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Subject: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: LyricBoy on 12/10/24 at 5:45 pm

Michael Cole, famous as one-third of the cast in the legendary cop show The Mod Squad has signed out of the precinct at the age of 84.  :\'(

Back in the day, The Mod Squad, which consisted of Cole, Clarence Williams III 8), and the lovely Peggy Lipton :-* ruled the TV ratings, solving crimes as only a “Mod” squad could.

Sadly now all three squad members are gone.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/10/24 at 5:51 pm

:\'( :\'( :\'(

There was one time we were watching Charlie's Angels when my sister realized that the episode was a Mod Squad ep. Yeah, they recycled Mod Squad scripts.


Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/10/24 at 10:19 pm

I am sorry to hear this. I recall watching the very first episode of Mod Squad when it premiered in 1968.

Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/10/24 at 10:29 pm

:\'( :\'( :\'(

There was one time we were watching Charlie's Angels when my sister realized that the episode was a Mod Squad ep. Yeah, they recycled Mod Squad scripts.


Seinfeld's "The Susie" episode is a recycle (or ripoff) of M*A*S*H's "Tuttle" episode where a non-existent person suddenly becomes somebody everybody claims they know.

Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/10/24 at 11:14 pm

Mod Squad was "that show" that transitioned us from the 60's into the 70's.  Sad to hear    :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

R.I.P. Michael Cole

Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/11/24 at 8:17 am

Seinfeld's "The Susie" episode is a recycle (or ripoff) of M*A*S*H's "Tuttle" episode where a non-existent person suddenly becomes somebody everybody claims they know.

Never watched Seinfeld but love M*A*S*H and I think the Tuttle ep was probably one of the funniest in the entire 11 year run.


Subject: Re: Michael Cole Leaves The Mod Squad

Written By: AmericanGirl on 12/11/24 at 10:41 am

Seinfeld's "The Susie" episode is a recycle (or ripoff) of M*A*S*H's "Tuttle" episode where a non-existent person suddenly becomes somebody everybody claims they know.

Never watched Seinfeld but love M*A*S*H and I think the Tuttle ep was probably one of the funniest in the entire 11 year run.

On our Ohio trips whenever we take the "alternate" route home, there's an expressway exit in Columbus for "Tuttle Crossing".  Every time we pass that exit hubby and I start making M*A*S*H jokes involving Captain Tuttle  :D

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