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Subject: Burt Young Is KOed

Written By: Indy Gent on 10/20/23 at 4:29 am

Burt Young, the actor best known for playing Adrian's brother Paulie in the Rocky franchise, died Wednesday at the age of 83. He was known for playing bums or tough guy roles. He will be missed.

Subject: Re: Burt Young Is KOed

Written By: LyricBoy on 10/20/23 at 5:02 am

Burt Young, the actor best known for playing Adrian's brother Paulie in the Rocky franchise, died Wednesday at the age of 83. He was known for playing bums or tough guy roles. He will be missed.

He steadfastly supported Rocky, yet all he had to show for it was a stupid Ex-Lax watch!  :P

Of the original cast, we still have Rocky, Apollo Creed (although the character was killed off), Spider Rico, and Adrian (again, a character killed off). Looks like the next installment will have Rocky and Spider going at it to claim the Assisted Living championship. ;D

Sadly, Dennis James (ringside radio announcer), Burgess Meredith (Mickey Goldmill), David Thayer (the promoter), Joe Spinell (Gazzo the mobster),  Bill Baldwin (announcer), Al Silvani (Rocky’s ‘cut man’), George Memmoli (guy who ran the ice rink), Billy Sands (of McHale’s Navy fame, who was announcer at the Spider Rico fight), Tony Burton (Apollo’s trainer), Hank Rolike (Apollo’s corner man), Frank Stallone (timekeeper), and Lou Fillipo (championship fight announcer) have all taken their final 10-count.  :\'(

Subject: Re: Burt Young Is KOed

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/20/23 at 2:11 pm

Burt Young, made the Rocky movies more entertaining

Subject: Burt Young Is KOed

Written By: Dude111 on 10/21/23 at 8:02 pm

Very sad :(

Subject: Re: Burt Young Is KOed

Written By: whistledog on 10/21/23 at 9:58 pm

I also know him for the 1986 movie Back to School which I absolutely love!  R.I.P. to a great actor

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