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Subject: Every1's fav movies?
I was just wondering what your top 5 movies of all time are. There are so many films that i like, but my personal favorites have to be:
Dirty Dancing
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Pretty Woman
10 Things I Hate About You
(Special mention to The Usual Suspects, Cruel Intentions and The Full Monty :))
I like my chick flicks :) but what does every1 else think?
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Not including all of the 80s Brat Pack flicks (not to mention Can't Buy Me Love and License to Drive), I would have to say:
1. American Beauty ("Sometimes there is so much beauty in this world, I feel like I can't take it." That line automatically put this movie into the top five)
2. Grease
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Psycho (Perkins, not Vaughn)
5. American Pie
This is too hard...I have so many movies that I really like.::)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Yeah i know - there are too many! I've never seen American Beauty - i gotta go rent it!
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
When we discussed this at school, the top results were Titanic, Independence Day, Men In Black, Pokemon, The First Movie (don't even ask) and Jurassic Park, The Lost World.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I've done this before. DeJa Vu!
1) All The Star Wars
2) All The Rockys
3) All The Aliens
Geez, that got me past the 5 limit.
I'll leave it at that, I guess. ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
And I have never seen any of hairsprays favs! :-* Yes, can you believe it, never seen a star wars movie :)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
And I have never seen any of hairsprays favs! :-* Yes, can you believe it, never seen a star wars movie :)
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Nah. I don't believe you. :o ::) ;D ;) :) :-*
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
5. Night At The Roxbury
4. Grease
3. Rush Hour
2. Men In Black
1. The Waterboy
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Ok then here's my top 5
1. Girl, Interrupted. This movie was sooo inspiring to me the first time I saw it, I just can't explain it, I love this movie.
2. American History X. I was actually surprised with how good it was.
3. Carrie. Total Classic
4. Grease. Another classic, the songs totally rocked.
5. Rocky. Just the first one. I loved it when he said "Hey Adrian, it's me Rocky, can you believe this?"
There are sooo many good movies out there. Honourable mention goes to The Breakfast Club. As a movie, it was quite good, but it deserves to be mentioned for the struggle I went through to find a copy.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
This is the sort of question that sends my brain into meltdown......I wouldn't know how to pick just 5 ???
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
1) Some Kind of Wonderful
2) Breakfast Club
3) Star Wars (all of them)
4) Lord of the Rings: Fellowship (since I haven't seen the others yet)
5) Princess Bride
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Mine are a little different than everybody else's
1)Lonesome Dove
3)An Affair to Remember
4)Rebel Without a Cause
5)Dirty Dancing
6)Pearl Harbor
8)Legends of the Fall
9)Any movie with Julia Roberts
10)16 Candle and about 90% of the movies that came from the 80s
I know it's a little long but I can't choose just one ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Mine are a little different than everybody else's
3)An Affair to Remember
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Which one? The super old one from the 30's or the one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr? Wasn't there also another one that was made in the 80's or 90's?
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Yeah, there was, I checked, but that one wasn't really that good. I can only presume she meant the 30's board.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Which one? The super old one from the 30's or the one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr? Wasn't there also another one that was made in the 80's or 90's?
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The one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr,There was a movie in the 90s called Love Story with Warren Beatty and Annette Benning which was basically the same story...
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Yeah, there was, I checked, but that one wasn't really that good. I can only presume she meant the 30's board.
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No I meant the one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr which was made in the 50s...Thank You though for answering for me even though you did'nt know the answer. ::)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I knew I was wrong as soon as I posted that. It doesn't help looking somewhere comprehensive for your answers... I find it gives you too many similar ones, in title, or in personelle.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
The one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr,There was a movie in the 90s called Love Story with Warren Beatty and Annette Benning which was basically the same story...
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I thought that was probably the one you liked. Now that I think about it, the one from the 30's was also called Love Story, but the dialogue was exactly the same as An Affair To Remember. Thanks to Bobo too for looking that information up about the later remake of it.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I haven't seen many movies listed that go back past the late seventies, so I'll throw out a few of my favorites from the old days.
1. The Maltese Falcon
2. Key Largo
3. The Big Sleep
4. Treasure of the Sierra Madre
5. Double Indemnity
Okay, so I like film noir, and Bogey...
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I don't think I could limit it to just five..
From the 80's, I loved Some Kind Of Wonderful, Pretty in Pink, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, The Goonies, The Outsiders, and the Karate Kid movies, at least the first two. Somehow I realized there was a part 3 put out with Ralph Macchio that I don't remember ever seeing! ???
From the 90's I really liked Waynes World, Circle of Friends, Legends of the Fall, School Ties, With Honors, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Armageddon, Notting Hill, Mr. Holland's Opus, Good Will Hunting, Shawshank Redemption, and So I Married and Ax Murderer
And more recently, I liked The Story of Us, Me, Myself, and Irene, Gone in 60 Seconds, Erin Brokavich, The Green Mile, Office Space, the Sixth Sense, and A Knight's Tale
See, I knew I couldn't limit it to 5, even five from each generation! :-[ Sorry! And the darn thing is, I'm sure I'm still forgetting some... ::)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Karate Kid movies, at least the first two. Somehow I realized there was a part 3 put out with Ralph Macchio that I don't remember ever seeing! ???
ting some... ::)End Quote
I don't think Ralph Macchio was in 3. If I remember right 3 starred Hillary Swank. Not right at all...nope not right.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I can't believe there is someone other than me who likes Night at The Roxbury.
NEway my fav movies have to be
I, :D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I can't believe there is someone other than me who likes Night at The Roxbury.
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Is your name Tattoo? Do you hear planes flying over your head? Cuz I swear your livin' on fantasy island!
I'm am sooooo kidding.....NATR was a great movie! ;D Welcome, by the way.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I can't believe there is someone other than me who likes Night at The Roxbury.
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That movie was hilarious! Especially if you've had a few!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I don't think I could limit it to just five..
From the 80's, I loved Some Kind Of Wonderful, Pretty in Pink, Dirty Dancing, Footloose, The Goonies, The Outsiders, and the Karate Kid movies, at least the first two. Somehow I realized there was a part 3 put out with Ralph Macchio that I don't remember ever seeing! ???
From the 90's I really liked Waynes World, Circle of Friends, Legends of the Fall, School Ties, With Honors, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Armageddon, Notting Hill, Mr. Holland's Opus, Good Will Hunting, Shawshank Redemption, and So I Married and Ax Murderer
And more recently, I liked The Story of Us, Me, Myself, and Irene, Gone in 60 Seconds, Erin Brokavich, The Green Mile, Office Space, the Sixth Sense, and A Knight's Tale
See, I knew I couldn't limit it to 5, even five from each generation! :-really that bad?
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Just wanted to mention that I fell asleep during "Four Weddings and a Funeral". I didn't see the humor in it. Also, I found "Me, Myself, and Irene" to be a little too much. It was just a little too warped and maybe a little more distasteful than usual Jim Carey (I like most of his movies, btw ;D ). Or maybe I had one too many that night. :P
Anyway, the one movie of Jim Carey's that I've yet to see is "The Cable Guy". I heard it was just plain awful and could've had the potential to destroy his career. Is it really that bad?
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"The Cable Guy" was actually REALLY good! I loved it...don't listen to those damn critics!
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Thx for the welcome, that fanatasy island line from NATR was a classic, I also like it when they say
Are you brothers?
No (wait a few seconds) yes
Stupid but always makes me laugh ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Thx for the welcome, that fanatasy island line from NATR was a classic, I also like it when they say
Are you brothers?
No (wait a few seconds) yes
Stupid but always makes me laugh ;D
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don't even get me started. my friend and i are always aiming for the strange looks people give us when we act like goobers in public. our fav is when we mimic the club scene from the beginning...."what? him? me? me? him? huh? oh nevermind, blah, blah, blah". ;D okay, i'm done now.....no more, merry-beth, no more...bad girl!
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I loved NATR. Funny as hell.
"Dude, you broke the window again. Dad's gonna be pissed!"
All I can think is, Again??
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
NATR ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...I think you get the point.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
NATR was cheesy but funny! :P
I could never make a list of my favorite movies. There are too many to pick from. :)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Some of my favorites are "Spice World", the "Star Wars" movies, "E.T.", and Disney movies ("Alice In Wonderland", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Pocahontas" are chief among them).
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Just wanted to mention that I fell asleep during "Four Weddings and a Funeral". I didn't see the humor in it. Also, I found "Me, Myself, and Irene" to be a little too much. It was just a little too warped and maybe a little more distasteful than usual Jim Carey (I like most of his movies, btw ;D ). Or maybe I had one too many that night. :P
Anyway, the one movie of Jim Carey's that I've yet to see is "The Cable Guy". I heard it was just plain awful and could've had the potential to destroy his career. Is it really that bad?
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Well, hey, Four Weddings wasn't for everybody...in truth, the first time I saw it, I didn't like it either..there had been so much hype about it, and I guess I was expecting something "more"..but then, I saw "Nine Months", and "Sense and Sensibility" and became a pretty big Hugh Grant fan, so I decided maybe I should give "Four Weddings and a Funeral" another chance. Once I got used to his style of acting, I appreciated the movie a lot more.
As for "Me, Myself, and Irene"...I'm not a huge Jim Carrey fan, though my husband is, so I have seen most of his movies. I found it pretty funny. Personally, I think most of today's movies are pretty distasteful...for some reason, people seem to like that type of movie. I, for one, don't. Sure it had some tacky stuff, I won't deny that. But for some reason, there was enough funny in it that I could at least somewhat overlook some of the "less tasteful" parts. Heck, my sister (and brother) in law thought it was just awful..they "couldn't even watch it"..and yet, they are fans of South Park and he has Ren and Stimpy tattooed on his feet.. ??? Go figure.
Trust me, I'm not into "gross, potty humor", but I didn't think that one was one of the worst ones I've been unfortunate enough to see. ::)
Oh, I saw part of the Cable Guy--I didn't care for it. But I didn't like the second Ace Ventura movie either (well, except for the part where he put "the Monopoly Guy" around his shoulders and wore him like a stole.. ;D )
But hey, that's why they make so many movies..they know that not everybody is going to like the same type of films.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Some of my favorites are "Spice World", the "Star Wars" movies, "E.T.", and Disney movies ("Alice In Wonderland", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Pocahontas" are chief among them).
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"Spice World" is one of the worst movies of all time for me... (cashing in on a now dead pop group - go figure), and as for the Playstation game - well, I'm yet to see worst, and I've played 300 (so far - Ed)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I don't think Ralph Macchio was in 3. If I remember right 3 starred Hillary Swank. Not right at all...nope not right.
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Macchio was in KK3, in which he goes back and ends up defending the title he won in the first movie.
Swank starred in The Next Karate Kid which came out later...
Subject: Hellooo?
Is anyone still reading this thread? Top 5 films, right? That's the subject? OK.
1. Edward Scissorhands
2. The Elephant Man
3. The Ice Storm
4. tie: Rebel Without A Cause and East Of Eden
5. Cyrano De Bergerac (starring Jose Ferrer)
Tarzan Boy
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Macchio was in KK3, in which he goes back and ends up defending the title he won in the first movie.
Swank starred in The Next Karate Kid which came out later...
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So that means I missed a Ralph Macchio movie, also. :'(
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
My Top 5 films? OK, let's try this:
1. Aliens
2. The Patriot
3. The Empire Strikes back
4. Titanic
5. The Princess Bride
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
So that means I missed a Ralph Macchio movie, also. :'(
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I wouldn't worry about it all too much. Karate Kid and Karate Kid II were great. The third one left me wondering whether or not Daniel ever learned anything in the first two movies...
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
"Sleepless In Seattle" was based on the original "An Affair to Remember", but I wouldn't qualify that as a remake as much as an homage (that means:tribute).
The one with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr,There was a movie in the 90s called Love Story with Warren Beatty and Annette Benning which was basically the same story...
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Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I've been close or actually have fallen asleep during a couple movies, including:
Spice World
The Mummy (but it was better the second time I watched it)
The one where Brandon Fraser is frozen (gosh, I don't like Brandon's movies, do I?)
The Lost World
Frequency (again, only the first time around)
This list is quite pointlesss...but I do post meaningless--uh, nevermind... ;D ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I've been close or actually have fallen asleep during a couple movies, including:
Spice World
The Mummy (but it was better the second time I watched it)
The one where Brandon Fraser is frozen (gosh, I don't like Brandon's movies, do I?)
The Lost World
Frequency (again, only the first time around)
This list is quite pointlesss...but I do post meaningless--uh, nevermind... ;D ;) ;D
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My cousin made me watch Spice World...I mean, I'm a guy, I didn't rent it...seriously!
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Since I really can't rate my faves by numbers, I will rate them by genre (that's category to the non-French):
Comedy-Caddyshack, Young Frankenstein
Drama-Saving Private Ryan (though I don't have the stomach to see it again)
Horror-An American Werewolf In London, The Fly (the new version),The Exorcist
Science Fiction-Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Mystery-Murder On The Orient Express (the 70s version)
Crime Drama-Lethal Weapon 1 & 2.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Young Frankenstein
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This must just be a guy thing. I have yet to meet the woman who will admit to liking this movie, but I never pass an opportunity to watch it. Or Blazing Saddles.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Since I really can't rate my faves by numbers, I will rate them by genre (that's category to the non-French):
Comedy-Caddyshack, Young Frankenstein
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Young Frankenstein is a GREAT movie.....I love the twisted humor
damn your eyes!........too late Ê ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Young Frankenstein is a GREAT movie.....
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Has anyone ever called you their dream girl? ;)
edited for spelling error. yes, i'm anal about it.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Has anyone ever called you their dream girl? ;)
End Quote
No....but don't let that stop you..... ;)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Lester, I loved Young Frankenstein. Actually, I love Mel Brooks' movies. ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Has anyone ever called you their dream girl? ;)
edited for spelling error. yes, i'm anal about it.
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Lester...I thought I was your dream girl...don't you love me anymore? :'( ;)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Lester...I thought I was your dream girl...don't you love me anymore? :'( ;)
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Of course you are, and I do!! But you never told me about your fondness for Mel Brooks films... if you had, I'm sure we would have eloped by now. ;)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
5 in no particular order:
Terms of Endearment, Family Man, The Ghost & Mr. Chicken, Caddyshack, and Tommy Boy (That's gonna leave a mark!)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Hi, I am new here. If anyone is interested, here is a list of my favorite movies. In no particular order:
1. Bladerunner
2. The Exorcist
3. Gladiator
4. Lord of the Rings:The fellowship of the ring
5. The Stand
Subject: Nee!
All right *deep breath* top five? eeek... here goes..
5.Goonies (it's only right)
4.Bringing Up Baby... has Katherine and Cary and ya GOTTA love it..
3.Monty Python (c'mon, just guess) The Holy Grail!
2.Never Been Kissed (hehe... well i had to do ONE from the past few years)
1.Princess Bride (BTW, I am an official, yes I said official Princess Bride Junkie ;D
*sigh* only five slots..
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Hi, I am new here. If anyone is interested, here is a list of my favorite movies. In no particular order:
1. Bladerunner
2. The Exorcist
3. Gladiator
4. Lord of the Rings:The fellowship of the ring
5. The Stand
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We are interested. I just love the Stand. Have you read the book? Stephen King is my all time favorite author. (yes I am warped, thank you ;)) And welcome to the boards. ;D
Lester, darling, elopement wouldn't work because you are already married :'(. Young Frankenstein was on Saturday on AMC, and I thought of you...probably sitting in your chair laughing your A S S off. ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Lester, darling, elopement wouldn't work because you are already married :'(. Young Frankenstein was on Saturday on AMC, and I thought of you...probably sitting in your chair laughing your A S S off. ;D
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I am? Shhhhhhh.... I won't tell anyone if you won't. ;)
:o :o :o :o :o I missed it!!!! I had no idea! What time? If it was late, then I was out anyway... still, I do have it on tape. ;D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I am? Shhhhhhh.... I won't tell anyone if you won't. ;)
:o :o :o :o :o I missed it!!!! I had no idea! What time? If it was late, then I was out anyway... still, I do have it on tape. ;D
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It was on in the early evening. I noticed it at about 5 pm mountain time. At least you can watch it whenever. It really is a great movie. ;D
I am glad I am still your dream girl. I was worried for a minute ;)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I just love the Stand. Have you read the book? Stephen King is my all time favorite author. (yes I am warped, thank you ;)) And welcome to the boards. End Quote
Yes, I have read the book. Twice actually. Once way before the movie came out and the next time just after the movie came out. I must say that the book was a lot better than the movie. Stephen King is also my favorite author..one of my personal favorites is The Talisman. :D
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Yes, I have read the book. Twice actually. Once way before the movie came out and the next time just after the movie came out. I must say that the book was a lot better than the movie. Stephen King is also my favorite author..one of my personal favorites is The Talisman. :D
End Quote
I agree, the book was better but then that is how it always is. At least Stephen King wrote the screenplay. He did better than most could. I only didn't like one thing about the movie (this will get my membership in the 80's messageboard revoked ;)), I didn't like the choice of Molly Ringwald playing Fran. I really don't like Molly Ringwald (except in 16 Candles and Breakfast Club).
**runs away before the bombs drop**
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
What music? (according to your quote) and your movies ain't bad except for 10 things I hate about you. That movie would be one of them for me
I was just wondering what your top 5 movies of all time are. There are so many films that i like, but my personal favorites have to be:
Dirty Dancing
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Pretty Woman
10 Things I Hate About You
(Special mention to The Usual Suspects, Cruel Intentions and The Full Monty :))
I like my chick flicks :) but what does every1 else think?
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Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
5) toy story 2
this is one of the few sequals that was actually GOOD.
4) beetlejuice
strange, yet i like it for some reason.
3) xmas vacation
i lost count of how many times i've watched this movie.
2) vacation
"what, are you kidding, this is a magnum PI!"
1) rat race
this movie is hilarious, i can never watch it without laughing.
honorable mentions:
monty python and the holy grail
it's a mad, mad, mad, mad world
monters, inc.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
What music? (according to your quote) and your movies ain't bad except for 10 things I hate about you. That movie would be one of them for me
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Which quote - beacuse they're all about music!! ?
I just like '10 Things I Hate About You'. It's not a serious film, its a teen move - but its one of the better 'teen movies' out there. Plus it's based on Shakspeare :)
Subject: My Contribution
Really hard to do...
1. "Becket"
2. "The Beast"
3. "Cool Hand Luke"
4. "The Last Temptation of Christ"
5. "Pleasantville"
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Forrest Gump
Steel Magnolias
Fried Green Tomatoes
To Kill A Mockingbird
Anything with Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood 8)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
8) Well I would have to say that my top 5 are as follows
1) Like water for chocolate
2) Eat, drink, man, woman
3) Dirty Dancing
4) Muriel's Wedding
5) The Princess Bride
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Hard question cause there are so many!
1. Pillow Talk
2. A Touch of Mink
3. Valley Girl
4. Urban Cowboy
5. Dumb & Dumber
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Good to see some Princess Bride fans on this board. Can you all quote the movie word for word - or am I just really sad ::)
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Orange County- This is a very funny movie. When I rented it on DVD I kept looking at the part where whatever Jack Black's character is watching the first episode of Spongebob!
Who Framed Roger Rabbit- One of the AMAZING movies of the 80's. Seeing people hold animated objects looks so cool to me!and It's got a lot of old toons, like Woody Woodpecker, Bugs Bunny and Sylvester and tweety.
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
1. The Sting (1973)
2. Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
3. Sixth Sense (1999)
4. Gone with the Wind (1939)
5. Ben-Hur (1959)
I think that the only one that made another list was Sixth Sense (Marci's).
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Let's see....
I'll update my list for today with these, In no particular order:
Monsters Inc.
The Others
Lord of the Rings (all of them so far)
Harry Potter (all of them so far)
The Count Of Monte Cristo
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
The Breakfast Club
Sixteen Candles
Pretty In Pink
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Some Like It Hot
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
I tried and tried to narrow it down to just 5 but couldn't so here goes. In no particular order:
1. Sound of Music
2. Grease
3. Chicago
4. Sixth Sense
5. Office Space
6. Ferris Bueller's Day Off
7. Young Frankenstein
8.The Stand
9. Better off Dead
10. Point Break or Roadhouse (for obvious reasons ;))
Subject: Re: Every1's fav movies?
Good to see some Princess Bride fans on this board. Can you all quote the movie word for word - or am I just really sad ::)
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I haven't seen that movie in forever, INCONCEIVABLE!
Top 5(this always seems to change though):
Back To The Future
LA Confidential
The Usual Suspects
The Godfather