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Subject: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
My favorite is from Geico.
"I'm a Gecko, not a Geico!"
It's hilarious!
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I suppose you haven't seen the Geico squirrel commercial! It's hilarious! This squirrel runs out of the woods and runs onto the road causing a car to crash swerving to avoid him! And then this squirrel does high-fives with another squirrel! Absolutely hilarious!
And then there's that commercial for Kellogg's Raisin Bran Crunch where this guy finds there is no milk and sees what appears to be a cow in a field (it's a bull) and then tries to milk it? And the woman says, "Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?"
I also liked the AFLAC duck when he first came out but now they're running it into the ground.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
My favorite one at the moment is one for yellow pages where a guy and a girl are stood in a deli and order identical sandwiches and drinks its cute :) My brain is too asleep to think of any funny ones at the moment ???
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I love the 10-10-220(I think)commercials with Terry Bradshaw and Mike Piazza(the love of my life and fave baseball player)
They just tickle me for some reason
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
My favo(u)rites (from over here in England) are any and all of the Johnny Vegas ads.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I don't know if they existed past last year, but I loved the Fox Sports Net commercials. They had ones that highlighted odd sports around the world, like cutting down huge trees to see if you could catch them. Too funny. My favorite, though, showed a man changing a baby's diaper with his feet. It made it look like he was missing his arms. When the camera finally pulled back, the man was on the computer, looking up sports news. These are twisted but so funny.
I do wish they would bring back the Bud Light penguin ("dooby, dooby, doo....");D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Man, those sound too funny.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
There's a new commercial, I think its for new Doritos Extreme. First, they show a male cheerleader on a sports field with other male and female cheerleaders. Then there's this smarmy man with an accent and a bag of chips who says "Sure, you're extreme, but are you also bold?" Then they show the male cheerleader with a female cheerleader standing on his shoulders. Then the guy slowly looks upward and smiles! I get a kick out of that one!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the Digornio (sp?) commercial where the guy is waiting for the pizza and he is dancing around half-naked and then the lady walks in and says "I hope the delivery guy didnt see you like that." and he says "It's not delivery. It's Digornio!" and starts dancing again. ROFLMFAO!!!!! I also like the one where those two guys are drilling in their wall and they go through to their neighbor's refridgerator and the lady opens it and she screams because of him being in there while he gets the beer and then he leaves and her boyfriend looks in the fridge and sees the beer missing and starts to scream...I don't do a very good job at describing these, but if you've seen them then you get the point. :) -- Junior
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the new Pepsi Twist commercial with Hallie Eisenberg, Halle Berry, and Barry Bostwick, when they unzip the can and then themselves. They could have ended it with "I'm not exactly Barry Bostwick, we're Boston". :D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Almost forgot this one! There's this commercial about these two cats that think that there are diamonds in their cat box and a third (a Persian) informing them that what they think are diamonds are actually odor-controlling crystals in their kitty litter. Very funny.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
How about the one with Carrotop in the 1-800 COLLECT commercial with his buddy"PHHHH"or the one with his 10 dogs on the leashes and then he says"COME TO DADDY".that's funny ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
How about the one with Carrotop in the 1-800 COLLECT commercial with his buddy"PHHHH"or the one with his 10 dogs on the leashes and then he says"COME TO DADDY".that's funny ;D ;D
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He had vanished from the TV comedy circuit in the mid-late 90's until those commercials. Now, he's earning a show-business living again. :D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
This is for beer, but I don't remember the brand.
Guy in his kitchen opening a can of dog food. The dog hears this and comes running. Next the guy shakes a carton of milk, which attracts the attention of the cat. He then opens a beer from the fridge, which immediately brings three friends from nowhere... next is a big bag of chips, the opening of which produces this very large man who says "Hey guys. Are you hanging out? I can hang out."
Okay, maybe it's just me, but this is high comedy in my book
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Kitty Litter commercial where the cat's eyes bug-out from the stench (it's human's using the wrong brand).
It may be Fresh Step.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
This is for beer, but I don't remember the brand.
Guy in his kitchen opening a can of dog food. The dog hears this and comes running. Next the guy shakes a carton of milk, which attracts the attention of the cat. He then opens a beer from the fridge, which immediately brings three friends from nowhere... next is a big bag of chips, the opening of which produces this very large man who says "Hey guys. Are you hanging out? I can hang out."
Okay, maybe it's just me, but this is high comedy in my book
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Wasn't that a Miller light commercial,I think that it was.I remember that comm.My boyfriend would laugh histerically when ever it came on but said it should have been a Coors Light
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
There's a series of ads currently on Oz TV for a rectangular chocolate layer biscuit known as "Tim-Tam"s.
Anyway, through a series of events, a a couple of girls in the house acquire a genie, who is of (black) African descent.
(background info:) There is one technique for eating TTs known as the Tim Tam Suck. Due to the chocolate cream filling of the TT, it is possible to nibble opposing corners off a TT, dunk one end in a cup of hot coffee or tea, and suck (don't get ahead of me here, folks :D ) the beverage through the biscuit like a straw.
So the two girls are sitting on the sofa, flanking their naive new housemate, and sucking on ther snacks. As they noisily discuss their plans for future recreation, their housemate becomes distinctly uncomfortable, and with sideways glances grabs a cushion and clasps it to his lap.
It looks funnier than it reads, anyway. ::)
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the new Pepsi Twist commercial with Hallie Eisenberg, Halle Berry, and Barry Bostwick, when they unzip the can and then themselves. They could have ended it with "I'm not exactly Barry Bostwick, we're Boston". :D
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Actually I like that one too. Not sure why, but I just find it really funny when he says "I'm Barry Bostwick"...maybe it's just that tone after seeing Halle Berry. I dunno, but I agree, it's funny. ;D
I would say though that my favorite commercial is one that they only seem to play over Christmas. I think it's for office depot, or circuit city, or one of those "kinds" of stores. Anyway, it's the one where the employees are saying how hiring this robot was such a great idea..then they show a guy asking the robot about this scanner (I think) to buy for his brother and the robot says "Get him a cell phone" and he says no, that he really wants this and the robot says "You can't have her, I love her." and when the employees come to break it up the robot just says "Weeping, weeping"...the employees bring him something new, a power bar or something, and the robot growls at it like he's pretty impressed...anyway, my husband and I both just find that commercial hilarious. ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
How about the one with Carrotop in the 1-800 COLLECT commercial with his buddy"PHHHH"or the one with his 10 dogs on the leashes and then he says"COME TO DADDY".that's funny ;D ;D
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I don't remember the latter. I do like the one where the cops are chasing down the laundry quarter thief (the outtakes at the end of Carrottop gliding along). Got introduced to him briefly at a nightclub in '96 following his act.
He has nothing on Eva Savealot though.... ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
There used to be this ad for the chocolates called Caramello Koala, (in Australia, obviously). But anyways, it would have a caramello koala singing "They call me caramello....koala" to the tune of Mellow Yellow. It was sooo cute and funny
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I would say though that my favorite commercial is one that they only seem to play over Christmas. I think it's for office depot, or circuit city, or one of those "kinds" of stores. Anyway, it's the one where the employees are saying how hiring this robot was such a great idea..then they show a guy asking the robot about this scanner (I think) to buy for his brother and the robot says "Get him a cell phone" and he says no, that he really wants this and the robot says "You can't have her, I love her." and when the employees come to break it up the robot just says "Weeping, weeping"...the employees bring him something new, a power bar or something, and the robot growls at it like he's pretty impressed...anyway, my husband and I both just find that commercial hilarious. ;D
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The commercial is for Staples. The "something new" is a surge strip, which is what I recommend plugging your computer into, and then plugging the surge strip into the wall.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
You do know Eva Savealot is Alyssa Milano of "Charmed", don't you?
He has nothing on Eva Savealot though.... ;D
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Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
There's a series of ads currently on Oz TV for a rectangular chocolate layer biscuit known as "Tim-Tam"s.
Anyway, through a series of events, a a couple of girls in the house acquire a genie, who is of (black) African descent.
(background info:) There is one technique for eating TTs known as the Tim Tam Suck. Due to the chocolate cream filling of the TT, it is possible to nibble opposing corners off a TT, dunk one end in a cup of hot coffee or tea, and suck (don't get ahead of me here, folks :D ) the beverage through the biscuit like a straw.
So the two girls are sitting on the sofa, flanking their naive new housemate, and sucking on ther snacks. As they noisily discuss their plans for future recreation, their housemate becomes distinctly uncomfortable, and with sideways glances grabs a cushion and clasps it to his lap.
It looks funnier than it reads, anyway. ::)
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lol....that's quite... racy, no?
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I would say though that my favorite commercial is one that they only seem to play over Christmas. I think it's for office depot, or circuit city, or one of those "kinds" of stores. Anyway, it's the one where the employees are saying how hiring this robot was such a great idea..then they show a guy asking the robot about this scanner (I think) to buy for his brother and the robot says "Get him a cell phone" and he says no, that he really wants this and the robot says "You can't have her, I love her." and when the employees come to break it up the robot just says "Weeping, weeping"...the employees bring him something new, a power bar or something, and the robot growls at it like he's pretty impressed...anyway, my husband and I both just find that commercial hilarious. ;D
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d a m m i t!! that one is pretty funny..!
I tend to like a lot of radio commercials, too.. like the "real american heros" one for Bud light? I think.. and the one's with Will Farrel from Sat. Nite live for bud? miller? rats, can't remember...
will farrel: don't you hate it when you go out with your buddies, and then one of them has to get on his cell phone? Hey buddy, here's a number for ya: 555, you're a knob..."
oh, i think it is miller, cuz the whole premise is to "don't ruin miller time, let's make it great!" anyway, i'm sure it's funnier when will does it...
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
d a m m i t!! that one is pretty funny..!
I tend to like a lot of radio commercials, too.. like the "real american heros" one for Bud light? I think.. :)
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Are those the ones where they are celebrating people like "Mr Foam Finger Maker !" ? I haven't heard them in awhile, but they are really funny. I didn't know they even still played them. The station I was listening to rarely played them, but my husband talked about them all the time. When I did hear them, I had to admit they were clever. ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
You do know Eva Savealot is Alyssa Milano of "Charmed", don't you?
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Of course! Mrs. Midas wouldn't have it any other way. ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
The Snickers "Not going anywhere for a while?" where the guy was chalking the football field, realizes he's spelled Chefs instead of Chiefs, and responds with, "Great googlie-mooglie." Most of the Snickers these days are pretty funny.
And the radio commercials for Bud, with the lizards and the ferret. Any of them. Specifically the one where the ferret is giving tips for attracting the ladies.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
For me, the greatest commercials will always be the Nissan ones. The one where the birds are flying in formation like a squadron of fighter/bombers, and chase after the Nissan to attack it. It gets away, and one of the birds fails to pull up in time to avoid the garage door. I LMAO every time I ever saw that, and the final line uttered from the beak we can see sticking through the inside of the door: "Medic!"
Or the one with Van Halen's "You Really Got Me" playing and the adventure guy doll/action figure taking off in the remote control Nissan, and picking up Barbie. She leaves Ken to take off with him, and Ken is standing there looking at them speed off, his hand to his mouth in shock.
I love those things. Wish I could find them online just to watch them again...
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Are those the ones where they are celebrating people like "Mr Foam Finger Maker !" ?
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yep, those are they...! not to mention the "mr. foot-long hotdog maker" and "mr. professional wrestling costume designer" etc. etc.!
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
lol....that's quite... racy, no?
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Ooh yeah :)
The Tim Tam Suck is now being taught in Hebrew to Israelis:
note the rather suggestive illustration #2... ;D
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
LMAO :o ;D
I can't believe they didn't get rid of THAT one. Definitely a little more than suggestive....
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
lol, I SO agree... I've just seen it via the link...
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the one for Vanish drop-in toliet smell better's. The little girl goes padding into the bathroom after her dad gets out and then goes into the kitchen to her mom holding her nose, waving her hand back and forth. I remember needing those at my house when I was a kid!! I love the end where the little girl goes back in the bath ( after "mom" fixes it) and takes a deep breath and smiles!!!!!! :P
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Ooh yeah :)
The Tim Tam Suck is now being taught in Hebrew to Israelis:
note the rather suggestive illustration #2... ;D
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Looks like a movie that is behind that curtain in the video store. :o
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Or the one with Van Halen's "You Really Got Me" playing...
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Funny you should mention this one...I recently took in a marketing seminar and one of the things we talked about was confusing response with results. Apparently, this is one of the all-time favorite commercials (one of mine, too) but Nissan's sales actually declined something like 21% after this commercial. One of those things that make you go hmmmm.
I doubt anybody here would have ever seen this commercial (unless you live in Saskatchewan). A local adult video store ran some TV ads for its...ahem...products. The entire commercial is non-visual - there's some funky 70's shagging music happening and while the following is going on, the only thing on the TV is the name of the store.
Doorbell: Ding Dong
Pizza Guy (in a quavering, nerdy voice): Pizza Guy!
Woman opens the door and in a voice, reminiscent of Seinfeld's Mrs. Costanza, says: Mmm, that looks succulent!
Then this flashes on the screen - Source Adult Video - supporting vocabulary-challenged screenwriters everywhere.
Everytime this commercial came on my husband and I would crack up and our kids were like "What's so funny about that?"
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Just saw the new one for DiGiornio's Stuffed Crust Pizza. Guy in his boxers & undershirt singing & dancing...(to Donna Summer's "Hot Stuff")
"Looking for some stuffed crust baby this evenin'..."
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
There's this one commercial for the Ohio Lottery that's a hoot. (If you live nowhere near Ohio, you oughta see this! I live in West Virginia myself but the TV stations that I watch serve Ohio too, so they run Ohio Lottery commercials.) Leslie Nielsen (yes, that Leslie Nielsen) walks into a gift shop with a contraption on his chest that looks like it was made out of two boat oars and proceeds to do $8,453 worth of damage to the shop so that he can play the number 8453 in the Pick 4 game. The clerk then says, "This time you pay for the damages."
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the Forum Credit Union commercial where the idiot says "I don't bank online", and his roommate says "Yep".
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
I like the one with Mr.T and the 1-800 Call ATT commercial.I think he absolutely hilarious.
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
haha..! Just saw one today for the March of Dimes.. starts out with this stork running around a department store, then the words (across the screen) "sometimes a pregnancy is unexpected" then the stork comes up to this woman trying on shoes...she runs from the stork.. then it walks down the aisle and this woman appears from nowhere and runs after it.. then it walks by a guy testing out a bed who, once he sees it, jumps back on the bed, making sure no part of him comes in contact with the stork, (meanwhile, other words appear, about taking folic acid before you get pregnant to reduce the risk of birth defects) the stork ends up at the dressing room door of this lady, who you can't really get a read on her reaction at seeing it... anyway, thought the funniest part is the guy on the bed...
Subject: Re: Today's Commercials On TV - Which Do You Like?
Funny you should mention this one...I recently took in a marketing seminar and one of the things we talked about was confusing response with results. Apparently, this is one of the all-time favorite commercials (one of mine, too) but Nissan's sales actually declined something like 21% after this commercial. One of those things that make you go hmmmm.
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Is this true? I'm very surprised. If I'd had a good credit rating, based on these commercials, I would have actually bought a Nissan. I liked them any way, but those ads just spoke "cool" to me.