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Subject: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Which are more screwed up?
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
At least Chelsea Clinton had the good sense to keep her nose clean during her father's Presidency.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Yeah Chucky. But this is Jeb Bush's daughter, Noelle. Lauren Bush has been clean so far and is a gorgeous model. I believe Jenna is the more disturbed of Dubya's twins.
Which are more screwed up?
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Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Yeah, Hairspray, but that's ancient history now. The tabloids had a cover photo of Chelsea that looked so terrible, it didn't look like her at first. It may be a result of being with Daddy a little too much. And for the ex-Pres, although I didn't vote for you and consider you a lying scumbag, I am saddened of Buddy's (your dog's) recent death. I wouldn't wish it on my greatest enemy. :'(
At least Chelsea Clinton had the good sense to keep her nose clean during her father's Presidency.
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Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
At least Chelsea Clinton had the good sense to keep her nose clean during her father's Presidency.
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I totally agree with you on that one, Hairspray. Those Bush girls have been all over the place with their "bad" behavior from day one it seems. (Actually did they even wait that long?) At least Chelsea "behaved" when Clinton was in office. Maybe that's because he had enough bad press on his own to cover the whole family..LOL! ::) And now with even GW's niece being in trouble, ya have to wonder what kind of an upbringing that whole family had?? I'm sure Chelsea is no angel, but at least she hasn't been bad enough to be reported on the nightly news!
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
I have to say whatever Chelsea did or didn't do during her father's office she has pissed off people in the U.K big time by moaning about everything and everyone since she got here.If England is so terrible and (my hometown)Oxford such a bad place to live why the hell did she come to university here in the first place??
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
i do have to wonder....had Chelsea done something less than acceptable during her father's presidency, how much press would she have received? her father seemed to have covered that department...with all of the lewinsky tales and so forth, would the public have even noticed, or would we have written off to the fact that she is a clinton?
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
And bear this in mind: very early in the Clinton administration, the press was "invited" to not report on Chelsea. That's understandable because she was so young at the time, however, the Bush girls are college students and very inviting subjects. Naturally they are going to be scrutinized more.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Same as Prince William and Prince Harry here doing typical teenage/student things and 'scandalising' the media.Yeah right.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Same as Prince William and Prince Harry here doing typical teenage/student things and 'scandalising' the media.Yeah right.
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Well, while I think you make an interesting point, the only thing I can see with William and Harry is that they are the future kings of the country. I mean, no matter what the Bush girls or Chelsea Clinton do, they don't have to be in charge of anything here in the future. When they screw up, while it could look poorly on their fathers' "parenting skills", it doesn't have to have an effect on the whole country. Unfortunately, the princes, while it may be a helluva lot to bear, they are royalty, and they are probably scrutinized much more closely than children of the presidents. They will eventually run the country.. Don't get me wrong, I don't envy that!! But not only can a "scandal" look bad on them, then you have to add in Charles' "parenting skills" as well..and frankly, it's no wonder the kids are having problems. But, then again, we in the U.S. may not hear nearly as much about their behavior as you all do. I've never really heard anything negative about the boys until Harry's drug "problem", and over here, it seems to be taken more like a joke than anything else. I keep hearing him refferred to as "the pot smoking prince". You gotta feel for them..but I would think they are in a much different position than any of these presidential kids over here.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
At least Chelsea Clinton had the good sense to keep her nose clean during her father's Presidency.
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True, but George W. has kept his nose clean...un-like Clinton....so far ;)
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
True, but George W. has kept his nose clean...un-like Clinton....so far ;)
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Hey, hey! We're talkin' 'bout the girls heah. ;)
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Hey, hey! We're talkin' 'bout the girls heah. ;)
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Oops...sorry :-X Then I'll just say that two girls are better than one ;)
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Hey, you know what they say: A girl in the hand is better than two in the Bush...
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Hey, you know what they say: A girl in the hand is better than two in the Bush...
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And here I thought I was being "Naughty!" ;)
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Hey, you know what they say: A girl in the hand is better than two in the Bush...
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.."a girl in the bush is better than two off the hand"???
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Hey, you know what they say: A girl in the hand is better than two in the Bush...
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There should be a warning for this. I nearly chocked on a saltine cracker!
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Chelsea Clinton doesn't get on my nerves. I do know that the Bush Daughters get on my nerves. They take after their father and are annoying.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
True, but George W. has kept his nose clean...un-like Clinton....so far ;)
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Uh-uh....his nose wasn't always so "clean"...what, he didn't inhale?
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Uh-uh....his nose wasn't always so "clean"...what, he didn't inhale?
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I swear to God, you're gonna kill me. Hi-friggin-larious!
As for the girls, I have always had a personal prejudice against "pretty people" and Bush's girls are the perfect examples. Pampered, petted, and permitted. At least Chelsea's gonna have some character, what with that face and all. (Did I say that?)
The royals are also "pretty", admittedly, but they are taught that from birth, with privilege comes responsibility. Not something American upper classes are taught.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
there are no real winner here.
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Uh-uh....his nose wasn't always so "clean"...what, he didn't inhale?
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So you like my choice of words, Huh?
Chelsea comes out looking better because of all the things her dad did or "Things that were done to him" as for the Bush girls...give Jenna a beer & me and she'll just drink the beer :(
Subject: Re: Bush Daughters or Chelsea Clinton?
Jenna and Barbara Bush are like 19 year old adult women. They're fair game as far as the media is concerned. Chelsea Clinton was a 13 year old, big difference. Once Chelsea became 18, the media has been going after her more then they did before.
Plus, they were initially pretty mean to her when she was 13, SNL calling her ugly and everything.