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Subject: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: loki 13 on 01/31/07 at 6:22 pm

I am calling on the members of inthe00s to settle a debate.

Where I work, most people call it spaghetti sauce, There is a group of people, who are South Philly Italians,
swear it's called gravy. They say that it's called gravy in the old country so they'll call it gravy here. I still
say it's called sauce.

I know this is a stupid argument but I want to know, What do you call it Sauce or Gravy?

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Brian06 on 01/31/07 at 6:23 pm

Spaghetti sauce.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: whistledog on 01/31/07 at 6:26 pm

I've never heard it called Gravy before, because Gravy is that brown stuff you generally put on meat, potatoes and French Fries

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: spaceace on 01/31/07 at 6:27 pm

Here in Lancaster PA we call it sauce.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: loki 13 on 01/31/07 at 6:31 pm

I've never heard it called Gravy before, because Gravy is that brown stuff you generally put on meat, potatoes and French Fries

That's what I told them. They insist, a true Italian calls it gravy. I say they're nuts.  :P

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/31/07 at 8:22 pm

It's spaghetti sauce.  I have absolutely NEVER heard it referred to as anything else.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: jackas on 01/31/07 at 10:16 pm

I call it sauce...not gravy.

My Nana Casella says sauce there. :P

And if you wanna get quite me ::)'s only spaghetti sauce if it's on spaghetti noodles.  Okay, I'm leaving...sorry

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/31/07 at 11:01 pm

it's dad is like 100% Italian...and he's never called it gravy.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 02/01/07 at 12:04 pm

Being Italian and from South Cali, its called SAUCE.  Gravy is brown and lumpy and poured over mashed potato's. Those people who call it gravy, need to be whipped with a bagguette. ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Jessica on 02/01/07 at 12:32 pm

I call it sauce. Gravy is either that brown stuff you put on meat and potatoes or that grayish-white artery clogging crap you put on biscuits. ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: lorac61469 on 02/01/07 at 2:46 pm

I call it sauce but growing up in New York all of the Italian people I knew (and I knew lots of them, some from the 'old country') called it gravy.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/01/07 at 2:47 pm

I call it sauce too, but on the Sopranos they call it Gravy. 

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/01/07 at 4:37 pm

I am calling on the members of inthe00s to settle a debate.

Where I work, most people call it spaghetti sauce, There is a group of people, who are South Philly Italians,
swear it's called gravy. They say that it's called gravy in the old country so they'll call it gravy here. I still
say it's called sauce.

I know this is a stupid argument but I want to know, What do you call it Sauce or Gravy?

I'll be surprised if you can settle a good debate with those south philly types, lol. It's called sauce. Gravy is thicker and usually not tomato-based. However, being that you are in an area where Italians truly relish their background (Philly, NY, and NJ), I wouldn't be surprised if they kept it real by calling it something they called it back home.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 02/01/07 at 4:45 pm

Definitely spaghetti sauce!  :)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: loki 13 on 02/01/07 at 4:50 pm

Thanks all for your input and Tanya , you are right about settling a debate with South Philadelphians. After I
told them that the overwhelming answer is SAUCE they still argued Gravy. I was told sauce is thin and used on
pizza, clams and mussels. Once you add in meat it thickens, thereby becoming gravy.

I still say they're nuts.  :P

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/01/07 at 5:05 pm

Thanks all for your input and Tanya , you are right about settling a debate with South Philadelphians. After I
told them that the overwhelming answer is SAUCE they still argued Gravy. I was told sauce is thin and used on
pizza, clams and mussels. Once you add in meat it thickens, thereby becoming gravy.

I still say they're nuts.  :P

They are just stubborn. It's the after-effects of eating too many soft pretzels, water ice, and cannolis. lol

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/01/07 at 5:09 pm

It is the gravy, any old school Italian will tell you so.  It is only the whippersnappers that call it sauce.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/01/07 at 5:14 pm

This was in Wikipedia

Italian-Americans of southern Italian extraction often refer to thick tomato sauce served over pasta as gravy. This is a result of multiple types of meat including meatballs, sweet or hot Italian Sausage and Bresaola being cooked for many hours in the mixture along with the tomatoes, herbs, spices, olive oil and red wine. To those who use this expression, the mixing of the juices during the slow cooking process is what turns a straight tomato based Marinara Sauce into a "gravy" with an unmistakable meat flavor. It is also likely that the Italian word salsa (which includes a variety of things anglophones call sauces, including marinara) actually more literally translates as gravy.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 02/01/07 at 5:33 pm

My boss just came back from Italy, and so I asked him what they called it over there. He said he honestly did not hear them refer to it as gravy at all. He also said they didn't refer to it as sauce either.  He said they just gave it with all their meals.  ;D ;D

BUT, my boss is Italian as well, and says it's SAUCE.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: vanillagirl on 02/02/07 at 3:47 pm

I call it sauce. Gravy is either that brown stuff you put on meat and potatoes or that grayish-white artery clogging crap you put on biscuits. ;D

it is sauce...but don't hate on gravy! gravy is still goodness, so good that it does clog arteries

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Jessica on 02/02/07 at 4:05 pm

it is sauce...but don't hate on gravy! gravy is still goodness, so good that it does clog arteries

Oh, I'm not hating on it. I love that stuff. I consider it a food group. ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/02/07 at 5:34 pm

I think the Wikipedia thing is right, with meat(sausages, meatballs) say gravy, without sauce.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: jackas on 02/02/07 at 6:29 pm

I think the Wikipedia thing is right, with meat(sausages, meatballs) say gravy, without sauce.

The Wikipedia thing says "Italian-Americans from southern Italian decent".  Of all the Italians in the US, that's probably not even half... 

Majority wins....fuhgedaboudit! :P ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: whistledog on 02/02/07 at 10:45 pm

Oh, I'm not hating on it. I love that stuff. I consider it a food group. ;D

Gravy is awesome.  Whenever I get gravy from a fast food restaurant and there is some left over, I drink it like soup ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/03/07 at 7:18 am

The Wikipedia thing says "Italian-Americans from southern Italian decent".  Of all the Italians in the US, that's probably not even half... 

Majority wins....fuhgedaboudit! :P ;D

Nope.  The massive immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s were Southern Italians where there was more poverty.  That's a fact, Jacks. ;). 

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: jackas on 02/03/07 at 8:31 am

Nope.  The massive immigration of the late 1800s and early 1900s were Southern Italians where there was more poverty.  That's a fact, Jacks. ;). 

Could be.

My family is actually Sicilian.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/03/07 at 11:16 am

Could be.

My family is actually Sicilian.

All the best food from Italy is Sicilian  :)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/03/07 at 11:24 am

All the best food from Italy is Sicilian  :)

Eh, I beg to differ.  I prefer food from not only Tuscany, but also Roma.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 02/06/07 at 8:36 am

Spaghetti sauce

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/06/07 at 4:56 pm

I call it sauce, but I know a few Italians that call it gravy IF it has meat in it.  Otherwise, it is "sauce".  I dated a guy whose mom called it gravy and I was so confused, thinking "Why on earth would you put gravy on Ravioli?" ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: spaceace on 02/06/07 at 5:27 pm

Anything drenched with either tomato paste/sauce/gravy or cheese is sheer perfection.  :)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: thereshegoes on 02/06/07 at 5:38 pm

I call it molho,but that's just 'cause i'm weird...

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Dominic L. on 02/06/07 at 8:56 pm

Whoa! If it were actual gravy, like you put on mashed potatoes... That wouldn't be so bad on ravioli.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: spaceace on 02/06/07 at 9:00 pm

Whoa! If it were actual gravy, like you put on mashed potatoes... That wouldn't be so bad on ravioli.

You've got a point there Doms.  That does sound good.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/06/07 at 9:22 pm

Whoa! If it were actual gravy, like you put on mashed potatoes... That wouldn't be so bad on ravioli.

at Olive Garden...I always order the portobello mushroom raviolis...and it has this really good sun-dried tomato's totally yummy!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Dominic L. on 02/06/07 at 9:38 pm

at Olive Garden...I always order the portobello mushroom raviolis...and it has this really good sun-dried tomato's totally yummy!

That does look yummy. D= Now I want some!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/07/07 at 3:07 pm

Man, this thread is making me hungry.

I do call it sauce but would a sauce by any other name still taste as good?


Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Paul on 02/07/07 at 3:41 pm

I don't refer to it as either...

... I tend to term the whole dish Spag Bol...

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: karen on 02/08/07 at 3:30 am

I don't refer to it as either...

... I tend to term the whole dish Spag Bol...

Do you always use spaghetti?  I told the children I was cooking spaghetti bolognese and they were most upset when it was bolognese on penne pasta!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/08/07 at 4:18 am

Just answering for myself, if I say I'm cooking spaghetti bolognese, I use spaghetti.  If I don't use spaghetti, I call it "fill-in-pasta and meat sauce". 

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/08/07 at 8:37 am

Just answering for myself, if I say I'm cooking spaghetti bolognese, I use spaghetti.  If I don't use spaghetti, I call it "fill-in-pasta and meat sauce". 
You're better than me.....if, for example, I'm using mostaccioli instead of spaghetti noodles, I just call it fact, even when I use "regular" spaghetti noodles, I just call it spaghetti 8)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: loki 13 on 02/08/07 at 5:49 pm

I thank you and karamel to all for participating in my survey. It seems the consensus says it is Sauce, though calling
it gravy is not out of the question.

It's been said that adding meat is what makes it gravy but I make a macaroni concoction with meat Sauce.

I brown groundbeef in a pan and then add Sauce, usually Marinara. While the groundbeef is browning
I cook elbow macaroni. When the macaroni is done I will add the meat Sauce with the macaroni and mix in some
shredded parmesan and mozzarella cheese. When all is stirred together, I put it in a roasting pan, top it with sliced provolone
and put it in the oven until the cheese melts slightly.

The key word in this concoction is Sauce.  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Southern Image on 02/08/07 at 8:06 pm

Its  called sauce. Have you ever found it in the grocery store labled as gravy? I think NOT! Even with meat and sausage cooked in it, its still called sauce. Most places call it marinara SAUCE, NOT marinara GRAVY.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/09/07 at 12:01 am

Let's put this in perspective. What the mainstream calls something doesn't necessarily make it correct, though. If a certain culture calls it by another name, that's fine.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/09/07 at 12:07 am

Its  called sauce. Have you ever found it in the grocery store labled as gravy? I think NOT! Even with meat and sausage cooked in it, its still called sauce. Most places call it marinara SAUCE, NOT marinara GRAVY.

We've already found out that in some parts of Italy, it is called gravy.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Paul on 02/09/07 at 10:11 am

Do you always use spaghetti?  I told the children I was cooking spaghetti bolognese and they were most upset when it was bolognese on penne pasta!

Yes, always spaghetti for some reason...

Such are my culinary skills, that the first time I cooked spaghetti, I broke the stuff up so I could get it in the pan!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 02/09/07 at 2:13 pm

Such are my culinary skills, that the first time I cooked spaghetti, I broke the stuff up so I could get it in the pan!

You're supposed to use a tall pot for cooking spaghetti noodles, silly!  ;)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: jackas on 02/09/07 at 2:26 pm

Such are my culinary skills, that the first time I cooked spaghetti, I broke the stuff up so I could get it in the pan!

I actually break my pasta too, but I do it because it bugs me to wind it around the fork forever.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Tanya1976 on 02/09/07 at 2:48 pm

Yes, always spaghetti for some reason...

Such are my culinary skills, that the first time I cooked spaghetti, I broke the stuff up so I could get it in the pan!

I break it to stretch the amount that will come out. It's a money saver for me.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/09/07 at 5:08 pm

Yes, always spaghetti for some reason...

Such are my culinary skills, that the first time I cooked spaghetti, I broke the stuff up so I could get it in the pan!

I was taught to break the spaghetti, thought everyone did

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/09/07 at 5:25 pm

If you cook it in a pasta pot, there's no need to break the pasta.  When you put the noodles in, the water will make the noodles pliable enough to bend so that you can put the lid on.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Paul on 02/09/07 at 5:55 pm

I was taught to break the spaghetti, thought everyone did

Well that was the logic I was using!

But as Electrophile rightly says, spaghetti tends to soften in boiling water, so there's no need!

Not that I suppose it'd make a helluva lot of any case you can get that smaller length spaghetti these days, the original stuff I used was about a yard long!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/09/07 at 6:02 pm

It's still good, even if you break it in half first.  Just pile on the cheese!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: loki 13 on 02/09/07 at 6:11 pm

Both my mother and wife break spaghetti before cooking, though we seldom have spaghetti. My wife prefers
shells, rigatoni or ziti.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/09/07 at 7:45 pm

Both my mother and wife break spaghetti before cooking, though we seldom have spaghetti. My wife prefers
shells, rigatoni or ziti.

I used to break my spaghetti as I put it in the pot...but then, my husband (who has certification in culinary arts.) taught me to take the grouping of spag noodles by the top and slowly push down on them as they soften and fall into the pot...that way, they don't break...and they all fit. Ta Da! :D ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Dude111 on 11/09/07 at 7:49 pm

Spaghetti Sauce :)

I like Ragu the best (Traditional Mix)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Brigitte on 11/10/07 at 9:37 am

I say sauce but I have heard Italians use the term gravy.
I used to break my spaghetti too but I don't anymore because your not supposed to.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Lindee on 11/10/07 at 9:30 pm

Gravy goes on mashed potatoes and spaghetti sauce goes on pasta.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: sugar168 on 11/10/07 at 9:57 pm

spaghetti sauce.... gravy is brown

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: goobs on 02/23/10 at 9:20 am

My grandparents from Sicily called it sugu. The translation for that is sauce. There was something lost in the translation way back when the group that settled out east decided to call it gravy. Here in the Midwest the diaspora call it sauce. Ma! che sara sara.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/23/10 at 9:26 am

Sauce is meatless, gravy has meat.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 02/27/10 at 1:33 am

I've always called it sauce, with or without meat  ::)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: nally on 02/27/10 at 1:39 am

I've always called it sauce, with or without meat  ::)

The same here!

Gravy goes on mashed potatoes and spaghetti sauce goes on pasta.

spaghetti sauce.... gravy is brown

Agreed entirely. In fact, I always think of sauce and gravy as two completely different things. Especially since I'm part Italian.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 02/27/10 at 9:07 am

Living where I do I know a lot of first generation Italian/Americans, and all their off the boat parents and grandparents always called it(spaghatti sauce) the gravy.  Most are Sicilian, maybe it's a regional thing.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Stompgal on 03/19/10 at 7:37 am

If the sauce is made with tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs, tomato puree and some kind of mince, I'd call it spaghetti sauce, otherwise the other name I've got for it is bolognese sauce. To me gravy is a brown sauce served with things like bangers and mash or roast dinners.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 03/19/10 at 7:54 am

If the sauce is made with tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs, tomato puree and some kind of mince, I'd call it spaghetti sauce, otherwise the other name I've got for it is bolognese sauce. To me gravy is a brown sauce served with things like bangers and mash or roast dinners.

Bolognese is a regional name, too(Bologna, Italy)

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: karen on 03/19/10 at 8:04 am

If the sauce is made with tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs, tomato puree and some kind of mince, I'd call it spaghetti sauce, otherwise the other name I've got for it is bolognese sauce. To me gravy is a brown sauce served with things like bangers and mash or roast dinners.

I agree.  Generally if I'm serving pasta it is with bolognese.  Occasionally I'll stir something like Ragu over it and that I would call sauce.  Or we used to do pasta with pesto stirred through it.  Gravy is something totally different.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: robby76 on 03/21/10 at 9:13 am

I don't refer to it as either...

... I tend to term the whole dish Spag Bol...

Agreed. In the UK the whole lot would just be termed 'bolognaise'.  ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/22/10 at 2:08 pm

If it goes on spaghetti, you can call it spaghetti sauce.  If it goes on meat or mashed potatoes, you call it gravy.

In Philadelphia they can call it whatever they want.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: apollonia1986 on 04/23/10 at 6:25 pm

I call it sauce. And my friend Ashley, who is half Italian calls it sauce too.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/24/10 at 12:00 pm

"On the sauce" or "hitting the sauce" means intoxicated or getting intoxicated on alcohol.  However, they never call liquor itself "sauce."

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 04/25/10 at 5:52 am

Well, Mrs Delgenio, Mrs Bonnano, Mrs Caducci, and Mrs Vitagliano all called it "the gravy" in their broken english, so I go with that.  "You look thin, sit down and let me make you a steak"  ;D ;D

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/26/10 at 1:07 am

Well, Mrs Delgenio, Mrs Bonnano, Mrs Caducci, and Mrs Vitagliano all called it "the gravy" in their broken english, so I go with that.  "You look thin, sit down and let me make you a steak"  ;D ;D

Ah, them wuz the days, they wuz!  Free steak and cake from the Italian mamas on the block!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 04/26/10 at 4:24 am

Ah, them wuz the days, they wuz!  Free steak and cake from the Italian mamas on the block!

They'd feed you, hug you, never turn anyone away from their table, and let you know in there own way, to never, never cross them  ;D  . Utmost respect.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Michael on 05/11/10 at 10:32 am

Definitely SAUCE!  Coming from an Italian family whose grandparents came from Naples, and my Italian wife's grandparents who came from Sicily, the all called it SAUCE.  The only folks I know who call it gravy are from New Jersey.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 05/11/10 at 5:20 pm

Definitely SAUCE!  Coming from an Italian family whose grandparents came from Naples, and my Italian wife's grandparents who came from Sicily, the all called it SAUCE.  The only folks I know who call it gravy are from New Jersey.

WOWEE!  I was talking to a guy about this today, and he said the same as the ladies I listed above, all off of the boat, the sauce was when it doesn't have meat.  Marinara is sauce, Alfredo is sauce, but put in a meatball, sausages, any meat, and it is gravy.  The meat is the thing.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/12/10 at 12:42 am

They'd feed you, hug you, never turn anyone away from their table, and let you know in there own way, to never, never cross them   ;D  . Utmost respect.

Mrs. Abbate: "Mr. Abbate's heart doctor says he shouldn't eat it anymore, but I still love to make it with all the sausage and peppers!  You wanna try some?
Me: Yes'm.
Mrs. Abbate: "Oh, and we have so much of that chocolate rum cake left over from Jimmy's anniversary party, but Mr. Abbate won't touch it, his doctor says he needs to take off some more pounds...

I hope I'm not spoiling your own supper, now, am I?"

I think of my mom's gray pot roast.

Me: No, not all Mrs. A!

As for "never cross me," we were a little too far up 128 for that. The old man worked for Raytheon.  It was strictly suburbia!

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Howard on 05/12/10 at 6:47 am

I would never call it Meatballs with Spaghetti Gravy? :P

Sauce sounds much better.

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: danootaandme on 05/12/10 at 4:14 pm

I would never call it Meatballs with Spaghetti Gravy? :P

Sauce sounds much better.

It's not spaghetti gravy, it's just called gravy, they actually always say "the gravy".

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Howard on 05/12/10 at 7:04 pm

It's not spaghetti gravy, it's just called gravy, they actually always say "the gravy".

Who says The gravy?  ???

Subject: Re: What do you call it...Spaghetti sauce or gravy?

Written By: Lindee on 05/21/10 at 12:23 pm

I was watching the TV show Jerseylicious (on Style network) and they were talking about whose mom made the best spaghetti sauce. One girl called it sauce while her boyfriend called it gravy.

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