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Subject: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: batfan2005 on 11/29/23 at 9:24 pm

Henry Kissinger who was best known for his diplomacy during the Vietnam War died today at 100 years old.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: nally on 11/29/23 at 9:33 pm

Just received a notification about this. RIP Henry. :\'(

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/29/23 at 9:52 pm

Some might say "best known for his 'diplomacy' during the Vietnam War died today at 100 years old." Just sayin'.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: AmericanGirl on 11/29/23 at 10:16 pm

Sad to say goodbye  :\'(  :\'(  :\'(

R.I.P. Henry Kissinger

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: LyricBoy on 11/30/23 at 4:46 am

Made it to 100. Let’s hope Jimmy Carter does too.

Did they announce a cause of death? ???

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: LyricBoy on 11/30/23 at 5:35 am

The accolades are now pouring in:

Russian President Vladimir Putin mourned the death of Kissinger, saying in a telegram to Kissinger's widow Nancy that he was a "wise and farsighted statesman"

Shortly before his death, Chinese President Xi stated: "The Chinese people never forget their old friends, and Sino-U. S. relations will always be linked with the name of Henry Kissinger". China’s News Service stated in his obituary that "Today, this 'old friend of the Chinese people,' who had a sharp vision and a thorough understanding of world affairs, has completed his legendary life".

Former President George W. Bush stated: "America has lost one of the most dependable and distinctive voices on foreign affairs with the passing of Henry Kissinger.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that he "had the privilege of meeting Dr. Kissinger on numerous occasions, the most recent being just two months ago in New York. Each meeting with him was not just a lesson in diplomacy but also a masterclass in statesmanship.”

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated: "The world has lost a great diplomat".

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/30/23 at 8:31 am

I keep wondering what Carlos would say. My guess is that he would probably be dancing.

Kissinger had his hand in the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973 (the other 9/11 ) which ushered in the dictatorship of Pinochet.

And the "diplomacy" of Vietnam is questionable.

The world is worse off because of Kissinger. He seems to have been admired by the world's dictators. I wonder why.


Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/30/23 at 9:07 am

I keep wondering what Carlos would say. My guess is that he would probably be dancing.

Kissinger had his hand in the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973 (the other 9/11 ) which ushered in the dictatorship of Pinochet.

And the "diplomacy" of Vietnam is questionable.

The world is worse off because of Kissinger. He seems to have been admired by the world's dictators. I wonder why.


Thank you. That's what I was trying to imply in my too-subtle post above. I don't understand the outpouring of grief and admiration for this man on this site. It is rewriting of history in the highest degree. That man has blood on his hands that can never be washed off.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Howard on 11/30/23 at 1:12 pm

Made it to 100. Let’s hope Jimmy Carter does too.

Did they announce a cause of death? ???

I hope so too.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Mitch Kramer on 11/30/23 at 6:39 pm

I should probably make this a separate topic (and probably put it in the Politics conference), but I am starting to get annoyed, maybe even a little disturbed, by this trend of "liberals" or at least Democrats praising the most odious people on the right whenever they become old or die.

It started with Reagan's death in 2004 (I think it was?).  All this absolute nonsense about how "people may have vehemently disagreed with his policies, but respected/adored him as a person".  Complete utter historical revisionist BS!  He was every bit as polarizing a figure as the Clintons or the Bushes were.  In my college days back in the 80s, people put his face on the bullseyes of dartboards.  My classmates openly joked about and fantasized about his death.  I'm not a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, but she was absolutely 100% right to call out Barack Obama on his praise of Reagan (but she also is a great admirer or Kissinger, so those two things cancel out).  I'm mystified by Obama.  Obama is almost half a decade older than me, so he was not too young to remember the Reagan Era.

Incidentally, the right doesn't seem to return the favor when some leftist figure dies.  So this is not a "don't speak ill of the dead" sort of thing.

Somewhat related to this trend is the heaping or praise upon Republicans whenever they make even a mild criticism of Trump.  It's amusing to see the Cheneys, the Bush family (including that talented painter W), Romney, Mike Pence, etc. all become sainted figures merely for turning against him.

I wonder if Donald Trump himself will become a revered figured by people in the Democratic Party some day, say, maybe 20 years from now?

I keep wondering what Carlos would say. My guess is that he would probably be dancing.

Kissinger had his hand in the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile in 1973 (the other 9/11 ) which ushered in the dictatorship of Pinochet.

And the "diplomacy" of Vietnam is questionable.

The world is worse off because of Kissinger. He seems to have been admired by the world's dictators. I wonder why.


Thank you. That's what I was trying to imply in my too-subtle post above. I don't understand the outpouring of grief and admiration for this man on this site. It is rewriting of history in the highest degree. That man has blood on his hands that can never be washed off.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 11/30/23 at 8:46 pm

I should probably make this a separate topic (and probably put it in the Politics conference), but I am starting to get annoyed, maybe even a little disturbed, by this trend of "liberals" or at least Democrats praising the most odious people on the right whenever they become old or die.

It started with Reagan's death in 2004 (I think it was?).  All this absolute nonsense about how "people may have vehemently disagreed with his policies, but respected/adored him as a person".  Complete utter historical revisionist BS!  He was every bit as polarizing a figure as the Clintons or the Bushes were.  In my college days back in the 80s, people put his face on the bullseyes of dartboards.  My classmates openly joked about and fantasized about his death.  I'm not a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, but she was absolutely 100% right to call out Barack Obama on his praise of Reagan (but she also is a great admirer or Kissinger, so those two things cancel out).  I'm mystified by Obama.  Obama is almost half a decade older than me, so he was not too young to remember the Reagan Era.

Incidentally, the right doesn't seem to return the favor when some leftist figure dies.  So this is not a "don't speak ill of the dead" sort of thing.

Somewhat related to this trend is the heaping or praise upon Republicans whenever they make even a mild criticism of Trump.  It's amusing to see the Cheneys, the Bush family (including that talented painter W), Romney, Mike Pence, etc. all become sainted figures merely for turning against him.

I wonder if Donald Trump himself will become a revered figured by people in the Democratic Party some day, say, maybe 20 years from now?

I really wish you would post more often.

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: LyricBoy on 12/05/23 at 7:58 pm

I’m not a huge fan of Hillary Clinton, but she was absolutely 100% right to call out Barack Obama on his praise of Reagan (but she also is a great admirer or Kissinger, so those two things cancel out).

Hillary is a moron. If she had kicked ol’ Bill to the curb back in 2000 and run for POTUS them, she would have won in the biggest landslide in presidential history.

Instead she managed to get beat by Donald Trump. ;D

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/05/23 at 8:00 pm

Hillary is a moron. If she had kicked ol’ Bill to the curb back in 2000 and run for POTUS them, she would have won in the biggest landslide in presidential history.

Instead she managed to get beat by Donald Trump. ;D

Only by the Electoral College. She won the popular vote.


Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: LyricBoy on 12/05/23 at 8:07 pm

Only by the Electoral College. She won the popular vote.


And which one counted?

Subject: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Dude111 on 12/06/23 at 11:35 am

Very sad indeed.............

Subject: Re: Henry Kissinger at 100

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/18/23 at 10:12 am

"Counterfeit philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
Karl Marx has got you  by the throat, Henry Kissinger's got you tied up in knots.

When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
When you gonna wake up strengthen the things that remain ?"
-Bob Dylan
"When You Gonna Wake Up?"

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