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Subject: Pete Davidson Meets an Early Demise
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/17/24 at 6:18 pm
Popular Aussie footballer Pete Davidson has passed away from cancer, all too soon, at the age of 60. :\'(
He is not to be confused with Pete Davidson, former main squeeze of Ariana Grande.
Subject: Re: Aussie footballer Pete Davidson Meets an Early Demise
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 04/17/24 at 6:59 pm
Popular Aussie footballer Pete Davidson has passed away from cancer, all too soon, at the age of 60. :\'(
He is not to be confused with Pete Davidson, former main squeeze of Ariana Grande.
People will think it's the other Pete Davidson, former main squeeze of Kim Kardashian. I have clarified in title.
Subject: Re: Aussie footballer Pete Davidson Meets an Early Demise
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/17/24 at 8:14 pm
People will think it's the other Pete Davidson, former main squeeze of Kim Kardashian. I have clarified in title.
Thanx although I thought my post addressed the possible confusion.
Subject: Re: Aussie footballer Pete Davidson Meets an Early Demise
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 04/17/24 at 8:44 pm
Thanx although I thought my post addressed the possible confusion.
Yes, but the headline, which people see first, did not. People could panic and jump to conclusions. Comedian and loverboy Pete Davidson is very popular here in the US, but few people have heard of the footballer, may he rest in peace. Aussie football isn't exactly burning up the charts around here. So the US Pete Davidson is who a very large percentage of people who saw the headline (myself included) would have thought of. It's pure mathematics.
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