ep. 1, quoting lines from 80s sitcoms ("Exsqueeze me" etc). (So much for a distant galaxy long, long ago)??
Without giving away any plot lies etc, heres my general observations on Episode 2:
Well, I REALLY enjoyed Episode 2 - it was a very politically oriented plot which at times twisted and turned and got a bit confusing if you hadn't brushed up on your knowledge of the senate, federation etc.
BUT, the CG was AMAZING - as indeed were some of the fight scenes!
Yoda's CG was seamless and extreeeeeeemely lifelike - right down to the slight tremble in his ears that was originally a result of the latex puppetry years ago. I could not fault his CG at all.
To its detriment - the actor that played Annakin Skywalker - not a great choice in our opinion...as well as a few local Australian characters who sort of let it down a bit.
There was looooots of CG where I guess some of the original "strings and balsa-wood models" etc would have done equally as well.
The interesting thing to watch I found was the evolution of costumes/hairstyles/spaceships that were gravitating towards those used in episode IV. Also some of the "family trees" that were alluded to where you know they will eventually resurface in IV, V and VI.
In finishing, the MOST frustrating thing is waiting to see how it all unfolds and some of those gaps are bridged between ep II and ep IV!
To those of you who have not yet seen it - enjoy!!
(You will go to the cinema and enjoy it *waves hand*)
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
Yeah, I didn't have a problem with Jar Jar either (other than the "Exsqueeze me" and "How rude" (the latter bugs me because it reminds me of Full House, but C3PO said it a lot in the first trilogy (maybe he picked it up from Jar Jar?) so I can forgive it). There are plenty of socially inept people in the world (this coming from a self-proclaimed twit), Jar Jar just happens to be one of them.
Speaking of Jar Jar, keep your eyes open in the bar scene of AotC. I COULD be wrong (I don't think, cause I've seen his face many times at starwars.com) but I believe Ahmed Best is one of the background patrons...
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I cant wait to see the EP II, but did anyone see the Fan based shorts on SciFi channel? Jar Jar Bink's walking papers was Hilarious!
"Troops" still kicks butt even tho I have seen it 3K times
Subject: Re: Star wars Episode Two
I cant wait to see the EP II, but did anyone see the Fan based shorts on SciFi channel? Jar Jar Bink's walking papers was Hilarious!
"Troops" still kicks butt even tho I have seen it 3K times
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I watched it a couple of times. I think my favorite spots were the commercials and the play on "Cops"